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Jurnal Perkotaan Vol 4, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Perkotaan

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Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (UAJ) perceives the whole process of education as a systematic process to form excellent character, whether through curricular, cocurricular andextracurricular activities. Instead of designing a specific course that teaches the formation of character, UAJ maximizes the three activities (curricular, cocurricular and extracurricular)through an integrative approach to forming the excellent character. Integrative character of education presupposes the operation of a model or particular “software” in any phase of learning called dialogue-affirmation-action. The question of whether the approach to learning and character models is quite successful in UAJ is still to be proven. Nevertheless, what has been done so far placed UAJ on the right track. Careful planning and quick decision at university level regarding the existence of character building center will ensure the success of character education in UAJ.
Kejahatan yang Banal dan Kekerasan oleh Negara: Refleksi Hannah Arendt atas Pengadilan Adolf Eichmann di Yerusalem Jena, Yeremias
Jurnal Etika Respons Vol 14, No 02 (2009): Jurnal Etika Respons
Publisher : Jurnal Etika Respons

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Following the whole process of the trial of Eichmann in Jerusalem, Hannah Arendt realised that crimes and violence (evil) done by Eichmann and the Nazi were the clues of the absence of the thoughtfulness. The question arises as to why a thoughtless man like Eichmann did such a big crime and violence against the Jews? The absence of reflective and philosophical thoughts that expels a moral agent to justify his moral deeds has become the root cause why Eichmann failed to act according to some fundamental moral principles. The trial of Eichmann was really an exposure of the banality of evil against humanity. Could reason or reflective thoughts hinder a moral agent from evil deeds? How should we understand the banality of evil in political exercise? By reflecting the thoughts of Hannah Arendt on the banality of evil, this article discusses and tries to answer these questions.
Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan dengan Nilai Empati pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Unika Atma Jaya, Jakarta Gosal, Darren; Jena, Yeremias
JURNAL PERKOTAAN Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Perkotaan Vol. 9 No. 1 (2017)

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Empathy is one of the virtues that should be owned by health care providers. In the doctor–patient relationship, empathy enables health care providers to win not only the confidence of the patients, but also assisting them to accept their state of illness and disease. As to the fact that medical students have a high knowledge of empathy in line with the study periods, empathic relation is often absent in doctor–patient relationship. This study is intended to look at the relationship between the length of studies and the knowledge of empathy. This cross-sectional study applied Baron-Cohen Empathy Quotient to collect data from 98 respondents at Atma Jaya School of Medicine, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, academic years of 2013 (third year) and 2015 (the first year). The study revealed that 49 respondents have a higher level of empathy knowledge and 49 others at the lower one. Among the higher knowledge of empathy, 73.47% (n=36) had lower knowledge of empathy compared to 26.53% (n=13) at the higher one. Among the lower knowledge of empathy, 91.84% (n=45) had lower knowledge of knowledge compared to 8.16% (n=4) at the higher one. A total of 76.47% respondents with a higher knowledge of empathy (n=17) were the third year students (academic year 2013), whereas the 23.52% are the first year students (academic year 2015). This study has proven the relation between the length studies (academic years) with the knowledge level of empathy.Keywords: empathy; knowledge of empathy; Atma Jaya School of Medicine; teaching empathy
Jurnal Teologi (Journal of Theology) Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : P3TK, Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/jt.v1i1.492


Advertisement is used effectively as a medium of marketing goods and services. In contrast to the initial appearance where the ad was almost brought a single character, namely to inform the availability of necessary good and services needed, advertising nowadays prefer to create new needs. Its finality was eventually reduced to advertising as a means of expanding the market through the creation of new needs to the point of infinity. Through the power of teaching, the Catholic Church reminds us to create ads that ethically responsible for educating the consumers to the rationality and freedom to buy the good and services. In these two aspects-designing ethical ads and obligation to teach people to be rational-that stands the urgency of this paper.
Diskusi Dilema Moral dalam Peningkatan Kemampuan Penalaran Etika B. Dian Novita; Soegianto Ali; Yeremias Jena
JURNAL WIDYA MEDIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2013)

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Beberapa tahun terakhir, telah terjadi perubahan pada pendidikan dokter profesional. Saat ini, pendidikan menekankan tidak hanya untuk hard skills (kemampuan akademik), seperti pengetahuan dan keterampilan klinis, tetapi juga soft skills (keterampilan interaksi manusia), seperti keterampilan komunikasi, keterampilan menghadapi masalkondisi kritis, empati, penalaran etika, kemampuan sebagai pemimpin dan anggota tim dan banyak lagi. Keterampilan penalaran etika perlu dipelajari dan dipraktekkan dalam kondisi nyata. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya, membuat program yang disebut "Diskusi Dilema Moral" (DDM) dalam bentuk diskusi kelompok dan kuliah pa kar. DDM dirancang selama bjuh semester atau selama pendidikan sarjana kedokteran. Tujuan program ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran etika sehingga mereka akan mampu mengelola dan membuat lebih baik 1 masalah keputusan terbaik terkait etika dan moral di masa depan. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui " apakah model DDM efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran etika?
Kejahatan yang Banal dan Kekerasan oleh NegaraRefleksi Hannah Arendt atas Pengadilan Adolf Eichmann di Yerusalem Yeremias Jena
Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial Vol 14 No 02 (2009): Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial
Publisher : Center for Philosophy and Ethics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25170/respons.v14i02.410


Following the whole process of the trial of Eichmann in Jerusalem, Hannah Arend trealised that crimes and violence (evil) done by Eichmann and the Nazi were the clues of theabsence of the thoughtfulness. The question arises as to why a thoughtless man like Eichmann didsuch a big crime and violence against the Jews? The absence of reflective and philosophical thoughtsthat expels a moral agent to justify his moral deeds has become the root cause why Eichmannfailed to act according to some fundamental moral principles. The trial of Eichmann was really anexposure of the banality of evil against humanity. Could reason or reflective thoughts hinder amoral agent from evil deeds? How should we understand the banality of evil in political exercise?By reflecting the thoughts of Hannah Arendt on the banality of evil, this article discusses and triesto answer these questions.
Memperkuat Tanggung Jawab Moral Peneliti Yeremias Jena
Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial Vol 19 No 01 (2014): Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial
Publisher : Center for Philosophy and Ethics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25170/respons.v19i01.425


Pendekatan positivistik dalam ilmu pengetahuan tidak pernah hilang sama sekali. Manifestasinya dalam penelitian ilmiah dapat berupa hasrat untuk memperoleh pengetahuan objektif tanpa dipengaruhi oleh otoritas eksternal di luar bidang kajian ilmiah. Dalam konteks penelitian ilmiah, muncul keinginan di kalangan para ilmuwan agar kontrol eksternal seperti yang dilakukan komisi etika penelitian harus dibatasi bahkan dihilangkan. Kalau pun muncul lagi dalam beberapa publikasi di jurnal ilmiah akhir­akhir ini, posisi ini sebenarnya telah kehilangan pamor, bahkan juga ditolak oleh para ilmuwan sendiri. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis membela posisi pemikiran yang mengatakan bahwa etika penelitian tetap dibutuhkan, dan itu dijalankan oleh komisi etika penelitian. Meskipun demikian, mengingat bahwa komisi etika penelitian tidak memiliki seluruh perangkat pengontrol yang dibutuhkan untuk mencegah peneliti melakukan penelitian dan publikasi yang tidak etis, penulis berpendapat bahwa pemerkuatan watak moral dalam diri peneliti dapat memainkan peran sebagai kontrol moral secara internal. Dengan begitu, komisi etika penelitian pada akhirnya hanya akan menjalankan kontrol minimal, karena ilmuwan sudah melakukan kontrol moral dalam dirinya untuk menjalankan penelitian yang tidak melanggar prinsip-­prinsip moral.
Menyoal Perasaan sebagai Dasar Tindakan Moral Yeremias Jena
Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial Vol 20 No 01 (2015): Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial
Publisher : Center for Philosophy and Ethics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25170/respons.v20i01.434


Abstrak: Apakah nalar dapat menggerakkan tindakan, termasuk tindakan moral? Tradisi etika klasik sejak Aristoteles mengafrmasi hal ini, bahwa nalar memang dapat menggerakkan tindakan moral. Pengetahuan akan yang baik dan buruk mendorong manusia untuk membiasakan diri melaksanakan apa yang baik dan menghindari halhal yang buruk. Hal ini dilakukan karena manusia mau mencapai kebahagiaan, dan salah satu cara adalah dengan menjadi orang yang bermoral. Posisi moral semacam ini ditolak oleh David Hume. Bagi dia, tindakan moral manusia ditentukan semata-mata oleh perasaan (passion), bahwa tidak ada tujuan tertinggi yang ingin dicapai selain seseorang bertindak mengikuti dorongan perasaannya dalam ruang dan waktu tertentu. Kajian komparatif dengan pemikiran-pemikiran etika semisal etika pengembangan diri atau etika kewajiban akan semakin mengingatkan kita bahwa tindakan moral tidak pernah bisa dilepaskan dari baik perasaan moral maupun pertimbangan nalar. Paper ini akan menegaskan sekali lagi posisi tradisi etika yang disebutkan terakhir tersebut.Kata Kunci: perasaan moral, nalar, kehendak, kebebasan, kausalitas, prinsip moralAbstract: Can human action be driven by reason, including moral action? Ethical tradition since Aristotle indicated that reason can indeed drive moral action. Knowledge of good or bad will encourage people to carry out what is good and avoid doing bad things. Te reason why people do that is that because they want to be happy, and one way to achieve this is to be a moral person. However, this kind of moral position was rejected by David Hume.For him, moral action is determined solely by passion, never by reason. He argued that there is no highest goal to be achieved other than acting aroused by passion in a given time and space. By comparing the thoughts of David Hume to the ethics of self-realization or ethics of duty, we are reminded that moral action can never be separated from passion as well as moral reasoning. Tis position will be defended by this paper.Key words: Moral sense,reason,will, freedom, causality, moral principles, David Hume
Pendekatan Integratif Dalam Pendidikan Karakter Yeremias Jena
Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial Vol 21 No 02 (2016): Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial
Publisher : Center for Philosophy and Ethics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25170/respons.v21i02.442


The aim of this paper is to defend a philosophy of education which is based on morality and personality. Rather than learning about morality and personality education should integrate morality and personality into practice that can be universally justifed by ethical principles.Education, morality, personality, practice, and ethical principles. Paper ini dimaksudkan untuk mempertahankan pandangan mengenai pendidikan yang berbasis moralitas dan karakter/ keperibadian. Dewasa ini, pendidikan membutuhkan lebih dari belajar tentang moralitas dan karakter sejatinya adalah pengintegrasioan moralitas dan karakter dalam perilaku yang dapat dibenarkan menurut prinsip-prinsip moral universal. Pendidikan, moralitas, karakter/kepribadian, perilaku, dan prinsipprinsip etika.
Kajian Etis atas PP No. 61 Tahun 2014 tentang Pengaturan Kesehatan Reproduksi Yeremias Jena
Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial Vol 22 No 01 (2017): Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial
Publisher : Center for Philosophy and Ethics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25170/respons.v22i01.448


ABSTRAK: Dalam rangka memenuhi tuntutan UU Kesehatan No. 36/2009, Kementerian Kesehatan RI menerbitkan PP No. 61/2014 untuk mengaturkesehatan reproduksi. Peraturan Pemerintah ini sebetulnya sebuah ketentuanteknis bagaimana kesehatan reproduksi harus diselenggarakan di Indonesia, danini dianggap perlu untuk memastikan terjaminnya kesehatan ibu usia subur. Selainitu, peraturan pemerintah ini juga diposisikan sebagai alat untuk mewujudkan apayang oleh pemerintah disebut sebagai generasi yang sehat danberkualitas. Namunperaturan tersebut telah memicu dua pertanyaan etis sekaligus. Pertama,regulasiini diklaim untuk mengatasi kesetaraan akses terhadap kesehatan reproduksisebagaiconditio sine qua non demi mencegah kematian ibu, menyebarnya penyakitmenular,kehamilan yang tidak direncanakan, pemerkosaan dan sebagainya.Penulis berpendapat bahwa peraturan ini tidak mempertimbangkan secara saksamadimensi-dimensi sosial dan nilai lokal mengenai seksualitas serta nilai-nilai keluarga.Pertanyaan apakah hal ini dapat dibenarkan secara etis tetap tak terjawab. Kedua,seluhur dan semulia apa pun sebuah tujuan, ia tidak bisa membenarkan sarana yangdigunakan. Dalam arti itu, upaya mewujudkan generasi yang sehat dan berkualitastidak bisa serta merta menggunakan sarana (peraturan) yang menerabas nilai-nilaikultural dan moral masyarakat. Argumen makalah ini disusun dalam dua cara. Disatu sisi penulis berpendapat bahwa adalah tidak etis menghalalkan cara atau alatuntuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Dalam hal ini, kebijakan di bidang kesehatanreproduksi tidak boleh mengabaikan nilai-nilai moral dan budaya lokal. Penulisberpendapat bahwa sudah waktunya kita memiliki kebijakan terobosan yang bisamengakomodasi pentingnya mengakses kesehatan reproduksi dan pada saat yangsama tidak merugikan kelompok yang menolaknya atas nama agama atau moralitastertentu. Di sisi lain, tidak dibenarkan secara etis untuk menentukan kualitas wargahanya berdasarkan kriteria sehat-sakit, normal-cacat jika martabat manusia hendakdipertimbangkan secara serius.KATA KUNCI: kesehatan reproduksi, kontrasepsi, aborsi, PP No. 61/2014, etikaABSTRACT: To meet the demand of Indonesian Health Law No. 36/2009, the ministryof health has issued a reproductive health regulation, known as Regulation No.61,2014. Technical provision on reproductive health is considered to be necessary in orderto ensure the health of mothers ofchildbearing age. It is also perceived as a tool to realizewhat has been labeled by the government as healthy and qualified generation, and bythat the number of maternal deaths is believed to be minimized. Yet the regulation hastriggered two ethical questions all together. First, the regulation is claimed to addressthe equality of access to reproductive health as sine qua non condition forpreventingmaternal mortality, the spread of infectious diseases, unplanned pregnancy, rape and so on, As the regulation does not take into consideration all the social values, culture of sexuality and the family values, the question of whether it can be justified ethically is remained unanswered. Secondly, can it be ethically justified if the state positioned itselfas an institution that defines and establishes healthy and qualified citizen. The argumentof this paper is arranged in two ways. On the one hand it argued that it is ethicallyunacceptable to justify the ends by the means used. In that sense, the policies in the field ofreproductive health should not ignore moral values and local culture. It is timely to havea breakthrough policy that could accommodate the importance of accessingreproductivehealth and at the same time not harming the groups that reject it in the name of religious ethics or morality. On the other hand, it is not ethically justifiable to define the quality of the citizens merely based on healthy-sick normal-deformed criteria when human dignityis taken into consideration seriously.KEY WORDS: reproductive health, contraception, abortion, Regulation No. 61/2014,ethics