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Membangun Teologi Kebersamaan Melalui Tradisi Julu Nuru Masyarakat Manggarai Darmanto, Ignasius Anang Setia
Perspektif Vol. 17 N.º 1 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v17i1.151


Culture is a place to build theology. This paper tries to explain the theology of togetherness that was built through the julu nuru tradition of the Manggarai community. The methodology used in this paper is a literature study to explore the values of togetherness in the julu nuru tradition in order to build dialogue within the theological framework. The julu nuru tradition is an activity of distributing meat evenly to a certain group. The concept of sharing is the forerunner of the theology of togetherness. The julu nuru tradition presupposes that there is a living situation in togetherness so that a constructive dialogue can be created. The theology of togetherness through the julu nuru culture is the foundation for Indonesian life which emphasizes the spirit of mutual cooperation. The concept of julu nuru can be an inspiration for the Indonesian people to continue to foster the spirit of brotherhood and solidarity in the midst of ethnic, religious, racial, and inter-group diversity. The essence of life is sharing with others. Dialogue means sharing experiences to build the common good together. Budaya adalah salah satu tempat untuk membangun teologi. Tulisan ini mencoba menjelaskan teologi kebersamaan yang dibangun melalui tradisi julu nuru masyarakat Manggarai. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah studi literatur untuk menggali nilai-nilai kebersamaan dalam tradisi julu nuru dalam rangka membangun dialog dalam kerangka teologis. Tradisi julu nuru merupakan kegiatan pembagian daging secara merata kepada kelompok tertentu. Konsep berbagi merupakan cikal bakal teologi kebersamaan. Tradisi julu nuru mengandaikan adanya situasi yang hidup dalam kebersamaan sehingga dapat tercipta dialog yang konstruktif. Teologi kebersamaan melalui budaya julu nuru merupakan landasan kehidupan bangsa Indonesia yang mengedepankan semangat gotong royong. Konsep julu nuru dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi masyarakat Indonesia untuk terus menumbuhkan semangat persaudaraan dan solidaritas di tengah keragaman suku, agama, ras dan antar golongan. Inti dari hidup adalah berbagi dengan orang lain. Dialog berarti berbagi pengalaman untuk membangun kebaikan bersama. Kata-kata kunci: julu nuru, budaya, dialog, kebersamaan, sharing.
Pastoralia Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Edisi Desember
Publisher : STIPAS Keuskupan Agung Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The focus of this article is to explore the understanding of Catholic marriage annulation and the novelty carried out by Pope Francis through the Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus. This research was born after observing the divorce phenomenon that occurred in Indonesian society. The aim of this research is to explain the concept of annulation to Catholics and explain the purpose of Pope Francis in issuing the Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus which has an impact on the pastoral care of Catholic marriages. The research methodology used is qualitative with analytical descriptive writing methods. Qualitative research uses phenomenological and literature analysis. Data analysis was carried out to explain the meaning of annulation for Catholic marriages. The presence of the Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus brought reform to the annulation process. This has a direct impact on Catholic marital life today. The results of the analysis show that Catholic marriages do not recognize the term divorce because the Church values marriage as one and indissoluble. In the Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus, Pope Francis brought novelty by appointing   Bishops as judges themselves so that they could carry out a shorter annulation process while still paying attention to juridical requirements. It is this reform in the annulation that shows the role of the Church as a merciful image of God. The Church tries to embrace every congregation so that they do not feel alone in facing the marital problems they face. The Bishop's presence is increasingly real for God's people because the Bishop is the shepherd who feeds His sheep.