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Jurnal Informatika Vol 12, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : IIB Darmajaya

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Informatics and Business Institute Darmajaya is a leading college in Bandar Lampung. As a leading college IBI Darmajaya should be balanced with good compliance infrastructure. the procurement functions handled by the Procurement and Logistics division that have implemented computer technology to help the processing of procurement administration. In order to increase performance procurement and logistics division, by simplify the procurement process, and also ease the staff to supervise and ensure if the procurement process goes along with the established procedure. Development of information system use analysis method and structured design.
Perancangan Data Warehouse dan Penerapan Data Mining Di Bidang Akademik Pada Institut Informatika Dan Bisnis Darmajaya ., Sutedi
Jurnal Informatika Vol 10, No 1 (2010): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : IIB Darmajaya

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Higher education institution must be able to well perform processes of evaluation, planning and management in order to win the competition in this globalization era. To support any effort of the aforementioned, the institution needs qualified and sufficient information supports so that it can probe and predict any potential strength which existed. Development data warehouse and data mining is kinds of solution alternatives which can be done to help organization in finding and understanding hidden patterns from the data provided. Data warehouse is a collection of integrated databases which is used to support the process of decision making. Data mining is a kind of analysis tool which is used to extract any information provided in the data warehouse. The research discussed a problem in designing data warehouse and applying data mining to support the academic system at IBI Darmajaya in representing potential information required for better academic services to learners. The first executed steps was establishing the data warehouse of IBI Darmajaya, then an analysis was conducted towards all saved data in the data warehouse by using data mining techniques. The results of this research is a data warehouse that can represent information to support the evaluation process and acceptance of new students campaign planning to the potential areas and school, advertising media that will be used, monitoring of students’ academic status, evaluation and planning of students’ study plans, and performance evaluation of study program within the aspects of alumni quality and length of study.  In addition, this research also result the application of data mining for finding the rules that used to driving and directing the students enthusiast and study program selection for prospective new students. Keyword : Data warehouse, Data mining, Analysis tools, Hidden pattern  
Jurnal Informatika Vol 11, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : IIB Darmajaya

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Institute of Information Technology and Business Darmajaya is a leading private college fast growing and should be balanced with meeting facilities and infrastructure as well. Managing the procurement function is handled by the Procurement and Logistics Sections that have applied computer technology in assisting the administration of the procurement process. To improve performance and simplify the process of monitoring the progress of procurement of goods, it is necessary to build the information system monitoring the progress of the procurement is expected to facilitate the stretcher in overseeing and ensuring the procurement process is run in accordance with the agreed terms. Information systems development is done using structured analysis and design methodology. Keywords: Monitoring, Procurement, Information Systems
Information System Design Of Goods Stock Using Framework For The Application Of System Thinking (FAST) Method (Case Study CV. Aneka Mandiri Lestari) Agarina, Melda; -, Sutedi
Prosiding International conference on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) 2017: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS (ICITB) 3
Publisher : Prosiding International conference on Information Technology and Business (ICITB)

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CV. Aneka Mandiri Lestari constitutes resulting company earth. Current stock management processes that are running in the CV. Aneka Mandiri Lestari is still done in a simple to use computer tool. However, systems that use has not been specifically designed for the purposes. Some data related to the management of the stocks on CV. Aneka Mandiri Lestari still organised and recorded using book so difficult in the process serving and reporting information associated. Information systems Design of goods stock It is a system that can handle the problem of inventory items, including the recording of incoming goods, against goods that come out, the purchase of raw materials, goods that are in the warehouse, and also reporting. This information system architecture using the FAST (Framework for the Application of System Technique) method. Based on the results of the functional testing, obtained that 100% of the system is valid. While the results from testing the usability, for the ease of use factor of 65% and activities of the experiment system based on scenario 85.5% of respondents strongly agree to ease of use this system. So from the test results it can be concluded that by using this stock information system can make CV Aneka Mandiri Lestari in the running of its business processes and systems that have been built can be received by users. To assist in processing stock items and sales generated a new system design, i/o design, database design and systems built using Visual Basic.Net The results of the data processing system of the manufacture and distribution of stock this stuff makes it easy for employees to entry, fix (edit), erase (delete), and search (searching) data reception and spending on goods, so as to facilitate in reporting revenue and expenditure itemsKeywords: goods stock, FAST
Identifikasi Penyakit Diabetes Millitus Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Dengan Metode Perambatan-Balik (Backpropagation) Sriyanto, Sriyanto; Sutedi, Sutedi
Jurnal Informatika Vol 10, No 2 (2010): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : IIB Darmajaya

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Diabetes Melitus (DM) is dangerous disease that affect many of the various layer of work society. This disease is not easy to accurately recognized by the general society. So we need to develop a system that can identify accurately. System is built using neural networks with backpropagation methods and the function activation sigmoid. Neural network architecture using 8 input layer, 2 output layer and 5 hidden layer. The results show that this methods succesfully clasifies data diabetics and non diabetics with near 100% accuracy rate. Keyword : Neural Network, Backpropagation, diabets
Analisis dan Perancangan Prototipe Aplikasi Pelaporan Survey Harga Badan Statistik Lampung pada Platform Android Agarina, Melda; Sutedi, Sutedi
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Darmajaya Vol 1 (2018): SEMNAS IIB DARMAJAYA
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Darmajaya

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Badan Pusat Statistik adalah Lembaga Pemerintah Non Kementerian yang memiliki tugas dan tanggung jawab, salah satunya yaitumenyediakan kebutuhan data bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat. Data ini didapatkan dari sensus atau survey yang dilakukan sendiri dan juga dari departemen atau lembaga pemerintahan lainnya sebagai data sekunder, membantu kegiatan statistik di departemen, lembaga pemerintah atau institusi lainnya, dalam membangun sistem perstatistikan nasional, mengembangkan dan mempromosikan standar teknik dan metodologi statistik, Dalam memenuhi tugas dan tanggung jawab tersebutsaat ini Pembuatan laporan hasil data survey dilakukan dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel memiliki beberapa kendala, antara lain: Proses rekapitulasi data yang dilakukan dengan cara menggabungkan data dari file-file yang berbeda berdasarkan petugas memakan waktu yang lama, sering terjadinya kehilangan/kerusakan lembaran kertas yang bersumber dari petugas serta belum tersedianya database khusus yang mampu menyimpan data terpusat. Dengan pemanfaatan teknologi smartphoneAndroid, maka dalam penelitian ini penulis melakukan Analisis DanPerancangan Prototipe Aplikasi Pelaporan Survey Harga Badan Statistik Lampung Pada Platform Android. Perancangan prototipe aplikasi ini menggunakan RUP (Rational Unified Process) antara lain use case diagram, class diagram, dan activity diagram untuk menggambarkan aplikasi yang akan dibuat. Aplikasi yang dibuat dirancang guna memudahkan pihak Badan Pusat Statistik dalam memberikan informasi terupdate dalam pelaporan hasil survey harga.Kata kunci: Statistik, Survey, RUP
JPGMI (Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Multazam) Vol 2, No 1 (2016): JPGMI (Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Multazam)

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Seiring meningkatnya perkembangan  teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan saat ini maka semakin besar  pula upaya peningkatan pembaharuan serta media dalam pemanfaatan hasi-hasil teknologi untuk mendukung  proses belajar. Para pendidik atau pemateri dituntut agar mampu menggunakan media yang dapat ada di lembaga pelatihan. Saat ini media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu faktor pendukung utama dalam peningkatan kualitas proses belajar dan mengajar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah merancang prototype media pembelajaran Analisis Perancangan Sistem Infrmasi berbasis web, yang akan dimanfaatkan pada bagian Pusat Pelatihan Information Access Center IBI Darmajaya. Dengan adanya media tersebut akan dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif sumber belajar bagi mahasiswa, khususnya dalam Pelatihan Analisis Perancangan Sistem Informasi sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran serta pemahaman peserta pelatihan. Dengan media ini, juga dapat mengeleminasi hambatan-hambatan dalam proses komunikasi pembelajaran di dalam kelas Pelatihan. Pengembangan prototype sistem ini menggunakan metode metode analisis dan desain sistem terstuktur SSAD (Structured System Analysis Design).Dengan perancangan Prototype media pembelajaran berbasis web ini memungkinkan dalam kegiatan pelatihan di Pusat Pelatihan lebih menarik dan tidak membosankan serta terdapat studi kasus yang disertai dengan animasi-animasi guna mendukung pemahaman bagi peserta pelatihan PERANCANGAN PROTOTYPE MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN ANALISIS PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI BERBASIS WEB PADA PUSAT PELATIHAN INFORMATION ACCESS CENTER IBI DARMAJAYA
Implementasi Rational Unified Process dalam Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan Hasil Bumi Berbasis Web pada CV. Aneka Mandiri Lestari Bandar Lampung Sutedi SUTEDI; Melda Agarina
Explore: Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Telematika (Telekomunikasi, Multimedia dan Informatika) Vol 8, No 2 (2017): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (679.302 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jsit.v8i2.958


CV Aneka Mandiri Lestari ialah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang hasil bumi, Adapun transaksi yang dilakukan ialah pemesanan barang yaitu Lada Hitam, Lada Putih, Kopi, Kayumanis dan Cengkeh. Proses penjualan dan pembelian dilakukan dalam jumlah partai. Adapun saat ini sistem yang berjalan antara pencatatan transaksi penjualan dan pembelian masih belum konsisten serta dalam pembuatan laporan laba rugi masih sangat sulit. Sistem Informasi yang dirancang meliputi: modul pembelian barang, penjualan barang, retur pembelian barang, retur penjualan barang dan laporan dari hasil-hasil pengujian. Sistem ini dapat menghasilkan informasi yang berhubungan dengan pembelian, perhitungan harga pokok penjualan dan menghasilkan laporan-laporan yaitu laporan pembelian barang, pemesanan barang, pengiriman barang, retur penjualan serta laporan laba-rugi Sistem ini dirancang dengan menggunakan PHP sebagai bahasa pemrograman yang berfungsi sebagai interface website dan MySQL sebagai pengolah data-data yang berhubungan dengan system atau data-data yang diperlukan dalam sistem ini. Metode Pengembangan Sistem Yang Dipilih Dalam Penelitian Ini Adalah Implementasi Rational Unified Process (RUP)
Penerapan Datamining dalam Perancangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Penerimaan Beasiswa Menggunakan Naive Bayes Classifier (Studi Kasus: IIB Darmajaya) Melda Agarina; Sutedi Sutedi
TEKNIKA Vol. 14 No. 2 (2020): Teknika Juli - Desember 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

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IIb Darmajaya merupakan perguruan tinggi yang memiliki komitmen tinggi dalam meningkatkan mutu Pendidikan bagi putra putri bangsa khususnya di Provinsi Lampung, saat ini IIB Darmajaya memiliki program pemberian beasiswa bagi calon mahasiswa baik beasiswa bidik misi yang diberikan oleh belmewa ristek dikti ataupun beasiswa Prestasi yang diberikan oleh Yayasan Pendidikan Afian Husein tempat IIB Darmajaya bernaung. Saat ini proses penentuan penerima beasiswa di IIB Darmajaya sudah berjalan namun masih mengalami beberapa kendala yang terjadi secara berulang maka dalam penelitian ini dirancang suatu proses guna mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria yang sudah menjadi standarisasi dalam proses yang telah berjalan saat ini. Penelitian ini menerapkan Teknik datamining dalam perancangan sistem pendukung keputusan seleksi penerimaan beasiswa bagi mahasiswa berprestasi menggunakan metode Naïve Bayes, Dengan adanya sistem ini diharapkan dapat membantu berbagai pihak yang terlibat didalam proses penentuan keputusan beasiswa bagi mahasiswa berprestasi di IIB Darmajaya. Metode Naive Bayes merupakan suatu metode yang digunakan untuk memprediksi suatu keputusan berdasarkan dengan kriteria yang sudah ditentukan. Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java dengan menggunakan MySQL sebagai databasenya. Hasil dari implementasi sistem ini ialah memberikan keterangan tentang informasi penerima beasiswa berdasarkan rengking  yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. Dengan adanya sistem ini, proses perhitungan untuk menentukan penerima beasiswa dapat dilakukan dengan mudah, cepat dan akurat.
Implementasi Scrum Agile Development Pada Sistem Informasi E-Mentor Di Kemahasiswaan IIB Darmajaya Melda Agarina; Sutedi Sutedi
TEKNIKA Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021): Teknika Juli - Desember 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

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IIB Darmajaya Student Unit has a coaching program for students. . In the coaching program, students are given an understanding of how the world of Higher Education is true, as well as self-development through interactive and communicative learning simulations. The training program must be implemented for new students. In the activity there is a coaching class, new students will be accompanied by a mentor. This coaching program has a study weight equivalent to 2 credits that must be followed by new students. Mentors themselves are students selected by the Student Affairs Section based on personal abilities that have gone through several stages of the selection process, both the selection of file administration completeness, hardskill and softskill as well as micro teaching and interview stages. The role of mentors is to provide coaching, learning, and be responsible for work programs to early semester students for one semester. The duties and responsibilities of the mentors start from the new student administration process to the learning and assessment process of coaching program activities. Where the management of class administration and evaluation of activities are still carried out in a less efficient way and do not have an information system. This problem can be solved by using agile development system development methods with the Scrum model. Software or system development using the Scrum model has advantages in producing a system that suits the user's wishes. This website-based administrative and value processing information system can process classroom administration, search, update, store, recap student grades, and value reports that can be accessed easily and efficiently through the website.