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Pemberian Injeksi Antibiotik Pada Pasien di Ruang Perawatan Penyakit Dalam di Rumah Sakit Palembang Siregar, Estelita O.N.; Simamora, Sarmalina; Mangunsong, Sonlimar
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacy (JECP) Vol 2, No 1 (2022): February 2022
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52365/jecp.v2i1.347


Penggunaan antibiotic (AB) haruslah sesuai dengan kebutuhan klinis. Penggunaan tidak tepat memberikan berbagai dampak negatif antara lain timbulnya efek samping, mempercepat terjadinya resistensi, terjadi resiko kegagalan terapi, bertambah beban penyakit pasien, lamanya pasien menderita, serta meningkatkan biaya pengobatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa ketepatan pemberian antibiotik injeksi di ruang rawat inap. Jenis Penelitian adalah observasional dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah semua pasien dirawat inap Rumah Sakit yang diberikan antibiotik pada bulan Januari-April 2019 yang berjumlah 176 dilihat pada kartu rekam medik. Tepatnya waktu penyuntikan injeksi antibiotik dilihat dari kesesuaian catatan rekam medik dengan paraf petugas perawat SD(±30 menit) dari setiap pemberian pertama. Frekuensi umur 46-65 yang paling banyak diberikan antibiotic. Frekuensi berat badan yang < 70 kg paling banyak menggunakan antibiotik injeksi sesuai dosis. Pemberian dosis AB dengan Berat badan >70 kg belum tampak penyesuaian dosis. Pada riwayat alergi hanya 1 pasien ditemukan alergi terhadap antibiotik dari total sampel. Kesimpulan ketepatan waktu pemberian antibiotik injeksi dinyatakan 80% tepat waktu penyuntikan antibiotik injeksi sedangkan 20% tidak tepat. Sebanyak 20% belum patuh dalam penulisan rekam medik.The use of antibiotics (AB) must be under clinical needs. Improper use has various negative impacts, including the emergence of side effects, accelerated resistance, the risk of therapy failure occurring, increased burden of the patient's disease, the length of time the patient suffers, and increases cost of treatment. The purpose of this study was to analyze the accuracy of injecting antibiotics in the inpatient room. This type of research is observational with a descriptive approach. The population of this study was all hospitalized patients who were given antibiotics in January-April 2019 totaling 176 seen on the medical record card. The exact timing of the injection of antibiotics was seen from the suitability of the medical records with the initials of the primary school nurse officers (±30 minutes) from each first administration. The frequency of age 46-65 is the most given antibiotics. The frequency of body weight < 70 kg the most using injection antibiotics according to the dose. The dose of AB with body weight >70 kg has not shown any dose adjustment. In the history of allergies, only 1 patient was found to be allergic to antibiotics from the total sample. The conclusion is the timing of the injection of antibiotics is stated to be 80% on time for the injection of antibiotics while 20% is not correct. As many as 20% have not complied with writing medical records.