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Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 17, No 1 (2014): Maret 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian

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The Influence of Farmer Ethnic on Perception for Rice Integrated Crops Management in Lampung. Improving production of rice in Lampung was done by implementation of innovation of integrated crop management (ICM). The deployment acceleration by farmers field school (FFS) approach is implemented. The rate of adoption still tends slow. It was suspected because of the perception characteristic of innovations and factors that influence are different among ethnic farmers. The research was conducted to analyze the difference of the perception nature of innovation, and to know the factor that influence the perception nature for ICM innovation by farmers from Lampung ethnic, Java ethnic, and Bali ethnic. The research methods with survey on FFS-ICM of paddies participant was used. The sample total ware 286 farmers. The research was carried out on Juni-September 2013. The locations were in Lampung Tengah, Lampung Selatan and Lampung Barat regency, as representative of Bali ethnic, Java ethnic and Lampung ethnic, respectively. The data analysis was done with the difference variance and model linear regression. The result, indicate that the perception for innovation ICM of learning FFS between Lampung-Java-Bali ethnic were obvious different. Perception for innovation characteristic of Bali ethnic farmer was the highest, and Lampung ethnic farmer was the lowest. The perception for innovation characteristic ICM of paddies significantly influenced by attitudes towards change, the level of courage to risk, the model competence, the state model, the role of farmer groups, ethnic dummi. consideration of the factors influence, it is necessary to empower the role of farmer groups, and optimize the role model of farmers, and public figur to accelerate the deployment and adoption of ICM innovation. Keywords: perception, innovation characteristic, Lampung-Jawa-Bali ethnicProgram peningkatan produksi Padi di Lampung dilakukan dengan implementasi inovasi pengelolaan tanaman terpadu (PTT) padi sawah. Percepatan pemasyarakatannya dengan sekolah lapang (SL). Namun adopsinya masih cenderung berjalan lambat. Hal itu diduga karena adanya perbedaan persepsi atas karakteristik  inovasi dan faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi terhadap karakteristik inovasi PTT. Penelitian ini bertujuan: menganalisis perbedaan persepsi petani atas karakteristik inovasi PTT padi sawah antara etnis Lampung, etnis Jawa dan etnis Bali; dan menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi petani atas karakteristik inovasi PTT padi sawah. Metode penelitian adalah survey pada petani peserta SL-PTT padi sawah sebanyak 286 petani. Lokasi penelitian di Kabupaten Lampung Barat mewakili petani etnis Lampung, Lampung Selatan mewakili petani etnis Jawa, dan Lampung Tengah mewakili petani etnis Bali. Analisis data berupa analisis perbedaan varians dan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi atas karakteristik inovasi oleh petani etnis Lampung, Jawa, Bali berbeda nyata. Petani etnis Bali mempunyai persepsi inovasi paling tinggi sedangkan petani etnis Lampung paling rendah. Persepsi atas karakteristik inovasi keseluruhan etnis petani dipengaruhi secara nyata oleh sikap terhadap perubahan, keberanian untuk berisiko, kompetensi model, status model, dan peran kelompok tani. Untuk mempercepat adopsi bagi petani etnis Lampung perlu pembelajaran inovasi PTT padi sawah yang mudah dipahami sesuai karakteristiknya, melalui pemberdayaan peran kelompok, peran tokoh yang ditiru, dan meningkatkan intensitas penyuluhan. Kata kunci: persepsi, sifat inovasi, etnis Lampung-Jawa-Bali 
The Need For Educational Psychology In The Industrial Era 4.0 Entering A Society 5.0 Manurung, Mikha Marsaulina Cecyana; Slameto
International Conference on Elementary Education Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024): Proceeding The 6th International Conference on Elementary Education
Publisher : Elementary Education Study Program School of Postgraduate Studies Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in collaboration with UPI PRESS

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Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 is a phenomenon that describes the progress and development of industry and society which is characterized by the appearance of technology. Revolutions that occur in the world, both the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0, provide many changes in various fields, one of which is education. However, technology can provide many benefits to improve the quality of education if used properly. The research method used in making this scientific paper is qualitative with literature review from various journals and books. The results obtained are the role of Educational Psychology in facing the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0, namely, to form good student character, direct the use of technology as a means of self-development, and to deal with changes in the conventional teaching and learning process to become more modern in order to improve the skills of using technology and the quality of human resources. Efforts that can be implemented to improve skills, efficiency, effectiveness, and wisdom in using technology are through Digital Literacy, Distance Learning, Blended Learning, and honing students' Higher Level Thinking Skills (HOTS).
Pengaruh Iradiasi Sinar Gamma terhadap Hasil dan Pertumbuhan Cabai Merah (Capsicum annuum) Fahrudin, Danil Eka; Slameto
Agriprima : Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences Vol 8 No 1 (2024): MARCH
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/agriprima.v8i1.539


Cabai merah (Capsicum annuum) merupakan tanaman hortikultura yang banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan tambahan pangan yang memberikan rasa pedas khas dan memberi warna pada makanan. Menurunnya penggunaan varietas local cabai merah dalam jangka panjang dapat menyebabkan keberadaan plasma nutfah lokal semakin menurun hingga terancam punah, sehingga diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan mutu varietas lokal agar varietas lokal kembali diminati oleh masyarakat. petani. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan kualitas tanaman cabai mentah varietas lokal adalah dengan mutasi genetik menggunakan sinar gamma. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh iradiasi sinar gamma terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil cabai merah varietas Tanjung-2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh iradiasi sinar gamma terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman cabai merah varietas Tanjung-2. Berdasarkan pengamatan, tumbuhan kode 50.12 merupakan tumbuhan mutan tertinggi dengan tinggi 56,5 cm. Selain itu dari segi hasil, kode 150.2 mempunyai jumlah buah dan berat buah terbanyak dibandingkan seluruh tanaman sampel. Selain itu tanaman dengan perlakuan 350 Gy dapat menghasilkan cabai merah yang memiliki kadar capsaicin lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanaman tanpa perlakuan sinar gamma (0 Gy).
Improvement of growth and nutrient uptake of upland rice grown on degraded acid soil with the application of liquid organic fertilizer Barus, Junita; Endriani; Mustikawati, Dewi Rumbaina; Meithasari, Dian; Ernawati, Rr; Wardani, Nila; Tambunan, Reny Debora; Silalahi, Marsudin; Slameto
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15243/jdmlm.2024.121.6929


This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of several types of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) derived from plant waste and the dose of P fertilizer on the growth and yield of upland rice on degraded acid soil. The treatments consisted of two factors. The first factor (A) was several types of LOF consisting of A1 (control), A2 (LOF containing isolates of P-solubilizing bacteria), A3 (LOF-banana waste), and A4 (A2+A3). The second factor (B) was fertilizer doses consisting of B1 (50% of the recommended dose of P fertilizer), B2 (75% of the recommended dose of P fertilizer), and B3 (100% of the recommended dose of P fertilizer). The treatment combinations were arranged in a factorial randomized block design with three replications. The research results showed that applying either LOF-banana waste or the mixture of LOF-banana waste and LOF-containing isolates of P-solubilizing bacteria improved plant height, the number of tillers, and N and P uptake by the plant. The rice grain yields among the treatments were not significantly different, but the highest rice grain yield (139.8 g/pot) was obtained at the treatment of the mixture of LOF-P isolate + LOF-banana waste (A2+A3 treatments). The 75% of the recommended dose of P fertilizer was not significantly different from 100% P fertilizer with LOF on growth and yield upland rice and nutrient uptake by the plant.
EZRA SCIENCE BULLETIN Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): July-December 2024
Publisher : Kirana Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58526/ez-sci-bin.v2i2.140


This literary research investigates parents' significant role in enhancing elementary school students' learning achievement, mainly focusing on slow learners. Slow learners often face unique challenges in academic progress, requiring tailored support from educators and parents. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, this study examines various strategies and interventions parents employ to facilitate their children's learning outcomes. The research also explores the effect of parental involvement, communication, and support on slow learners' knowledge performance and overall well-being. By synthesizing findings from diverse scholarly sources, this paper aims to provide insights into effective parental practices that can positively influence the educational journey of elementary school students with learning difficulties.
The Influence of Parenting Style on Student Academic Achievement Based on Gender Angelina Sirait, Chrysti; Slameto
Journal of Scientific Research, Education, and Technology (JSRET) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Vol. 3 No. 1 2024
Publisher : Kirana Publisher (KNPub)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58526/jsret.v3i1.369


The literature recognizes the importance of parenting and its impact on children's academic achievement at school. Many factors influence children's academic achievement, and parenting patterns and gender are significant factors that influence children's academic achievement outcomes at school. However, few studies still discuss the relationship between parenting and children's educational achievement outcomes based on gender. This study used a systematic literature review method. This study used three databases (Google Scholar, JSTOR, and Springer Link). The results of this study show that, based on authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful parenting, authoritative parenting is the most effective parenting method in improving children's academic achievement, both girls and boys. In addition, with authoritative parenting, children can have good social and emotional skills.
The Effectiveness of Parents Roles in Children's Sex Education Andiana, Yosi Armelia; Slameto
Journal of Scientific Research, Education, and Technology (JSRET) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024): Vol. 3 No. 3 2024
Publisher : Kirana Publisher (KNPub)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58526/jsret.v3i3.477


Sexual offenses are not new, they have been happening for a long time and continue to happen every year, even in Indonesia. Not only experienced by adults, but also teenagers and even minors are getting sexually abused and assaulted by the predator.  According to reports, children and girls are more prone to get sexual harassment, with many occurrences remaining unreported due to fear, stigma for the victims, and a lack of understanding. One of the most effective preventive measures is sex education, which aims to equip children with knowledge and skills. However, discussions about sex are considered misinformation and social taboos, often disguised, a clear understanding of what constitutes good sex education is crucial. In this case family especially parents have responsibility as the first environment for the children to shape their children knowledge, attitude, behaviour and life skill about sexual topic through sex education. The The aim of this study is: to identifying  how effective the implement of the parent’s roles  as far. The method that used in this study is a literature review. The study was carried out based on 10 selected sources and analyzed. As a result, the conclusion point is concluded. From the overall resources used to assess the effectiveness of the parental role, the results show that the implementation is moderate to low in achieving the desired results. This ineffectiveness is evidenced by the moderate to low results on children. However, sex education is one of those things that cannot be addressed or taught only once; instead, it must be a continuous process to know the children. In other the other hand the parents can imply: 1. Balance engagement to support each other to be effective, 2. Create and build open communication, and 3. Collaborate with the school and teacher. From that, hopefully sex education can have a good influence on children's understanding, attitudes, and how they behave in respondin
PAPUMA: Journal of Community Services Vol. 2 No. 02 (2024): Agustus 2024
Publisher : Program Studi Agronomi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/papuma.v2i02.1385


The intensive farming system was still carried out by most farmers in Mayangan Village, Jember Regency, by implementing massive use of inorganic fertilizers. Thus, the activity has impacted the decrease in land quality and plant production. This community service aimed to educate farmers and initiate Integrated Farming System (IFS) in Mayangan Village. The community service was done for 6 months by steps; socializing, division work, practice, and evaluation. The community service was held in collaboration with the Ecophysiology of Tropical Plant Research Group (KeRis), University of Jember with farmers and livestock breeders from several farmer groups in Mayangan Village. The community service that has been carried out has made farmers more aware of the importance of integrated farming, especially the use of organic fertilizers in horticultural plant cultivation in Mayangan Village. This community service also increases cooperation between farmers and livestock breeders who collaborate to realize sustainable agriculture. Livestock waste can be processed into fertilizer, agricultural by-products can be used as animal feed, and during the process, soil fertility can be maintained properly, which is expected to increase the productivity of horticultural plants in Mayangan Village.