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Penerapan Algoritma Karmarkar Pada Optimasi Keuntungan Agustina Pradjaningsih; Taufiqi Fadhilah Amieni; Abduh Riski
Prosiding SI MaNIs (Seminar Nasional Integrasi Matematika dan Nilai-Nilai Islami) Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Prosiding SI MaNIs (Seminar Nasional Integrasi Matematika dan Nilai Islami)
Publisher : Mathematics Department

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Optimasi diperlukan di bidang industri yang berkaitan dengan memaksimalkan keuntungan. Permasalahan produsen dengan tingkat keuntungan, faktor produksi, dan produk yang dihasilkan produsen tersebut memiliki hubungan yang linier, dapat dimasukkan dalam model program linier pada penyelesaian permasalahan optimasi. Penyelesaian permasalahan optimasi pada penelitian ini menggunakan Algoritma Karmarkar untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan. Algoritma karmarkar dapat menyelesaikan masalah program linier dengan variabel dan kendala yang kompleks menggunakan software Matrix Laboratory (Matlab) dengan membuat m-file. Variabel keputusan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah jenis produk yang dihasilkan yaitu roti coklat, roti strawberry, roti pisang, roti blueberry, roti pandan, roti keju, dan roti vanila. Fungsi kendala pada penelitian ini adalah persediaan bahan baku masing-masing jenis produk, persediaan bahan pendukung masing-masing jenis produk, dan harga bahan pendukung masing-masing jenis produk. Model program linier pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan simulasi program menggunakan software Matrix Laboratory (Matlab) . Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data keuntungan dan produksi dalam satu hari produksi. Pada penelitian ini diperoleh peningkatan keuntungan sebesar Rp. 34.358 dalam satu hari produksi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa algoritma Karmarkar dapat diterapkan pada kasus maksimasi keuntungan Produsen Roti Habibi.
Publisher : Program Studi Matematika FMIPA Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/jsmu.v3i1.4215


Angka penjualan mobil di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan dari waktu ke waktu. Pihak dealer perlu menentukan kriteria mobil yang sesuai kebutuhan konsumen sebagai strategi pemasaran sehingga dapat meningkatkan angka penjualan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan tipe mobil MPV (Multi Purpose Vehicle) terbaik yang dipasarkan di dealer Toyota Auto2000 Jember. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode fuzzy TOPSIS dengan empat kriteria yaitu harga, keekonomisan perawatan, kenyamanan, dan model mobil. Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu urutan peringkat tipe mobil MPV terbaik diantaranya, Toyota Avanza, Innova, Sienta, Voxy, Alphard, dan Vellfire.
Implementasi Algoritma Reversed Vigenere Encryption pada Pengamanan Citra Ahmad Rico Santoso; Abduh Riski; Ahmad Kamsyakawuni
BERKALA SAINSTEK Vol 6 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bst.v6i2.9224


Pengamanan data atau informasi penting dilakukan untuk mencegah bocornya suatu pesan atau informasi kepada orang yang tidak berhak menerima. Pengamanan suatu data dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan suatu teknik penyandian yang dinamakan dengan kriptografi. Pada penelitian ini, data yang digunakan adalah pesan/informasi berupa citra RGB sebanyak 10 buah citra. Pesan atau informasi pada penelitian disandikan menggunakan algoritma Reversed Vigenere Encryption. Tujuan dari penyandian citra RGB ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana langkah-langkah enkripsi dan dekripsi serta hasil keamanan dari penyandian citra terhadap serangan-serangan kriptoanalisis. Adapun metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis hasil enkripsi adalah anilisis histogram dan analisis diferensial. Hasil dari proses enkripsi dan dekripsi citra dapat dilakukan dengan baik namun masih menghasilkan cipherimage yang membentuk sebagian pola dari citra asli sehingga mudah ditebak oleh seseorang. Pada analisis histogram nilai-nilai pixels dari cipherimage belum menyebar secara merata sehingga hasil dari enkripsi citra masih memiliki ketahanan yang lemah terhadap serangan-serangan kriptoanalisis tipe statistik. Pada analisis diferensial, nilai NPCR menghasilkan nilai 100% yang berarti setiap pixels pada citra asli berubah bentuk secara total. Kata Kunci: Kriptografi, Citra RGB, Reversed Vigenere Encryption.
Perbaikan Citra Inframerah dengan Metode Divide-Conquer dan Metode Histogram Equalization Dinda Septika Kaesardi; Abduh Riski; Ahmad Kamsyakawuni
BERKALA SAINSTEK Vol 6 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bst.v6i2.9226


CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) atau kamera pengawas yang berbasis inframerah banyak dijumpai di tempat-tempat umum seperti persimpangan jalan, perkantoran, pertokoan, dll. Inframerah merupakan suatu radiasi elektromagnetik yang di dalam kamera CCTV berfungsi untuk mengadaptasi gambar dalam keadaan kurang cahaya menjadi terlihat oleh mata dalam mode grayscale. Namun, citra inframerah ini mengalami sedikit derau (noise), kurang tajam, kabur, dsb. Sehingga diperlukan suatu proses perbaikan citra. Penelitian ini akan membahas perbandingan metode Histogram Equalization dan Divide-Conquer, kemudian kedua citra hasil dibandingkan berdasarkan visual dan Liniear Index of Fuzziness. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, metode Divide-Conquer menghasilkan kualitas citra yang lebih baik secara visual ataupun dengan Linear Index of Fuzziness dibanding dengan Histogram Equalization. Jika dengan dibandingkan dengan citra asli, kedua metode menghasilkan citra yang lebih baik. Namun, hasil citra Histogram Equalization lebih terang sehingga ada beberapa detail citra yang hilang. Kata Kunci: Perbaikan citra, citra inframerah, Histogram Equalization, Divide-Conquer, Linear Index of Fuzziness.
Application of Fuzzy TOPSIS Method in Scholarship Interview Abduh Riski; Ahmad Kamsyakawuni
UNEJ e-Proceeding 2016: Proceeding The 1st International Basic Science Conference
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Decision-making problem is the process of determines the best options of all feasible alternative. In some problems, decision-making process involves the attributes of linguistic as in scholarship interview, which is one of the multi-objective decision-making (MODM) problem. The aim of this paper is to apply Fuzzy TOPSIS method in scholarship interview. Scholarship Interview that defined in this paper was implemented to  candidates by  questions for each candidate and assessed by  interviewers. Technique for the Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method is a multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) method. The basic principle of the TOPSIS method is to choose the alternative that has similarity with the ideal solution. So that the TOPSIS method can be applied in a scholarship interview, in the first step is used fuzzy method to reduce the -dimensional objective space to be one-dimensional objective space. Then applied the TOPSIS steps by fuzzy approaching to find the best alternative. In this paper will be used a scholarship interview case to illustrate more obviously steps. With this approach, the determination of the scholarship recipients can be more powerful and assured.
Pengamanan Citra Dengan Operator Algoritma Genetika Abduh Riski; Ahmad Saiful Rizal; Ahmad Kamsyakawuni
Fountain of Informatics Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/fij.v4i1.2906


AbstrakPerkembangan teknologi komputer yang semakin pesat tentu diperlukan teknik pengamanan data baik data teks maupun data citra. Pengamanan data menjadi hal yang sangat penting agar data yang dikirimkan tetap terjaga kerahasiaannya. Pada penelitian ini akan dibahas tentang Operator Algoritma Genetika dalam mengamankan data citra. Operator tersebut adalah crossover dan mutasi. Kunci yang digunakan berupa citra yang akan mengalami pergeseran bit. Proses enkripsi dengan Operator Algoritma Genetika menghasilkan citra yang terlihat acak dan  susah untuk ditebak gambar aslinya. Proses dekripsi dengan Operator Algoritma Genetika dapat mengembalikan cipher image menjadi citra yang sebenarnya. Analisis keamanan dari metode yang digunakan menunjukkan bahwa algoritma aman dari serangan analisis frekuensi dibuktikan dengan analisis histogram, analisis diferensial dengan rata-rata NPCR 99,65% dan UACI 32,41%,  dan  analisis korelasi dengan rata-rata sebesar -0,01.Kata kunci: crossover, mutasi, enkripsi, dekripsi, histogram, diferensial, korelasi Abstract[Image Security with Operator of Genetic Algorithm] The rapid development of computer technology needed a technique to secure data both text and image. Data security is vital that the data is sent still safe its confidentiality. In this article will be proposed about security image by Operator of Genetic Algorithm. These operators are crossover and mutation. The key is an image that will get bitshift. Encryption process with operator Genetic Algorithm producing the image which looks random and confusing to predict the original image. Decryption process with Operator Genetic Algorithm can change cipher image to the real image. Security analysis of the method which used indicates that algorithm is secured from analysis frequency attack, proven by analysis histogram, averages analysis differential NPCR 99,65% and UACI 32,41%, and averages correlation value -0,01.Keywords: crossover, mutation, encryption, decryption, histogram, differential, correlation
Principal Component Regression in Statistical Downscaling with Missing Value for Daily Rainfall Forecasting M Dika saputra; Alfian Futuhul Hadi; Abduh Riski; Dian Anggraeni
International Journal of Quantitative Research and Modeling Vol 2, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Research Collaboration Community (RCC)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46336/ijqrm.v2i3.151


Drought is a serious problem that often arises during the dry season. Hydrometeorologically, drought is caused by reduced rainfall in a certain period. Therefore, it is necessary to take the latest actions that can overcome this problem. This research aims to predict the potential for a drought to occur again in the Kupang City, Indonesia by developing a rainfall forecasting model. Incomplete daily local climate data for Kupang City is an obstacle in this analysis of rainfall forecasting. Data correction was then carried out through imputed missing values using the Kalman Filter method with Arima State-Space model. The Kalman Filter and Arima State-Space model (2,1,1) produces the best missing data imputation with a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.930. The rainfall forecasting process is carried out using Statistical Downscaling with the Principal Component Regression (PCR) model that considers global atmospheric circulation from the Global Circular Model (GCM). The results showed that the PCR model obtained was quite good with a Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) value of 2.81%. This model is used to predict the daily rainfall of Kupang City by utilizing GCM data.
Peramalan Arus Kas dengan Pendekatan Time Series Menggunakan Support Vector Machine Bella Audina; Mohamat Fatekurohman; Abduh Riski
Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics Vol 4, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13057/ijas.v4i1.47953


Cash flow is a form of financial report that is used as a measure of the company success in the investment world. So that companies need to forecast the cash flow to manage their finances. Statistics can be applied for the forecasting of cash flow using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method on the time series data. The aim of this research is to determine the optimal parameter pair model of the Radial Basic Function kernel and to obtain the forecasting results of cash flow using the SVM method on the time series data. The independent variable is needed the data on cash flow from operating income, expenditure and investment expenditure, sum of all cash flow. While the dependent variable is the financial condition based on the Free Cash Flow. The result of this research is a model with the best parameter pairs of the SVM tuning results with the greatest accuracy that is 75%, 82%, 88%, 64% and the forecasting financial condition of PT Cakrawala for the next 16 months.Keywords: cash flow, forecasting, time series, support vector machine.
Penyembunyian Pesan Terenkripsi pada Citra menggunakan Algoritma LSB dan Transposisi Kolom Kiswara Agung Santoso; Ahmad Tanto Wiraga; Abduh Riski
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 6 No 1 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v6i1.3819


Data security is a very important thing to do so that messages or information are sent to someone who is not known by unauthorized persons. Data security techniques that The ones that are often used today are cryptography and steganography. In this study, the data is to be secured in text. To increase security, text messages are first encrypted using the vigenere algorithm and column transposition. This text message is then hidden into an image (cover image). The encrypted text message was hidden in the image using the LSB algorithm and column transposition. The results of the study show that the virtual stego image generated is very effective similar to the original image. Based on the results of the MSE and PSNR analysis, it can be seen that the resulting image quality can be categorized as good. This can be seen from the PSNR value above 50 dB and some even above 60 dB. Based on the results of the LSB analysis, the stego image does not look strange so it will not be suspected by unauthorized people that there is a hidden message in the image.
Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol 10 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika
Publisher : Jurusan Matematika FMIPA Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/


Government Standard (GOST) is a 64-bit block cipher algorithm with 32 round, use a 256-bit key. The weakness of this algorithm is the keys so simple, than make cryptanalyst easy to break this algorithm. Least Significant Bit (LSB) use to insert message into another form without changing the form of the cover after insertion. This research does by hiding encrypted ciphertext to image and hiding image into audio. This research use grayscale and RBG image with BMP and PNG format. Audio using music with wav format. Security analysis using differential analysis NPCR and UACI. Security analysis aims to calculate percentage from cover after hiding the message. The smaller the NPCR and UACI values, the higher the level of security the message is hidden. The results of the analysis of concealment in the image obtained by the average values of NPCR and UACI were 99.98% and 3.46% respectively. While the results of the analysis of hiding in audio obtained the average value of NPCR and UACI were 83.78% and 12.66% respectively.