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Non-Premixed Combustion Simulation with Variation of Swirl Burner Slope using Turbulence Modeling K-ɛ R D Issafira; W Wijayanti; L Edahwati; W D Lestari; W Saputro; A K Faizin; N Adyono; T P Sari
Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering Journal (BIOMEJ) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): BIOMEJ
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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Combustion is a very complex matter. Therefore, we need to know the phenomenon that occur in combustion apart from the temperature distribution. This research uses quasi-research. The background in using quasi-experimental is because it has advantages in data collection. Moreover, the phenomena that occur in more detailed research by means of a numerical approach could also be observed. This research was conducted with an approach (simulation) of diffusion combustion using methane (CH4) fuel and air containing 29% oxygen (O2), 71% nitrogen (N2) and the addition of swirl in the air ducts. k-ɛ turbulence modeling was aaplied in this somulation. This variation of the fuel velocities are 3 m/s, 5 m/s, 7 m/s, where the air velocity was varied for 3 m/s, 5 m/s, 7m/s. In this simulation, room pressure of 1 atm was applied for the surrounding. The results showed that, the greater the angle of inclination of the swirl burner, the shorter the flame. And on the variation of fuel velocity, we get the result that the higher fuel velocity, increase fire height; however, the temperature of the fire height will decrease.
Jurnal Kesehatan Kusuma Husada Vol. 6 No. 1, Januari 2015
Publisher : Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta

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ABSTRAKSaat ini, kasus anemia gizi pada ibu hamil masih saja menjadi penyebab utama anemia di dunia, baik di negara maju maupun di Negara berkembang. Anemia defisiensi besi di Negara berkembang sekitar 80%. Di Indonesia, berdasarkan Survey Kesehatan Nasional tahun 2001 ditemukan sekitar 40,1%ibu hamil menderita anemia, tahun 2003 menjadi 50,9%. Laporan Survei Departemen Kesehatan-Unicef tahun 2005,menemukan bahwa dari sekitar 4 juta ibu hamil, separuhnya mengalami anemia gizi dan satu jutalainnya mengalami kekurangan energi kronis. Hasil penelitian 6 terakhir membuktikan bahwa pemberian tablet zat besi lebih efektif meningkatkan kadar hemoglobin ibu hamil, tetapi untuk lebih mengoptimalkan peningkatan kadar hemoglobin tersebut maka pemberian tablet zat besi perlu pula disertai dengan konseling gizi. Penelitian dilakukan di Kelurahan Kadipiro Kecamatan Banjarsari Surakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian eksperimen semu (Quasi experiment) dengan desain non randomized control group pretest posttest. Subjek pada penelitian sebanyak 30 orang, pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling . Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, yaitu dengan memberikan konseling setiap satu bulan sekali selama 3 bulan dan pemberian tablet Fe 200 mg, asam folat 0,25 mg serta vitamin C 50 mg sejumlah 10 tablet yang diberikan bersamaan saat konseling menunjukkan adanya kenaikan Hemoglobin pada Ibu Hamil Trimester II tersebut.Kata Kunci: konseling, gizi ibu hamil, anemiaABSTRACTCurrently, cases of anemia among pregnant women is still a major cause of anemia in the world, both in developed countries and in developing countries. Iron deficiency anemia in developing countries about 80%. In Indonesia, according to the National Health Survey in 2001 found about 40.1% of pregnant women suffer from anemia, in 2003 to 50.9%. Laporanv Ministry of Health-UNICEF survey in 2005, found that of the approximately 4 million pregnant women, half of whom suffered anemia and one jutalainnya chronic energy deficiency. Last 6 research results prove that the provision of iron tablets more effectively increase hemoglobin levels of pregnant women, but to further optimize the increase in hemoglobin levels, the provision of iron tablets should also be accompanied by nutritional counseling. The study was conducted at the Village Kadipiro Banjarsari District of Surakarta. This study is a quasi-experimental research (Quasi-experiment) with the design of non-randomized control group pretest posttest. Subjects in the study of 30 people, sampling purposive sampling. The results of the research that has been done, by providing counseling once a month for 3 months and administration of 200 mg Fe tablets, 0.25 mg of folic acid and vitamin C 50 mg tablets given number 10 at the same time of counseling showed an increase in hemoglobin in Pregnant Women the second trimester.Keywords: counseling, nutrition of pregnant women, anemia
Jurnal Kesehatan Kusuma Husada Vol. 5 No. 2, Juli 2014
Publisher : Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta

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ABSTRAKKebijakan pelayanan kesehatan usia lanjut ditujukan untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan dan mutu kehidupan lansia. Posyandu lansia adalah pos pelayanan terpadu untuk masyarakat usia lanjut di suatu wilayah tertentu yang sudah disepakati, yang digerakkan oleh masyarakat agar bisa mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan. Dukungan keluarga sangat berperan dalam mendorong minat atau kesediaan lansia untuk mengikuti kegiatan posyandu lansia, Keluarga bisa menjadi motivator kuat bagi lansia apabila selalu menyediakan diri untuk mendampingi atau mengantar lansia ke posyandu. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan intensitas kunjungan lansia ke posyandu lansia di Dusun Daratan Kepoh. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode diskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah lansia di Posyandu lansia Barokah dusun Daratan Kepoh melibatkan 46 responden. Data yang dikumpulkan oleh peneliti adalah data primer dengan mengukur dukungan keluarga dan menggunakan kuesioner data diolah menggunakan langkah editing, coding, tabulating. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil analisis diperoleh nilai Chi Square sebesar 9,975, dibandingkan dengan nilai Chi Square tabel (9,975>3,481) dengan nilai signifikansi (0,002<0,05) berarti ada hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan keluarga dengan intensitas kunjungan lansia ke posyandu lansia. Simpulan hasil penelitian terdapat hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan intensitas kunjungan lansia ke posyandu lansia di dusun Daratan Kepoh Tohudan Colomadu Karanganyar.Kata kunci : dukungan keluarga, intensitas kunjungan, lanjut usia, posyandu ABSTRACTElderly health care policy is intended to improve the health and quality of life of the elderly. IHC elderly is a public health posts for the elderly in a particular area that has been agreed upon, which is driven by the community where they can get health care. Family support was instrumental in encouraging the elderly interest or willingness to follow the activities of the elderly neighborhood health center, Family can be a strong motivator for the elderly if they always make themselves available to assist or accompany the elderly to neighborhood health center. The aim of research to determine the relationship of family support with the intensity of the elderly to visit the elderly neighborhood health center in Dusun Daratan Kepoh. This research uses descriptive method with cross sectional correlation. The study population was elderly in elderly IHC Barokah Dusun Daratan Kepoh involving 46 respondents. The data collected by the researcher is the primary data by measuring the support of family and questionnaire data were processed using the step editing, coding, tabulating. The results showed that the results obtained by analysis of Chi Square value of 9.975, compared with the value of Chi Square table (9.975> 3.481) with significant value (0.002 <0.05) means that there is a significant relationship between family support with the intensity of the elderly to visit the elderly neighborhood health center. Conclusion The results of the study there is a relationship between family support with the intensity of the elderly to visit the elderly in the village neighborhood health center Mainland Kepoh Tohudan Colomadu Karanganyar.Keywords: family support, intensity of the visit, elderly, neighborhood health center
Jurnal Kesehatan Kusuma Husada Vol. 7 No. 1, Januari 2016
Publisher : Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta

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ABSTRAKKebutuhan Kalsium pada ibu hamil berfungsi dalam menjaga kestabilan kondisi ibu hamil yaitu untuk pertumbuhan tulang dan gigi janin. Kekurangan Kalsium pada ibu hamil dapat menyebabkan abortus, pengeroposan tulang dan pertumbuhan tulang yang tidak sempurna sampai kecacatan. Salah satu bahan alternatif sumber Kalsium yang alami dan mudah di dapat serta dapat mengatasi limbah pengolahan hasil perikanan adalah tulang ikan tuna. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbandingan pengaruh pemberian ekstrak tulang ikan tuna dengan suplemen kalk tehadap kadar kalsium darah ibu hamil pasien Puskesmas. Metode penelitian meliputi jenis penelitian quasi eksperiment. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan alat otomatis Roche Modular D (ACN 726), yaitu pemeriksaan kadar kalsium darah pada 34 ibu hamil terdiri dari 17 subyek ibu hamil yang diberikan ekstrak tulang ikan tuna dan 17 subyek ibu hamil yang diberikan suplemen kalk. Analisa data secara kuantitatif menggunakan uji t-test independent dengan CI 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata kadar Kalsium sebelum diberikan ekstrak tulang ikan tuna sebesar 8,682 mg/dL, setelah diberikan ekstrak tulang ikan tuna sebesar 8,929 mg/dL. Rata-rata kadar Kalsium sebelum diberikan suplemen kalk sebesar 8,906 mg/dL, setelah diberikan suplemen kalk sebesar 8,871 mg/dL. Ada perbedaan sebelum dan setelah diberikan ekstrak tulang ikan tuna (p-value: 0,009). Tidak ada perbedaan sebelum dan setelah diberikan suplemen kalk (p-value: 0,647). Ada perbedaan pengaruh ekstrak tulang ikan tuna dengan suplemen kalk (p-value: 0,018).Kata kunci: Ekstrak tulang ikan tuna, kadar kalsium darah, ibu hamil.ABSTRACTThe needs of calcium for pregnant mothers function in maintaining the stability of pregnant mothers, that was for the growth of bone and teeth of the fetus. The lack of calcium of pregnant mother causing abortion, porous and imperfect of bones growth till disability. One of the alternative sources of natural calcium and easy obtained and overcome waste processing fisheries was the tuna. Objective proving comparison influence distribute extract bones of tuna with calc supplement toward blood calcium level of pregnant mothers in public health centre. The research method is quasi experiment. The research instrument using automatic equipment of Roche Modular D (ACN 726), that is checking blood calcium level on 34 pregnant mothers, consisted of 17 respondents for the group of using extract bone of tuna and 17 respondents using calc supplement. The analysis of the data is qualitative using t-test independent with CI 95%. The average level of calcium before given extract bone of tuna was 8,682 mg/dL, after given extract bone of tuna was 8,929 mg/dL. The average level of calcium before given calc supplement was 8,906 mg/dL, after given calc supplement was 8,871 mg/dL. There were differences before and after given extract bone of tuna (p-value: 0,009). There weren’t differences before and after given calc supplement (p-value: 0,647), there were different influences given extract bone of tuna with calc supplement (p-value:0,018) Keywords: extract bone of tuna, the level of blood calcium, pregnant mother
Jurnal Kesehatan Kusuma Husada Vol. 8 No. 1, Januari 2017
Publisher : Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta

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ABSTRAK Bidan dalam memberikan pelayanan kebidanan yang paripurna dan berkesinambungan akan berorientasi pada asuhan kebidanan yang bersifat holistik. Hal itu tidak terlepas dari kompetensi yang harus dikuasai seorang bidan berdasarkan wewenangnya. Dalam praktiknya kompetensi bidan saat ini belum seperti yang diharapkan. Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berkembang dengan pesat dan dampaknya terjadi perubahan nilai serta kebutuhan masyarakat yang meningkat terhadap bidan. Bila kondisi tersebut tidak diatasi, maka kepuasan dan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap bidan akan semakin menurun. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kompetensi asuhan kehamilan mahasiswa kebidanan dengan kepuasan pasien pada praktik klinik kebidanan. Metode yang digunakan adalah rancangan observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester IV program studi DIII Kebidanan UNS dan pasien ibu hamil di rumah sakit dan puskesmas di wilayah Surakarta. Sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan total populasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis bivariat Chi-Square dilanjutkan dengan regresi logistik. Simpulan penelitian adalah terdapat hubungan kompetensi asuhan kehamilan mahasiswa D III kebidanan dengan kepuasan pasien pada praktik klinik kebidanan.   Kata kunci: kompetensi, kepuasan pasien       ABSTRACT Midwives in providing maternity services that complete and continuous to be oriented holistic midwifery care. It was not separated from the competencies that must be controlled by a midwife pursuant to her authority. In practice competence of midwives currently not as expected. Science and technology is developing rapidly and the impact a change in the values and needs of the people who improve to the midwife. If these conditions are not addressed, then the satisfaction and public confidence in the midwife will decrease. The study aims to determine the relationship of the competence of pregnancy care with patient satisfaction of midwifery students in clinical practice midwifery. The method used is observational analytic design with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were students of fourth semester study program D III Midwifery UNS pregnant women and patients in hospitals and health centers in the region of Surakarta. The sample in this study using the total population. Data analysis using Chi-Square bivariate analysis followed by logistic regression. The conclusions of the study is there is a relationship of pregnancy care competency D III midwifery students with patient satisfaction at midwifery clinical practice.   Keywords: competence, patient satisfaction