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SUPLEMEN: Registrasi Kanker Berbasis Rumah Sakit di Rumah Sakit Kanker "Dharmais" – Pusat Kanker Nasional Pusat Kanker, 1993-2007 SUZANNA, EVLINA; SIRAIT, TIARLAN; RAHAYU, PRADNYA SRI; SHALMONT, GRACE; ANWAR, ELFIRA; ANDALUSIA, RIZKA; -, HARJATI; PANIGORO, SONAR SONI
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 6, No 4 (2012): Oct - Dec 2012
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Toksisitas Hematologi Regimen TAC (Docetaxel-Doksorubisin-Siklofosfamid) dan FAC (Fluorourasil-Doksorubisin-Siklofosfamid) pada Pasien Kanker Payudara di Rumah Sakit Kanker “Dharmais” Jakarta: Analisis Data Rekam Medik 2007-2008 Regimen, Toksisitas Hematologi; ANDRAJATI, RETNOSARI; ANDALUSIA, RIZKA
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 4, No 1 (2010): Jan - Mar 2010
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Breast cancer in Indonesia the second most common cancer in women after cervical cancer in 2008. FAC and TAC are chemotherapy regiments for breast cancer that give good therapy response but affect patient haematology. Study about hematologic toxicity of TAC and FAC in breast cancer patient has not been conducted in “Dharmais” Cancer Hospital. The purpose of this study was to determine hematologic toxicity of 6 cycles TAC (docetaxel 75 mg/m2, doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 and cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m2, day 1, 21) and FAC (fluorouracil 500 mg/m2, doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 and cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m2, day 1, 21) in breast cancer patients in “Dharmais” Cancer Hospital. This study used cross sectional design in 11 and 179 patient medical records that were indentified treated with TAC and FAC. Patients received first cycles both regiments in 2007-2008. All stages of breast cancer were included in this study. Differences between TAC and FAC in proportion of haematology count after chemotherapy and average decrease of hematology count were analyzed by chi square and t test statistic methods. From 66 hematology data in patients treated with 6 cycles TAC grade 1-4 of hematologic toxicity occurred 84,8% in haemoglobin with average decrease 0,71 g/dl; 97% in leucocyte with average decrease 7,51 x 103 cell/?l; 22,7% in trombocyte with average decrease 147,77 x 103 cell/mm3. From 1079 hematology data in patients treated with 6 cycles FAC grade 1-4 of hematologic toxicity occurred 72,6% in haemoglobin with average decrease 0,66 g/dl; 85% in leucocyte with average decrease 2,73 x 103 cell/?l; and 10,9% in thrombocyte with average decrease 104,25 x 103 cell/mm3.
Media Farmasi: Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi Vol 11, No 2: September 2014
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5012.078 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/mf.v11i2.1877


Pasien dengan penyakit leukemia pada umumnya rentan terhadap infeksi dan apabila terkena infeksi seringkali sulit diatasi. Pemilihan antibiotika harus berdasarkan hasil kultur, pola resistensi serta guideline yang ada karena mikroorganisme dan sensitivitasnya terhadap antibiotika senantiasa berubah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penggunaan antibiotika pada pasien dewasa dengan leukemia akut yang mengalami febrile neutropenia setelah pemberian kemoterapi di RS Kanker Dharmais Jakarta. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian observasional deskriptif dengan pengambilan data pasien secara retrospektif dan prospektif periode bulan Januari - Mei 2014. Data semua pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi diambil dari catatan rekam  medis pasien. Pada penelitian ini terdapat 18 episode febrile neutropenia pada pasien dewasa dengan  leukemia akut. Pengggunaan antibiotika empirik monoterapi ditemukan sejumlah 10 episode (55,56%) dan yang terbanyak digunakan adalah sefepim (27,78%) sedangkan penggunaan antibiotika empirik kombinasi ditemukan sejumlah 8 episode (44,44%) dan yang terbanyak adalah kombinasi sefepim dengan amikasin (22,22%). Pada 16 episode (88,89%)  regimen antibiotika yang digunakan telah sesuai dengan guideline terbaru dari IDSA, NCCN dan Panduan  Tatalaksana Febrile Neutropeni / Demam Neutropenia pada Pasien Kanker. Antibiotika empirik yang digunakan sesuai dengan hasil kultur adalah sebesar 66,67%. Durasi antibiotika yang diberikan pada pasien febrile neutropenia adalah 6 sampai 34 hari. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pasien yang mengalami keberhasilan terapi sebanyak 16 episode (88,89%). Kata kunci : febrile neutropenia, antibiotika, leukemia akut
Perbandingan Efikasi Beberapa Kombinasi Antiretroviral pada Pasien HIV/AIDS ditinjau dari Kenaikan Jumlah CD4 Rata-Rata (Analisis Data Rekam Medis Di RSK Dharmais Jakarta Tahun 2005 – 2006) Rahmadini, Yulian; Andrajati, Retnosari; Andalusia, Rizka
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Dharmais Cancer Hospital is one of 237 hospital appointed by the government of Indonesia to give treatment, support and ARV therapy for HIV/AIDS patients. Ev-ery year, there is a significant increasing number of HIV/AIDS patients in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, therefore successfully of therapy is needed to be carried out regularly for the optimum result to the patients. One of methods to evaluating therapy is by reviewing efficacy of ARV combinations toward escalation of immunity respond (es-calation of CD4). The ARV combinations give a good efficacy if increasing CD4 > 50 cell/mm3. The objective of this study was to know the efficacy of four ARV combina-tion (each type consists of two Nucleosides Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor and one Non-Nucleosides Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor) base on increasing CD4 mean HIV/AIDS patients after 6 – 12 months treatment in Dharmais Cancer Hospital from 2005 – 2006, and to compare the efficacy of four ARV combinations. The four ARV combinations are combination I (Lamivudin + Zidovudin + Efavirenz), combina-tions II (Lamivudin + Zidovudin + Nevirapin), combination III (Lamivudin + Stavudin + Efavirenz), and combination IV (Lamivudin + Stavudin + Nevirapin). This study was analytical, cross-sectional design. Samples for this study were taken by total sampling using all data of HIV/AIDS patients in Dharmais Cancer Hospital from the year 2005 – 2006. The inclusion criteria were patients of fifteen years of age or more, baseline count CD4 < 200 cell/mm3, received ARV treatment for 6 – 12 months, received treatment of either one of the four ARV combination, and had data of CD4 from laboratory result before and after the treatment. Data were taken from patients’ medical record and analyzed with ANOVA-test. The result of this study from 151 patients showed that all the four combinations gave good efficacy based on the increasing CD4 mean. There was a significant difference increasing CD4 mean to HIV/AIDS patients between those received ARV combination II and those received ARV combination III (p value = 0,032). And there was not a significant difference for the other combinations. This study was from the four ARV combinations gave two the best efficacy are combination II and combination III.