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Telaah Karakterisasi Tari Randai Ilau di Nagari Saningbakar Sumatera Barat (Characteristic Review of Randai llau Dance in Nagari Saningbakar, West Sumatera) Daryusti, -
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education Vol 6, No 3 (2005)
Publisher : Department of Drama, Dance, and Musik (Sendratasik), Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v6i3.812


Tulisan ini mengungkapkan dan mengkaji karakterisasi Tari Randai Ilau dalambudaya masyarakat Nagari Saningbakar Sumatera Barat. Hal yang menarik pada TariRandai Ilau ialah karakterisasi tari ini sampai saat sekarang tidak terjadiperubahan karakter. Walaupun tari tersebut telah diperlajari di Perguruan Tinggidan pada masyarakat lainnya. Karakterisasi Tari Randai Ilau dapat dilihat dari segiruang, waktu, tenaga, dan busana. Karakter ruang yang dimiliki tari ini bervolumebesar. Karakter waktu menggunakan rampak simultan yaitu gerak sama dalamwaktu yang sama. Tenaga yang dimiliki Tari Randai Ilau yaitu intensitas geraknyasedang. Busana yang dikenakan secara visual memiliki busana flowing, decoration,historical form, dan attribut. Maka dengan itu Tari Randai Ilau dapat dikatakanmemiliki karakter pria gagah yang bersifat maskulin dan jantan.Kata kunci: Karakterisasi, Tari Randai Ilau, Sumatera Barat
Telaah Karakterisasi Tari Randai Ilau di Nagari Saningbakar Sumatera Barat (Characteristic Review of Randai llau Dance in Nagari Saningbakar, West Sumatera) Daryusti, -
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education Vol 6, No 3 (2005)
Publisher : Department of Drama, Dance and Music, FBS, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v6i3.812


Tulisan ini mengungkapkan dan mengkaji karakterisasi Tari Randai Ilau dalambudaya masyarakat Nagari Saningbakar Sumatera Barat. Hal yang menarik pada TariRandai Ilau ialah karakterisasi tari ini sampai saat sekarang tidak terjadiperubahan karakter. Walaupun tari tersebut telah diperlajari di Perguruan Tinggidan pada masyarakat lainnya. Karakterisasi Tari Randai Ilau dapat dilihat dari segiruang, waktu, tenaga, dan busana. Karakter ruang yang dimiliki tari ini bervolumebesar. Karakter waktu menggunakan rampak simultan yaitu gerak sama dalamwaktu yang sama. Tenaga yang dimiliki Tari Randai Ilau yaitu intensitas geraknyasedang. Busana yang dikenakan secara visual memiliki busana flowing, decoration,historical form, dan attribut. Maka dengan itu Tari Randai Ilau dapat dikatakanmemiliki karakter pria gagah yang bersifat maskulin dan jantan.Kata kunci: Karakterisasi, Tari Randai Ilau, Sumatera Barat
E-Journal of Cultural Studies Vol. 4, No. 2 Juli 2010
Publisher : Cultural Studies Doctorate Program, Postgraduate Program of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (28.624 KB)


This dissertation discusses the Eagles dance as the identity of dance incultural change in isolated tribal community (SAD), in the village of PematangKabau, Air HItam District, Sarolangun Regency, Jambi Province. CentralGovernment through the Ministry of Social Affairs moved SAD out of the jungleand then settling on a permanent area and this activity has been carried out since1973. Furthermore, the settlement resulted in a fairly fundamental change, notonly in style and environment of SAD, but more important to the identity markersand self-identity of SAD.People of SAD who had been settled, strive to keep eagle dance even bymaking some changes as far as not to break out the essential elements of the Eagledance in order to avoid a total loss of identity and their self-identity in the newneighborhoods, This study aims to see how art, in this case Eagle dance, can be amarker of identity that attaches to the SAD after they settle outside the forest. Toachieve these objectives there are three main problems which will be soughtanswers in this study, namely: (1) What does the Eagles dance of SAD in thevillage of Pematang Kabau looks like?; (2) how is the status of the Eagles dancefor SAD in the village of Pematang Kabau; and (3) how is the impact andmeaning of Eagles dance towards the SAD changes?The study with the perspective of cultural studies designing as thisqualitative research is used to solve the three problems mentioned above by usingseveral concepts, theories and techniques of data collection. Concepts are referredto Eagle dance, cultural identity, change, and isolated tribal community. Thetheory used is the identity theory, the theory of semiotics, hegemony theory, andtheory of deconstruction. Data collection techniques include participantobservation, depth interviews, and study of literature / documentation. The datacollected is processed in a descriptive analytical and subsequently presented in theform of narrative, tables, and visual illustrations.The results indicate that there had been changes towards the Eagles dancein SAD which had settled in Kabau Pematang village, although the use of holy spells as a musical accompaniment and distinctive gestures symbolic of this danceis still maintained. In residential SAD, Eagle dance is treated as a cultural groupidentity, and the regeneration of the dancers began to be conducted. The impact ofthis treatment which is carried out by citizens of SAD making the Eagles dancebecomes sustainable dance despite the new of its socio-cultural functions. ForSAD in residential areas, Eagle dance means as a symbol of cultural expression,equality, and welfare. The main meaning of Eagles dance, who built fromtradition and cultural power of SAD, becomes a representation of communitygroups concerned, in the midst of pressure, domination and influence of themajority culture.
The Existence of the Kejei Dance of the Rejang Tribe as an Educational Dance Through the Selupu Rejang Art Community Bunga Naselia; Daryusti Daryusti; Agusti Efi
International Journal of Educational Dynamics Vol 4 No 1 (2021): International Journal of Educational Dynamics (IJEDs)
Publisher : Postgraduate School, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/ijeds.v4i1.400


This study analyzes community participation in preserving the existence of the Kejei dance culture of the Rejang tribe through the arts community in the Selupu Rejang sub-district, Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province. This research is qualitative. Methods of collecting data using research observations, interview methods, and documentation. The interview technique was carried out in an unstructured manner using interview guidelines. Research data analysis is descriptive. The results of data processing in this study show that efforts to preserve the Kejei dance of the Rejang tribe through the art community in the Selupu Rejang sub-district use three methods, namely protection efforts are an effort to maintain the existence of the Kejei dance so that it does not become extinct by conducting dance training Kejei every week regularly. Development efforts are carried out through the quantity aspect of the dance, namely the development of the number of actors (dancers), the number of users, and the number of regions that receive the Kejei dance. Third, efforts to utilize the Kejei dance as an effort to introduce the Kejei dance to the wider community that the Kejei dance must be maintained.
Jurnal Pendidikan Nasional Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55249/jpn.v2i1.23


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh bagaimana menggali isi dan amanat pantun oleh siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 01 Nan Sabaris pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan agar siswa tersebut bisa mencari amanat yang terdapat dalam pantun yang terlihat pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 01 Nan Sabaris. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian di Nagari Pauhkambar Kecamatan Nan Sabaris Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Pengambilan informan dalam penelitian ini dengan Snowball Sampling. Informan dari penelitian ini adalah Siswa dan Guru. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dengan melalui foto. Uji keabsahan data penelitian ini yaitu melalui 4 kriteria keabsahan data yaitu derajat kepercayaan ( creadibility ) , Keteralihan ( Transferability ) , Kebergantungan ( Dependability ) , dan Kepastian ( Confirmability ) Hasil analisis dan wawancara dengan informan, proses komunikasi dengan yang dilakukan Guru Kelas V sudah dapat dikatakan berjalan dengan baik. Sebagai Komunikator Guru mampu memberikan contoh – contoh pantun yang bisa bermanfaat bagi anak. Interaksi guru dengan siswa sudah berjalan dengan baik, tentu saja pantun yang diberikan guru mudah dimengerti oleh anak. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran pantun sangat penting untuk diajarkan pada siswa.
The Function of the Basuh Lantai Tradition for the Daik Village Community Panca Dwi Kora; Daryusti Daryusti
Gondang: Jurnal Seni dan Budaya Vol 8, No 1 (2024): GONDANG: JURNAL SENI DAN BUDAYA
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gondang.v8i1.47564


Culture is the characteristic identity of any group or community, which is upheld within its boundaries. Culture as a product of human thought records community traditions in various ceremonies such as births, funerals, agricultural rituals and musical performances. One of the ingrained traditions is the Washing the Floor custom in Daik Village, Lingga Regency, Riau Islands Province, which is carried out before giving birth. This qualitative research conducted in Daik Village immersed researchers in the local community, aiming to understand the social significance and evolution of the Basuh Floor tradition. By demonstrating solidarity and actively participating with the locals, the researcher aims to gather accurate information for this study. The results reveal the tradition's connection to animist beliefs and its role in protecting against mystical forces. Despite modernization, the decline of these traditions reflects changing attitudes towards childbirth practices and health care. This study underscores the importance of preserving cultural heritage amidst societal change. Despite its decline, the Basuh Floor tradition remains an integral part of the cultural identity of Daik Lingga Village and the Riau Islands as a whole. It serves as a symbol of cultural continuity and resilience, reminding the community of their heritage and providing a sense of belonging and identity. Additionally, it underscores the importance of understanding and preserving cultural practices, not only for their symbolic value but also for their role in maintaining social cohesion and collective memory.