Wardana, Fendi Yoga
Program Studi Vokasi Farmasi, Institut Teknologi, Sains, Dan Kesehatan RS Dr. Soepraoen Kesdam V/BRW, Malang, 65147, Indonesia

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Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Buah Bit Merah (Beta vulgaris) sebagai Sensor Anion Fendi Yoga Wardana
Jurnal Kesehatan Hesti Wira Sakti Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Hesti Wira Sakti
Publisher : Institut Teknologi, Sains, dan Kesehatan RS dr. Soepraoen Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47794/jkhws.v9i2.336


Pendahuluan: Keberadaan senyawa beracun terdiri dari ion-ion senyawa anorganik yang dapat mengontaminasi lingkungan dan sangat berbahaya bagi kehidupan perairan dan kesehatanmanusia. Senyawa betalain yang berasal dari ekstrak buah bit merah (Beta vulgaris) adalah contoh dari senyawa kimia yang diprediksi memiliki sifat sebagai senyawa sensor terhadap nion beracun. Metode: Buah bit merah diekstraksi dengan metode maserasi menggunakanpelarut etanol. Ekstrak etanol buah bit diujikan terhadap larutan anion NO3-, SO42-, CN- dan Cl dengan konsentrasi 1.000 ppm dan 10.000 ppm. Hasil: Hasil pengujian ekstrak buah bit merah sebagai sensor anion pada konsentrasi 10.000 ppm, didapatkan perubahan warna menjadi ungu pada larutan ion CN-. Berdasarkan hasil analisis spektrofotometer UV-Visible diketahui bahwa larutan ion CN- yang ditambahkan ekstrak buah bit merah menunjukkan nilai λmaks 575 nm, sedangkan ekstrak buah bit merah menunjukkan nilai λmaks 525 nm. Sedangkan untuk hasil pengujian anion yang lain tidak menunjukkan perubahan warna yang berbeda dibandingkandengan ekstrak buah bit merah. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak buah bit merah dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi kandungan anion CN- pada konsetrasi 10.000 ppm. Kata kunci: Beta vulgaris, bit merah, sensor anoin, spektrofotometer UV-Visible.
Analisis Kadar Asam Retinoat dalam Krim Pemutih Malam di Kota Malang Fendi Yoga Wardana; Yunida Senja Lestari; Rakhmadani Gadis Aprilianti
PHARMADEMICA : Jurnal Kefarmasian dan Gizi Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Oktober - Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (644.087 KB) | DOI: 10.54445/pharmademica.v1i2.17


Whitening cream is a product that is used on the outside of the body to lighten or change the color of the skin. Whitening cream contains chemicals that are harmful to the skin, such as mercury, hydroquinone, and retinoic acid. Retinoic acid belongs to a group of drugs that are prohibited because it can cause dry skin, burning and teratogenicity. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the retinoic acid in whitening cream. This study aims to determine the content of retinoic acid in night whitening cream. The samples in this study were 5 night whitening cream products marketed in Malang. Qualitative test of retinoic acid was performed by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) with silica gel 60F 254 nm as a stationary phase and n-hexane: acetone (6:4) as a mobile phase, and quantitative test using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The observation result on TLC shows dark blue spots when viewed under UV light at 254 nm with Rf values for samples B, D, and E of 0.487; sample C of 0.425; while the Rf value of the comparison standard is 0.500. The quantitative test indicates 4 samples of night whitening cream contain retinoic acid; 0.165% in sample B, 0.060% in sample C, 0.125% in sample D, and 0.151% in sample E. In conclusion, samples B, C, D and E do not meet the BPOM requirements because they are sold freely without a doctor's supervision.
Identifikasi Kandungan Asam Salisilat dalam Produk Krim Anti Jerawat di Pasar Tajinan Kabupaten Malang Fendi Yoga Wardana; Nurul Fadila; Mayang Aditya Ayuning Siwi
PHARMADEMICA : Jurnal Kefarmasian dan Gizi Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Oktober - Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (542.429 KB) | DOI: 10.54445/pharmademica.v1i2.18


Anti-acne cream is a type of cosmetics that is often used for skin care. Salicylic acid is often used as the active substance in this anti-acne cream. According to the Indonesian National Food and Drug Agency in 2019 on cosmetics, salicylic acid is allowed in cosmetics if it is not more than 2%. In this study, 6 types of anti-acne cream, from Tajinan Market, Malang Regency, were tested with the aim of studying the content of salicylic acid in anti-acne cream products. The test was performed qualitatively using a colour test with FeCl3 reagent (a positive reaction show a purple colour) and a thin layer chromatography (TLC) method using a solvent mixture of ethyl acetate;methanol;ammonia (8:1.90:0.10) as the mobile phase. Quantitative determination of the content was performed using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The qualitative test with the colour test indicates that samples A and E are positive for containing salicylic acid. The results of the thin layer chromatography (TLC) test indicates that sample A is positive for containing salicylic acid with an Rf value of 0.66, which is the same as the comparison standard. The quantitative test with UV-Vis spectrophotometry indicates that the salicylic acid content in sample A is 2.516%, sample D is 1,400%, and sample E is 1.646%. In conclusion, only cream of sample A do not meet the requirements of the Indonesian National Food and Drug Agency because it has a salicylic acid content of more than 2%.
Oral Subchronic Toxicity Test of Yellow Root Ethanol Extract (Arcangelisia flava Merr.) In Rats (Mus musculus): Uji toksisitas subkronik oral ekstrak etanol akar kuning (Arcangelisia flava Merr.) pada Mencit (Mus musculus) Rakhmadani Gadis Aprilianti; Tsaniaturrizqiah Permataningtyas; Fendi Yoga Wardana
Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy) (e-Journal) Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): (October 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/j24428744.2022.v8.i2.15961


Background: Yellow root (Arcangelisia flava Merr.) is a native Indonesian plant that contains alkaloids, phenolics, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and berberine. This plant is proven to have antimicrobial, antioxidant, antihyperlipidemic, and anticancer activity. However, the effect on body weight, clinical symptoms and toxic symptoms has not been studied yet. Objectives: Accordingly, the objective of this research was to determine the effect of Arcangelisia flava Merr. extract with the multilevel maceration method on parameters of body weight, clinical symptoms and toxic symptoms in male rats. Material and Methods: A total of 16 male rats aged 6-8 weeks weighing 20-40 grams were divided into 4 groups. The control group was only given 1% sodium-carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC-Na), while the treatment group was given Arcangelisia flava Merr. extract at doses of 800, 900, and 1000 mg/kgBW orally for 28 days. At week 1 to week 4, body weight, clinical symptoms and toxic symptoms were observed for male rats. Result: Observations of toxic symptoms and symptoms showed that there were several symptoms that appeared in male rats and changes in body weight there were no significant differences from t0 to t1, t0 to t2, t0 to t3, and t0 to t4 for each treatment (p>0,05). Conclusions: The administration of Arcangelisia flava Merr. extract at doses of 800, 900, and 1000mg/kgBW for 28 days did not affect weight gain or loss, but these extracts did have an effect on symptoms in test animals such as straight fur and strange behavior.
Formulasi dan Uji Mutu Sediaan Sabun Padat Ekstrak Daun Pisang Kepok (Musa paradisiaca Linn.) dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Minyak Kelapa Mayang Aditya Ayuning Siwi; Fendy Yoga Wardhana; Dwi Septiawati
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacy (JECP) Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52365/jecp.v3i1.466


Sabun padat akan bernilai jual lebih jika diperkaya pula dengan bahan natural. Ekstrak daun pisang kepok (Musa paradisiaca Linn.) mengandung senyawa flavonoid, saponin dan tannin yang dapat digunakan sebagai senyawa antioksidan sehingga memungkinkan untuk digunakan sebagai bahan aktif pada pembuatan sabun padat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memformulasikan ekstrak daun pisang kepok menjadi sabun padat dan melakukan uji mutu sediaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental. Formulasi sabun padat menggunakan variasi konsentrasi minyak kelapa 25% dan 30%. Uji mutu yang dilakukan yaitu uji organoleptis, uji pH, uji kadar air, uji tinggi dan stabilitas busa. Pengujian dilakukan pada hari ke-1 dan hari ke-7. Hasil uji organoleptis menunjukkan bahwa bau sediaan stabil. Hasil uji pH, uji kadar air, uji tinggi dan stabilitas busa semakin baik pada hari ke-7 penyimpanan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ekstrak daun pisang kepok dapat diformulasikan menjadi sediaan sabun padat dan sabun padat yang dibuat telah memenuhi syarat uji mutu.Solid soap will be more valuable if it is also enriched with natural ingredients. Kepok banana leaf extract (Musa paradisiaca Linn.) contains flavonoids, saponins, and tannins that can be used as antioxidant compounds, making it possible to use them as active ingredients in the manufacture of solid soap. The purpose of this study was to formulate Kepok banana leaf extract into solid soap and test the quality of the preparation. The method used is the experimental method. Solid soap formulation using various concentrations of coconut oil 25% and 30%. The quality tests carried out were organoleptic tests, pH tests, moisture content tests, height and stability of foam tests. Tests were carried out on day 1 and day 7. The organoleptic test results showed that the odor of the preparation was stable. The results of the pH test, water content test, height and stability of foam test were getting better on the 7th day of storage. The conclusion of this study is that Kepok banana leaf extract can be formulated into solid soap preparations, and the solid soap made has met the quality test requirements.
Analisis Kandungan Formalin dalam Bumbu Giling Instan di Pasar Besar Kota Malang Fendi Yoga Wardana
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (PPPM) STIKES Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54832/phj.v4i2.336


Ground spices are food ingredients that can enrich the taste, aroma and taste of dishes and have a very limited service life. Many manufacturers use formalin as a preservative to overcome the short shelf life of ground spices. Formalin is a clear, colorless or almost colorless liquid with a pungent odor. The use of formalin as a food preservative is prohibited in the Regulation, because formaldehyde is toxic (poisonous). This study identified the formalin content in instant ground spices in the market of Malang City. The purpose of this study was to determine the content and levels of formaldehyde contained in five traders of instant ground spices in Market of Malang City. Five samples of instant ground spices that were analyzed were taken using the Purposive Sampling technique. Qualitative testing was carried out using the Test Kit and quantitative testing for the determination of formalin levels was carried out using the Spectrophotometry UV-VIS . The results showed that based on observations and qualitative tests, two samples of instant ground spices sold in Market were positive for formaldehyde. Meanwhile, the quantitative test results using the Spectrophotometry UV-Vis showed that of the five samples tested, two of them contained 0.378% formalin in Rendang instant ground spice and 0.516% instant curry spice. So the curry and rendang samples are not suitable for consumption because formaldehyde cannot be added to food at all.
Analisis Kandungan Natrium Siklamat pada Jamu Sinom di Pasar Besar Malang: Analysis of Sodium Cyclamate Content in Jamu Sinom at Malang Market Fendi Yoga Wardana; Vita Mariah
Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan Vol. 5 No. 5 (2023): J. Sains Kes.
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25026/jsk.v5i5.1620


Jamu is a traditional medicine used by people in Indonesia. The use of additional sweeteners such as sodium cyclamate needs to be wary of its use, because it can cause harmful effects to the body in the future. The herbs that have been circulating in the community are allegedly added with additional sweeteners during the manufacturing process. The aim of this study was to determine the content of sodium cyclamate in jamu sinom at Pasar Besar Malang. The design of this study was an experimental laboratory with purposive sampling on 6 samples of jamu sinom. Qualitative analysis was tested by precipitation method, while quantitative analysis was performed by spectrophotometry UV-Vis. The results of the qualitative test showed that there were 2 positive samples containing sodium cyclamate, namely sample B and sample D which were marked by the formation of a white precipitate. Based on the results of the quantitative test with spectrophotometry UV-Vis, it was found that 2 samples did not comply with BPOM standards with sodium cyclamate levels of 5.053% in sample B and 1.959% in sample D. Keywords: Jamu, Sodium Cyclamate, Precipitation, Spectrophotometry UV-Vis Abstrak Jamu merupakan obat tradisional yang banyak dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat di Indonesia. Penggunaan bahan pemanis buatan seperti natrium siklamat perlu diwaspadai penggunaannya, karena dapat menimbulkan efek yang berbahaya bagi tubuh dikemudian hari. Jamu yang telah beredar di masyarakat disinyalir ditambahkan pemanis buatan saat proses pembuatannya. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui kandungan natrium siklamat dalam jamu sinom yang dipasarkan di Pasar Besar Malang. Desain penelitian ini adalah laboratorium eksperimental dengan teknik purposive sampling pada 6 jenis sampel jamu sinom. Pengujian analisa kualitatif dilakukan dengan metode pengendapan, sedangkan analisa kuantitatif dilakukan dengan spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Hasil uji kualitatif menunjukkan terdapat 2 sampel positif mengandung natrium siklamat yaitu sampel B dan sampel D yang ditandai dengan terbentuknya endapan berwarna putih. Berdasarkan hasil uji kuantitatif dengan spektrofotometri UV-Vis, didapatkan 2 sampel tidak memenuhi standar BPOM dengan kadar natrium siklamat sebesar 5,053% pada sampel B dan 1,959% pada sampel D. Kata Kunci: Jamu, Natrium Siklamat, Pengendapan, Spektrofotometri UV-Vis.