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Pengaruh Penempatan Pegawai dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Kantor Badan Pendapatan Daerah Kota Jayapura Mohammad Aldrin Akbar; Fachrudin Taher; Mursalam Salim; Samsudin Arifin Dabamona
Jurnal Ekonomika Vol 6 No 2 (2022): JURNAL EKONOMIKA - AGUSTUS
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDIKTI) Wilayah IX - Sulawesi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37541/ekonomika.v6i2.723


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penempatan pegawai dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai. Jumlah responden penelitian adalah 134 orang pegawai. Dari hasil uji analisis data diperoleh hasil bahwa secara parsial penempatan pegawai dan lingkungan kerja secara parsial berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, demikian pula hasil uji simultan diketahui bahwa variable penempatan pegawai dan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai. Diketahui pula bahwa variable lingkungan kerja berpengaruh dominan terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Kantor badan Pendapatan Daerah Kota Jayapura
MEMAHAMI ETNOGRAFI PAPUA MELALUI STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN TUR STUDI Samsudin Arifin Dabamona; Imran Syafei M. Nur; Anwar Moch. Roem; Mohammad Aldrin Akbar
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan, Kemendikbudristek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/jpnk.v6i2.2386


Penelitian yang mengkaji antara metode pembelajaran tur studi dan etnografi relatif sangat terbatas khususnya dalam konteks Indonesia. Penelitian ini mengkaji pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap etnografi Papua dan tantangan melakukan tur studi etnografi berdasarkan refleksi terhadap model pembelajaran ini. Partisipan dalam penelitian adalah mahasiswa Universitas Yapis Papua, Jayapura, yang berpartisipasi dalam program tur studi ke Museum Lokabudaya, Universitas Cenderawasih. Penelitian mengadopsi penelitian kualitatif dengan metode grounded theory. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Analisis data dilakukan melalui proses pengkodean dengan pendekatan induktif dan dengan bantuan software NVivo (12). Hasil dari analisis data membentuk beberapa kategori di antaranya budaya dan konteks (pemahaman budaya lokal), eksplorasi budaya dan keterhubungan, serta melihat budaya dalam perspektif berbeda. Hasil penelitian juga memberi gambaran tantangan tur studi berdasarkan refleksi partisipan. Kesimpulan, partisipan menunjukkan transformasi pemahaman budaya dan nilai-nilai yang lebih luas dengan tidak hanya berfokus pada budaya dan suku yang ditampilkan di museum, tetapi juga menghubungkan dengan budaya yang dibawa dan melekat pada diri partisipan. Meskipun demikian, fungsi kontrol dalam tur studi merupakan kelemahan terbesar dan dapat memberi pengaruh terhadap hasil dan tujuan pembelajaran.
Pengaruh Penempatan Pegawai dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Kantor Badan Pendapatan Daerah Kota Jayapura Mohammad Aldrin Akbar; Fachrudin Taher; Mursalam Salim; Samsudin Arifin Dabamona
Jurnal Ekonomika Vol 6 No 2 (2022): JURNAL EKONOMIKA - AGUSTUS
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDIKTI) Wilayah IX - Sulawesi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37541/ekonomika.v6i2.723


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penempatan pegawai dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai. Jumlah responden penelitian adalah 134 orang pegawai. Dari hasil uji analisis data diperoleh hasil bahwa secara parsial penempatan pegawai dan lingkungan kerja secara parsial berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, demikian pula hasil uji simultan diketahui bahwa variable penempatan pegawai dan lingkungan kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai. Diketahui pula bahwa variable lingkungan kerja berpengaruh dominan terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Kantor badan Pendapatan Daerah Kota Jayapura
Tinjauan Literatur Sistematis terhadap Pengalaman Wisatawan dalam Kegiatan Wisata Halal Samsudin Arifin Dabamona
Jurnal Kepariwisataan: Destinasi, Hospitalitas dan Perjalanan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Pariwisata NHI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34013/jk.v6i2.814


The development of the tourism industry cannot be separated from its relationship with the experience of tourists who have been involved at an emotional, physical, intellectual, or even spiritual level. Halal tourism is unique and different because the tourist experience becomes bound by Islamic laws and regulations. This research is a literature review study that aims to map and reflect on the literature based on academic databases in the field of halal tourism and tourist experiences. Using a content analysis approach to 51 academic writings, this study illustrates the distribution of tourists and halal tourism, provides context in scientific disciplines and focuses on geographic coverage and an overview of the tourist experience based on typology. The results of the study indicate some areas that are still underexplored and recommend solutions to solve them.
Museum Budaya dan Tantangannya: Kajian Multiperspektif di Papua Samsudin Arifin Dabamona; Muhammad Farid Idris; Mohammad Aldrin Akbar; Mursalam Salim
Sosial Budaya Vol 19, No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/sb.v19i2.19117


Museums, especially cultural museums have always been considered as gatekeepers of culture that put forward the main concepts of cultural preservation and conservation. Cultural visit to museums is effective stimulant in increasing cultural awareness, as well as strengthening the cultural identity of visitors. This paper explores the challenges of developing museums and Papuan culture from various perspectives. The discussion also highlights the transformation of museums into Papuan culture and the point of view of ideal conservation and preservation values based on the experiences and views of the group participants. Through qualitative research, the study formed three big themes:  1) Collection and space management; 2) Museum Image; and 3) human resources capacity building and moral responsibility. To improve services in the field of culture, the study suggested that museums in Papua need to think to strengthening museum management collection while providing visiting convenience and increasing support staff in the cultural fieldTRANSLATE with x EnglishArabicHebrewPolishBulgarianHindiPortugueseCatalanHmong DawRomanianChinese SimplifiedHungarianRussianChinese TraditionalIndonesianSlovakCzechItalianSlovenianDanishJapaneseSpanishDutchKlingonSwedishEnglishKoreanThaiEstonianLatvianTurkishFinnishLithuanianUkrainianFrenchMalayUrduGermanMalteseVietnameseGreekNorwegianWelshHaitian CreolePersian //  TRANSLATE with COPY THE URL BELOW Back EMBED THE SNIPPET BELOW IN YOUR SITE Enable collaborative features and customize widget: Bing Webmaster PortalBack//
Penggunaan Hyperlink dalam Materi Belajar dan Keaktifan Pembelajaran Siswa SMK di Papua Selama Pandemi Covid 19 Samsudin Arifin Dabamona; Hasruddin Duta
SAP (Susunan Artikel Pendidikan) Vol 7, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/sap.v7i3.14222


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of learning techniques through online links and the learning activities of students of SMKN 3 Jayapura Class XI TKRO during the Covid 19 Pandemic. The study applied Classroom Action Research (CAR) as a research method during 4th semester 2020/2021. The research consisted of two cycles consisting of four elements: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The study used information from observations, personal interactions, class group WA interactions and identification of student assignments (without assessment) to collect and analyze data. This research indicated that online learning by using a link reference strategy was able to improve the effectiveness of learning. Learning activity was increased through active interaction that was relevant to the material and the collection of tasks that exceed the predetermined indicator.
An exploration of participants’ views and experiences of cultural museum and its challenges Jufri Dabamona; Samsudin Arifin Dabamona
Gelar : Jurnal Seni Budaya Vol 21, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/glr.v21i2.4686


Cultural museums have always been considered gatekeepers of culture, putting forth the main concepts of cultural preservation and conservation. This paper explores the challenges faced by two cultural museums from various perspectives and examines the transformation of museums to support Papuan culture through conservation and preservation values based on the experiences and views of the participants. This study is qualitative research employing an interpretive strategy, with museum personnel, cultural agencies in Papua Province, academics, and teachers from Cenderawasih University as participants. Data were collected using in-depth interviews, field observations, and literature studies. The study identified three themes: (1) Collection and space management, (2) Museum image, and (3) Human resources capacity building and moral responsibility. To improve cultural services, the study suggests that museums in Papua need to focus on strengthening museum collection management, providing visitor convenience, and increasing staff support in the cultural field.
Tinjauan Literatur Sistematis terhadap Pengalaman Wisatawan dalam Kegiatan Wisata Halal Samsudin Arifin Dabamona
Jurnal Kepariwisataan: Destinasi, Hospitalitas dan Perjalanan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Pariwisata NHI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34013/jk.v6i2.814


The development of the tourism industry cannot be separated from its relationship with the experience of tourists who have been involved at an emotional, physical, intellectual, or even spiritual level. Halal tourism is unique and different because the tourist experience becomes bound by Islamic laws and regulations. This research is a literature review study that aims to map and reflect on the literature based on academic databases in the field of halal tourism and tourist experiences. Using a content analysis approach to 51 academic writings, this study illustrates the distribution of tourists and halal tourism, provides context in scientific disciplines and focuses on geographic coverage and an overview of the tourist experience based on typology. The results of the study indicate some areas that are still underexplored and recommend solutions to solve them.