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Langit Biru: Jurnal Ilmiah Aviasi Vol 13 No 01 (2020): Langit Biru: Jurnal Ilmiah Aviasi Vol.13 No.1 [Februari 2020]
Publisher : Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (588.818 KB)


B.IndonesiaLaporan ini disajikan berdasarkan magang saya di Air Tasking Service Dortmund GmbH (ATSD) - Global Aviation Service UG (GAS) di Dortmund, Jerman. ATSD - GAS sedang mengerjakan proyek untuk melakukan layanan konsultasi di jet bisnis yang bekerja sama (bagian dari General Aviation) atau di European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) yang diklasifikasikan sebagai Bagian NonKomersial dengan Complex Motor Powered Aircraft (NCC) yang disebut IFM Traviation GmbH untuk mengembangkan dan membangun Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan (SMS) dengan menginstal dan membuat SMS / ERP dan Manual Sistem Manajemen Kepatuhan (CMS) yang sesuai. Sejak 25 Agustus 2016, semua operator Part NCC di negara anggota EASA harus menerapkan persyaratan pada aturan EASA Air Operations Regulation (EU) No. 965/2012, Annex VI / VII. Operator perlu memahami aturan dan memastikan kepatuhannya dengan mengikuti persyaratan misalnya, operator harus menunjuk orang untuk posisi manajemen terdepan mereka, Manual Operasi yang disesuaikan dan sesuai dan Sistem Manajemen (Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan & Kepatuhan) termasuk Daruratnya Rencana Respons (ERP) sudah siap. IFM Traviation GmbH sebagai pemegang Part NCC sejak 2016, ingin menerapkan dan mengembangkan SMS, CMS & amp; ERP di perusahaan mereka. Magang difokuskan pada pengembangan sistem & manual SMS, CMS, & ERP yang sesuai dan andal sebagai pedoman bagi IFM Traviation GmbH untuk mengimplementasikan SMS, CMS & ERP di masa depan kegiatan operasi mereka dengan melakukan analisis SMS Gap (ICAO Gap Analysis Tools ), identifikasi bahaya (metode badai otak dan analisis dasi kupu-kupu), penilaian risiko, keselamatan dan audit internal kepatuhan. Kesimpulan dari laporan ini adalah IFM Traviation telah menuliskan SMS, CMS, & ERP dalam manual operasionalnya namun berdasarkan analisis manual operasionalnya kurang lengkap dan belum diimplementasikan. Dengan output manual SMS, CMS dan ERP yang lengkap ini dapat memudahkan perusahaan dalam mengimplementasikan SMS, CMS, ERP yang sesuai & dapat diandalkan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.B.EnglishThis report is presented based on my internship in Air Tasking Service Dortmund GmbH (ATSD) – Global Aviation Service UG (GAS) at Dortmund, Germany. ATSD – GAS is working on project to conduct consulting services at a cooperate business jet (part of General Aviation) or in European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) classified as Part NonCommercial with Complex Motor Powered Aircraft (NCC) called IFM Traviation GmbH to develop and established Safety Management System (SMS) by installing and producing a suitable SMS / ERP and Compliance Management System (CMS) Manual. Since 25 August 2016, all Part NCC operators in EASA state members must implement the requirements on EASA rules Air Operations Regulation (EU) No. 965/2012, Annex VI / VII. Operators need to understand the rules and ensure they are compliance by following the requirement for examples, operators must have nominated persons for their leading management positions in place, a tailored and suitable Operation Manual and Management System (Safety & Compliance management System) include its Emergency Response Plan (ERP) in place. IFM Traviation GmbH as a Part NCC holder since 2016, wanted to implement and develop a reliable and company tailored SMS, CMS & amp; ERP in their company. The internship was focused on developing a suitable and reliable SMS, CMS, & ERP system & manual as a guidance to IFM Traviation GmbH for implementing SMS, CMS & ERP in the future of their operation activity by conducting SMS Gap analysis (ICAO Gap Analysis Tools), hazard identification (brain storm method and bow tie analysis), risk assessment, safety and compliance internal audit. The conclusions of this report are that IFM Traviation has written SMS, CMS, & ERP in their operational manual but based on the analysis the operation manual is not comprehensive enough and they have not implemented it. With this output of comprehensive SMS, CMS and ERP manual, it can facilitate the company to implement suitable & reliable SMS, CMS, ERP as expected.
Pengaruh Aktivitas Penerbangan Militer Terhadap Decision Making Personel Air Traffic Controller Pada Unit Approach di Perum LPPNPI Cabang Pekanbaru Witri Ayu Lestari; Endang Sugih Arti; Gilang Trio Putra
Langit Biru: Jurnal Ilmiah Aviasi Vol 13 No 03 (2020): Langit Biru: Jurnal Ilmiah Aviasi
Publisher : Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54147/langitbiru.v13i3.346


This research was conducted at Perum LPPNPI Pekanbaru, Riau Province in January 2020 - February 2020. The method used in this research is quantitative with correctional methods, the data collection technique uses direct questions and observations made by the author. The study population was all ATC personnel at Pekanbaru branch, amounting to 28 people. The data analysis technique used is the normality test and linear regression test. This study concludes that there is a positive relationship between military aviation activity and personnel decision making at ATC. In the regression test the authors get the results of the correlation value / R relationship which is equal to 0.926. From the calculations on SPSS, the coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.858, which implies that the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable is 85.8%.
Pengaruh Aktivitas Penerbangan Militer Terhadap Decision Making Personel Air Traffic Controller Pada Unit Approach di Perum LPPNPI Cabang Pekanbaru Witri Ayu Lestari; Endang Sugih Arti; Gilang Trio Putra
Langit Biru: Jurnal Ilmiah Aviasi Vol 13 No 03 (2020): Langit Biru: Jurnal Ilmiah Aviasi
Publisher : Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54147/langitbiru.v13i3.346


This research was conducted at Perum LPPNPI Pekanbaru, Riau Province in January 2020 - February 2020. The method used in this research is quantitative with correctional methods, the data collection technique uses direct questions and observations made by the author. The study population was all ATC personnel at Pekanbaru branch, amounting to 28 people. The data analysis technique used is the normality test and linear regression test. This study concludes that there is a positive relationship between military aviation activity and personnel decision making at ATC. In the regression test the authors get the results of the correlation value / R relationship which is equal to 0.926. From the calculations on SPSS, the coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.858, which implies that the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable is 85.8%.
Pengaruh Aktivitas Penerbangan Militer Terhadap Decision Making Personel Air Traffic Controller Pada Unit Approach di Perum LPPNPI Cabang Pekanbaru Witri Ayu Lestari; Endang Sugih Arti; Gilang Trio Putra
Langit Biru: Jurnal Ilmiah Aviasi Vol 13 No 03 (2020): Langit Biru: Jurnal Ilmiah Aviasi
Publisher : Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54147/langitbiru.v13i3.346


This research was conducted at Perum LPPNPI Pekanbaru, Riau Province in January 2020 - February 2020. The method used in this research is quantitative with correctional methods, the data collection technique uses direct questions and observations made by the author. The study population was all ATC personnel at Pekanbaru branch, amounting to 28 people. The data analysis technique used is the normality test and linear regression test. This study concludes that there is a positive relationship between military aviation activity and personnel decision making at ATC. In the regression test the authors get the results of the correlation value / R relationship which is equal to 0.926. From the calculations on SPSS, the coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.858, which implies that the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable is 85.8%.