Rahayu, Dwi Novita
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FORMULASI PEMBUATAN SNACK BAR BERBAHAN TEPUNG SUWEG (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius) DAN TEPUNG KACANG MERAH (Phaseolus vulgaris) SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF CAMILAN SEHAT Rahayu, Dwi Novita; Ansharullah, Ansharullah; asyik, Nur
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Pangan Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Pangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (615.07 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jstp.v7i1.24134


ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of suweg and red bean flours formulation on the organoleptic characteristics, proximate, and nutritional values of snack bar products. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD). The formulations of suweg flour and red bean flour were P1 (90%: 10%), P2 (80%: 20%), P3 (70%: 30%), P4 (60%: 40% ), and P5 (50%: 50% ). The organoleptic assessment shows that the addition of red bean flour had a significant effect on the products’ color and had a very significant effect on their taste, aroma, and texture. Meanwhile, the nutritional analysis shows that the formulation had no significant difference in water content but the ash, fat, protein, carbohydrate, and crude fiber contents were significantly different. The most preferred snack bar was the P5 (50%: 50%) formulation with average scores of color, aroma, taste, and texture reached 3.63 (like), 3.45 (slightly like), 3.85 (like), and 3.86 (like), respectively. The nutritional contents analysis of the selected product shows that it contained 10.61% water, 1.38% ash, 15.86% fat, 9.63% protein, 62.22% carbohydrate, 1.43% crude fiber. Meanwhile, it had total calories of 129,042 kcal, Hue of 86.48o, and 37.51 N hardness. The results show that the product was favored by panelists and met the national, commercial snack bars, and USDA standards of snack bars.Keywords: snack bar, suweg flour, red bean flour, organoleptic, proximate analysisABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh formulasi tepung suweg dan tepung kacang merah terhadap karakteristik organoleptik, proksimat dan kontribusi gizi pada produk snack bar. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Formulasi tepung suweg dan tepung kacang merah P1 (90% : 10%), P2 (80% : 20%), P3 (70% : 30%), P4 (60% : 40% ) dan P5 (50% : 50%). Hasil penelitian organoleptik menunjukkan penambahan tepung kacang merah berpengaruh nyata terhadap organoleptik warna dan berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap rasa, aroma dan tekstur. Sedangkan penelitian analisis gizi tidak berbeda nyata terhadap kadar air tetapi berbeda nyata terhadap kadar abu, kadar lemak, kadar protein, kadar karbohidrat dan serat kasar. Berdasarkan penilaian organoleptik snack bar yang terpilih yaitu pada perlakuan P5 (50% : 50%) dengan rata-rata warna 3.63 (suka), aroma 3.45 (agak suka), rasa 3.85 (suka) dan tekstur 3.86 (suka) serta analisis kandungan gizi fisikokimia pada perlakuan terbaik P5 (50% : 50%) diperoleh nilai kadar air 10.61%%, kadar abu 1.38%, kadar lemak 15.86%, kadar protein 9.63%, kadar karbohidrat 62.22%, serat kasar 1.43%, kalori total 129.042 kkal, analisis fisik warna 86.48 oHue dan analisis kekerasan 37.51 N. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diterima dan disukai panelis serta sesuai dengan SNI cookies, snack bar komersial dan standar USDA.Kata kunci: snack bar, tepung suweg, tepung kacang merah,