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The praxis of digital literacy in the EFL classroom: Digital-immigrant vs digital-native teacher Kurniawati, Nia; Maolida, Elis Homsini; Anjaniputra, Agung Ginanjar
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol 8, No 1 (2018): Vol. 8 No. 1, May 2018
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijal.v8i1.11459


Myriads of theories account for the primacy of digital literacy on ELT as the demand of the 21st century, yet studies on digital media literacy of distinct English teacher generations are thin on the ground. Thus, this descriptive qualitative study investigated the utilization of digital literacy in the EFL classroom of senior high school teachers from two generations (digital immigrant and digital native) and their students’ responses to the use of digital media in the English classroom in Indonesia. Three instruments were utilized including classroom observations, questionnaires, and interviews. Following ACOT’s (Apple Classroom of Tomorrow) framework, the findings show that both teachers were at the adaptation stage in terms of digital literacy and this was reflected on the utilization of digital media in assisting students’ learning. Yet, the digital-immigrant teacher appeared to be practically more adept in the implementation of digital media. As for the second issue, the students responded positively to the use of digital technology by the teachers to make English class more fun and comprehensible. However, when it comes to an ideal teacher, the students still considered good characters as the main criteria for an ideal teacher. Technology does support teachers in delivering the materials, but the way they behave and treat the students still also plays crucial part in maintaining a good relationship between teachers and students. The results show that the English teachers need to develop their digital literacy to keep up with the current demand to be professional English teachers in the digital era.
Prevalence of Tertiary Level Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Speaking Anjaniputra, Agung Ginanjar
International Journal of Education Vol 13, No 1 (2020): Volume 13, Issue 1
Publisher : UPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ije.v13i1.18196


Critical thinking is deemed vital to students’ success of learning. Not only does it help in processing information received through written and oral communication, but also it enhances the quality of language which is produced logically and reasonably. Critically thinking of what to say has been deemed intricate and more demanding by most students. Thus, this study is intended to investigate critical thinking of students at tertiary level, particularly critical thinking aspects demonstrated in speaking. To address this issue, this study deploys a case study qualitative design to gain in-depth, thorough, comprehensive understanding. Involving the second year university students, this study results in findings that some aspects of critical thinking are demonstrated by the students in their speaking performance, encompassing relevance, clarity, consistency, accuracy and fairness, and that trends of how these aspects of critical thinking occurs, entailing deductive and inductive reasoning, cause and effect, comparison, planning as well as hypothesizing, are interpreted and discussed. Therefore, critical thinking is necessary and this needs improvement if students’ success in the new world era is to be attained.
Rural learners’ communication apprehension and urban learners’ fear of negative evaluation in speaking performance: What lies within? Anjaniputra, Agung Ginanjar
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 10 No 3 (2021): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v10i3.38685


Anxiety-trigerring conditions that can facilitate and debilitate learning must be made known to teachers. Besides, studies comparing foreign language anxiety in rural and urban areas are inconclusive and incongruous. Thus, this study is intended to explore learners’ language anxiety in speaking performance at urban and rural high schools. The investigation of language anxiety particularly addresses the extent of language anxiety, the anxiety factors as well as the relationship among language anxiety, school sites, and speaking. This study utilized a questionnaire, a test, and a learner interview to collect data by involving urban and rural school. Quantitative data analysis was carried out through descriptive statistics to find out learners’ language anxiety levels, and through Multiple Regression Correlation (MRC) to determine the relationship among the variables. Qualitative data analysis was conducted in relation to language anxiety sources by generating broad themes from the interview. The analysis revealed that (1) the extent of learners’ language anxiety was distinct from one another and subject to certain circumstances and their anxiety sensitivity; (2) four factors causing language anxiety were discovered; and (3) a new insight into the correlation between urban and rural learners, language anxiety, and speaking was noticeable. These findings suggest that teachers recognize the circumstances leading to anxiety, which is a basis for successful language acquisition and learning.
Indonesian EFL Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/ieflj.v4i2.1370


Vocabulary has been at the pinnacle of language learning since vocabulary mastery helps in communicating language. However, learning vocabulary yields problems prevalent among learners of this new digital era such as low participation and difficulties to keep learners attentive to lessons being learned. Deploying classroom action research, this study aims to depict the implementation of Quizlet in learning vocabulary at the tertiary level and to elicit learners' responses to Quizlet utilization in the classroom. In this regard, observation and interview were triangulated to get an enhanced portrayal of what occurred during the learning. These instruments resulted in findings that Quizlet to some extent helped in fostering learners’ engagement, as well as persistence in vocabulary learning and that the learners enjoyed learning vocabulary in Quizlet and considered Quizlet as useful and beneficial tool for their learning development, particularly in vocabulary learning. Hence, it is suggested that teachers make use of Quizlet to provide learners with a new way of learning that is interesting, innovative, and probably improving learners’ learning experiences, eventually fulfilling the learners’ demand of the 21st century.Keywords: Vocabulary learning; Quizlet; learner engagement; CALL
Teachers’ classroom instruction reinforcement strategies in english language class Sri Wuli Fitriati; Devi Fatmala; Agung Ginanjar Anjaniputra
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) Vol 14, No 4: November 2020
Publisher : Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (478.397 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/edulearn.v14i4.16414


In the context of this study, reinforcement is an act of teachers to strengthenvstudents’ positive behaviour in learning English in the classroom. This qualitative case study was a classroom discourse which employed necessary quantification. The aim was to investigate the use of classroom instruction reinforcement strategies by two English language teachers and their perceptions at a state secondary school in Semarang in the academic year of 2019. The two English teachers were observed in five different lessons. The teachers were interviewed to explore their perceptions of using reinforcement in the classroom. The instruments of this study were observation sheet, interview guideline, and audio-video recordings. The findings showed that the teachers reinforced the students in three types of classroom instruction reinforcement. The three types of reinforcement strategies were: praise or other verbal reinforcement, tangible rewards, and token rewards. The reinforcement strategy mostly used was praise, followed by tangible rewards and token rewards. Based on the interviews, the teachers perceived that giving positive reinforcement to the students was important. The findings suggest the teachers implement the reinforcement strategies fairly to increase teacher-students interaction.
Journal of English and Education Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Journal of English and Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study is aimed at portraying teacher’s strategies in teaching speaking to students at secondary level and recognizing students’ response towards the strategies by involving an English teacher and a class of 22 students. In collecting the data, classroom observation and interview were conducted to identify the strategies of teaching speaking, and questionnaire was administered to the students to gain the data about their response towards the strategies under the umbrella of descriptive research. The result revealed that the strategies used by the teacher were cooperative activities, role-play, creative tasks, and drilling. In the meantime, students’ response towards the strategies resulted in positive attitude as they responded that the strategies helped them to speak, as well as concerned oral production of students whose participation was emphasized. Keywords: Teaching strategies, the teaching of speaking, secondary level
JE (Journal of Empowerment) Vol 1, No 2 (2017): DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Universitas Suryakancana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35194/je.v1i2.237


ABSTRAKPengajaran bahasa Inggris pada anak-anak tidak bisa disamakan dengan ketika mengajar peserta didik dewasa. Dalam merealisasikannya, prinsip-prinsip dan teknik-teknik mengajar bahasa Inggris pada anak-anak perlu dikuasai oleh guru. Sayangnya, keterbatasan tenaga pengajar dengan kualifikasi dan latar belakang pendidikan bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar menjadi salah satu kendala yang nyata. Didorong hal tersebut, dosen-dosen di jurusan bahasa Inggris FKIP Universitas Suryakancana melakukan pengabdian pada masyarakat melalui pengadaan workshop mengenai prinsip dan teknik mengajar bahasa Inggris pada anak bagi para guru bahasa Inggris di Kecamatan Cugenang. Dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif melalui observasi dan kuesioner terhadap 30 guru peserta workshop, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilaksanakan selama workshop yang digelar terutama untuk memperkenalkan prinsip dan teknik mengajar bahasa Inggris pada anak-anak, dan untuk mengetahui respon guru terhadap pelaksanaan kegitan workshop dan pelatihan tersebut. Hasilnya, teknik mengajar bahasa Inggris dalam kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan dengan pemanfaatan kartu bergambar, permainan, lagu dan cerita. Selain itu, guru-guru merespon sangat baik terhadap acara tersebut yang dapat dilihat dari partisipasi guru di setiap aktivitas dan keinginan untuk mengikuti kegiatan serupa secara berkelanjutan. ABSTRACTTeaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) is different from teaching adults. In realizing it, principles and techniques of TEYL are necessary to be mastered by teachers. Unfortunately, inadequacy of elementary school teachers having a teaching qualification and a background of english education in the schools has been a real impediment. Accordingly, the lecturers in English department FKIP Suryakancana University conducted a community service through a workshop on Principles and Techniques of Teaching English to Young Learners for English teachers who teach at elementary schools in Kecamatan Cugenang.  Employing a qualitative descriptive approach through observations and questionnaire for 30 teachers involved in the workshop, this paper aims to portray activities carried out during a workshop held specifically for introducing the principles and techniques of TEYL and to investigate the teachers’ responses to the implementation of the workshop. The result showed that techniques of teaching English in the event were carried out by making use of flashcards, games, songs, and stories. Besides, the teachers responded positively, which could be seen from their participation in each activity and their willingness to continually get involved in the similar event.   
The Teaching of Writing Skills in An EFL Online Classroom at A Secondary School: Between Bandwidth and Immediacy Ilma Fitriyana; Agung Ginanjar Anjaniputra
JEPAL (Journal of English Pedagogy and Applied Linguistics) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Ma'soem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/jepal.v3i2.682


Despite the need for online classrooms, the scarcity of studies in online writing classes leads to the limitation of the modes of learning in writing classes. This study portrays the learning of EFL writing in online classrooms by delving into different modes that the teacher used. This study is carried out by employing a qualitative approach. The data were collected by using students’ reflective journals and semi-structured interviews. The participants of the study were 35 students of the twelfth grade and one English teacher. As the data from the students’ journal and the interview were categorized into broader themes, the teaching and learning activity was compatible with modes of online classrooms in Modes 1 and 2 which were low bandwidth-low immediacy and low bandwidth-high immediacy. This denotes low bandwith as the preferred mode used by the teacher, presumably due to the technical access and supports. Thus, English teachers can implement interesting media for teaching and learning depending on the availability of the learning sources by sticking to the availability of online learning modes. For the students, students can ask the teacher if they encounter difficulties in online classrooms.
How EFL student teachers bolster 4C learning skills in lesson planning Agung Ginanjar Anjaniputra; Zuhrul Anam
Concept : Community Concern for English Pedagogy and Teaching Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): January-June 2023
Publisher : English Language Education Study Program, Teacher Traning and Education Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32534/jconcept.v9i1.3877


This case study investigates how an EFL teacher educator flipped the classrooms to promote 4C learning skills among student teachers planning a lesson. In lesson planning, collaborative works and participation of students are vital as both help students develop their knowledge. The flipped classroom as a breakthrough in the teaching and learning process provides more personalized learning and interaction from which students can benefit. Its implementation along with the 4C learning skills is required to face the new landscape of education after learning loss of the pandemic as the discrepancy of digital access and learning remains high. Thus, collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking in flipped lesson planning activities are required to be illustrated. The data were collected from observation, interviews and document analysis. The findings suggest that pedagogical knowledge, technological knowledge and content knowledge are must-have competences of today’s educators to meet the demand of the 21st century learners. In addition, lesson planning for the novice is a long, meticulous process that cannot be completed in one go, and is integral to collaborative and communicative tasks to yield a more well-informed and sound outcome while accommodating creativity and critical thinking. Moreover, benchmarking and standardizing teachers, lecturers, or educators should be administered at some levels. Keywords: 4C learning skills; flipped learning; lesson planning; preservice teachers