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Analisis Jumlah Bakteri Dan Uji Organoleptik Pada Abon Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) Di Kota Gorontalo Bakari, Hijrah; Adipu, Yulianty
Gorontalo Fisheries Journal Volume 2 Nomor 1 April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32662/gfj.v2i1.815


Abon fish is a dried food made from suiran-suiran meat and spices. Ingredients boiled or steamed, then disuir, mixed with spices and fried until cooked into abon. The purpose of this study was to find out the number of bacteria and the quality deterioration in skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) sold in Super Market or SME in Gorontalo City. This research used purposive sampling method with Total Plate Count Test (ALT) and Organoleptic Test. Samples of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) were taken to determine the total number of bacteria by using the pour plate method. The results showed that 15 fish abon samples with the highest number of bacterial colonies were 220,000 cow / gr fish samples abon 9 with the number of bacterial colonies of 91,000 cc / g and 13 fish abon samples with the number of bacterial colonies of 31,000 cc / g. Whereas in the Hedonic Test method the average panelist in the color hedonic test judgment likes sample 6 with an average rating of 4.04, the panelist sense of hedonic test likes the sample 1 with an average rating of 4.08, the panelist panelic hedonic test likes sample 1 with an average grade of 3.92 and a panelist texture hedonic test favored sample 12 with an average grade of 3.68. Hedonic test analysis showed that the amount of bacteria in skull tuna abon have an effect on to decrease of quality and level of panelist preferences
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (332.407 KB) | DOI: 10.35800/jpkt.7.1.2011.16


This study was aimed to determine the effect of the dilution ratio of sperm with optimal NaCl and fructose on the motility of the catfish, Clarias sp., spermatozoa, fertility and hatchability of eggs. Catfish used in this study consisted of one parent pairs (male and female weight of 1000 grams weight of 1500 g). NaCl and fructose solution were diluted with aquabidest. The observation was conducted on the motility of spermatozoa, fertility and hatchability of eggs. The experimental design used completely randomized design (CRD). Dilution ratio is 1: 0, 1, 20, 1: 40, 1; 60, 1: 80, and 1: 100 with replicated 3 times. Observations were carried out soon after the sperm mixed with diluents. Fertility occurred 12 hours after fertilization. Egg hatchability was observed after fertilization. The results showed that the ratio of dilution gave significant effect on the sperm motility, fertility and hatchability of the eggs. This research found that the dilution ratio 1: 60 was the best treatment with the average sperm motility of 96. 66%, fertility of 71, 66 5% and egg hatchability of 70%.
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (344.57 KB) | DOI: 10.35800/jpkt.9.1.2013.3448


Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengkaji tingkat kesesuaian lahan budidaya laut, khususnya budidaya rumput laut dan budidaya ikan di Kurungan Jaring Apung (KJA) di perairan Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Selatan, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Penentuan stasiun pengambilan sampel dilakukan berdasarkan identifikasi adanya aktivitas budidaya rumput laut dan budidaya ikan pada KJA di lokasi tersebut. Lima stasiun pengamatan yakni lokasi budidaya rumput laut desa Matandoi, dan lokasi budidaya ikan dalam KJA di desa Deaga, Torosik, Matandoi dan Pinalantungan. Pada tiap stasiun ditentukan satu titik pengambilan sampel air untuk pengukuran parameter kualitas air, serta aspek fisik lain seperti kecepatan arus dan beda pasang-surut air laut. Parameter kualitas air seperti amoniak, pH, suhu, nitrit dan turbiditas diukur menggunakan Water Test Kit AYI-10 in ScienPro, sementara salinitas dan oksigen terlarut (DO) diukur menggunakan Water Tester Horiba. Data yang diperoleh ditabulasi dan ditampilkan dalam histogram. Untuk menentukan tingkat kesesuaian lahan, data dibandingkan dengan baku mutu persyaratan untuk lokasi budidaya rumput laut dan budidaya ikan di KJA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perairan desa Matandoi sesuai untuk lokasi budidaya rumput laut. Perairan desa Pinalantungan, desa Torosik, dan desa Matandoi sesuai untuk lokasi budidaya ikan di KJA, sedangkan perairan desa Deaga kurang sesuai untuk lokasi budidaya KJA. Kata kunci: kesesuaian lahan, budidaya, rumput laut, KJA, Bolaang Mongondow Selatan.   This study was aimed to study the suitability level of waters in South Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi Province, for seaweed culture and fish culture in floating net cage (KJA). The stations for water sampling were appointed based on the occurrence of the seaweed culture and finfish culture in KJA in the area. Five stations were appointed, where one station representing seaweed culture area (Matandoi village waters), while four stations representing the floating net cage culture areas (Deaga, Torosik, Matandoi and Pinalantungan village waters). At each station, one point was appointed for sampling of waters for the measurement of water quality parameters and for assessment of other physical features of waters body such as, current velocity, wave height and tide level. The other water quality parameters such as, ammonia, pH, temperature, nitrite, and turbidity were measured using Water Test Kit AYI-10 in ScienPro, whereas dissolve oxygen (DO) and salinity were measured using Horiba Water Tester. The collected data were then tabulated and presented in histogram. To analyze the level of the suitability of the area for seaweed culture and floating net cage culture, the obtained data were compared to the standard water quality for the location of seaweed culture and floating net cage culture. The results show that, the territorial waters of Matandoi village is suitable for seaweed culture area. The territorial waters of Pinalantungan village, Torosik village and Matandoi village are suitable for floating net cage culture area, while territorial waters of Deaga village is less-suitable for floating net cage culture area. Keywords: area suitability, culture, seaweed, floating net cage, South Bolaang Mongondow.
Profil Kualitas Air Pada Budidaya Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) Sistem Bioflok Dengan Sumber Karbohidrat Gula Aren Adipu, Yulianty
Jurnal MIPA Vol 8, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35799/jmuo.8.3.2019.25967


Pengelolaan kualitas air apabila dikaitkan dengan kegiatan Budidaya tentunya menjadi faktor yang sangat perlu mendapatkan perhatian. Media budidaya dalam hal kualitas air sangat mempengaruhi produktifitas udang vaname . Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui gambaran  kualitas air dalam budidaya udang sistem bioflok menggunakan gula aren sebagai sumber karbohidrat. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan yaitu kontrol A (Tanpa campuran Fermentasi), Fermentasi B (campuran tepung ikan dan Gula aren), Fermentasi C (hanya menggunakan Gula aren). Parameter pengamatan terdiri dari 8 parameter kualitas air yaitu suhu, DO, pH, salinitas, nitrit. Nitrat, amoniak dan Total Suspended Solid. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran bioflok menggunakan sumber karbohidrat memberikan perubahan pada beberapa parameter kualitas menjadi lebih baik, dengan adanya fermentasi gula aren yang menghasilkan bakteri asam laktat juga berperan produktifitas udang vanameWater quality management when associated with Aquaculture activities is certainly a factor that needs attention. Media culture in terms of water quality greatly affects the productivity of vaname shrimp. The purpose of this study is to find out the picture of water quality in the biofloc shrimp culture using palm sugar as a source of carbohydrates. This study used a completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments used controlled A (without a mixture of fermentation), fermentation B (a mixture of fish meal and palm sugar), fermentation C (only using palm sugar). Observation parameters consisted of 8 parameters of water quality namely temperature, DO, pH, salinity, nitrite. Nitrate, Ammonia and Total Suspended Solid. The results showed that the role of biofloc using carbohydrate sources gave changes to several quality parameters for the better, with the presence of palm sugar fermentation which produced lactic acid bacteria also played a role in vaname shrimp productivity