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Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Jambi Vol 8, No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Baiturrahim Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36565/jab.v8i2.175


The incidence of stunting in infants is one of the global nutritional problems. The prevalence of stunting in Kerinci Regency on 2017 is 35.0%. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between duration of breastfeeding and birth weight with the incidence of stunting in the work area of Community Health Centres of Siulak Mukai in 2019. This study used a cross sectional design that carried out in the work area of Community Health Centres of Siulak Mukai on May, 2019. The population in the study amounted to 311 toddlers. Samples in the study were 74 toddlers with proportional random sampling technique. Data collection was using questionnaire tools and measurement of nutritional status using microtoise. Data was analyzed univariate and bivariate (chi-square test). The results showed that the most had normal nutritional status (Height/Age) (63.5%), duration of breastfeeding ≥2 years (67.6%), and birth weight ≥2500 grams (66.2%). The chi-square analysis showed a significant difference between the duration of breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting (p= 0,000), birth weight with the incidence of stunting (p= 0,000). Therefore, it is expected for mothers of children under five to implement exclusive breastfeeding and continue breastfeeding until the age of 2 years.
Pengaruh Pemberian Buah Kurma (Phoenix Dactylifera L) terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Hemoglobin dan Feritin pada Mahasiswi Aisah Aisah; Rosfita Rasyid; Zelly Dia Rofinda; Masrul Masrul
Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Jambi Vol 11, No 1 (2022): Maret
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Baiturrahim Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36565/jab.v11i1.511


Young women are one of the groups that are vulnerable to nutritional deficiency problems. Nutrients in the blood can be recognized through hemoglobin levels. Foods that are high in iron and which aid in the absorption of iron can increase hemoglobin serum and  ferritin levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving ajwa dates (Phoenix Dactylifera L) on the increase in hemoglobin levels of female adolescents at the Baiturrahim College of Health Sciences, Jambi. The research design was a quasi-experimental study on 44 young women who were selected by purposive sampling. Subjects were divided into 2 groups, control and treatment groups. The treatment group was given ajwa dates at a dose of 1.25 g / BW for 14 days. Data analysis used t-dependent test. Results of the The mean pretest Hb levels were 11.7 gr / dl (control) and 10.9 gr / dl (intervention), the mean ferritin serum  levels were 41,2 μg / L (control) and 36.5 μg / L (intervention). The mean post-test Hb levels were 11.9 g / dl (control) and 12.3 g / dl (intervention), the mean ferritin serum levels were 46.4 μg / L (control) and 58.8 μg / L (intervention). The results of statistical tests showed that there was an effect of giving Ajwa dates on hemoglobin and ferritin serum levels of anemia in adolescent girls with p = <0.001. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the distribution of ajwa dates for young women can increase hemoglobin and ferritin levels. It can be seen from the increase in the average hemoglobin level in the intervention group before treatment was 10.9 and after treatment was 12.3 and The mean ferritin level in the intervention group before treatment was 36.5 and after treatment was 58.8.
Pola Makan dan Obesitas berhubungan dengan Riwayat Kejadian Hipertensi di Puskesmas Rawasari Filius Chandra; Iswanto Iswanto; Aisah Aisah
Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Jambi Vol 10, No 2 (2021): September
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Baiturrahim Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36565/jab.v10i2.330


Hypertension is a non-communicable disease (PTM) which is a very serious health problem both in the world and in Indonesia. One sign of hypertension is an increase in blood pressure. Hypertension is called the silent killer, because people with hypertension often show no symptoms. The research objective was to determine the relationship between diet and obesity with the incidence of hypertension at the Rawasari Public Health Center in Jambi City in 2019.This study used a cross sectional design, which was carried out in August 2019, 64 hypertension respondents at the Rawasari Health Center were taken using purposive sampling technique. The research variables were diet and obesity  which were analyzed using the chi-square test.This study showed that most respondents had hypertension (92.2%). most of the diet frequently (51.6%). and  nutritional status (50%). Chi-square analysis showed  that there was a relationship between diet and hypertension (p= 0.016) and chi-square analysis showed that there was no relationship between obesity  and hypertension (p= 0.0162). There is no significant relationship between diet and hypertension, and there is no significant relationship between nutritional status and hypertension
Daya Terima Permen Jelly Buah Pedada (Sonneratia Caseolaris) dengan Penambahan Karagenan Dwi Tria Ramadani; Dini Wulan Dari; Aisah Aisah
Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Jambi Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Maret
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Baiturrahim Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36565/jab.v9i1.151


Pedada fruit (Sonneratia caseolaris) is one of the mangrove varieties that has a high nutritional content and has the potential as an antioxidant. In general, pedada is still underutilized by the community because it tastes sour and feels tight when consumed directly. One of the efforts in utilizing the pedada fruit is processing it into jelly candy. The purpose of this study was to determine the acceptability (color, flavour, texture and taste) of pedada jelly candy with the addition of carrageenan. This research is an experimental design. This study was used a completely randomized design (CRD) of 2 factors: carrageenan (10 grams and 20 grams) and the addition of pedada juice extract (control, 50 ml, 100 ml) obtained 6 combinations. To find out the acceptability, the organoleptic test using the hedonic method using 30 panelists were rather trained. This research was conducted in May-August 2018. Jelly candy making and organoleptic test was carried out at the STIKes Baiturrahim Jambi Nutrition and Food Laboratory. The best treatment in making Pedada jelly candy which is very preferred, namely P2K2 (100 ml pedada fruit juice and 20 gr carrageenan) with a color score of 5.87, taste 4.74, flavour 4.74, texture 5.28 .
FENOMENA HOMOSEKSUAL & LGBT MASA KINI M. Burhanuddin Ubaidillah; Aisah Aisah
Usratuna: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam
Publisher : STAI Darussalam Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/usratuna.v5i2.590


After the era of globalization and information technology spread throughout the world, homosexuals or LGBT people developed in Indonesia, which has a Muslim majority population. The systematic spread of Homosexual or LGBT cannot be separated from foreign conspiracies to obscure the personality of a nation and draw it into a global cultural vortex that is built on a secular outlook on life. In essence, the purpose of marriage is to preserve offspring. Homosexuality or same-sex marriage will certainly not be able to produce offspring and even have an impact on the emergence of various problems in Indonesia ranging from reducing birth rates, disease problems, and social problems as well as cracking the integrity of the nation. This article is focused on the study of the Current Interfaith Homosexual & LGBT Phenomenon in Indonesia. Starting with the early history of the emergence of homosexuality, the Present Homosexual & LGBT Phenomenon in the Perspective of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity & Islam along with the arguments and arguments of each religion in Indonesia. The purpose of this article is to analyze homosexual behavior that is growing in Indonesia, even openly admitting homosexual or LGBT activities and fighting for the acceptance of same-sex marriage from the perspective of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity & Islam. With the hope that it can be a treasure contribution to controlling the pros and cons that occur between activists, practitioners, experts, and religious organizations, even at the level of the constitution and legislation.
JASEP Vol 3 No 2 (2017): JASEP : DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Baturaja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (173.656 KB) | DOI: 10.54895/jsp.v3i2.445


Food Security Loan (KKP) there are two patterns, namely KKP partnership pattern and pure pattern KKP. MMAF partnership schemes help farmers in the form of non-cash packages consisting of balanced fertilizer packages, blue labeled rice seeds, and pesticides to farmer groups. While the pattern of pure KKP is KKP whose funding comes from commercial banks. In the KKP program, the pattern of pure farmers get packages of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, tillage and maintenance costs, harvest and post harvest costs. Food Security Loan (KKP) provided by the government is expected to be utilized by farmers optimally for farming activities. The problem faced is the difference of timeliness and quantity in the procurement of production factors for farmers receiving Credit Cardfill (KKP) partnership pattern and pure pattern KKP, What is the level of difference of paddy farmer income using KKP partnership pattern and pure pattern KKP. While the purpose of this research is to know the timeliness and quantity in the procurement of production factors channeled through the pattern of partnership and pure pattern, and to know the income of irrigated paddy farmers who utilize Credit of Food Security (KKP) pattern of partnership and pure pattern. And the conclusion is the average income of farmers of Ciliwung rice field varieties technical irrigation partnership pattern of Rp 3,763,800 / lg / mt. As well as the income of rice farmers Ciliwung variety of technical irrigation of pure pattern of Rp 3,775,033 / lg / mt.
JASEP Vol 5 No 2 (2019): Jasep : Desember 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Baturaja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (283.62 KB) | DOI: 10.54895/jsp.v5i2.522


Oyter mushroom cultivation has good economic prospects. The oyster mushroom market that has been clear and market demand is always high makes it easy for farmer to market the produktion of oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushroomis one of the comercial products and can be developed with a simple technique. Raw materials needed are cheap and easily obtained materials such as sawdust, bran and lime, while the cultivation process does not require various pestisides or other chemicals. Beside, the market potential of oyster mushroom is still very open and has economic value. Because it can be consumed by all people. Based on the aspect of biology, oyster mushroom are relatively easier to cultivate and do not require extensive land. The producion period of oyster mushrooms is relatively faster so that the harvest period and time are shorter and can be continous. Oyster mushroom cultivation can be managed as a side business or small, medium, and large (industrial) economic business. The objectives of this study were : 1. To analyze the feasibility of farming white oyster mushrooms in the East OKU financially to be developed. 2. Analyze the oyster mushroom trading system in East OKU. 3. Analyze whether the marketing agent of the collecting trader is more efficient than the retailer marketing agency. The result show that financially the cultivation of white oyster mushroom in East OKU is feasible because it has an economic value of R/C ratio 1,3 and a payback period of 17, 22 ( 3,4 periods ). The efficiency of the white oyster mushroom marketing channel includes the highest marketing margin located at retailers, namely Rp 2.250-, /kg compared to collectors who only Rp 2.050-, /kg because the prices offered by retailers are higher than collectors and farmers share is 79,1 %. Traders are more efficient at 4,25 % compared to retaillers of 4,57 %. This is due to the selling price and marketing costs incured by the retailler is greater than the collecting trader.
JASEP Vol 6 No 1 (2020): Jasep : Mei 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Baturaja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.953 KB) | DOI: 10.54895/jsp.v6i1.531


colony cage (communal) or group cage is a cage model in a cage room in which several cattle are placed, freely without being tied, functioning as a place of marriage and enlargement of children until weaned, or used as cages for enlargement and fattening. Group or communal model housing is expected to increase reproductive success and efficient use of labor. Sumber Suko Village is one of the villages located in the Belitang Sub-District of East OKU Regency where farmers communities there have begun to implement communal cage systems for their livestock. The high interest and desire of farmers to join in the maintenance of communal cage systems is an interesting phenomenon to be studied further. The researcher wanted to know what the benefits of the communal system were that encouraged cattle farmers to want to join the system of group cage maintenance. Based on the discussion above can be concluded as follows : (1) To find out the benefits of the housing system for Sumber Suko Village Community. (2) To find out how to maintain an approved internal communication systen in East OKU Regency. (3) To find out how to establish communication between group members who have one goal. How to improve efficiency in addition, members also get manure and also cow urine fermentation that serves to prevent the arrival of group plants as wel as getting assistance from the government in the from of free injection marriage, a feed chopper and bentor communication between group members by establishing effective, intensive communication. Effective communication is communication that can increase the productivity of farmers and communication, can resolve conflicts an can create a enducive environment.
JASEP Vol 6 No 2 (2020): JASEP : DESEMBER 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Baturaja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (544.032 KB) | DOI: 10.54895/jsp.v6i2.663


Since the beginning of development, there is no doubt about the role of the agricultural sector in Indonesia's development. The development of the agricultural sector is directed at increasing the productivity of agricultural products in order to meet the food needs of the community and the needs of domestic industry, increase exports, increase farmers' income, expand employment opportunities and encourage business opportunities. The plantation sector in East OKU is a sector that is not dominant but plays a major role in the regional economy. The magnitude of the role of the plantation sector is seen from economic variables, namely its contribution to GRDP, employment and availability of natural resources. The plantation sub-sector in East OKU Regency with three main commodities of rubber, oil palm and sugar cane. Rubber is a potential commodity that plays an important role as a source of foreign exchange revenue, absorption of labor, driving economic growth in new centers in the area around plantations and environmental preservation. The reduction of rubber plantation land to sugar cane plantation in Belitang Jaya District where in 2016 the rubber plantation area was 6,298 ha, while in 2018 the area of rubber land in Belitang Jaya District became 5,964 ha resulting in a reduction of land by 5.3% in three years . Karya Makmur Village is one of the villages in the Belitang Jaya Subdistrict, East OKU Regency, which has the largest area in transferring land functions from rubber to sugarcane with an area of 58 hectares. Keywords: Commodity Function Change, Land Reduction, Income.
PINISI :Journal of Teacher Professional Vol 2, No 3 (2021): November
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/tpj.v2i3.26096


Model (PBL) mengajak siswa agar mampu melatih kemampuan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa ,sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas ( PTK ). Penelitian ini menggunakan studi dokumen atau hasil-hasil penelitian sebelumnya. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menelusuri jurnal melalui Google Cendekia. Kata kunci yang digunakan untuk penelusuran jurnal adalah : “Upaya peningkatan hasi lbelajar”, “ PBL”, dan “pembelajaran IPA SD”. Dari model Problem Based Learning dipilih 10 hasil penelitian untuk dianalisis lebih lanjut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model PBL dapat meningkatkan proses dan hasil belajar IPA pada siswa Sekolah Dasar. Selain itu ,tujuan dalam pembelajaran IPA pada Sekolah Dasar yaitu diharapkan dengan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah ini dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, sehingga nilai hasil belajar siswa dapat mencapai diatas batas Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). Tandanya guru sudah mampu mengatasi masalah dalam pembelajaran IPA dengan strategi pemecahan masalah, dan berhasil dalam pencapaian tujuan indikator dari tiap-tiap kompetensi dasar pembelajaran IPA yang diinginkan, bisa tercapai semuanya. Maka dari itu ,penggunaan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah cocok digunakan dan diterapkan untuk Kurikulum 2013 dengan pembelajaran Saintifik pada jenjang Sekolah Dasar