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Dukungan Kesehatan Jiwa dan Psikososial Berbasis Desa Adat Terhadap Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 di Kabupaten Karangasem Bali I Nengah Sumirta; I Wayan Candra; IGA Harini; Ketut Sudiantara
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 13, No 1 (2022): Januari 2022
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf13129


A new history for the whole world that the COVID-19 pandemic brought many changes in human life, not only in the health sector, but also in the economy, education, religion, politics, and others, as well as changes in all sides of human life, both physical, social, mentally and spiritually. In terms of mental health, it is feared that a tsunami of mental health disorders will hit human life during or after the end of the pandemic. This is very worrying if it does not get a fast, precise and correct treatment from all parties. One of the efforts is to increase the participation of rural communities by involving youth organizations in providing treatment. This type of research was pre-experimental with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The research population was village youth organizations, with a sample size of 80 people, selected by purposive sampling technique. The independent variable was education-training; while the dependent variables of the study were depression, anxiety, and stress as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, level of knowledge about the COVID-19 pandemic and competence. The data collection instrument were the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS), a knowledge test and a competency observation sheet for positive self-talk. Data were analyzed using paired sample t-test. The results of the study illustrate that there was an increase in the number of cases of depression, anxiety and stress in people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. From the results of education and training there was an increase in the average level of knowledge after treatment, namely 13.6, with a p-value of 0.000. The results of observations on competence obtained that there was an increase in ability. The results of this study illustrate the influence of education and training on the level of knowledge and ability of research subjects in providing treatment for mental health and psychosocial problems that arise as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.Keywords: mental health and psychosocial; the COVID-19 pandemic; young man ABSTRAK Sejarah baru bagi seluruh dunia bahwa pandemi COVID-19 membawa banyak perubahan dalam kehidupan manusia, tidak hanya dalam bidang kesehatan, tetapi juga ekonomi, pendidikan, agama, politik, dan yang lainnya, serta perubahan di semua sisi kehidupan manusia, baik fisik, sosial, mental dan spiritual. Dari segi kesehatan mental, dikhawatirkan gelombang tsunami gangguan kesehatan jiwa akan melanda kehidupan manusia selama atau setelah berakhirnya pandemi. Hal ini sangat mengkhawatirkan kalau tidak mendapat penanganan yang cepat, tepat dan benar dari semua pihak. Salah satu upaya adalah meningkatkan peranserta masyarakat desa adalah melibatkan organisasi pemuda dalam memberikan penanganan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah pra eksperimen dengan desain pre test and post test with control group. Populasi penelitian adalah organisasi pemuda desa, dengan ukuran sampel 80 orang, yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Variabel independen adalah pendidikan-latihan; sedangkan variabel dependen penelitian adalah depresi, anxiety, dan stress sebagai dampak pandemi COVID-19, tingkat pengetahuan tentang pandemi COVID-19 dan kompetensi. Instrumen pengumpulan data adalah Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS), test pengetahuan dan lembar observasi kompetensi. Data dianalisis menggunakan paired sample t-test. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan ada peningkatan jumlah kasus depresi, anxiety dan stress pada masyarakat terdampak pandemi COVID-19. Dari hasil pendidikan dan latihan ada peningkatan rerata tingkat pengetahuan sesudah perlakuan yaitu 13,6, dengan p-value 0,000. Hasil observasi terhadap kompetensi diperoleh ada peningkatan kemampuan. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan adaya pengaruh pendidikan dan latihan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan dan kemampuan subjek penelitian dalam memberikan penanganan terhadap masalah kesehatan jiwa dan psikososial yang muncul akibat dari pandemi COVID-19.Kata kunci: kesehatan jiwa dan psikososial; pandemi COVID-19; pemuda
Pelatihan Berpikir Positif untuk Mencegah Stres Dikalangan Siswa SMA Kecamatan Manggis Kabupaten Karangasem I Wayan Candra; I Nengah Sumirta; I Gusti Ayu Harini
Jurnal Pengabmas Masyarakat Sehat (JPMS) Vol 1, No 3 (2019): Juli 2019
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/ms.v1i3.930


Student learning experiences stress. Hence the need for adaptation constructive efforts to overcome them, one of them with positive thinking. The general objective of the activities carried out by this dedication is to improve the knowledge and skills of students SMA Manggis about positive thinking. Community activity service performed using the method of training to the target audience of 40 persons are students SMA Manggis. The result shows the lowest score is 30 and the highest value is 70. After community services by providing training showed an increased ability of students to understand the material stress and the ability of visualization. A total of 40 persons 100% of students of the SMA Manggis show has been an increased understanding of stress and visualization. Obtained a minimum score is 70 and the maximum score is 100, it indicates that the mastery of students' understanding of visualization has reached at least 70%. The ability of students to do positive thinking techniques correctly reaches 70% (28 people). Paired Samples Test result -14.74, p=0.000. Keywords: Training positive thinking, stress.
Perilaku Keluarga dalam Mencari Pertolongan Kesehatan Bagi Anggota Keluarganya yang Mengalami Gangguan Jiwa I Wayan Candra
Jurnal Gema Keperawatan Vol 6, No 1 (2013): JURNAL GEMA KEPERAWATAN
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jgk.v6i1.1713


Behavior in health seeking families for family members who experience mental illness. This study aims to determine the behavior of the family in seeking medical help for family members who are sick in soul polyclinic Sanglah Denpasar. This research is descriptive research, the approach to the subject with a cross sectional study. Using purposive sampling techniques sampling with a sample of 30 respondents. The results of 30 people found the majority of respondents 19 (63,3%) families looking for fist aid for family members who are mentally handicapped go to atraditional healer/shaman, the bulk of 23 people (76,7%) continued to seek help families with to sick help before the healer/shaman, shackle, and confining, and most of 22 people (73.3%) care for family members who experience mental illness at home as directed healer/shaman, shackle, and imprison her home.
Terapi Menulis Ekspresif terhada Pengungkapan Diri (Self Disclosure) pada Orang dengan HIV/AIDS Ni Wayan Lita Perdani; I Wayan Candra; I Gusti Ayu Harini; I Nengah Sumirta
Jurnal Gema Keperawatan Vol 14, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Gema Keperawatan
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jgk.v14i1.1573


Expressive writing is an activity to express feelings and thoughts that have been experienced that describe the contents of the heart related to emotions in the form of writing that is described appropriately. Expressive writing therapy can be used as an effort to make oneself more open, one of which is in the case of HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS can cause many disturbances to sufferers, in addition to physical disorders, HIV/AIDS can also cause psychological disorders, not a few people with HIV/AIDS prefer to cover themselves. This study aims to determine the effect of expressive writing therapy on self-disclosure in people with HIV/AIDS. The design of this study was pre-experimental with the type of research being one group pre-test-post-test design. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The number of samples is 15 people. The research instrument used was The 32-item Revised Self Disclosure Scale. This study uses a non-parametric hypothesis test, namely the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The results showed that the level of self-disclosure before being given treatment had a low level of self-disclosure as many as 5 people (33.3%), being 10 people (66.7%) and after being given treatment there was an increase in score with the results of the low category being 1 person (6 ,7%) and moderate to 14 people (93.3%). There was a significant effect in giving expressive writing therapy on the level of self-disclosure in people with HIV/AIDS with (p = 0.001). Expressive writing therapy can increase the level of self-disclosure in people with HIV/AIDS, that expressive writing therapy is effectively used to increase the level of self-disclosure of people with HIV/AIDS.
Terapi Musik Klasik terhadap Perubahan Gejala Perilaku Agresif Pasien Skizofrenia I Wayan Candra; I Ketut Gama
Jurnal Gema Keperawatan Vol 7, No 1 (2014): JURNAL GEMA KEPERAWATAN
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jgk.v7i1.1739


This research aims at the influence of classical music therapy to changes in behavioral symptoms in patients skizofrenia aggressive. This is the type of pre-experimental by using the One-group pre-test-posttest design. Sampling tekhnique bys consecutive sampling.The sample is 15 peoples. Type of data is primary data through observation. The results aggressive behavior of schizofenia patients before therapy is given most of the music that is as many as 11 people (73.3%) in the moderate category. Aggressive behavior of schizofrenia patients after therapy is given most of the music that is as many as 12 people (80%) in the mild category statistical result obtained Wilcoxon Sign Rank test,p=0.000p 0.010, meaning there is a very significant influence classical music therapy to change symptoms of aggressive behavior in patients skizofrenia in space Kunti RSJ Bali Province in 2013.
Resiliensi Pasien GGK yang Menjalani Hemodialisa I Nengah Sumirta; I Wayan Candra
Jurnal Gema Keperawatan Vol 9, No 2 (2016): JURNAL GEMA KEPERAWATAN
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jgk.v9i2.1773


The purpose of this study is to find resiliensi in patients CFR who underwent hemodialisa at RSUD Wangaya. The kind of research this is research descriptive, uses the approach subject cross sectional, data collection using a technique purposive sampling. Data collection instrument that is used is cd-risc of Conor-Devidson. The total sample 51 patients who underwent ggk hemodialisa at RSUD Wangaya. The sample of the 51 patients ggk who underwent hemodialisa. The research results show that of 51 respondents there were 4 respondents (7.8%) have resiliensi high, 39 respondents (76,5%) have resiliensi being, and 8 respondents (15.7%) have resiliensi low. Based on gender highest number of the level of rsiliensi being in males as many as 30 people (58,8% ), the level of age dominated by the imago of madya thirty-one people (60.8 %), the level of education highest number of the secondary level by 17 people (33.3%), greatest percentage in work who works 29 people (56,9 %), based long undergo hemodialise dominated a period of time gt; 24 months as many as 22 people (43,2%) and according to the frequency of hemodialise dominated by tingat resiliensi being at the frequency of twice a week. Expected the result of this research can be used to develop the care of nursing especially on the psikososial patients ggk undergo hemodialisa.
Kesejahteraan Psikologis pada Pasien Kanker I Wayan Candra
Jurnal Gema Keperawatan Vol 8, No 2 (2015): JURNAL GEMA KEPERAWATAN
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jgk.v8i2.1758


This research aim to know the level of psychological well-being of cancer patients in Wangaya General Hospital Denpasar. Type of this research is a descriptive research. This research use cross sectional method. This research use purposive sampling technique. Sample of this research is 23 respondents. The result showed that 17 respondents (73,9 %) have a high level of psychological well-being, and 6 respondents (26,1%) have middle level of psychological well-being.
Pengaruh Self-compassion Therapy terhadap Tingkat Depresi Pasien Diabetes Melitus I Gusti Ayu Harini; Putu Yoan Sugiantara; I Wayan Candra
Jurnal Gema Keperawatan Vol 14, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Gema Keperawatan
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jgk.v14i2.1818


People with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) have a higher risk of developing depression. To treat depression in patients with DM, non-pharmacological therapies such as self-compassion therapy are needed. The aims of research to determine effect self-compassion therapy to depression levels diabetes mellitus patients in Work Area of Puskesmas I Denpasar Barat on 2021. This research used the method pre-experimental with one-group pre-post test design. Sampling with non-probability sampling with purposive sampling. Respondents were 17 people. The research instrument used Beck Depression Inventory-II. The normality test uses Shapiro-Wilk test. Hypothesis testing using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The results showed that most respondents were in mild depression category 10 peoples (58.8%), the rest were moderate depression (41.2%) before being given self-compassion therapy. After treatment level of depression decreased, 3 people had moderate depression (17.6%), 9 people had mild depression (52.9%), and least 5 people not depression (29.4%). After analysis, p-value was obtained at Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.000 alpha (0.05). The conclusion was that there is an effect of self-compassion therapy to depression levels on diabetes mellitus patients in Work Area Puskesmas I Denpasar Barat on 2021, meaning reduce depression levels Therefore, it is hoped that self-compassion therapy can be applied to patients with DM who experience depression.
Tipe Kepribadian pada Pasien Hipertensi I Wayan Candra
Jurnal Gema Keperawatan Vol 10, No 1 (2017): JURNAL GEMA KEPERAWATAN
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jgk.v10i1.1774


This study aims to determine the personality of hypertensive patients in the work area of Tabanan III Puskesmas in 2017. The type of this research is descriptive research, using Cross Sectional approach.  The sampling technique is Consecutive sampling, with the total sample of 59 people. Data collection using Type A and Type B Behavior Patterns. The results showed that most personality types in hypertensive patients were A personality type of 33 people (55.9%). Most personality types A have a history of hypertensive offspring that is as many as 25 people (75.8%), and living in the environmental temperature as many as 28 people (84.8%).
Kebermaknaan Hidup pada Pasien Kanker I Wayan Candra
Jurnal Gema Keperawatan Vol 9, No 1 (2016): JURNAL GEMA KEPERAWATAN
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jgk.v9i1.1768


This study aims to determine meaningfull life in cancer patients in hospitals Wangaya Denpasar 2015. Kind of this research used descriptive research,used cross sectional method. This research used purposive sampling technique. Subject of this research is cancer patient, sample this research amounted to 23 people. Research data shows the majority of the 23 respondents have a high level meaningfull of life as much as 14 respondents (60,9 %), 8 respondents (34,8 %) have a middle level meaningfull of life score and 1 respondents (4,3 %) have low level meaningfull life.