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Kodifikasia Vol 17 No 2 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/kodifikasia.v17i2.7634


Radikalisme dan ekstremisme bermula dari cara keagamaan yang eksklusif dan fanatisme dalam mazhab. Pesantren/pondok pesantren sebagai lembaga pendidikan tertua di Indonesia pun tak luput dari berbagai stigmatisasi karena dianggap sebagai tempat persemaian pemahaman agama yang tidak moderat. Pondok Pesantren Al-Iman yang berlokasi di Ponorogo, Jawa Timur, aktif melakukan internalisasi nilai moderasi beragama sebagai salah satu upaya menghilangkan stigma tersebut. Salah satunya dilaksanakan dengan program Fathul Kutub yang wajib diikuti oleh seluruh siswa kelas 6 KMI (setingkat aliyah kelas 3). Dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian lapangan dan penggalian data melalui wawancara, diperoleh dua kesimpulan. Pertama, pada program Fathul Kutub, mahasiswa dibiasakan mempelajari kasus-kasus kontemporer yang dikontekstualisasikan dengan menggunakan berbagai referensi buku, baik klasik maupun kontemporer. Agar santri terbiasa menyikapi perbedaan pendapat yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan referensi dan menekankan bahwa tidak ada kebenaran tunggal dalam madzhab. Kedua, tahapan analisis kajian pada program Fathul Kutub terdiri atas; seminar tentang metodologi interpretasi; analisa masalah; presentasi hasil analisis. Program tersebut merupakan bukti nyata kontribusi pesantren al-Iman dalam menghalau paham radikal dengan pendekatan Islam moderat. Dampak dari program tersebut, hingga saat ini belum ada satu pun alumni Pondok Pesantren al-Iman Ponorogo yang terafiliasi dengan organisasi transnasional radikal. Radicalism and extremism originated from an exclusive religious way and fanaticism in madhab. Pesantren/boarding school as the oldest educational institution in Indonesia has not escaped from various stigmatizations because it is considered a nursery for immoderate religious understanding. Al-Iman Islamic Boarding School located in Ponorogo, East Java, actively internalizes the value of religious moderation as one of the efforts to eliminate the stigma. One of them is carried out with Fathul Kutub program which must be followed by all students of 6th grade KMI (at the same level as 3rd grade aliyah). By using this type of field research and data mining through interviews, two conclusions were obtained. First, in Fathul Kutub program, students are accustomed to study contemporary cases that are contextualized using various book references, both classical and contemporary. So that students are accustomed to dealing with differences of opinion caused by differences in references and emphasizing that there is no single truth in madhhab. Second, the stages of study analysis in the Fathul Kutub program consist of; seminar on interpretation methodology; problem analysis; presentation of analysis results. The program is clear evidence of the contribution of al-Iman Islamic boarding school in dispelling radical understanding with a moderate Islamic approach. The impact of the program, until now there is not a single alumni of the al-Iman Ponorogo Islamic Boarding School affiliated with radical transnational organizations.
Contextualization of Arabic Language Learning in the Framework of Religious Moderation in the Contemporary Era on the MTs Negeri 1 Ponorogo Ajizah, Ratna Utami Nur; Jauhari, Irfan
Mahira: Journal of Arabic Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Riyadlotul Mujahidin Ngabar (IAIRM) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55380/mahira.v3i2.916


This research discusses the significance of teaching the Arabic language with a moderation approach within the context of learning at MTs Negeri 1 Ponorogo. Employing a qualitative and case study approach, the research will discuss the implementation of contextualizing Arabic language instruction with a moderation perspective. It involves Arabic language teachers and VIII Class students in MTs Negeri 1 Ponorogo. Data were collected through classroom observations, interviews with teachers and students, and content analysis of instructional materials. The research findings reveal that the integration of moderation principles into Arabic language instruction yields positive outcomes. Students are more engaged in learning and comprehend how religious values can be applied in everyday situations. This approach enhances students' understanding of the Arabic language and moderation values. Moreover, it helps students develop inclusive, tolerant, and respectful attitudes towards religious and cultural diversity. Additionally, the utilization of multimedia materials and in-depth discussions enriches the learning process. This research offers practical guidance for the development of an adaptive and relevant educational approach that combines Arabic language learning with moderation values. It contributes to shaping a generation capable of effective Arabic communication and fostering inclusive attitudes in an increasingly diverse society.