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Conciencia Vol 24 No 1 (2024): Conciencia
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/2qjq7c17


The purpose of this study is to find out how SMK Informatika Kota Serang forms leadership character in its students who are generation-Z. Leadership is the art of influencing and directing others to achieve common goals using principles such as obedience, trust, honour and cooperation. This leadership spirit is possessed by every generation, including Generation Z. The characteristics of this generation have a speciality that is close to technology because since birth they have known technology, growing up with the advancement of smartphones and social media. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection was done through observation and literature study. Observations were made of the Basic Student Leadership Training and Islamic Gathering activities attended by students of SMK Informatika Kota Serang. Literature study was conducted by reviewing activity documents and literature on leadership. Based on the results of the study obtained information that the Basic Student Leadership Training (LDKS) and Islamic Gathering programme. LDKS and Islamic Gathering programmes have great potential to shape leadership character in Generation Z which is supported by strong exposure to technology. LDKS can bridge Generation Z in developing the ability to lead, communicate, cooperate, overcome challenges more effectively and increase motivation and self-confidence.  And Islamic Gathering activities as a character application habituation programme can shape students to have good and effective leader characters. 
Internalization of Religious Values through Tadzkiroh and Khotmul Qur'an Programs to Reduce Sarcasm Behavior in Generation-Z (Case Study at SMA Informatika Serang City) Murniasih, Eri; Abdul Mujib; Hunainah
Tadrib: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol 10 No 1 (2024): Tadrib: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan UIN Raden Fatah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/cp79ek09


Sarcasm behavior is one of the social phenomena among Generation Z. Sarcasm, which is often used as a form of joking humor or criticism, can have a negative impact on interpersonal communication and individual mental health. This study aims to examine how the Tadzkiroh & Khotmul Qur'an program internalizes religious values in order to reduce sarcasm among Generation Z. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach method with the type of case study conducted at SMA Informatika Serang City. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and program observations. The results showed that the internalization of religious values such as responsibility, honesty, empathy, and mutual respect and compassion in the Tadzkiroh & Khotmul Qur'an program includes three stages; value transformation, value transaction and value internalization which contribute to the prevention of sarcasm behavior among students. This article recommends the widespread implementation of similar programs in various educational institutions as a preventive effort against negative behavior and as a means of forming a noble young generation.
Tipologi pengajaran dan pendidikan Islam di Banten dalam pengaruh tokoh ulama abad 19-20 Murniasih, Eri; Anshori, Irfan
TA`DIBUNA Vol 13 No 1 (2024)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun, Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/tadibuna.v13i1.15379


Banten has a lot of culture and culture and is synonymous with the sultanate, so it has many Islamic educational institutions and centers of Islamic government. This research aims to describe the history of the development of Islamic education in Banten in the 19th and 20th centuries. This research was carried out using the literature study method through the approach of figures (ulama) who were influential in spreading Islam. Judging from the struggle and contribution to education and organizations in the Banten region. The research results show that Banten's progress cannot be separated from the disciplined work of its ulama in aspects of Islamic science. Four models or patterns of Islamic religious education and teaching institutions are known and running from time to time in Banten, namely Islamic religious education in Islamic boarding schools, madrasas, majlis ta'lim, and religious education in public schools. The progress of Islam in Banten was also supported by the establishment of Islamic organizations such as Mathla'ul Anwar, Al-Khairiyah, and Mathla’ul Anwar Linahdlatil Ulama (MALNU) which became the basis of Islamic power in Banten.   Abstrak Banten memiliki banyak kultur, budaya serta identik dengan wilayah kesultanan sehingga banyak mencetak lembaga pendidikan keislaman dan pusat pemerintahan Islam. Tujuan penelitian ini menggambarkan sejarah perkembangan pendidikan Islam di Banten abad 19-20. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode studi kepustakaan melalui pendekatan tokoh (ulama) yang berpengaruh dalam menyebarkan Islam. Dilihat dari perjuangan serta kontribusinya dalam pendidikan, dan organisasi yang ada di wilayah Banten. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemajuan Banten tidak terlepas dari kiprah para ulamanya yang disiplin dalam aspek keilmuan Islam. Dan terdapat empat model atau pola institusi pendidikan dan pengajaran agama Islam yang dikenal dan berjalan dari waktu ke waktu di Banten yaitu pendidikan agama Islam di pondok pesantren, madrasah, majelis ta’lim dan pendidikan agama di sekolah umum. Kemajuan Islam di Banten juga di dukung dengan didirikannya organisasi Islam seperti Mathla’ul Anwar, Perguruan Al-Khairiyah serta Mathla’ul Anwar Linahdlatil Ulama (MALNU) yang menjadi basis kekuatan Islam di Banten.  
Telaah kritis pemikiran J. Mark Halstead mengenai konsep pendidikan Islam dalam artikel “An Islamic Concept of Education” Murniasih, Eri; Wahyuddin, Wawan; Muhajir
TA`DIBUNA Vol 13 No 2 (2024)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ibn Khaldun, Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/tadibuna.v13i2.15690


The concept of Islamic education continues to develop and is very interesting to study because many thoughts on Islamic education continue to emerge both from Muslim circles and from Western thinkers. This article aims to examine J. Mark Halstead's thoughts from his work entitled "An Islamic Concept of Education". By using literature reviews sourced from these articles, books, and other related journals. The results of the research are that this paper discusses; First, philosophical problems in Islamic education. Second, examine the sources available to systematically explore the principles of Islamic education, namely the Al-Qur'an, Al-Hadith, and writings from the time of Islamic civilization that discuss educational issues in general. The third discusses educational terms in Arabic, namely, tarbiyah, ta'dib and ta'lim as well as the three dimensions of Islamic education, namely individual development, social and moral education, and the acquisition of knowledge. According to Halstead, the concept of Islamic education, if juxtaposed in creative interaction with Western thought concepts, will create innovative and solution base thinking.   Abstrak Konsep Pendidikan Islam terus mengalami perkembangan dan sangat menarik untuk dikaji karena banyaknya pemikiran pendidikan Islam yang terus muncul baik dari kalangan muslim maupun dari pemikir barat. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menelaah pemikiran J. Mark Halstead dari karyanya yang berjudul “An Islamic Concept of Education”. Dengan menggunakan kajian pustaka bersumber dari artikel tersebut, buku dan jurnal lainnya yang berkaitan. Hasil dari penelitian adalah tulisan ini membahas tentang; pertama, permasalahan filsafat dalam Pendidikan Islam. Kedua mengkaji sumber yang tersedia untuk mengeksplorasi secara sistematis prinsip-prinsip pendidikan Islam yakni Al-Qur’an, Al-Hadist, dan tulisan pada masa peradaban Islam yang membahas masalah pendidikan secara umum. Ketiga membahas istilah-istilah pendidikan dalam Bahasa Arab yaitu, tarbiyah, ta’dib dan ta’lim serta tiga dimensi Pendidikan Islam yaitu pengembangan individu, pendidikan sosial dan moral, dan perolehan pengetahuan. Konsep Pendidikan Islam menurut Halstead jika disandingkan dalam interaksi kreatif antara dengan konsep pemikiran Barat akan menciptakan pemikiran yang inovatif dan solutif.