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Design of Digital Parity Generator Layout Using 0.7 micron Technology Wahab Musa; Sri Wahyuni Dali; Ade Irawaty Tolago
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 8, No 5: October 2018
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (359.182 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v8i5.pp3550-3559


The proposed digital parity generator circuit is an integrated circuit functions to detect data errors at the transmitter end, and check it at the receiving end. In digital communications, the digital messages are transmitted in the form of 1’s and 0’s between two points. It is an error free if both are the same. The purpose of this research is to implement a design method of digital parity generator layout with 0.7 micron process technology ECPD07 from Tanner Tools. Layout design starts from making schematic circuit, test function and make a layout. Next, check the layout results in terms of design rules and verify the desired functionality gradually. The results show that the circuit has functioned well as an odd parity generator. The simulation results obtained with loads CL = 25 fF, tpLH = 2nS and tpHL = 1.46 nS indicate that tp = 1.73nS or operating frequency of 578 MHz. The integrated digital parity generator circuit using transmission gate has a size of 14758 um2 (78.5 um x188 um), consisting of 74 gates.
Rancang Bangun Power Meter Berbasis Arduino Iskandar Zulkarnain Nasibu; Wahab Musa; Annisa Riana Haras
Jambura Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Januari - Juni 2022
Publisher : Teknik Elektro - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.48 KB) | DOI: 10.37905/jjeee.v4i1.10768


Pada laboratorium teknik elektro dibutuhkan alat pengukur daya sebagai alat bantu dalam proses perkuliahan, dengan adanya alat ini dapat memudahkan mahasiswa dalam proses perkuliahan terutama dalam mata kuliah praktikum yang berhubungan dengan pengukuran daya. Sehingga pada penelitian ini dirancang alat ukur power meter yang dapat mengukur tegangan, arus, daya aktif, daya semu, frekuensi, dan faktor daya untuk mempermudah proses perkuliahan terutama dalam mata kuliah praktikum. Alat ukur ini berbasis Arduino ATmega 328P dan menggunakan ZMPT101B dan ZMCT103C sebagai sensor. Hasil pengukuran ditampilkan pada layar LCD 2004. Untuk bagian perangkat lunak, alat ini menggunakan library PowerMonitor. Alat ukur ini diharapkan dapat digunakan pada laboratorium teknik elektro. Dari pengujian di laboratorium dengan menggunakan beban resistif dan dibandingkan dengan power meter pabrikan, didapatkan error presentasi untuk tegangan sebesar 0,33%, arus sebesar 0,26%, dan daya aktif sebesar 0,63%. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa power meter rancangan dapat memberikan pengukuran dengan keakuratan yang sangat baik.In the electrical engineering laboratory, a power meter is needed as a tool in the lecture process, with this tool it can facilitate students in the lecture process, especially in practicum courses related to power measurement. So that in this research is a design of an electrical instrument that is able to measure, voltage, current, active power, apparent power, frequency, and power factor to facilitate the lecture process, especially in practicum courses. This instrument is based on the Arduino Atmega328P, and it use ZMPT101B and ZMCT103C as sensors. Th measurement results are displayed on the 2004 LCD screen. This instrument employs the PowerMonitor library for its software. This measuring instrument is expected to be used in electrical engineering laboratories. Based on laboratory testing of a resistive load which compared to a manufactured power meter, it reveals that the percentage error of a voltage, a current, and active power is 0.33%, 0.26%, 0.63%, respectively. This signifies that the design of a power meter can provide an accurate measurement.
Peningkatan Sistem Prediksi Kebutuhan Energi Jangka Pendek Menggunakan Algoritma RVGA-ENM Wahab Musa; Sardi Salim; Ifan Wiranto
Jurnal EECCIS Vol 13, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Short term energy demand forecasting system is a tool in short term energy planning such as monthly energy needs in an area. This study aims to improve the ability of short-term prediction systems using the RVGA-ENM algorithm. The integration of the RVGA (real value genetic algorithm) and ENM (extended nelder mead) algorithm is a hybrid of two algorithms that complement each other. The ability of RVGA to explore the search for global optimal solutions and ENM in exploiting optimal local solutions, when combined will improve the accuracy of predictive systems. To test the performance of the proposed short-term energy demand system, the monthly electricity demand data in the Gorontalo Province area is used. Electrical energy needs data were obtained from PT. PLN Gorontalo Branch for a period of 72 months from January 2012 to December 2017. The test results showed a significant increase in the system of short-term energy demand prediction marked by MAPE error 3%, MSE 0.4% and RMSE 0.6%. Sistem prediksi kebutuhan energi jangka pendek (short term energy demand forecasting) merupakan suatu alat bantu dalam perencanaan energi jangka pendek seperti kebutuhan energi setiap bulan disuatu wilayah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan sistim prediksi jangka pendek menggunakan algoritma RVGA-ENM. Integrasi algoritma RVGA (real value genetic algorithm) dan ENM (extended nelder mead) merupakan hibrida dua algoritma yang saling melengkapi satu sama lainnya. Kemampuan RVGA dalam mengeksplorasi pencarian solusi optimal global dan ENM dalam mengeksploitasi solusi optimal local, ketika digabungkan akan meningkatkan akurasi sistim prediksi. Untuk menguji unjuk kerja sistim prediksi kebutuhan energi jangka pendek yang diusulkan, digunakan data kebutuhan energi listrik bulanan di wilayah Provinsi Gorontalo. Data kebuthan energi listrik diperoleh dari PT. PLN Cabang Gorontalo untuk rentang waktu 72 bulan dari Januari 2012 hingga Desember 2017. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan yang signifikan sistim prediksi kebutuhan energi jangka pendek ditandai dengan error MAPE 3%, MSE 0.4% dan RMSE 0.6%. 
Pelatihan Penyusunan Rencana Anggaran Biaya Berdasarkan AHSP Sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia Ervan Hasan Harun; Jumiati Ilham; Ifan Wiranto; Bambang P Asmara; Wahab Musa; Wrastawa Ridwan
Jurnal Sibermas (Sinergi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat) Vol 9, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Sbermas (Sinergi Bersama Masyarakat)
Publisher : Univeristas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/sibermas.v9i2.10125


Peningkatan infrastruktur melalui alokasi dana desa dalam rangka peningkatan pelayanan masyarakat semakin banyak dilakukan di setiap daerah. Setiap tahun alokasi dana desa melalui APBN terus meningkat. Dalam kegiatan pembangunan infrastruktur desa, penyusunan rencana anggaran biaya adalah hal yang sangat penting dan harus dikuasai agar kegiatan dapat berjalan sesuai rencana dengan target biaya, mutu dan waktu yang efektif dan efisien serta dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Desa Tunas Jaya sebagai mitra yang bekerjasama dalam kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat kali ini telah dibimbing dan dilatih melalui kegiatan pelatihan menggunakan metode learning by doing terkait Penyusunan Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB). Adapun materi-materi yang deberikan kepada perangkat desa yakni: pengenalan tentang RAB dan komponen penyusunnya, perhitungan volume pekerjaan, perhitungan estimasi waktu penyelesaian pekerjaan, perhitungan jumlah tenaga kerja dan kebutuhan material dan diakhir pelatihan akan diberikan materi berupa penyusunan RAB dan komponennya menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Dari hasil pelatihan dapat disimpulkan bahwa, perangkat desa telah memahami bagaimana menyusun RAB berdasarkan Analisis Harga Satuan Pekerjaan (AHSP) sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Luaran dari kegiatan pengabdian kali ini adalah berupa modul anggaran biaya yang dapat digunakan oleh perangkat desa dalam rangka kegiatan perencanaan pembangunan di desanya.
Pelatihan Penyusunan Analisis Harga Satuan Pekerjaan (AHS) sesuai SNI di Desa Tongo Kecamatan Bonepantai Kabupaten Bone Bolango Ervan Hasan Harun; Jumiati Ilham; Ifan Wiranto; Bambang Panji Asmara; Wahab Musa; Wrastawa Ridwan
BERNAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Majalengka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1195.958 KB) | DOI: 10.31949/jb.v4i1.3834


Increasing infrastructure through the allocation of village funds in the context of improving community services is increasingly being carried out in every region. Every year the allocation of village funds through the APBN continues to increase. Along with these efforts, village officials who are expected to be intermediaries for the implementation of the infrastructure improvement program are required to have the ability to carry out technical development implementation activities in the field. Tongo Village as a partner who cooperates in Community Service activities this time has been guided and trained through training activities using the learning by doing method related to Work Unit Price Analysis (AHSP) based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The materials provided to village officials are: an introduction to the RAB and its constituent components, and Work Unit Price Analysis (AHSP) which consists of: work volume, estimated time for work completion, calculation of the number of workers and material requirements. From the results of the training it can be concluded that village officials understand how to make a Work Unit Price Analysis (AHSP) according to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) using Microsoft Excel as the main component in the Budget Plan (RAB).
Rancang Bangun Prototipe Pengatur Beban Pintar Skala Prioritas Berbasis Mikrokontroler Alis Paki; Taufiq Ismail Yusuf; Iskandar Zulkarnain Nasibu; Wahab Musa; Amirudin Yunus Dako
Jambura Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Januari - Juni 2023
Publisher : Teknik Elektro - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/jjeee.v5i1.12969


Penggunaan energi listrik telah menjadi hal yang mutlak, seiring dengan berkembangnya perangkat elektronik. Namun dalam penggunaan energi listrik sering menimbulkan masalah seperti terjadi pemutusan  arus listrik pada seluruh beban oleh pemutus sirkuit akibat beban lebih. Permasalahan tersebut sering terjadi pada penggunaan energi listrik skala rumah tinggal yang memiliki kapasitas daya maksimal 450 watt. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merealisasikan hardware dan software prototipe pengatur beban pintar, serta dilakukan pengujian untuk mengetahui keakuratan alat dalam pengukuran dan unjuk kerja alat dalam memproteksi beban. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen yang didalamnya terdapat beberapa langkah diantaranya adalah perancangan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak, serta pengujian alat. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang di lakukan, hasil perhitungan persentase eror antara pengukuran alat rancangan dengan alat ukur berstandarisasi untuk beban resistif yaitu total daya beban sebesar 2,10%, tegangan kerja beban sebesar 0,44%, total arus beban sebesar 2,36%, dan total cos phi beban sebesar 0%. Sedangkan untuk beban induktif yaitu total daya beban sebesar 0,38%, tegangan kerja beban sebesar 0%, total arus beban sebesar 0%, dan total cos phi beban sebesar 1,03%. Adapun alat rancangan bekerja sesuai fungsinya dengan memutuskan beban yang bukan prioritas jika terjadi beban lebih dalam pemakaian energi listrik.The use of electrical energy has become an absolute necessity, along with the development of electronic devices. However, the use of electrical energy often causes problems such as a disconnection of electric current in the entire load by a circuit breaker due to overload. These problems often occur in the use of residential-scale electrical energy, which has a maximum power capacity of 450 watts. This study aimed to realize the prototype hardware and software for smart load control, as well as testing to determine the accuracy of the tool in measuring and the performance of the tool in protecting the load. It applied an experimental method in which there were several steps, including the design of hardware and software, as well as tool testing. Based on the results of the tests carried out, the results of the calculation of the percentage error between the measurement of the design tool and standardized measuring instruments for resistive loads, i.e., the total load power of 2.10%, working voltage load of 0.44%, total load current of 2.36%, and the total cos phi load of 0%. As for the inductive load, the total load power was 0.38%, the load working voltage was 0%, the total load current was 0%, and the total cos phi load was 1.03%. The design tool worked according to its function by deciding which load was not a priority if there was an overload in the use of electrical energy.
Pembekalan Pengetahuan Pemanfaatan Jenis Sampah dan Klasifikasinya pada Anak Usia Sekolah Sejak Dini Sebagai Suatu Sumber Energi Terbarukan Bambang Panji Asmara; Ikhsan Hidayat; Zainudin Bonok; Wahab Musa
ELDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Mei - Oktober 2023
Publisher : Electrical Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering State University of Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/ejppm.v1i1.6


Carry out community service activities for teaching staff in an effort to carry out one of the tasks as the implementation of one of the tridarma of higher education) - one of which is this service is an effort by Gorontalo State University to implement the Tridarma of Higher Education to contribute science and technology to society Based on this, we propose a Community Service activity at SDIT School in Kota Tengah District, Gorontalo City with the aim of this service is to provide knowledge to school-age children from an early age so they can have an understanding of waste utilization and how to classify it so that they can apply it in their daily environment. so that a clean environment is created and the waste can be used as a source of renewable energy. The expected outputs from this activity are 1) to equip students with knowledge about waste and its benefits, 2) that waste is managed according to the disposal site and its classification, so that it is easy to use as an energy source in their urban areas so that it accelerates its implementation and can be maintained a meaningful and beneficial environment
Automatic AC Current Controller as Input Adapter Power Supply Laptop Based on ESP32 Muchlis Alfajrin Kiayi; Wahab Musa; Iskandar Zulkarnain Nasibu
Sistemasi: Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol 13, No 4 (2024): Sistemasi: Jurnal Sistem Informasi
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32520/stmsi.v13i4.4233


Frequently, laptop users forget to disconnect or connect the power supply adapter when the battery needs to be charged or fully charged due to they are too focused on using the laptop. This condition can cause problem with laptop batteries and one of which is overcharging. Thus, keeping the laptop battery healthy is advantageous and one of them is to make it last longer. In addition, when the battery is faulty, the replacement of it also requires a lot of money. To deal with this condition, it is necessary to have a design tool that can automatically cut off the AC voltage on the laptop power supply adapter which will be equipped with software. This current research employed development research method and aimed to create a tool comprising hardware and software that could cut off the AC voltage to the laptop power supply adapter automatically based on the laptop battery percentage status.
Pelatihan Penyusunan Analisis Harga Satuan Pekerjaan (AHS) sesuai SNI di Desa Tongo Kecamatan Bonepantai Kabupaten Bone Bolango Ervan Hasan Harun; Jumiati Ilham; Ifan Wiranto; Bambang Panji Asmara; Wahab Musa; Wrastawa Ridwan
BERNAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Majalengka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/jb.v4i1.3834


Increasing infrastructure through the allocation of village funds in the context of improving community services is increasingly being carried out in every region. Every year the allocation of village funds through the APBN continues to increase. Along with these efforts, village officials who are expected to be intermediaries for the implementation of the infrastructure improvement program are required to have the ability to carry out technical development implementation activities in the field. Tongo Village as a partner who cooperates in Community Service activities this time has been guided and trained through training activities using the learning by doing method related to Work Unit Price Analysis (AHSP) based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The materials provided to village officials are: an introduction to the RAB and its constituent components, and Work Unit Price Analysis (AHSP) which consists of: work volume, estimated time for work completion, calculation of the number of workers and material requirements. From the results of the training it can be concluded that village officials understand how to make a Work Unit Price Analysis (AHSP) according to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) using Microsoft Excel as the main component in the Budget Plan (RAB).