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Improvement of Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes by Applying The Problem Based-Learning Method Nurcholish Arifin Handoyono; Rabiman Rabiman; Panggih Pribadi; Sigit Purnomo
Jurnal Taman Vokasi Vol 7 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (291.02 KB) | DOI: 10.30738/jtv.v7i2.6318


 Abstracts. The objective of this research is to find: (1) increased learning motivation by applying the PBL method, and (2) increased learning outcomes by applying the PBL method. This research uses classroom action research with three cycles, each cycle consists of four phases: (1) planning; (2) action; (3) observe; and (4) reflecting. The research subjects were students of class XI TKR A totaling 26 students. Data collection techniques in research are: (2) self-assessment to measure student motivation; and (2) Tests to measure the learning outcomes. The data obtained is quantitative and processed into descriptive statistics. Data were analyzed descriptively. The research results are as follows: (1) learning motivation in the first cycle of 12.46 categorized as low, the second cycle of 14.72 categorized as high, and the third cycle of 16.76 categorized as very high, has increased by 2.26 from the first cycle to the second cycle and by 2.04 from the second cycle to the third cycle; and (2) learning outcomes in the first cycle of 75,38, the second cycle of 81,79), and the third cycle of 83.33, has increased by 6. 41 from the first cycle to the second cycle and by 1.54 of the second cycle to the third cycle.
Identifikasi Kebutuhan Pembelajaran Praktik Servis Sepeda Motor dengan Konsep Teaching Factory Nurcholish Arifin Handoyono; Sigit Purnomo
WACANA AKADEMIKA: Majalah Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol 4 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/wa.v4i2.7730


The research aims to identify the learning needs of motorcycle service practice practices with the concept of teaching factory in the PVTM Study Program Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The subject of the study was the head of the PVTM laboratory. The object of the study was the need to learn motorcycle service practice. Data collection by observation, interview, and documentation. Data were analyzed by means of quantitative descriptive. The results showed that: (1) Analysis of the learning needs of motorcycle service practice practices with the concept of teaching factory consists of three processes, namely preparation, learning, and evaluation; and (2) Overview of equipment owned by the PVTM Motorcycle Workshop Production Unit as many as 16 equipment (48.48%) are used classically, while 17 equipment (51.52%) are used in groups. From the equipment, there are 7 equipment (21.21%) categorized as very good, 7 equipment (21.21%) categorized as good, 4 equipment (2.12%) categorized as enough, 13 equipment (39.40%) categorized as less, and 2 equipment (6.06%) categorized as very less. Overall, a percentage of 80.30% is categorized as good.
Pemanfaatan Media Plexiglas Sebagai Media Pada Karya Monoprint Sigit Purnomo; I Gusti Ngurah Tri Marutama
Journal of Contemporary Indonesian Art Vol 6, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/jocia.v6i1.3490


Monoprint termasuk dalam seni modern dan bukan termasuk seni tradisional sertaberada di luar seni grafis konvensional, karena monoprint merupakan upaya seniman untuk“menaikkan” kelas seni grafis, karena monoprint hanya dicetak 1 x cetakan. Dan denganteknik monoprint akan didapatkan ekslusivitas karya seni grafis. Memang dalam seni grafisdalam berkarya diharuskan untuk digandakan.Monoprint dalam perkembangannya tidak hanya dicetak di atas kertas tetapi juga diataskanvas. Monoprint di atas kanvas pernah booming secara market di tahun 2000an.Berbagai inovasi dilakukan untuk mengejar kebaharuan dalam berkarya, termasuk dalamteknik monoprint. Teknik monoprint yang pada umumnya dicetak di atas kanvas dan kertasperlu diganti pada media yang lebih fleksibel. Pemilihan teknik Monoprint di atas mediapleksiglas dengan kolase limbah kertas dan plastik sangat cocok baik secara teknis maupunsecara visual. Monoprint bukan hanya karya seni rupa saja tetapi bisa juga digunakansebagai suvenir. Monoprint dengan media pleksiglas memiliki berbagai keuntungan, salahsatunya karya bisa dibawa ke luar negeri dengan catatan karya tidak besar-besar, aman,tidak mudah rusak. Monoprint dengan media pleksiglas juga menggunakan kolase bahan-bahan limbah bisa sebagai alternatif karya-karya yang peduli lingkungan, karenamenggunakan bahan bahan limbah.Kata kunci: Monoprint, Pleksiglas, Kolase.
Article Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Masjid Darussalam GKB2 berbasis Web Sigit Purnomo; Frandika Septa
Jurnal CoSciTech (Computer Science and Information Technology) Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Computer Science and Information Technology (CoSciTech)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37859/coscitech.v2i1.2316


One computer-based information system is the website, usually in its online form. The amount of activity, financial management and data processing still conducted in manual bogies of difficulty. To address that problem requires easily accessible system of management, at any time, anywhere, precisely, fast and accurate by the mosque and community. On that basis it developed a web based mosque management information systems that are made with a PHP programming language, javascript and mysql database. The goal of the system is to make it easier for the mosque to manage the financial data, to manage activities of the mosque and to make it easier for the public to search for information on the existing website system. The sequence of these studies includes critical analysis, system desaign, implementation, testing and maintenance. The Darussalam mosque management system was tested by the black box method and focused on functional requirements using alpha testing. This research examination is still ina purely functionality testing phase incolving unintended objects can occur without specific testing especially on the interface part where ddynamic programming of the interface elements blending in using HTML and CSS presentation of documents. So in running the system as a web-based application, it should affect the web browser in running the system.
SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business Vol. 4 No. 4 (2021): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION: Economic, Accounting, Management, & Business
Publisher : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Pustek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37481/sjr.v4i4.375


This study aims to determine the "Effect of Reward and Punishment on Employee Performance at PT PLN (Persero) Customer Service Implementation Unit (UP3) Bogor". The methods of analysis used are descriptive analysis methods and quantitative analysis methods. The data collection method is a questionnaire. The population in this study was employees at PT PLN (Persero) Customer Service Implementation Unit (UP3) Bogor from all employees as many as 105 people to 83 people using slovin formula.Based on the result of the t test with the calculated t value on the reward variable of 2,701 greater than the table t of 1,990 with a probability of t being sig 0.008 is less than the significance limit of 0.05. Based on this value, reward variables have a positive and significant effect on performance variables. In punishment variables of 5,550 greater than table t of 1,990 with a probability of t being sig 0.000 smaller than the significance limit of 0.05, punishment variables partially have a positive and significant influence on performance variables. Based on the results of the F test, the Fhitung value of 59,666 > 3.11 with a sig of 0.000 <? 0.05, indicating Ho was rejected and Ha accepted, meaning reward and punishment simultaneously positively and significantly affect performance variables. The result of the determinant coefficient (R2) is 0.774 meaning that the reward and punishment variables have a strong relationship to performance. Adjusted R Square of 0.599 means a 59.9% improvement in employee performance at PT PLN (Persero) Customer Service Implementation Unit (UP3) Bogor can be explained by reward and punishment variables, while the remaining 41.1% can be explained by other variables not studied in this study.
Pengaruh Reward dan Punishment Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Bandara Internasional Hotel Tangerang Banten Sigit Purnomo; Arman Syah; Budhi Prabowo; Elizabeth Tika Kristina Hartuti
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (171.562 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5905942


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Reward on Employee Performance, the effect of Punishment on Employee Performance, and to determine the effect of Reward and Punishment together on Employee Performance at the International Airport Hotel. The research methodology used by the author is quantitative methods, data collection methods by distributing questionnaires which are then processed using regression analysis. The population and sample in this study were all employees at the International Airport Hotel with a total of 98 employees. While the data analysis used in the form of validity and reliability tests. Linear regression test, correlation test, determination test and hypothesis testing using t test (partial), F test (simultaneous).The results of the research on the correlation test of 0.921 which shows that there is a very strong relationship and the value of determination is 0.848, meaning that the contribution of Reward and Punishment variables on Employee Performance is 84.8%. The simple linear regression test is Y=3.372+0.642X1 and Y=3.774+0.914X2, meaning that the increase in the Reward variable on Employee Performance is 0.642 or 64.2% and the increase in the Punishment variable on Employee Performance is 0.914 or 91.4%.The results of the t-test (partial) for the Reward variable have a t-count value of 3.159 > t-table 1.665 and a value of 0.002 <0.05 and the Punishment variable has a t-value of 8.214 > t-table 1.665 with a significant value of 0.000 <0.05. Based on the results of the F test (simultaneous) F-count 265.856 > F-table 3.09 and a significant value of 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that Ho3 is rejected and Ha3 is accepted. This means that the Reward and Punishment variables simultaneously have a significant effect on Employee Performance at the International Airport Hotel.
SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business Vol. 5 No. 4 (2022): SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION: Economic, Accounting, Management, & Business
Publisher : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Pustek

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37481/sjr.v5i4.583


This study aims to determine how much service quality and price affect the purchasing decision simultaneously at JSP Kids MDS Depok Town Square Brand. This type of research is an associative research using a quantitative approach. The sampling technique used in this study is simple random sampling, using a sample of 99 respondents. Data analysis is a research instrument testing that is validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test. Descriptive analysis and research verification are analysis of respondent characteristics, descriptive analysis of respondents' assessment of qualitative variables, verification analysis (quantitative) namely linear regression analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, coefficient of determination analysis, and hypothesis testing both partially and simultaneously. The results of this study are the quality of service has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions with the regression equation Y= 15,767 + 0.502 X1. Price has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions with the regression equation Y= 10,738 + 0.635 X2. Service quality and price simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions with the regression equation Y = 7.843 + 0.116X1 + 0.586X2. This means that there is a positive and significant influence simultaneously between service quality and price on purchasing decisions on the JSP KIDS MDS Depok Town Square brand.
Pengembangan Media Tutorial Sistem Rem Sepeda Motor untuk Praktikum Siswa Sigit Purnomo; Prima N. Fatkhurahman; Nurcholish Handoyono; Dianna Ratnawati; Rabiman Rabiman
Publisher : Universitas Wahid Hasyim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36499/jim.v19i2.9796


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan media pembelajaran dan mengetahui kelayakan video tutorial pada pembelajaran sistem rem mata pelajaran pemeliharaan sasis sepeda motor kelas XI. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian pengembangan. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI TBSM 2 dan TBSM 3 Teknik Bisnis Sepeda Motor Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Prosedur yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas 4 tahapan yaitu (1) tahap pembuatan konsep yang meliputi analisa awal, analisa akhir, pengumpulan materi dan pendukung materi, (2) tahap pembuatan produk yang meliputi design dan assembly, (3) tahap uji coba (testing) validasi oleh ahli media, ahli materi, kemudian dilanjutkan evaluasi atau penilaian orang guru bidang studi, evaluasi atau penilaian  teman sejawat, dan uji coba terhadap siswa (4) distribution yaitu dengan mengunggah (uploud) di youtub. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penilaian kelayakan media pembelajaran video tutorial adalah: (1) penilaian ahli materi sebesar 89,58%. (2) penilaian ahli media sebesar 94,04%. (3)  penilaian guru sebesar 94,04%. (4) penilaian tanggapan reviewer teman sejawat sebesar 95,4%. (5) tanggapan siswa  sebesar 81,06%. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian dan tanggapan yang diperoleh tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran berbasis video tutorial pembelajaran sistem rem ini sangat layak digunakan dan dikembangkan.