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Media Konservasi Vol 18 No 3 (2013): Media Konservasi Vol. 18 No. 3 Desember 2013
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.473 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.18.3.%p


The Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Forestry for the period of 2010-2014 has mandated the revitalization of 12 national parks to become Public Service Agencies.  It would allow national parks to be self-financed.  Unfortunately, efforts which have been made have not shown an encouraging progress yet.  This research aims : (1) to identify the elaboration of main tasks and functions of national park, (2) to analyze the accuracy of the implementation of the Public Service Agency to the national park management, and (3) to formulate implications for the implementation of Public Service Agency to the Sustainable Self Financed National Parks management. The result shows that the elaboration of 8 out of 10 main tasks and functions of national park provide goods and services to the public and its performance can be promoted through Public Service Agency, while the other 2 are identified as government liabilities. The implementation of Public Service Agency models for Self-Financed National Park Manegement both at KNPO dan BTS NGPO meets the requirement substantially and technically. Furthermore, the KNPO Cost Benefit Ratio projection of 6 main tasks and functions for the coming 5 years shows the feasibility.  It can be concluded that national park can be self-financed through the implementation of Public Service Agency scheme. Therefore, it is suggested that in order to implement self-financed national park through Public Service Agency scheme, business development must be included as one of the main tasks and functions and its organization structure and management must be adjusted. Keywords: self-financed national park, public service agency, bromo tengger semeru national park, komodo national park
Identifikasi Karakter Morfologi Dan Agronomi Tanaman Padi F1 Hasil Silang Balik Resiprok Kambang/Pandan Ungu//Pandan Ungu hadi pranoto; Akhmad Askan; Bambang Supriyanto
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Tropika Lembab Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Agroekoteknologi Tropika Lembab Volume 2 No 1 Agustus 2019
Publisher : Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35941/jatl.2.1.2019.2521.15-19


This research was conducted to obtain hybridization which has superior character and to know the agronomic and morphological characters of F1 generation from reciprocal crossof Kambang/Pandan Ungu//Pandan Ungu, this research uses a reciprocal cross method (cross between F1 from a single cross with male elders) to produce F1 plants that will change the morphological and agronomic character. This research was conducted at the screen house area in the Faculty of Agriculture, Mulawarman University, Until the of January 2018 to September 2018. The results of this identification showed that from 161 spikelet castrated obtained as many as 60 grains with a percentage of fertility 37.27%, and then sowing as many as 30 seeds (50%), plants that successfully grew and could be used there were 21 plants (70%) character morphology and agronomic on F1 plants more dominant in the character of Pandan Ungu rice. The dominan characters are leaf color, ligula color, uricle color, midrib color, leaf surface, stigma color, grain end color, lemma and palea color, number of wildings, breed ability, number of productive wildingss, panicle type, yellowing of leaves, diameter of root stock, and harvesting the crop.
Investigasi Kandungan C Organik, N, P, K dan C/N ratio Daun Tanaman Buah untuk Bahan Pupuk Organik Suria Darma; Syamad Ramayana; Sadaruddin Sadaruddin; Bambang Supriyanto
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Tropika Lembab Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Agroekoteknologi Tropika Lembab Volume 3 Nomor 1 Agustus 2020
Publisher : Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35941/jatl.3.1.2020.3870.12-18


Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menginventarisasi dan menginvestigasi kandungan C organic, N, P, K dan C/N ratio pada bahan-bahan organik, dan membuat buku tentang kandungan C organik, N, P, K dan C/N ratio pada daun buah-buahan (penelitian awal), selanjutnya pada bahan lainnya. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan dengan pengumpulan daun buah-buahan yang banyak ditanam di pekarangan petani;, penjemuran bahan, penepungan bahan serta analisa kandungan C organik, N, P, K dan C/N ratio bahan di Laboratorium Ilmu Tanah Faperta Unmul. Hasil analisis laboratorium memberi informasi 100% (masing-masing 13 bahan) mempunyai kandungan C-organik dan N Total dengan status sangat tinggi ; 92,30% (12 bahan) mempunyai Rasio C/N ≤ 35, sisanya 7,697% (1 bahan) mempunyai Rasio C/N ≥ 30; 100% bahan (13 bahan) memiliki kandungan P Total Sangat rendah dan; 38,46% (masing-masing 5 bahan) dengan K Total sangat tinggi dan tinggi, 15,38% (2 bahan) rendah, 7,69% (1 bahan) sangat rendah. Sebanyak 12 bahan yang disidik memiliki rasio C/N memenuhi referensi sebagai bahan yang memadai sebagai bahan pupuk organik; sisanya1 bahan mempunyai rasio C/N di atas referensi sebagai bahan yang memadai sebagai bahan pupuk organik, yang memerlukan penanganan untuk menurunkan rasio C/N sebelum dijadikan bahan kompos. Abstract. The purpose of this study is to inventory and investigate the content of organic C, N, P, K and C / N ratio in organic materials, and make a book about the content of organic C, N, P, K and C / N ratio in fruit leaves (preliminary research), then on other ingredients. The research was carried out by collecting fruit leaves which were widely planted in the farmer's yard ;, drying materials, ingredient sealing and analyzing the content of organic C, N, P, K and C / N ratio of materials at the Faperta Unmul Soil Science Laboratory. The results of the laboratory analysis provide 100% information (13 ingredients each) having a very high C-organic and N content with a very high status; 92.30% (12 materials) have a C / N ratio ≤ 35, the remaining 7.697% (1 ingredient) has a C / N ratio ≥ 30; 100% of the ingredients (13 ingredients) have a very low Total P content and; 38.46% (5 materials each) with total K very high and high, 15.38% (2 ingredients) low, 7.69% (1 ingredient) very low. A total of 12 ingredients that were investigated had a C / N ratio meeting the reference as an adequate material as an organic fertilizer material; the remaining 1 material has a C / N ratio above the reference as an adequate material as an organic fertilizer, which requires handling to reduce the C / N ratio before it is made into compost material.
Permukiman Berwawasan Lingkungan Bambang Supriyanto
ISSN 0852-2480
Publisher : BANGUNAN : Teori, Praktek, Penelitian, dan Pengajaran Teknik Bangunan

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Kepedulian pengembang terhadap lingkungan terlihat masih rendah. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari munculnya masalah-masalah bagi para penghuni permukiman, misalnya banjir di waktu hujan, sulit mendapatkan air bersih, tidak adanya fasilitas umum dan ruang hijau. Pada dasarnya ada empat aspek ditambah satu aspek khusus kriteria permukiman yang berwawasan lingkungan, yaitu (1) aspek legal, (2) aspek hijau, (3) aspek limbah, (4) aspek air, dan (5) aspek khusus. Kelima kriteria tersebut, sangat perlu diperhatikan oleh pengembang dalam menciptakan permukiman yang berwawasan lingkungan.
Pengembangan Bengkel Kayu Laboratorium Teknik Sipil FPTK IKIP MALANG Menjadi Unit Produksi Bambang Supriyanto
ISSN 0852-2480
Publisher : BANGUNAN : Teori, Praktek, Penelitian, dan Pengajaran Teknik Bangunan

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Salah satu alternatif pengembangan bengkel kayu yang ada di Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan FPTK adalah pemanfaatan sarana yang ada, terutama mesin-mesin produksi, sarana-sarana tersebut untuk kegiatan sebagi unit produksi yang dapat berfungsi sebagai salah satu cara penggalian dana bagi pengembangan lembaga. Disamping itu dengan adanya unit produksi yang seharusnya dapat dipersiapkan sejak sekarang akan dapat diperoleh beberapa manfaat posistip baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang, seperti pemanfaatan unit produksi sebagi sumber belajar, serta diharapkan dapat memacu usaha peningkatan mutu dan relevansi program pendidikan jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan.
Agrifor : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian dan Kehutanan Vol 12, No 1 (2013): Maret
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31293/af.v12i1.182


Dry land is one type marginal land, because of drought caused many negative impacts on plants. Drought will cause a disruption of metabolic processes of plants such as the inhibition of nutrient absortion, inhibition ofcell division and enlargement, decreased enzyme activity and the closure of stomata, so that growth and development of palnts become stunted.This research aims to study the response of soil water stress to growth and yield of Jambu local upland rice. The experiment was conducted in green house, at Faculty of Agriculture, Mulawarman University. The study consisted of one experiments carried out by using a completely randomized design with five replications. Experiments soil water content (W) which consist five levels including field capacity (100%), 90% from field capacities, 80% from field capacity, 70% of field capacity and 60% of field capacity. The results of research that treatment of water stress showed significant different to all data. The best result obtained by treatment of water stress is treatment field capacities (WO).
Agrifor : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian dan Kehutanan Vol 11, No 2 (2012): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31293/af.v11i2.111


The propose of research was to know interaction between the Novelgro Alpha plant growth regulator and the Bio Sugih liquid organic fertiliser application on the growth of Adenium (Adenium obesum var. Fadia), and to find the best concentration of both Novelgro Alpha and Bio Sugih that effect the best growth of Adenium seedling.  The research conducted from July until October 2008 in the greenhouse (OECF Integrated Laboratory) of Agricultural Faculty, Mulawarman University, Samarinda.  The research was arranges in randomized completely design (RCD) in factorial which consist two factors with five replications.  The first factor was consentration of Novelgro Alpha that consist three levels, namely n0 (control), n1 (1.0  mL L-1 solution), and n2 (2.0  mL L-1 solution).  The second factor was Bio Sugih that consist three levels, namely p0 (control), p1 (1.0  mL L-1 solution) and p2 (2.0 mL L-1 solution).  Result of this research showed that interaction between Novelgro Alpha and Bio Sugih is significantly different on the plant height increment at the third, the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth two-week after treatment, the increment of leave number at the first, the fourth two-week, the fifth two-week, and the sixth two-week after treatment, the increment of stem diameter at the second, the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth two-week after treatment; the increment of leaf area and leaf thickness.  Novelgro Alpha is also significantly different on the plant height at the third, the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth two-week after treatment; the increment of stem diameter at the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth two-week after treatment; the increment of leave number, leaf area and leaf thickness.  Meanwhile, the Bio Sugih liquid organic fertilizer was significantly different on the increment of leave number at fourth and the sixth two-week after treatment.
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Vol 3 No 1 (2012): Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Volume 3 Nomor 1 Juli 2012
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.289 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/jmp.v3i1.2439


The objective of the research is to study the effect of organizational culture, organizational justice, and job satisfaction to organizational commitment in the National Education Department in around the Government of Gorontalo’s Province. Sample study involving 310 civil servants. The research used survey method and structural equation modelling’s technique.The results are: (1) organizational culture directly positive affects organizational commitment, (2) organizational justice directly positive affects organizational commitment, (3) job satisfaction had a directly positive impact on organizational commitment, (4) organizational culture directly positive effects job satisfaction, (5) organizational justice directly influence job satisfaction, (6) organizational culture directly positive effects organizational justice. Based on this research, the factors of organizational culture, organizational justice, job satisfaction and organizational commitment should be take into consideration by leaders at the National Education Department in around the Local Government in Gorontalo to raise the organizational commitment.
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (443.892 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um071v24i22019p19-26


Abstrak: Banyaknya moda kendaraan dapat menimbulkan masalah baru pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan yang umumnya tidak memiliki jalur khusus untuk menurunkan penumpang. Perlu dicari model tarikan pergerakan kendaraan yang ditimbulkan oleh banyaknya kendaraan. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jumlah tarikan pergerakan kendaraan, karakteristik sosial ekonomi dan perjalanan siswa, guru dan karyawan, serta membuat model tarikan pergerakan kendaraan pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Banyuwangi. Metode pengumpulan data survey dan kuisioner, analisis statistik dekriptif, analisis korelasi, dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian jumlah tarikan pergerakan kendaraan di SMKN 1 Glagah Banyuwangi untuk kendaraan bermotor roda 2 1.292 kendaraan, roda 4 13 kendaraan, total roda 2 dan roda 4 1.303 kendaraan, SMKN 1 Banyuwangi untuk kendaraan bermotor roda 2 1.189 kendaraan, roda 4 14 kendaraan, total roda 2 dan roda 4 1.203 kendaraan, SMK PGRI 1 Giri Banyuwangi untuk kendaraan bermotor roda 2 sebanyak 759 kendaraan, roda 4 10 kendaraan, total roda 2 dan roda 4 769 kendaraan, dan SMK Sri Tanjung Banyuwangi untuk kendaraan bermotor roda 2 228 kendaraan, roda 4 8 kendaraan, total roda 2 dan roda 4 236 kendaraan. Karakteristik sosial ekonomi dan perjalanan yang mendominasi adalah jumlah kepemilikan sepeda motor 1 unit sebanyak 43,2 persen, jumlah kepemilikan mobil 0 unit 83 persen, jarak tempat tinggal ke sekolah lebih dari 5 km 38,3 persen, waktu perjalanan ke sekolah lebih dari 15 menit 31 persen, moda transportasi sepeda motor 91,8 persen. Model tarikan pergerakan kendaraan yang didapat yaitu (1) tarikan kendaraan roda 2 dan roda 4 Y adalah -163,104 + 0,722X5, R2 adalah 0,958; (2) tarikan kendaraan roda 2 Y1 adalah -169,085 + 0,719X5, R2 adalah 0,957; (3) tarikan kendaraan roda 4 Y2 adalah 5,328 + 0,004X5, R2 adalah 0,973; dengan variabel bebas (X5) adalah jumlah siswa.Kata-kata kunci: model, tarikan pergerakan kendaraan, regresi linier berganda, Banyuwangi. 
Analisis Efektifitas Laporan Keuangan Melalui Aplikasi SIMDA Di Sekolah Menengah Atas Kota Samarinda Kalimantan Timur Bambang Supriyanto; Dian Hidayati; Yanto Yanto; Iis Asiska
SISTEMA: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Sistema: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, of Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24903/sjp.v3i1.927


This study uses a descriptive qualitative type of research and data collection used by researchers is to conduct in-depth interviews. The results of this study indicate that the application of the SIMDA Finance application is very helpful in achieving the target to generate finance quickly, and accurately. So that the success of implementing a program can be seen from the point of achieving the goals obtained by paying attention to the outputs generated from the program. So that it can facilitate the management of education costs and then used and allocated according to the needs and activities of the school. Keywords: Effectiveness, Financial Reports, SIMDA Application