Ni Kadek Rai Dewi Astini
Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

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Found 1 Documents
Journal : JOGED

Joged Vol 19, No 1 (2022): APRIL 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/joged.v18i1.6970


RINGKASAN Ritual Tinek Sentokep adalah upacara kematian Wara Nolang dari suku Dayak Lawangan penganut Kaharingan, yang berada di wilayah kecamatan Dusun Tengah, kabupaten Barito Timur, Kalimantan Tengah. Suatu kejadian yang menginspirasi yaitu, ketika menyaksikan para penari melewati setiap pasang tongkat sakral yang membutuhkan keseimbangan emosi seperti fokus, berani, dan yakin agar berhasil melewati tantangan permainan pada tari ritual tersebut. Dari situlah terdapat pembelajaran penting mengingatkan ke dalam perjalanan hidup yang tidak luput dari berbagai macam masalah yang harus dihadapi demi mencapai tujuan berupa kebahagiaan dan kelegaan hati. Tentunya hal tersebut menjadi tantangan bagi setiap orang yang sangat mudah dikendalikan oleh emosi, sehingga menyebabkan kehilangan fokus arah tujuan. Karya tari Sangkal Bolum dikemas ke dalam format tari video dengan memilih ruang tari outdoor di sungai yang memiliki bendungan. Sungai sebagai tempat pembersihan dan penyucian diri, sedangkan bendungan dibungkus kain putih yang membentuk profil gunung, bagian tengah dibuat tangga menurun ke sungai, merupakan simbol gunung Lemeut atau gunung suci sebagai tempat untuk melakukan doa sebelum menghadapi tantangan. Alasan lain memilih ruang tari di sungai yaitu untuk meletakkan setting jembatan bambu sebagai visualisasi tantangan yang dihadapi.ABSTRACT The dance creation entitled Sangkal Bolum was inspired by the ritual dance of Tinek Sentokep in the death ceremony of Wara Nolang from the Dayak Lawangan tribe, adherents of Kaharingan, which is located in the Dusun Tengah sub-district, East Barito district, Central Kalimantan. An inspiring incident was watching the dancers pass each pair of sacred sticks that required a balance of emotions such as focus, courage, and confidence in order to successfully pass the challenges of the game in the ritual dance. From there, there are important lessons that remind us of the journey of life that does not escape the various kinds of problems that must be faced in order to achieve the goal of happiness and relief. Of course, this is a challenge for everyone who is very easily controlled by emotions, causing them to lose focus on the direction of the goal. Sangkal Bolum's dance creation is packaged into a video dance format by choosing an outdoor dance room on a river that has a dam. The river is a place of cleansing and purification, while the dam is wrapped in white cloth that forms the profile of the mountain, the middle part of which is made of stairs going down to the river, is a symbol of Mount Lemeut or the holy mountain as a place to pray before facing challenges. Another reason for choosing a dance room on the river is to place a bamboo bridge setting as a visualization of the challenges faced.