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International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies Proceedings of the International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies (SIS) 2021
Publisher : International Conference on Social and Islamic Studies

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The development of Arabic knowledge and information technology, so that teachers are required to improve their teaching skills in schools and Islamic boarding schools. In the concept of knowledge management, it is explained that one of the abilities that teachers must have in teaching is the ability to improve student learning outcomes. This study aims to develop a comparative analysis between modern-based learning and classical-based learning (salafiyah), to improve the study of nahwu, shorof, and darsul lughoh Arabic studies in schools and Islamic boarding schools. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative and quantitative approach or called R & D (Research and Development). The research subjects are ustadz, teachers, students, and santri. Determination of research subjects was carried out by purposive sampling, observation, and documentation techniques. The validity of this research data using triangulation. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification data. The results of the study prove that learning and teaching in the 4.0 revolution period encouraged formal and non-formal educational institutions to improve the competence of teachers or ustadz. Modern-based learning and conventional-based learning (salafiyah) are important to be creative and innovative in conveying material to students or santri. In analyzing the needs of modern and classical-based learning development, data or inputs are obtained from teachers and clerics. From the analysis of the potential and problems owned by the santri or students, they support the development of modern and classical-based learning. 20 informants chose modern and classical-based learning. The focus is on the development of modern-based learning research, to support the grammatical improvement of Arabic in Islamic boarding schools, as for the mastery of mufrodat and muhadasah in formal schools.
Neuroscience Media in Arabic Teaching: Fun and Easy for Students / Media Neuroscience Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Arab: Menyenangkan dan Mudah Bagi Siswa Mohammad Jailani; Djamaludin Perawironegoro; Yoyo
al Mahāra: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 7 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/almahara.2021.072-04


The development of the Arabic language curriculum is increasingly following the Ministry of Religion curriculum. On the one hand, the teacher has not been innovative in teaching the material to students. This study aims to analyze neuroscience-based Arabic learning media at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta. This type of research uses qualitative methods, and the nature of this research is to seek accurate and total information at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta. The subjects of this study consisted of students and teachers of class X. The object of this research was teaching Arabic at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques were carried out by interview, observation, and documentation methods. data validity using triangulation. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification data. The results of the study prove that Neuroscience-based Arabic learning media responds to students in facilitating learning Arabic, accelerating vocabulary memorization (mufrodat), and practicing reading, writing, listening, and speaking (muhadasah), during the COVID-19 period. The implications of this learning media, as an alternative to understanding mufrodat and muhadasah online learning during the COVID-19 period and in the face-to-face period. Because the media that is taught to students makes it easy, and fun. Keywords: Arabic, COVID-19, Theacing Media, Neuroscience. Abstrak Pengembangan kurikulum bahasa Arab semakin maju mengikuti kurikulum Kemenag. Di satu sisi guru belum berinovatif dalam mengajarkan materi kepada siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis media pembelajaran bahasa Arab berbasis neurosains di SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, serta sifat penelitian ini mencari informasi secara akurat dan totalitas di SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari siswa dan guru kelas X. Objek penelitian ini adalah pengajaran bahasa Arab di SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi. analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman, yaitu dengan data reduction, data display, dan data conclusion drawing/verification. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa media pembelajaran Bahasa Arab berbasis Neurosains merespons peserta didik dalam memudahkan belajar Bahasa Arab, mempercepat penghafalan kosa kata (mufrodat) dan praktek membaca, menulis, mendengar, serta berbicara (muhadasah), di masa COVID-19. Implikasi media pembelajaran ini, sebagai alternatif pemahaman mufrodat dan muhadasah pembelajaran online di masa COVID-19 dan di masa tatap muka. Karena media yang adiajarkan kepada siswa memudahkan, dan menyenangkan. Kata kunci: Bahasa Arab, COVID-19, Media Pengajaran, Neurosains.
Developing Arabic Media Based on Brain-Based Learning: Improving Mufrodat in School Mohammad Jailani
Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (667.258 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/tadris.v6i2.9921


Education in the era of transformation affects the development of science and technology since teachers are directed to be innovative in language teaching. This study aimed to develop Arabic language media based on brain-based learning for SMK (Vocational High School) Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta during the Covid-19 period. This study employed Research and Development (R and D)method with the development model proposed by Borg and Gall. The research subjects consisted of ten students and three teachers. Research data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation techniques. The researchers implemented the data analysis technique by Miles and Huberman. Furthermore, the researchers ensure the data validity by triangulation. The analysis indicated that the Arabic language media was feasible to be used. The validity had been tested by two material experts and two media experts. Material expert 1 gave an average score of 4.27, and material expert 2 gave an average score of 4.81, both within the high category. On the other hand, media expert 1 gave an average score of 4.42, and media expert 2 gave an average score of 3.71, both within the high category. Also, the product had been tested on ten students during the small-scale trial and the large-scale trial. According to material experts' validation, the weakness of the product was related to the title of the material and the duration. Therefore, the developed media could increase mufrodat mastery in the industrial 4.0 era.
ILMU USHULUDDIN Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2021
Publisher : Himpunan Peminat Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin (HIPIUS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/iu.v8i2.22663


The purpose of this study is to analyze the meaning of Nāṣiyah in Tafsir Salman from a neo-scientific perspective. The development of neuroscience and Islamic education in this modern era is in line with the emergence of new findings, namely research about the meaning (Nāṣiyah) in the Quran which some commentators define as “the crown” or, in a neuroscience perspective ‘behind the crown’, namely the prefrontal cortex. Data of this research are sourced from literature studies through manual and digital searches, focusing on the Nāṣiyah interpretation paradigm in Surah al-ʿAlaq verses 15-16. Results of the study show that the meaning of Nāṣiyah is identical to the meaning (forehead). In Salman’s interpretation, what is meant by the crown is the brain, especially the prefrontal cortex. Therefore, Nāṣiyah is a neurobiological trace of the brain in the Quran. The discovery of the concept of Nāṣiyah as the neurobiological basis of the brain in the Quran will have broad implications for the development of the potential of ʿaql (reason) in Islamic education. The essence of Islamic education, of which is the development of the potential of reason as a manifestation of brain function (Nāṣiyah) in the Quran.
Menelusuri Jejak Otak dan ‘Aql Dalam Alquran Perspektif Neurosains dan Pendidikan Islam di Era Pandemi Covid-19 Mohammad Jailani; Suyadi; Dedi Djubaedi
TADRIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 16 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : State Islamic Institute of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1017.166 KB) | DOI: 10.19105/tjpi.v16i1.4347


The purpose of this research analyzing Islamic education learning in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic from the perspective of Neuroscience. The development of the learning model of Islamic education and neuroscience in this modern era is in line with research on neuroscience in Islamic education discourse, which so far has only been understood as edentically with medical science, namely health in the brain. while Neuroscience is integrated with Islamic education in theological aspects (Alquran and hadith), historical, academic and theoretical. This research data is sourced through literature observations related to descriptions of scientific journals and examination of references to research works, both manually and digitally, which focus on discussing Islamic education learning in the new discourse of Neuroscience. This research is a literature study using qualitative methods. The results of the study prove that Neuroscience has traces in the field of Islamic education thought theologically has a Neorubiological basis in the Qur'an surah al-Alaq verses 15-16 with the keyword "nasyiyah" (crown), historically Neuroscience is closely related to Islamic philosophy, fiqh and ushul fiqh. Academically and theoretically related to the concept of 'Aql and Qolb in the Koran and hadith. Its derivatives gave rise to the hybridization of Neuroscience and Islamic education. This will have broad implications for the learning model during the Covid-19 pandemic. Academically and theoretically related to the concept of 'Aql and Qolb in the Koran and hadith. Its derivatives gave rise to the hybridization of Neuroscience and Islamic education. This will have broad implications for the learning model during the Covid-19 pandemic. Academically and theoretically related to the concept of 'Aql and Qolb in the Koran and hadith. Its derivatives gave rise to the hybridization of Neuroscience and Islamic education. This will have broad implications for the learning model during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Critical Analysis of ‘Aql and Brain in the Paradigm of the Qur’an and Neuroscience and Its Contribution to the Development of Islamic Education Mohammad Jailani; Suyadi; Nur Kholis; Miftachul Huda
Taqaddumi: Journal of Quran and Hadith Studies Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the meaning of nāṣiyah in Tafsir Salman from a neuroscience perspective. The development of neuroscience and Islamic education in this modern era is in line with the emergence of new findings, namely research about the meaning (nāṣiyah) in the Qur’an which some commentators define as “the crown” or in the neuroscience perspective behind the crown, namely the prefrontal cortex. The data of this research are sourced from literature studies through manual and digital searches, focusing on the Nāṣiyah interpretation paradigm in Surah Al-Alaq verses 15-16. The results of the study show that the meaning of nāṣiyah is identical to the meaning (forehead). In Salman's interpretation, what is meant by the crown is the brain, especially the prefrontal cortex. Therefore, nāṣiyah is a neurobiological trace of the brain in the Qur’an. The discovery of the concept of nāṣiyah as the neurobiological basis of the brain in the Qur’an will have broad implications for the development of the potential of ‘aql (reason) in Islamic education. The essence of Islamic education, one of which is the development of the potential of reason as a manifestation of brain function (nāṣiyah) in the Koran.