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Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi Vol 3 No 1 (2015): The 17th FSTPT of International Symposium
Publisher : FSTPT Indonesia

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This paper discusses the portraits and problems of local transport in Padang city related to some national issues which could represent the same condition in other cities in Indonesia too. It was found the private motor vehicles number on the road, especially motor cycles, is significantly higher compared to public transports. However, the public transport service tends to remain as the main transport mode in Padang, despite its decreasing percentage of usage. There were two kinds of public transports in term of mode sizes, namely the Para-transits (a passenger size public transport with maximum seat or passenger number is 11) and Medium size buses (maximum seat number is 26). However, the Medium size buses tend to be extinct and were found no longer operated since 2012. Meanwhile, the existing train service is mainly used for intercity trips although it has been existed since more than a century ago with the railway network is parallel with the major arterial roads crossing the Padang city. These figures seem to indicate the weak public transport planning and management. The local government launched newly developed Bus Rapid Transit service in February 2014. Although it might be considered premature, the recorded passenger number tends to be decreasing and hence and would end up like previous the medium size buses. The local government is suggested to address these issues seriously in order to minimize the negative impacts and potential economic loss of transport sector.
Analisis karakteristik pengguna jalan di Kota Padang Imelda M. Nur; Gusri Yaldi; Apwiddhal Apwiddhal; Syaiful Amri; Momon Momon
Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Sipil Vol 16 No 1 (2019): Edisi April 2019
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat (P3M), Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (967.005 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/jirs.16.1.190


Pemakaian bahan bakar minyak (BBM) cenderung meningkat selaras dengan pertambahan jumlah kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia. Pada level nasional, BBM adalah sumber energi utama dimana mayoritasnya dikonsumsi oleh moda transportasi darat seperti mobil pribadi/kendaraan penumpang dan angkutan barang. Sedangkan angkutan umum hanya mengkonsumsi 9% saja. Terdapat peluang untuk mengurangi konsumsi pemakaian BBM oleh sektor transportasi khususnya transportasi darat, melalui peningkatan market share penggunaan angkutan umum dengan mengajak pengguna jalan untuk beralih dari pemakaian mobil pribadi ke angkutan umum/BRT seperti yang diharapkan oleh pemerintah. Untuk itu terlebih dahulu perlu di analisis karakter pengguna jalan eksisting agar dapat di rancang skema angkutan umum yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan kepuasan pengguna jalan yang merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Harapannya adalah luaran yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan oleh stakeholder terkait sebagai pertimbangan dalam merancang angkutan umum yang dapat memberikan manfaat dan keuntungan maksimum bagi pengguna jalan.
Analisis Karakteristik Perjalanan dan Moda Transportasi Pelajar di Kota Padang untuk Mengurangi Angka Kecelakaan Lalulintas Gusri Yaldi; Imelda M. Nur; Apwiddhal
Siklus : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/siklus.v8i1.8216


Motorcyclists involved in 74% road traffic accidents (RTA) in Indonesia and the majority were students. WHO reported that 74% of RTA death victims were motorcyclists. This research aimed at analysing student trip and mode characteristics by using Revealed Preference survey. Majority of students were found using motorcycles due to travel time and cost. Average travel and waiting times are 18.5 and 0.1 minutes. Average travel cost varies between Rp.3750-Rp.4950. The ratio between students categorized as captive and choice users are 75%;25%. Majority of students depart before 07.00 AM and end their trips before 3 PM. In order to encourgae students to shift to public transport, the Trans Padang service is recommended to be integrated with parking facilities which is the direction of the future research.