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Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika (JANAPATI) Vol 8, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Informatika Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (920.163 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/janapati.v8i2.17193


Dalam kurun waktu tertentu barang elektronik akan mengalami kerusakan. Kerusakan ini disebabkan adanya komponen elektronik yang tidak bekerja dengan semestinya. Salah satu komponen elektronik yang bisa rusak ini adalah resistor. Di sisi penyedia jasa service barang elektronik, ketersediaan komponen resistornya cukup terbatas. Terbatasnya ketersediaan resistor ini dapat menimbulkan masalah bila resistansi dari barang elektronik yang rusak tidak tersedia. Memperhatikan hal tersebut usulan penelitian ini adalah pencarian resistansi yang rusak melalui data ketersediaan resistor menggunakan algpritma genetika. Dalam usulan ini, masukan nilai resistansi rusak akan memberikan luaran berupa kombinasi paralel resistansi yang semiliritas dengan resistansi yang rusak. Penerapan parameter probabilitas crossover 0.9 dan pobabilitas mutasi 0.1, algoritma genetika telah mampu memberikan hasil kombinasi paralel resistansi yabg setara dengan resistansi rusak.
Optimasi Nilai Resistansi Pada Rangkaian Resistansi Kombinasi Paralel-Seri Yang Setara Dengan Nilai Resistansi Rusak Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika F.X. Wisnu Yudo Untoro
KURVATEK Vol 4 No 2 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33579/krvtk.v4i2.1562


This paper discusses the limited availability of resistance values used to obtain the resistance value of a damaged resistor. The proposal offered is to use a parallel-series combination resistance circuit form. To obtain the resistance values for a series of parallel-series combination resistor in order to produce a resistance value equivalent to the resistance value of the damaged resistor using a genetic algorithm. The simulation results show that by providing input in the form of resistance value of the damaged resistor of 75 ῼ, population number 10, number of generations of 50, as well as by input of genetic algorithm operators, between a 90% crossover probability, and 10% gene mutation probability an equivalent resistance value is obtained with the resistance value of the damaged resistor for the parallel-series combination resistance circuit being R1= 50 ῼ, R2 = 50 ῼ, and R3 = 50 ῼ.. Keywords: genetic algorithm, resistor, combination, series parallel resistance circuit.
Automatic Lecture Meeting Folder Based on Hierarchical Directories Wisnu Yudo Untoro
Journal of Telematics and Informatics Vol 7, No 1: MARCH 2019
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/jti.v7i1.


The lecture meeting is a face-to-face meeting between a teacher and the learners in the classroom in the implementation. In the rules that apply that every lecture meeting a teacher must put the signature on the sheet of paper attendance in the signature column. Checking the lecture meeting in this way has its weaknesses, namely easily manipulated. For this reason, there is an idea to design a system that can make automatic college meeting folders every time the teacher runs this system. The experimental results show that the system can automatically create lecture meeting folders for various subject names that are already available.
Model Sistem Buka/Tutup Pelindung Tanaman Hidroponik Otomatis Menggunakan Raspberry Pi Pico F.X. Wisnu Yudo Untoro; Ike Retna Kusumawati
Jambura Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Juli - Desember 2022
Publisher : Teknik Elektro - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (552.659 KB) | DOI: 10.37905/jjeee.v4i2.14420


Pekarangan atau lahan terbatas mengandung potensi yang tersembunyi. Salah satu potensinya adalah untuk peningkatan sumber pendapatan tambahan dengan cara mengubah sebagai lahan bercocok tanam menggunakan teknologi hidroponik. Penerapan teknologi hidroponik pada pekarangan terbuka punya resiko. Resikonya  adalah tanaman hodroponik mudah terkena air hujan pada saat hujan. Usulan yang ditawarkan pada makalah ini untuk menyelesaikan masalah resiko air hujan yang dihadapi tanaman hidroponik adalah membuat sistem buka/tutup pelindung tanaman hidroponik otomatis. Untuk pemrosesan/pengontrol informasi masukan yang berasal dari komponen rain module sensor, LDR sensor, dan RTC dan luaran, serperti komponen  motor servo adalah Raspberry Pi Pico mikrokontroler RP2040. Eksperimen yang dilakukan menunjukkan hasil sebagai berikut: (1) banyak tetes air yang membasahi papan sensor air hujan lebih kecil dari 4 (empat), prototipe pelindung tanaman hidroponik dalam kondisi buka. (2) banyak tetes air yang membasahi papan sensor air hujan lebih besar dari 4 (empat), prototipe pelindung tanaman hidroponik dalam kondisi tutup. (3) Perubahan papan sensor air hujan dari keadaan basah ke kering, motor servo memberi respon gerak pada prototipe pelindung tanaman hidroponik menutup dan berlaku sebaliknya. Informasi ini menunjukkan bahwa prototipe sistem buka/tutup pelindung tanaman hidroponik otomatis menggunakan Raspberry Pi Pico dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif penyelesaian resiko air hujan pada tanaman hidroponik.ollerAbstract— The yard or limited land contains hidden potential. One of the potentials is to increase additional sources of income by converting it to farming land using hydroponic technology. The application of hydroponic technology in open yards has risks. The risk is that hydroponic plants are easily exposed to rain when it rains. The proposal offered in this paper to solve the problem of rainwater risk faced by hydroponic plants is to create an automatic hydroponic plant protection open/close system. For processing/controlling input information from the rain module sensor, LDR sensor, and RTC and output components, such as the servo motor component, the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller RP2040. The experiments carried out showed the following results: (1) the number of drops of water that wet the rainwater sensor board was less than 4 (four), and the prototype of the hydroponic plant protector was in an open condition. (2) the number of drops of water that wet the rainwater sensor board is greater than 4 (four), and the hydroponic plant protector prototype is in a closed condition. (3) Changes in the rainwater sensor board from wet to dry, the servo motor responds to the motion of the hydroponic plant protection prototype closing and vice versa. This information shows that the prototype of an automatic hydroponic plant protection open/close system using Raspberry Pi Pico can be used as an alternative to solve the risk of rainwater on hydroponic plants.
Sistem Informasi Hasil Ulangan Harian Berbasis Web Indah Puji Djahuari; F.X. Wisnu Yudo Untoro
Melek IT : Information Technology Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): Melek IT : Information Technology Journal
Publisher : Informatics Engineering Department-UWKS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.951 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v5i1.142


Data Processing Information Systems Web-Based Daily Value Deuteronomy is a system that provides information reports online activity of students in the form of daily test results report grades and student information concerned with web-based, so it helps speed and quality in the delivery of information. Problems that occur in the processing of value in SMP Negeri 5 Manokwari today is still conventional, as is still done manually or by writing in leger value so much time and effort required to process the task. This study aims to establish an information system which facilitates the checking value, recording and reporting of data values ??computerized student. In addition to the web-based data information can be accessed anytime and anywhere. This system works to enter and store data report student grades. This study has resulted in a processing system that helps value the work of teachers and can help users to perform processing values ??to the management of the value that can be processed effectively and efficiently, so that it can directly access and can be conveyed properly.
Melek IT : Information Technology Journal Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Melek IT: Information Technology Journal
Publisher : Informatics Department-Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v8i2.269


One of the tasks of the student affairs department at tertiary institutions is to select prospective students who receive the BBM and PPA scholarships. Each prospective scholarship recipient must receive one of the types of scholarships offered and are not allowed to receive both types of BBM and PPA scholarships. Taking into account the requirements and criteria that apply to the BBM and PPA scholarships there are differences and there are quite a number of candidates who submit them, of course the time needed to make a decision on scholarship recipients manually will be long. Therefore, it is proposed that a decision making algorithm for BBM and PPA scholarship recipients uses the concept of an analytical hierarchy process that is able to make judgments based on the criteria that exist in each individual. The proposed algorithm is implemented using PHP programming by storing both the input data and the results of data processing in the MySQL database. The experimental results show that the decision-making algorithms for BBM scholarship recipients and PPA scholarship recipients produce decisions that are as expected and can be used as decision makers that are free from acts of collusion, corruption, nepotism, and abuse of authority.
Perancangan Prototipe Kunci Pintu Digital Berbasis IoT Menggunakan Metode HDLC Arvin Claudy Frobenius; Jeki Kuswanto; Rivan Ardiansyah; F.X. Wisnu Yudo Untoro
Jambura Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Juli - Desember 2023
Publisher : Electrical Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering State University of Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/jjeee.v5i2.20096


Rumah yang nyaman dan aman yang mampu melindungi penghuni maupun harta benda yang dimiliki dari tindak kejahatan merupakan idaman bagi setiap pemilik rumah. Pelindung yang mampu melindungi rumah itu adalah kunci pintu. Sebagai pelindung rumah, seharusnya kunci pintu dapat terhindar dari perusakan, pembobolan, ataupun penduplikasian oleh orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Namun, pada kenyataaannya yang terjadi adalah tidak demikian. Oleh karena itu, tujuan pada makalah ini adalah membuat minimum viable product kunci pintu digital berbasis IoT yang terhubung dengan smartphone android dengan menerapkan perangkat touch sensor, keypad, dan RFID sebagai masukan data dan sebagai pengolah data masukan menggunakan mikrokontoler NodeMCU ESP8266 agar akses membuka pintu tidak melalui perusakan, pembobolan, ataupun penduplikasian kunci pintu. Untuk mencapai tujuan itu pada makalah ini metode pemecahan masalah menggunakan metode Hardware Development Life Cycle (HDLC). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa minimum viable product kunci pintu digital berbasis IoT yang dihasilkan menggunakan metode HDLC dapat bekerja dengan baik sesuai dengan harapan dalam perancangan, yaitu untuk membuka kunci pintu digital bisa menggunakan salah satu perangkat yang tersedia pada kunci pintu digital, yaitu touch sensor, keypad atau RFID. Untuk membuka kunci pintu digital menggunakan touch sensor hanya membutuhkan sentuhan tangan pada perangkat touch sensor. Sedangkan untuk membuka kunci pintu digital menggunakan perangkat keypad perlu menombol kombinasi angka pada perangkat keypad. Bila kombinasi angka masukan dari perangkat keypad sesuai dengan yang diajarkan pada kunci pintu digital maka kunci pintu digital akan membuka. Selanjutnya, untuk membuka kunci pintu digital menggunakan RFID dapat menggunakan dua jenis kartu, yaitu kartu bawaan (emergency card) atau kartu e-KTP. Kartu e-KTP yang dapat digunakan untuk membuka kunci pintu digital adalah kartu e-KTP yang sudah diajarkan pada kunci pintu digital.A comfortable and safe home that is able to protect residents and property owned from crime is a dream for every homeowner. The protector that can protect the house is the door lock. As a home protector, door locks should be able to avoid vandalism, break-ins, or duplication by irresponsible people. However, in reality, this is not the case. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to create a minimum viable product of IoT-based digital door locks connected to Android smartphones by applying touch sensor devices, keypads, and RFID as data input and as an input data processor using the NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller so that access to open the door is not through vandalism, break-in, or duplication of door locks. To achieve that goal in this paper the problem solving method uses the Hardware Development Life Cycle (HDLC) method. The test results show that the minimum viable product of the IoT-based digital door lock produced using the HDLC method can work well in accordance with the expectations in the design, namely to open the digital door lock can use one of the devices available on the digital door lock, namely the touch sensor, keypad or RFID. To unlock a digital door using a touch sensor only requires a hand touch on the touch sensor device. Meanwhile, to unlock the digital door using a keypad device, you need to press a combination of numbers on the keypad device. If the input number combination from the keypad device matches what is taught on the digital door lock, the digital door lock will open. Furthermore, to unlock the digital door using RFID can use two types of cards, namely the built-in card (emergency card) or e-KTP card. The e-KTP card that can be used to open the digital door lock is the e-KTP card that has been taught on the digital door lock
Melek IT : Information Technology Journal Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024): Melek IT: Information Technology Journal
Publisher : Informatics Department-Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30742/melekitjournal.v10i1.272


Information systems have significantly evolved in tandem with advancements in information technology. This evolution has led PT Gaia Solution to transform from conventional business practices to digital systems, particularly for managing assessments and interviews. The transformation aims to create a web application dedicated to handling assessment and interview operations at PT Gaia Solution. This study adopts the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology using the waterfall model, which consists of the stages of requirements analysis, system design, implementation, testing, and evaluation. Application evaluation shows satisfactory results, with blackbox testing achieving a 100% success rate and high UI/UX satisfaction among users. The application was completed on time according to the set deadline and provides speed and performance that meet expectations. The outcome is a fully functional website that effectively addresses PT Gaia Solution's requirements for managing assessments and interview activities. By overcoming the limitations of the conventional system, this transformation boosts the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the company's processes. This success demonstrates that the implementation of SDLC with a waterfall approach can produce an effective web-based application as a form of transformation from conventional to digital systems at PT Gaia Solution, particularly for assessment and interview activities. This transformation can be immediately implemented and provides significant benefits to the company, including improved operational performance, data accuracy, and flexibility.