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Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 14, No 4 (2018)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (514.155 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jts.v14i4.2004


Abstract: Installation of driving pile foundation is causing excess pore water pressure on saturated clay. Experimental study of driving pile installation effect on clayey silt is conducted at laboratory scale through pore water pressure value observation. The pore water pressure value was read using pressure transducers and head-meters, which has been installed at different depth of the soil sample. The experiment was carried out on two different soil samples. Sample 1 requires 146 strokes to fully drive, and Sample 2 requires 50 strokes. The pore water pressure value was affected by pile penetration depth. The pore water pressure at the bottom of the sample is higher than pore water pressure at the top of the sample. Excess pore water pressure at the sample with more stroke numbers is greater than the sample with less stroke numbers. Pore water pressure change values at Sample 1 are 0,04 kg/cm2 at the top of the sample and 0,10 kg/cm2 at the bottom, while at Sample 2 are 0,02 kg/cm2 at the top of the sample and 0,06 kg/cm2 at the bottom.Abstrak: Pemancangan fondasi tiang mengakibatkan perubahan tekanan air pori pada tanah lempung jenuh. Pengujian pengaruh pemancangan pada perubahan tekanan air pori dilakukan melalui studi eksperimental menggunakan tanah lanau lempungan di laboratorium, dengan pembacaan perubahan nilai tekanan air pori. Pembacaan tekanan air pori dilakukan dengan alat pressure transducer dan head-meter yang dipasang pada variasi kedalaman tanah. Pengujian dilakukan pada dua sampel tanah yang berbeda. Pada Sampel 1 dibutuhkan 146 kali pukulan hingga tiang mencapai kedalaman rencana, sedangkan pada Sampel 2 dibutuhkan 50 kali pukulan. Nilai tekanan air pori dipengaruhi oleh kedalaman penetrasi fondasi tiang pada saat pembacaan. Nilai perubahan tekanan air pori di bagian bawah lebih tinggi dibandingkan perubahan tekanan air pori yang terjadi di bagian atas. Perubahan tekanan air pori lebih besar terjadi pada sampel dengan jumlah pukulan yang lebih banyak. Pembacaan perubahan tekanan air pori pada Sampel 1 bagian atas sebesar 0,04 kg/cm2 sedangkan bagian bawah sebesar 0,10 kg/cm2, pada Sampel 2 bagian atas sebesar 0,02 kg/cm2 sedangkan bagian bawah sebesar 0,06 kg/cm2.
Studi Karakteristik Fondasi Pelat Tipis Dengan Pengaku Tiang “+” Pada Tanah Granuler Melalui Uji Eksperimen Dan Analisis Pemodelan Menggunakan Software Abaqus Syarif, Firman; Adi, Agus Darmawan; Saputra, Ashar
JURNAL SAINTIS Vol 17 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : UIR Press

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[EN] The amount of damage that happened in Indonesian road is the impact of high traffic load exceeds the carrying capacity of the pavement. To reduce the problems that occur on the pavement the good systems of pavement are built, various studies conducted to produce a creative innovation in order to evaluate and improve the performance of the pavement system. this study has developed a new system of foundation with pile "+" to make the connection between plate and minipile (joint) becomes better. In this study, three models of foundation will be tested by loading test (following ASTM D 114 381 and ASTM D 3689 Pile Under static axial compressive load) to observe and analyze the behavior of the foundation model by loading centric and eccentric. In addition to laboratory tests this research also modeling analysis with Abaqus software to observe and analyze the behavior of the foundation model in terms of deformation and settlement. The results showed the distances between pile and pile provides a significant contribution in reducing the settlement in the foundation when given a maximum load of 20 kN, where is the foundation 1 had short distance between the other foundation the deformation and settlement is the smallest. The length of pile also give significant contribution to reduce the settlement like in foundation 3 that have 20 cm length of the pile have settlement and deformatioan smaller than the foundation 2 that have 10 cm length of the pile
Analisis Pengaruh Sloof terhadap Penurunan Fondasi Telapak dengan Simulasi Numeris Adityawan, Muh. Handy Dwi; Adi, Agus Darmawan; Saputra, Ashar
Semesta Teknika Vol 22, No 2 (2019): NOVEMBER 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.222245


Sloof yang menghubungkan dua kolom selama ini diperhitungkan sebagai balok ikat (tie beam) agar kolom tidak bergeser. Sloof diasumsikan menggantung atau tidak bertumpu di atas tanah. Sehingga sloof murni sebagai pengikat antar dua kolom. Namun, kenyataan di lapangan sloof bertumpu di atas tanah atau di atas pasangan batu. Oleh karena itu sloof akan menerima beban vertikal dari bangunan. Desain sloof perlu diubah karena kondisi ini. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan program SAP2000. Tanah dan pasangan batu dimodelkan sebagai spring dengan input parameter modulus reaksi tanah dasar (ks). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penurunan fondasi telapak pada kondisi sloof bertumpu di atas tanah atau di atas pasangan batu lebih kecil dibandingkan kondisi sloof menggantung. Selisih penurunan rata-rata sekitar 26%. Beda penurunan dan angular distortion antara dua kolom menjadi lebih kecil ketika sloof bertumpu di atas tanah atau di atas pasangan batu dibandingkan kondisi sloof menggantung. Momen lapangan yang bekerja pada sloof menggantung adalah positif sedangkan momen tumpuan adalah negatif. Sebaliknya, momen lapangan yang bekerja pada sloof bertumpu di atas tanah maupun di atas pasangan batu adalah negatif, sedangkan momen tumpuan adalah positif.Sloof connecting two columns has been calculated as a tie beam to keep them from moving apart. It was assumed as the hanging sloof or not rested on the ground. Hence it was purely as a tie between two columns. However, in the field, sloof is rested on the ground or the stone foundation. Therefore the sloof will receive the vertical load of the building. The sloof design need to be changed due to this condition. An analysis was conducted using SAP2000. The ground and the stone foundation were modeled as springs at which the modulus subgrade reaction (ks) was the input parameters. The results showed that the settlement of footing when the sloof resting on the ground or the stone foundation was smaller than the hanging sloof. The difference of the settlement was about 26% on average. Differential settlement and angular distortion between two column footings became smaller when the sloof was rested on the ground or the stone foundation compared to the hanging sloof. The field bending moment that occurred on the hanging sloof was positive, while the restraint moment was negative. In contrary, the field bending moment that occurred on the sloof rested on the ground or the stone foundation was negative, while the restraint moment was positive. 
Studi Kerusakan Jalan Piyungan - Wonosari dari Aspek Geoteknik Agus Darmawan Adi
Forum Teknik Vol 30, No 1 (2006)
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Some  road  sections  in  Yogtakarta  sufer from  frequent damage following the  rainy  season. Repairs  have  been  conducted  regularly  and various  efforts  to  improve  the  road condition  have also  been  done,  however,  this  probletn  always comes  every  year.  Soil condition  below the  road pavement  is  suspected  to  give a  major  contribution  on road  damage  in  this  region.A series  of investigation  was carried  out  on  the  soil beneath the  road  of Piyungan-Wonosari section.  Field observation  on  road  damage condition  was  conducted  and  it  was followed by in situ  tests, consisting  of  hand  boring,  sampling and cone  penetration  test.  Properties  of soil were obtained from several  laboratory  tests.  To simulate  effect  of water  changes  on  soil  strength,  a series of shear strength  tests  were performed  on the  samples  made  of soil  with  various  water contents.The  results  indicate  that  the  road  damages in  this  region  are resulted by  several  reasons.  At road  section  built on slope, the  damage  was  mainly  caused  by downward  movement  of the Jill which  was not  rnassive  enough standing on  the  original  slope. Soil softening  due  to  water changes  is  identified  to give  a major contribution  on this  problem,  especially for road constructed  on clays.  Expansive  soil was  also found at  some  road  section.  This soil type produces  signiJicant  amount  of  pressure  and  volume changes  which lead  to movement  of  the adjacent  structures.Keywords  :  road-damage,  soil,  strength,  water,  soften
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol. 14 No. 4 (2018)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (514.155 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jts.v14i4.2004


Abstract: Installation of driving pile foundation is causing excess pore water pressure on saturated clay. Experimental study of driving pile installation effect on clayey silt is conducted at laboratory scale through pore water pressure value observation. The pore water pressure value was read using pressure transducers and head-meters, which has been installed at different depth of the soil sample. The experiment was carried out on two different soil samples. Sample 1 requires 146 strokes to fully drive, and Sample 2 requires 50 strokes. The pore water pressure value was affected by pile penetration depth. The pore water pressure at the bottom of the sample is higher than pore water pressure at the top of the sample. Excess pore water pressure at the sample with more stroke numbers is greater than the sample with less stroke numbers. Pore water pressure change values at Sample 1 are 0,04 kg/cm2 at the top of the sample and 0,10 kg/cm2 at the bottom, while at Sample 2 are 0,02 kg/cm2 at the top of the sample and 0,06 kg/cm2 at the bottom.Abstrak: Pemancangan fondasi tiang mengakibatkan perubahan tekanan air pori pada tanah lempung jenuh. Pengujian pengaruh pemancangan pada perubahan tekanan air pori dilakukan melalui studi eksperimental menggunakan tanah lanau lempungan di laboratorium, dengan pembacaan perubahan nilai tekanan air pori. Pembacaan tekanan air pori dilakukan dengan alat pressure transducer dan head-meter yang dipasang pada variasi kedalaman tanah. Pengujian dilakukan pada dua sampel tanah yang berbeda. Pada Sampel 1 dibutuhkan 146 kali pukulan hingga tiang mencapai kedalaman rencana, sedangkan pada Sampel 2 dibutuhkan 50 kali pukulan. Nilai tekanan air pori dipengaruhi oleh kedalaman penetrasi fondasi tiang pada saat pembacaan. Nilai perubahan tekanan air pori di bagian bawah lebih tinggi dibandingkan perubahan tekanan air pori yang terjadi di bagian atas. Perubahan tekanan air pori lebih besar terjadi pada sampel dengan jumlah pukulan yang lebih banyak. Pembacaan perubahan tekanan air pori pada Sampel 1 bagian atas sebesar 0,04 kg/cm2 sedangkan bagian bawah sebesar 0,10 kg/cm2, pada Sampel 2 bagian atas sebesar 0,02 kg/cm2 sedangkan bagian bawah sebesar 0,06 kg/cm2.
Journal of Applied Geology Vol 2, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Geological Engineering Department Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (623.84 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jag.7231


Maximum magnitudes of earthquake potentials are estimated for Yogyakarta depression area by using the faultlength and earthquake magnitude relations for fault specific seismic sources. For estimation of maximum earthquake magnitude, the fault specific seismic sources are modeled as 18 normal faults and 6 strike-slip faults sources referring the geological map of McDonald, 1984 and Rihardjo et al., 1995. For the present area the subduction zone earthquakes are expected to happen in the offshore region regarding the study on the seismicity of the region and the focal mechanisms of the past earthquakes. So three area sources are also assumed for this region and the possible maximum earthquake magnitudes for these sources are determined by probabilistic approaches.
Evaluation of strong ground motion for Yogyakarta depression area, Indonesia Myo Thant; Subagyo Pramumijoyo; Heru Hendrayana; Hiroshi Kawase; Agus Darmawan Adi
Journal of Applied Geology Vol 2, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Geological Engineering Department Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2212.371 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jag.7249


The probabilistic seismic hazard maps are developed for Yogyakarta depression area. The earthquake catalog of ANSS (1970-2007) is taken into account with the complement of NEIC (USGS, 1973-2007) and the records of BMG (2000-2004). On the basis of seismicity of the area, tectonics and geological information, the seismic source zones are characterized for this area. The seismicity parameters of each seismic source are determined by applying the classical Gutenberg-Richter recurrence model, regarding the historical records. The attenuation relation for Yogyakarta depression area cannot be evaluated since the sufficient strong ground motion records are not available for this region. Therefore the attenuation relations which were developed for other territories as Europe and Japan are used for the present hazard calculation by validating, using the aftershocks records, modeling the peak ground acceleration maps for the recent event, 27 May, 2006, Yogyakarta earthquake inserting the damage area distribution pattern. The probabilistic seismic hazard maps are finally developed by using the McGuire (1976) EQRISK computer program by modifying for the present purpose. The seismic hazard maps expressed in term of peak ground acceleration are developed for the recurrence intervals of 10, 50, 100, 200 and 500 years
JURNAL INERSIA Vol. 7 No. 1 (2015): Jurnal Inersia

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Investigasi pada gaya tarik ke atas fondasi dangkal telah diungkapkan. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi hubungan antara beban tarik ke atas dan perpindahannya adalah bentuk telapak dan kedalaman fondasi. Hasil uji di Laboratorium ditampilkan dalam studi ini yang dibandingkan dengan metode analisis dari teori yang telah ada. Penelitian dilakukan pada tanah pasir murni. Bentuk telapak yang digunakan adalah persegi dan lingkaran dengan diameter 30 cm. Rasio kedalaman terhadap diameter telapak adalah 0,33;0,67 dan 1. Hasil uji Laboratorium menunjukkan perbedaan hasil dengan Hasil analisis. Hasil pengujian tarik diperoleh kapasitas ultimit tarik dan diameter bidang runtuh di permukaan meningkat dengan bertambahnya kedalaman. Prisma tanah yang terangkat membentuk sudut kelongsoran yaitu q = ½f. Hasil pengujian tarik model fondasi dangkal dengan telapak persegi lebih besar 28,35% terhadap telapak lingkaran pada lebar (B) dan diameter (D) yang sama. Das dan Seeley (1975) menghasilkan nilai kapasitas ultimit tarik terbesar. Metode Bowles (1988) menghasilkan nilai terkecil. Metode Murray dan Geddes (1987) memiliki nilai yang mendekati hasil pengamatan.