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Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021): FairValue : Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan
Publisher : Departement Of Accounting, Indonesian Cooperative Institute, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.118 KB) | DOI: 10.32670/fairvalue.v4i3.738


The aims of this study are: 1) to determine and analyze the influence of humanresource development, work discipline, and work environment on employeeperformance at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhadi SetiabudiUniversity. 2) to determine and analyze the effect of human resource developmenton employee performance at the Faculty of Economics and Business, MuhadiSetiabudi University. 3) to determine and analyze the effect of work discipline onemployee performance at the Faculty of Economics and Business, MuhadiSetiabudi University. 4) to determine and analyze the effect of the workenvironment on the performance of employees at the Faculty of Economics andBusiness, Muhadi Setiabudi University. 5) to determine and analyze the influenceof human resource development, work discipline, and work environment onemployee performance at the Faculty of Economics and Business, MuhadiSetiabudi University. This type of research is survey and causal and involves 42subjects selected through the census method. Based on multiple linear regressiontest shows that: 1) the development of human resources, work discipline, and workenvironment simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on theperformance of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhadi SetiabudiUniversity. 2) human resource development has a positive and significant impacton the performance of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhadi SetiabudiUniversity. 3) work discipline has a positive and significant effect on theperformance of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhadi SetiabudiUniversity. 4) the work environment has a positive and significant effect on theperformance of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhadi SetiabudiUniversity. 5) There are differences in human resource development betweenStructural and Non-Structural Employees at the Faculty of Economics andBusiness, Muhadi Setiabudi University. There is no difference between workdiscipline and the work environment of Structural and Non-Structural Employeesat the Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhadi Setiabudi University
Pengaruh Modal Usaha dan Strategi Pemasaran terhadap Volume Penjualan pada Pelaku UMKM Mitra Mandiri Brebes Slamet Bambang Riono; Moh. Nurizki; Dumadi Dumadi; Muhammad Syaifulloh; Hendri Sucipto
Ecobuss Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Ecobuss Volume 11, Nomor 1, Maret 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Panca Marga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51747/ecobuss.v11i1.1129


Abstract The sales volume of MSME players in the Mitra Mandiri group is declining. Sales volume is one of the determining factors that greatly affects the achievement of net profit, while profit or profit is an important means for the survival of a business. This research uses a quantitative approach with explanatory research through associative research. Data were obtained using a) primary documents in the form of questionnaire answers from respondents, b) literature studies derived from several literature and other supporting readings. The results of this study found the value of the correlation coefficient of R Square of 0.637 and the value of the double coefficient of determination R2 = 0.798 and adjusted R Square of 0.630. The coefficient of determination of 0.637 states the amount of contribution of business capital (X1) and marketing strategy (X2) of 63.70% to the sales volume (Y) of MSME players of Mitra Mandiri Brebes. The correlation coefficient of 0.637 states the simultaneous influence of independent variables of business capital and marketing strategies on dependent variables of sales volume. Based on the regression equation 27.745 + 0.231 X1 + 0.451 X2. it can be interpreted that each increase in the units of the business capital variable (X1) and marketing strategy (X2) will increase the variable sales volume by 0.231 units of working capital, plus 0.451 units of marketing strategy, at a constant of 27.745. Keywords: Business Capital, Marketing Strategy, Sales Volume
Pengaruh Fasilitas, Promosi dan Citra Destinasi Terhadap Keputusan Berkunjung Pada Agrowisata Besaran Hijau Pabrik Gula Jatibarang Brebes Adjizah Adjizah; Roby Setiadi; Hendri Sucipto
EKOMA : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, Akuntansi Vol. 3 No. 5: Juli 2024
Publisher : CV. Ulil Albab Corp

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/ekoma.v3i5.4385


Agrowisata Besaran Hijau Pabrik Gula Jatibarang merupakan wisata pembelajaran dengan suasana sejarah atau Heritage sebagai perjalanan wisatanya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis dan menguji pengaruh fasilitas, promosi serta citra destinasi terhadap keputusan berkunjung pada Agrowisata Besaran Hijau Pabrik Gula Jatibarang Brebes. Mengetahui apa yang menjadi alasan pengunjung melakukan kunjungan ke Agrowisata Besaran Hijau Pabrik Gula Jatibarang Brebes menjadikan dilakukannya penelitian ini. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif menjadi jenis penelitian ini dengan melibatkan 90 responden yang dipilih menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Penghimpunan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara, menyerahkan kuesioner atau angket, dokumtasi serta studi pustaka. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan bantuan SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fasilitas dan citra destinasi secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan dengan nilai uji t pada variabel fasilitas yaitu yaitu 4.298 > 1.988 dan untuk variabel citra destinasi memiliki nilai 6.409 > 1.988. Kemudian untuk variabel promosi secara parsial tidak berpengaruh dan signifikan tetapi bernilai positif dengan nilai 0.829 < 1.988 dan nilai signifikansinya sebesar 0.409 > 0.05. sedangkan untuk uji simultan menunjukkan semua variabel berpengaruh secara bersama-sama dengan nilai sebesar 47.015 > 2.71 serta nilai signifikan 0.000 < 0.05.
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Kinerja Pegawai dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Masyarakat: (Studi Kasus pada Kantor Balaidesa Kubangsari) Trisnawati Trisnawati; Hendri Sucipto; Gian Fitralisma
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis (ITB) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54066/jmbe-itb.v2i4.2441


This research aims: 1) To determine and analyze the influence of public service quality on the satisfaction of the people of Kubangsari Village partially. 2) To find out and analyze the influence of employee performance on the satisfaction of the people of Kubangsari Village partially. Kubangsari Village community partially. 4) To determine and analyze the influence of Service Quality, Employee Performance and Work Discipline of Village Government Apparatus on Community Satisfaction in Kubangsari Village. The type of research used in this research is a quantitative approach, this research has a population of 6762 by taking as many samples as 99 respondents. Based on the analysis and discussion, a conclusion can be drawn where H1: Service Quality has a positive and significant effect on Community Satisfaction at the Kubangsari Village Hall Office with a t-value of 4.011 > 1.661 and a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05. H2: Employee Performance has a negative and insignificant effect on Community Satisfaction at the Balai Desa Kubangsari Office with a t-value of 0.495 > 1.661 and a significant value of 0.622 < 0.05. -count 4.914 > 1.661 and sig value. 0.000 < 0.05. H4: Service Quality, Employee Performance and Work Discipline simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on Community Satisfaction at the Kubangsari Village Hall Office with a value of F-count > F-table (45.010 > 2.697) and a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05.
Pengaruh Citra Merek, Kualitas Produk dan Customer Value terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sampo Clear : (Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa UMUS) Citra Mega Suara; Siti Anah Fadhillah; Hendri Sucipto; Akbar NPD Wahana; Amelia Sholeha
GEMILANG: Jurnal Manajemen dan Akuntansi Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Oktober : Jurnal Manajemen dan Akuntansi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56910/gemilang.v3i4.1308


This study aims to analyze the influence of brand image, product quality, and customer value on the purchase decision of Clear Shampoo among Muhadi Setiabudi University students. The study population was 520 students, a sample of 84 respondents was selected by a simple random sampling method. Survey instruments in the form of questionnaires are used to collect the necessary data. Multiple regression analysis will be used to evaluate the influence between the independent variable (brand image, product quality, and customer value) and the dependent variable (purchase decision). This research is expected to provide a deeper understanding of the preferences and factors that influence students in choosing Clear Shampoo as their hair care product. The results showed that all variables and questions in the questionnaire have been proven valid and reliable based on those made on the purchase decision of Clear Shampoo products in students. The implications of these findings are expected to provide valuable insights for manufacturers and marketers in improving their marketing strategies, especially in understanding how brand image, product quality, and customer value influence buying behavior in this particular target market.  
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian : (Studi Kasus Konsumen Kita Bersama Swalayan Bulakamba) Ela Febriani; Hendri Sucipto; Roby Setiadi
JURNAL RISET MANAJEMEN (JURMA) Vol 1 No 3 (2023): September : Jurnal Riset Manajemen
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis (ITB) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54066/jurma.v1i3.892


This research aims to analyze the influence of service quality and promotion on purchasing decisions in the consumer case study of Kita Bersama Swalayan Bulakamba. The type of this research is quantitative descriptive. In this study, researchers obtained 100 samples calculated from a population of 2,451 using the slovin formula at an error rate of 10%. The method used in this study uses Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The data collection technique is by distributing questionnaires to respondents using Google from. The results of this study indicate from the t test which states that the service quality variable influences purchasing decisions with a calculated t value of service quality of 6.344 > t table 0.1660 with a significant value of 0.000 <0.05 and promotion has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions with promotion t-count 14.655 > t-table 0.1660 with a significant value of 0.000 <0.05.
Pemberdayaan Organisasi Masyarakat melalui Pembentukan Event Organizer Bazar Kuliner (Studi pada Organisasi Masyarakat Desa Ciawi, Brebes) Muhamad Syahrul Aziz; Hendri Sucipto; Slamet Bambang Riono
SAFARI :Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022): Oktober : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (173.414 KB) | DOI: 10.56910/safari.v2i4.133


Ciawi Village is a village located in Banjarharjo District, Brebes Regency. In Ciawi Village, there are several community organizations such as Ms. PKK, Karang Taruna, Branch NU, and IPPNU. During the observation, several community organizations were found in Ciawi village. However, during interviews with the village government, the activity of community organizations was still weak. The reason is because there is a problem that occurs both from internal and external communication. This is what makes the author take the theme of organizational empowerment through the formation of an event organizer (EO) and the implementation of a culinary bazaar. EO itself is currently needed by many parties, not only companies or organizations in urban areas but also organizations in villages as an effort to introduce their villages and take advantage of existing opportunities. Ciawi Village itself, although the smallest village, has a position flanked by 4 villages at once, namely to the north of Cimunding Village, south of Tegalreja Village, west of Cibuniwangi Village and east of Keradenan Village. Based on the results of the activities that have been carried out, several community organizations have begun to understand the course of the culinary bazaar EO to be used as a way to improve the village economy through MSME activities, it can be concluded that the structural formation of a culinary bazaar event organizer has a great impact on the community both for MSME actors organizations, village government and village communities.
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Vol 1 No 3 (2022): September : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jimak.v1i3.520


The quality of public services and work discipline are one of the factors that affect people's satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to determine the partial and simultaneous influence of the quality of public services and work discipline on the satisfaction of the people of Cimohong Village. The population in this study is the people of Cimohong Village who have interests in the Cimohong Village Office which amounts to 1464 people. For the sampling of the study, the researchers used the Slovin technique, then the sample used was 95 people. Data collection techniques use questionnaires and documentation. Test the validity of the instrument using Product Moment correlation and reliability test using Cronbach's Alpha. The classical assumption test consists of a normality test, a multicollinearity test and a heteroskedasticity test. The hypothesis test consists of a partial test (t test), a simultaneous test (an F test) and a multiple linear regression test. The results showed that: (1) there was a positive and significant influence on the quality of public services on community satisfaction by calculating 3,208 > 1,661 at a significance level of 5%; (2) there is a positive and significant influence of work discipline on community satisfaction with a calculation of 3,666 > of 1,661 at a significance level of 5%; (3) there is a positive and significant influence on the quality of public services and work discipline simultaneously on community satisfaction with a calculated value of 17,519> an Ftabel value of 3.94 at a significance level of 5%.
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Vol 1 No 3 (2022): September : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jimak.v1i3.521


This study aims to analyze the effect of product quality and price on the sales volume of salted fish in the Aulia Putri company, Kecipir Village, Losari District, Brebes Regency. The population in this study was salted fish resellers at Aulia Putri Company. The sample in this study was 65 respondents. Data collection is carried out by distributing questionnaires or questionnaires to salted fish resellers at aulia putri company. This study used multiple linear regression analysis tools. The hypothesis was tested with the t test and the F test. Test results showed that (1) the quality of the product had a positive and significant effect on the sales volume of salted fish partially with a calculated t value result of 3.752 > t table 1.668; (2) the price has a positive and significant effect and is significant to the sales volume of salted fish partially with a calculated t value result of 3,488 > t table 1,668; (3) product quality and price simultaneously positively affect the sales volume of salted fish in aulia putri company with F count 7,091 > F table 3.14 with a significant level of 0.000 < 0.05.
Pendampingan Pembuatan Akun Lazada E-Commerce UMKM Garam Rebus di Desa Kaliwlingi Mohamad Badrun Zaman; Amelia Sholeha; Hendri Sucipto; Siti Nur Aisyah
Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): Agustus : JURNAL KABAR MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54066/jkb.v2i3.2344


In Kaliwlingi Village there are various kinds of MSMEs, such as boiled salt, mangrove batik, soft shell crab, these are all the leading MSMEs in Kaliwlingi Village. Boiled salt is one of the products of Kaliwlingi MSMEs which is a leading MSME. However, Kaliwlingi boiled salt MSMEs also experience several obstacles in running their business, including product marketing which is still by word of mouth, limited human resources and minimal consumer capabilities. The aim of this KKN is to assist in marketing boiled salt products to further expand the boiled salt marketing network. This KKN includes marketing training using E-Commerce and assistance in using E-Commerce. The results of the KKN can be concluded that boiled salt MSMEs in Kaliwlingi Village can run their business professionally, and can increase production capacity due to the increase in the number of customers. The trend regarding the use of E-Commerce in Indonesia will continue to grow and now many people are starting to be selective about E-Commerce because there is intense competition between E-Commerce. What differentiates a company from its competitors lies in the strength of the market itself and UNCTAD (United Nations Conference Trade & Development) has issued a theory of 5 pillars of digital economic strength, namely market share, search engines, social media, video sharing and payment systems. LAZADA Group is a Southeast Asian E-Commerce company founded by rocket internet in 2012, and owned by Alibaba Group. Lazada in Indonesia itself was founded in 2012 and operates until now. Lazada's goal is to be a trusted online shopping place and provide the best quality in terms of quality and service.