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PHARMACIANA Vol 3, No 1: Mei 2013

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The study about impact of limited oral antituberculosis information delivered by pharmacist to patient compliance and their quality of life in two public health centers inYogyakarta has been carried out. This study was performed using cohort event monitoring design, with 14 pulmonary TB patients and positive Acid Resistant Basil were treated with oral antituberculosis (OAT) for at least 1 month and were older than15 years old. We observed the compliance of one group of patients using oral antituberculosis who were serviced with OAT information and the other group without OAT information service. The patients’ compliance was checked by counting theremaining OAT and by interviewing the patients, meanwhile patient’s quality of life were measured by SF-36 instrument. The correlation between limited OAT information service and patient compliance were analysed using Chi Square and quality of patient’s life were analysed using Independent t-Test with 95% confidence level. It was shown that characteristics of patients such as age, gender, education, duration of illness, andDirectly Observed Treatment involvement did not influence patient compliance. There was no significant correlation between limited OAT information service to patient compliance and patients’ quality of life (P>0.05). There is no impact of limited OAT information service to the TB patients’ compliance and their quality of life. We suggested that the further and deeply information service delivered by pharmacists in the public helath centers in Yogyakarta should be carried out.
Polymorphisms of organic cation transporter 1 and the drugs response Perwitasari, Dyah Aryani
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) Vol 43, No 02 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Polymorphisms of proteins which have an important role in drug transport, metabolism, and disposition in the bodycould affect the drugs efficacy and toxicity. The organic cation transporter 1 (OCT1), encoded by SLC22A1 gene,has been known as one of the polyspecific protein transporters which could affect some of the cationic drugresponse such as metformin, levodopa and imatinib. However, the findings of many studies an association of OCT1polymorphisms and drug response both in Caucasian and Asian were still inconsistent. Moreover, this study’s topicin Asians was still uncommon. This review was aimed to explore the polymorphisms of OCT 1 in Asians and Caucasiansand to find the challenges of the next studies in Asians. The articles about OCT1 polymorphisms were searched inthe PubMed with the keywords; OCT1 or SLC22A1, polymorphisms. There were ten articles of OCT1 polymorphismswhich are related to the drug response and most of the studies were performed in Caucasian subjects. In Caucasians,the rs622342 variant might associated with the response of metformin and levodopa. Moreover, the R61C and420del variants still showed the inconsistent findings associated with metformin response. The non-synonymousvariants which were found in Caucasians were not found in Asian. However, the new non-synonymous variantswere found in Japanese, Chinese, Indian and Korean population and some of them were associated with the metforminresponse. The recent findings found in Caucasians cancer patients, were related to the association of non-synonymousvariants haplotype and the 5-Hydroxytriptamine Receptor Antagonists drug response. The inconsistent results ofOCT1 polymorphisms studies could be related to the study’s sample size and design of the studies. Further studieswhich exploring the association of OCT1 polymorphisms and drug pharmacokinetic profiles and/or drug response,which were adjusted by genetic variants of proteins involved in drug tansport, metabolism and disposition are stillneeded in both Caucasians and Asians. Additional large studies also considering non-genetic risk factors are warranted,to implement the results of the various studies into clinical practice.Key words: OCT1- polymorphisms – Asians – Caucasians - drug response
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Skip Utara, 55281, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (15.106 KB) | DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm27iss1pp22


            Currently, Indonesia is in the fifth rank of highest TB prevalence over the world. One of the TB problem is low patients’ adherence due to the oral antituberculosis induced hepatotoxicity. Polymorphisms of NAT2 and CYP2E1 genes had important role in the isoniazid (INH)-induced hepatotoxicity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the polymorphisms profile of NAT2 and CYP2E1 genes associated with hepatotoxicity induced by INH.                         We used cohort design in Public Health Centers and Lung Clinics of Yogyakarta and Lampung. The inclusion criteria were adult subjects (> 18 yo), newly diagnosed TB and treated by oral antituberculosis, normal function of renal and live and willingness to participate in this study. Subjects were excluded when having positive reaction of  HbsAg test, history of HIV and abnormality of renal and liver function. The SNPs of NAT2 and CYP2E1 were designed using IPlex method of DNA sequenom.             Among 57 TB patients, we found 14 patients with higher INH serum concentration and experienced increase of ALT-AST. Subjects with  SNPs of rs 2070676, rs 1329149, rs 3813867, rs 6413432, rs 8192772, rs 2031920, rs 2515641, rs 8192775, rs 915908 of  CYP2E1  experienced increase of ALT and AST. Subjects with SNPs  of rs 1799930, rs1799931, rs1801279, rs1801280, rs1799929 , rs1208, rs1041983 of  NAT2 are associated with the increase of ALT and AST.             The polymorphisms of  CYP2E1 and NAT2 may have a role in the mechanisms of INH induced DILI. Keywords: CYP2E1, NAT2, tuberculosis, isoniazid, Indonesia
Jurnal Ilmiah Ibnu Sina (JIIS): Ilmu Farmasi dan Kesehatan Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Akademi Farmasi ISFI Banjarmasin

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           Diabetes mellitus merupakan sekumpulan penyakit metabolik dengan karakteristik hiperglikemia yang terjadi karena kelainan sekresi insulin, kerja insulin atau kedua-duanya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas hidup pasien DM tipe 2 di RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul, Yogyakarta.            Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode obsevasional crossectional dengan mengambil data secara prospektif selama periode oktober – desember 2013. Subyek penelitian adalah pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 rawat jalan di RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul yang telah menerima antidiabetik oral minimal 6 bulan terapi sebelum pengukuran kualitas hidup. Subyek yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi sejumlah 56 pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok monoterapi sejumlah 24 pasien dan kelompok kombinasi terapi sejumlah 32 pasien. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara dan pengisian kuesioner Diabetes Quality of Life Clinical Trial Quesionnaire (DQLCTQ)  dan Time Trade Off (TTO) untuk mengukur kualitas hidup.            Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas hidup (DQLCTQ) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kedua kelompok ini pada domain kepuasan pribadi dan kepuasan pengobatan. Berdasarkan kuesioner TTO, tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok monoterapi dan kombinasi terapi.Kata kunci : Diabetes, Kualitas Hidup, DQLCTQ, TTO
Studi pharmacovigilance obat di puskesmas X Yogyakarta muthaharah, mustika; Perwitasari, Dyah Aryani; Kertia, Nyoman
Pharmaciana Vol 7, No 1 (2017): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (251.367 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v7i1.4227


ABSTRACT The increasing  use of herbal medicine in community also increase adverse event and toxicity report. Adverse events and toxicity can be detected with pharmacovigilance system. Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) of herbal medicines are rarely studied in Indonesia. With the increasing use of herbal medicines in Indonesia, pharmacovigilance studies are necessary to detect the incidence of ADR. The purpose of this study is to describe the incidence of ADR on the use of herbal medicines. This research is a descriptive study using retrospective data. Research was conducted for 3 months by taking 10-month retrospective data backward using medical record. Interviews were conducted to identify the occurrence of ADR and assessment of quality of life using Naranjo algorithm.The result showed that three (13.63%) of 22 patients experiencing the ADR with probability of probable categories (1) and possible (2). The symptom of ADR that showed was the increased frequency of defecation, decreased in stool consistence and diuresis.The results of this study concluded that there are ADR event in patients who have been prescribed herbal medicine in Public Health Center X Yogyakarta. Keywords: ADR, herbal medicine, pharmacovigilance.
Pharmaciana Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (67.323 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v2i1.657


The Home Health Care program is getting popular as well. One of the outcomemeasured in this program is patient’s quality of life. Home Health Care program is amultidisciplin program, which need the pharmacist role. The aim of this study was tofind out the potencial pharmacist role in increasing elderly patients’quality of lifeparticipated in Home Health Care program. This study used descriptive design withprospective data sampling. (World Health Organization Quality of Life) We usedWHOQoL as the instrument. The study period was conducted for 13 week in 2009 byvisiting the patients at their homes. The patients were participated in Home HealthCare program of Dr Sardjito hospital, Yogyakarta. Data was descriptively analized.Were recruited seven subjects in this study. In average, their quality of life was low(46,1±4,4). All of the patients received polypharmacy and were found the patientsincompliance in taking the medicines. The role of pharmacist were important in HomeHealth Care program for elderly patients to increase their quality of life. Thepharmacists are supposed to do the drug used monitoring, especially to the elderlypatients with polypharmacy. The advance technique for communication, information,and education is suggested to the pharmacist in this program.
Pharmaciana Vol 5, No 2 (2015): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.101 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v5i2.2483


Hypertension is a major risk factor for the occurrence of deaths from non-communicable diseases in the world. In the World Health Statistics 2012, WHO reported that approximately 51% of deaths from stroke and 45% of coronary heart disease due to hypertension. Patients with obsesitas, hypertension, and diabetes can worsen patient’s quality of life both physically and mental status. This study aims to assess the quality of life by the European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) questionnaire. This study aims to determine the validity and reliability of the EQ-5D in Indonesian version as an instrument for measuring the quality of life of patients with hypertension in the Health Center Kotagede II Yogyakarta. The method of this study was descriptive observational. Data were collected using a questionnaire conducted at a particular time. The instrument used in this study is the EQ-5D which has been translated into Indonesian. Affordable population in this study were all patients with hypertension in Health Center Kotagede II Yogyakarta at May to June 2014. The sample in this study are in accordance with the criteria for inclusion and exclusion criteria. Analysis of the validity was constructs validity with Pearson method. Test reliability was Cronbachs alpha coefficient. From the data analysis for 51 patients Hypertension Pearson correlation coefficient obtained results are above 0.30, so it can be concluded instrument EQ-5D questionnaire Indonesian version is valid. Results Cornbachsα is 0718 so it can be concluded instrument EQ-5D questionnaire Indonesian version is reliable.
Pharmaciana Vol 6, No 1 (2016): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (312.475 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v6i1.3313


Diarrhea is the second leading cause of children’s death worldwide, including in Indonesia.With regard to reducing the number of death, it is highly needed to provide a quick and accurate treatment. In clinical practice, prebiotics has been widely used as a treatment, particularly in the case of acute diarrhea in children. However, it is still not recommended by WHO. This study is aimed to determine the treatment pattern of diarrhea in children’s ward at PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital and determine whether probiotic supplementation on standard therapy results a decrease in the duration of diarrhea which is better than only the standard therapy in the management of acute diarrhea in children. This study used retrospective cohort design using data from medical records with diagnose acute diarrhea or acute gastroenteritis (ICD A09). The data was collected from January to December 2014, at children’2 ward, PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital, Yogyakarta. Data was divided into three groups: (i) Group I those who were treated by using standard therapeutic with rehydration and zinc, (ii). Group II those who were treated by combination of rehydration, zinc and probiotics, (iii) Group III those who were treated with rehydration and probiotics. Data duration of diarrhea as an outcome of the effectiveness of probiotics analyzed statistically to determine differences in outcomes between groups. Among the three groups, Group I, Group II and group III gained an average duration of diarrhea 66.33 (SD 21.66) hours, 55.32 (SD 19.07) hours and 54.79 (SD 17.69) hours, respectively. The statistical test shows that there is significant different from diarrhea duration among the three groups (p = 0.014). The test results between probiotic groups (II and III) and the control group is significantly different with p-value 0.018 and 0.011, respectively. While the group II and group III do not differ significantly (p = 0.898). Treatment pattern therapy of diarrhea in PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital divided into three kinds of therapy. The first is rehydration therapy and zinc supplementation, the second is rehydration therapy and zinc supplementation and probiotics, the third is rehydration therapy and probiotics. Probiotic supplementation is proven effective in reducing the duration of diarrhea significantly compared to patients who were received standard therapy.
Hubungan kualitas hidup dan persepsi pasien tentang penyakit diabetes mellitus tipe 2 dengan komplikasi Santoso, Setiyo Budi; Perwitasari, Dyah Aryani; Faridah, Imaniar Noor; Kaptein, A.A
Pharmaciana Vol 7, No 1 (2017): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.83 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v7i1.4699


Kualitas hidup merupakan acuan penilaian outcome pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 (DMT2). Kualitas hidup pasien DMT2 dapat semakin menurun akibat komplikasi yang menyertainya. Aspek penting dalam pertimbangan intervensi peningkatan kualitas hidup adalah persepsi tentang penyakit. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk pengaruh persepsi tentang penyakit terhadap kualitas hidup pasien DMT2 dengan komplikasi.Studi potong lintang terhadap populasi terjangkau berlangsung selama Juli-September 2015 di Poliklinik Penyakit Dalam Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul. Kuesioner Short Form-36  digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas hidup dan Brief-Illness Perceptions Questionnaire untuk persepsi tentang penyakit. Analisis uji T dan Anova satu jalan dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kualitas hidup dan persepsi tentang penyakit berdasarkan karakteristik dasar pasien (jenis kelamin, umur, pendidikan, pekerjaan, kadar gula darah sewaktu, tekanan darah, dan durasi diabetes), dan pengaruh persepsi tentang penyakit terhadap kualitas hidup.Penelitian melibatkan 51 pasien DMT2 dengan komplikasi. Subyek dengan tingkat pendidikan rendah memiliki peran fisik yang lebih buruk daripada subyek dengan pendidikan menengah dan tinggi (p=0,049). Persepsi subyek yang positif dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup pada aspek; peran fisik (p=0,032), vitalitas (p=0,032), kesehatan mental (p=0,001), dan fungsi sosial (p=0,037).            Kualitas hidup pasien DMT2 dengan komplikasi dipengaruhi oleh tingkat pendidikan dan persepsi tentang penyakit.
Evaluation of Adherence, Distress and Quality of Life For Type 2 Diabetes Melitus Patients In Puskesmas Wedarijaksa I and Puskesmas Trangkil Kabupaten Pati Perwitasari, Dyah Aryani; Urbayatun, Siti; Wilisa, Oni Yulianta
Pharmaciana Vol 8, No 2 (2018): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (222.61 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v8i2.10573


Diabetes mellitus is chronic disease that needs the complex and a long term medical treatment. Patient adherence and level  of distress can  affect patient quality of life.  The purposes of this study is to examine patients adherence, distress, and quality of life patients type 2 diabetes mellitus in KabupatenPati.This study used cross sectional design and data patients collection techniques were conducted prospective data. The subjects of research were patients with Type 2 diabetes amounted to 126 people. Instruments used in this research is Medication Adherence Respon Scale (MARS) questionnaire to measure patients adherence, Diabetes Distress Scale (DDS) to measure distress, and EQ-5D-5L questionnaire to measure quality of life. Data analysis statistic used Mann Whiney test, and regresi linier.        This study was dominated by female patients 78.6%. The mean age of DMT2 patients was 54.49 ± 6.19 years. The average value of adherence (MARS) was 21.33 ± 2.90 including in moderate adherence. The mean total of  DDS score was 1,56±0,42  including not distress level and the highest is the emotional burden domain. The mean value of  EQ5D5L index was 0.729 ± 0.161. The results showed a significant association (p <0.05) between patient characteristics age and duration of sick with adherence. There were  significant association (p <0.05) between age to physician distress, gender with emotional, marital status with emotional and interpersonal distress, duration of sick to physician distress and management teraphy distress. Marital status and income had  significant relationship  to quality of life. Emotional burden domain had significant relationship to quality of life. Multivariate analysis showed that the relationship of adherence and distress by the emotional burden to quality of life. This study concluded  the significant relationship between adherence, distress and quality of life.
Co-Authors A.A Kaptein Abdi Wira Septama Adi Wira Septama Adnan Adnan Adnan Adnan Adnan Adnan Adnan, Adnan Aisyi, Mururul Ajeng Diantini Akrom, Akrom Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Ananda Muhammad Naafi, Ananda Muhammad Andalusia, Rizka Andriana Sari Andriana Sari Andriana Sari Anisa Nova Puspitaningrum Arief Muttaqien Arief Rahman Afief Arifin, Bustanul Ariska Wigatiningtyas Athika Darumas Putri Baiq Adelina Atbam Munawwarah Baiq Nurbaety Bambang Purwoko Barkah Djaka Purwanto Barkah Djaka Purwanto Baroroh, Faridah Bayu Prio Septiantoro Bayu Prio Septiantoro Bayu Tri Murti Bramadi Arya Bustanul Arifin Candradewi, Susan Fitria Cut Fatia Ulfa Cut Fatia Ulfa Damayanti, Elok Darwis Darwis Denys Chichi Kusumastuti Desty Kusumaningsih Dewi Wulandari Dias Ananda Sulistya Didik Setiawan Elli Nur Hayati Endang Darmawan Endang Yuniarti Endang Yuniarti Farah Bidara Fatimah Sri Kurniawati Febriana, Sri Awalia Fredrick Dermawan Purba Gugun Suhendra Haafizah Dania Haafizah Dania Haafizah Dania Haafizah Dania Haafizah Dania Haridini Intan Mahdi Hendrik Hendrik Herjanti Ratnawiningsih Husnul Khuluq I Nyoman Kertia Ikrimah Nisa Utami Imaniar Noor Faridah Imaniar Noor Faridah Imaniar Noor Faridah Imaniar Noor Faridah Imaniar Noor Faridah Intan Fatah Kumara Irma Risdiana Irma Risdiana Jaka Pradika Jarir At Thobari Kania Agustina Kaptein, A.A Kertia, Nyoman Kurniawan, Nurcholid Umam Kurniyati, . Kurniyati, . Lalu Muhammad Irham Lamhot B Simanjuntak Lisza Niarisessa Lutfi Sukma Pratiwi M Rifqi Rokhman M. Rifqi Rokhman Made Ary Sarasmita Mahdi, Haridini Intan Mahdi, Nur Maliza, Rita Mardiana Puji Lestari Marwin Marwin Marwin Marwin Melinda Widianingrum Melinda Widianingrum Melodia Rezadhini Menit Ardhiani Menit Ardhiani Muh. Deni Kurniawan Muhammad Ardhani Muhammad Dwi Suprobo Muhammad Fathurrahman Muliyani, Muliyani Mulyani, Sri Mumfasiroh Saputri Musa Fitri Fatkhiya mustika muthaharah Mustika Muthaharah muthaharah, mustika Mutmainnah Siradjuddin Muttaqien, Arief Nabial Chiekal Gibran Nabilah Nabilah Nabilah Nabilah Naili Ra fi'ah Nasriyah, Chotijatun Nazhipah Isnani Nidia Yuni Lestari Nidia Yuni Lestari, Nidia Ninda Sari Wahyuningtyas Novi Milasari Nur Aida Nur Mahdi Nur Mahdi Nurcholid Umam Nurcholid Umam Kurniawan Nurcholid Umam Kurniawan Nurcholid Umam, Nurcholid Nurul Kodriati Nyoman Kertia Nyoman Kertia Oni Yulianta Wilisa Pendicho Eko Yuliyanto Prasandhya Astagiri Yusuf Prasasti, Dian Pratama, Kharisma Pratiwi, P.D. Putri Pertiwi Putri Rachma Novitasari Putri, Rr. Erni Kusuma Qarriy 'Aina Urfiyya Ra fi'ah, Naili Ratu Matahari Riana Prastiwi Handayani Rini, Vina Angga Rizka Andalusia Rizka Andalusia Rizka Novia Atmadani Robi’ah Adawiyah Rocky Cheung Rocky Cheung Sabaan, Wahid Saidah Rauf Santoso, Setiyo Budi Satibi Satibi Sawitri Sawitri Setiyo Budi Santoso Shabran Hadiq Sindy Cisna Ambarwati Siswandi Siswandi Siti Urbayatun Solikhah Sri Awalia Febriana Sri Handayani Gurning Sri Mulyani Sulastri Sulastri Susan Fitri Candradewi Susan Fitri Candradewi Susan Fitria Candradewi Tetie Herlina Triantoro Safaria Triantoro Safaria Ully Adhie Mulyani Ully Adhie Mulyani Vina Angga Rini Wahyu Rahmatulloh Wilisa, Oni Yulianta Wirawan Adikusuma Woro Supadmi Woro Supadmi Woro Supadmi Woro Supadmi Yeni Alfiana Ratnasari Yudha Rizky Nuari Yuli Rachmawati Yuli Rachmawati Zulkarnain Zulkarnain Zulkarnain Zulkarnain