Praja, Arief Kusuma Among
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PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI SOSIALISASI PROGRAM KULIAH KERJA NYATA (KKN-PPM) TEMATIK DI WILAYAH SULAWESI TENGAH Mulyani, Erry Yudhya; Ummanah, Ummanah; Pambudi, Ari; Rachmat, Ikbal; Fuad, Ahmad; Tarigan, Mazmur; Praja, Arief Kusuma Among; Nefianto, Tirton; Sailah, Illah; Yuwono, Imam; Kurniawan, Anton; Wijaya, Rahmat; Nugroho, Tezar Mega; Saptadinata, Abi; Ichwanudin, Muhammad
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat AbdiMas Vol 6, No 3 (2020): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Abdimas
Publisher : Universitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/abd.v6i3.3326


AbstrakBerdasarkan data BPS 2019, pasca bencana penduduk Sulawesi Tengah berjumlah 3.054.020 dan sebesar 13.48% penduduk Sulawesi Tengah berada dalam kategori penduduk miskin. Program-program inovatif dan kreatif dari berbagai macam bidang diperlukan dalam upaya membangun Kota Palu pasca bencana. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang kuliah kerja nyata-pembelajaran pemberdayaan masyarakat (KKN-PPM) Tematik secara sinergitas dan menyeluruh yang mencakup 5 (lima) bidang. Metode kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah sosialisasi kegiatan, FGD (Forum Group Disscussion), dan indepth-interview. Dengan sasaran yaitu tim (panitia pelaksana) dan pemerintah daerah yang berkontribusi di 5 (lima) bidang (ekonomi kreatif, kesehatan, pendidikan, pariwisata, pemuda dan olahraga). Hasil sosialisasi kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan pemahaman program KKN-PPM Tematik setelah dilakukan survei analisis lapangan. Hasil FGD menunjukkan 82.2 % tim pelaksana bersama dengan instansi terkait telah memahami konsep program KKN-PPM Tematik. Hasil indept-interview menunjukkan sebagian besar tim pelaksana dan instansi terkait masih memerlukan penjelasan detail terkait teknis lapangan dalam menjalankan program KKN-PPM Tematik. Hasil kegiatan akhir menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman pengetahuan program KKN-PPM Tematik pada tim pelaksana dan pendukung (pemerintah daerah). Sosialisasi program kegiatan KKN-PPM dan survei analisis lapangan merupakan hal yang penting dalam upaya sinergitas dari berbagai bidang keilmuwan (tim perguruan tinggi) dan instansi terkait. Kata Kunci:  KKN-PPM, pemberdayaan, sosialisasi AbstractBased on BPS 2019 data, after disaster, the population of Central Sulawesi are 3,054,020 and 13.48% of the population of Central Sulawesi are in the category of poor population. After disaster, Innovative and creative programs from various fields are needed to build the city of Palu.The aims of this activity was to provide an understanding of Thematic Learning Community Empowerment (KKN-PPM) in a synergistic and comprehensive manner covering 5 (five) fields.The method of activities undertaken by socialization of activities, FGD (Forum Group Discussion), and in-depth interviews. The target are the team of (executive committee) and the local government that contribute in 5 (five) fields (creative economy, health, education, tourism, youth and sports). The results of the socialization of this activity showed that there was an increase in understanding of the Thematic KKN-PPM program after conducting a field analysis survey. The results of the FGD showed that 82.2 % of the implementation team together with related agencies understood the concept of the Thematic KKN-PPM program. The results of in-depth interviews showed that most of the implementation team and related agencies still needed detailed explanations related to the technical field in carrying out the Thematic KKN-PPM program. The results of the final activity shows an increase in understanding of Thematic KKN-PPM program knowledge in the implementation and support teams from (local government). The socialization of the KKN-PPM program activities and the field analysis survey are important in synergy efforts from various scientific fields (the university team) and related agencies. Keywords: KKN-PPM, empowerment, socialization