Kami Hari Basuki
Departemen Teknik Sipil FT. UNDIP JL. Prof. H. Soedarto SH., Tembalang, Semarang 50275

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Analisis Arus Lalulintas di Simpang Tak Bersinyal (Studi Kasus Simpang Timoho dan Simpang Tunjung Kota Yogyakarta) Juniardi, Juniardi; Yulipriyono, Epf. Eko; Basuki, Kami Hari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (299.569 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v18i1.4184


The research has aimed to assess the performance of unsignalised intersection. The intersections are Tunjung intersection (Jl. Dr.Sutomo/Jl. Tunjung) and Timoho intersection (Jl. Ipda Tut Harsono/Jl. Bale Rejo/Jl. Timoho). The data collection used video camera and then the data extraction has been conducted in laboratory by monitor viewing. The performance analysis of unsignalised intersection by Indonesia Highway Capacity Manual 1997, the critical lag analysis by Raff method, and the potential capacity of minor road refer to United States Highway Capacity Manual 1994. Degree of saturation on both intersections are greater than 1, and average delays and queue probabilities are high. These indicated that the performance of both intersections in bad condition. The critical lag in Timoho intersection is 2.94 sec. and in Tunjung intersection is 2.70 sec., so the research concluded that  driver’s behavior are aggressive and they ignored the gap acceptance. Potential capacity on minor road in Timoho intersection is 4.36 - 20.95% for western approach and 7.51 - 34.56% for  eastern approach, and in Tunjung intersection is 0.78 - 16.32%. Keywords: unsignalised, intersection, performance, critical lag, potential capacity.   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai kinerja simpang tak bersinyal dan dilakukan di simpang tak bersinyal tiga lengan (simpang Tunjung : Jl. dr. Sutomo/Jl. Tunjung) dan simpang tak bersinyal empat lengan (simpang Timoho : Jl. IPDA Tut Harsono/Jl. Bale Rejo/Jl. Timoho). Pengumpulan data menggunakan kamera video yang selanjutnya dilakukan ekstrak data menggunakan layar monitor di laboratorium. Analisis kinerja simpang tak bersinyal menggunakan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997, analisis lag kritis menggunakan metode Raff, dan analisis kapasitas potensial jalan minor terhadap volum simpang mengacu pada US HCM 1994. Kinerja kedua simpang menghasilkan derajat kejenuhan melebihi 1,00 dan tundaan rata-rata serta peluang antrian relatif tinggi. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa saat ini kondisi kedua simpang tersebut buruk. Nilai lag kritis simpang Timoho 2,94 detik dan simpang Tunjung 2,70 detik, berarti perilaku pengemudi relatif agresif dan tidak menunggu celah. Kapasitas potensial jalan minor terhadap volume simpang Timoho di pendekat barat 4,36 - 20,95%, di pendekat timur 7,51 - 34,56%, dan di simpang Tunjung 0,78 - 16,32%.Kata kunci : tak bersinyal, simpang, kinerja, lag kritis, kapasitas potensialPermalink: http://www.ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/mkts/article/Metadata/4184[How to cite: Juniardi, Yulipriyono, E. dan Basuki, K.H., 2010, Analisis Arus Lalulintas di Simpang Tak Bersinyal (Studi Kasus Simpang Timoho dan Simpang Tunjung Kota Yogyakarta), Jurnal Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil, Tahun 18, Nomor 1, pp. 1-12]
Evaluasi Fungsi Halte sebagai Tempat Henti Angkutan Umum Studi Kasus Rute Terboyo-Pudakpayung, Semarang Basuki, Kami Hari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (270.63 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v14i3.3954


The aim of this study is Bus-stop evaluation at Terboyo - Pudakpayung Corridor for Public Transport line in Semarang City, Indonesia. Evaluation in this study includes bus-stop conditions, convenient level and bus-stop placement. Methodology in this study was improved on two approaches that activity system approach and government policy approach. Point of view in the study was based on user and operator opinions. Bus-Stop condition was observed and analyzed comparing with regulation products.  According to the analysis, the study was found any bus-stop in low level of services. It can explain because there are long distance between bus-stop, bad condition and dysfunctions. 31% User unused to bus-stop because it far from their home-based activity. Inconvenient bus-stop is shown 9% user opinions. The other hand, more then 51% bus operator pick up passengers from road side. It causing any friction in corridor and make traffic jam. Conclusion in this study is bus-stop at Terboyo-Pudakpayung Corridor in low level of service. There are any suggestions to solve the problem. Long distance between bus-stop is make inaccessible bus-stop, so it certain to build more bus-stop in Terboyo-Pudakpayung corridor. Public Transport information system is needed to improve public transport usage.Keywords: public transport, bus-stop, passengers, operatorPermalink: http://www.ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/mkts/article/view/3954[How to cite: Basuki, K.H., 2006, Evaluasi Fungsi Halte sebagai Tempat Henti Angkutan Umum Studi Kasus Rute Terboyo-Pudakpayung, Semarang, Jurnal Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil, Volume 14, Nomor 3, pp. 287-296]
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.482 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v17i2.7883


Motorcycle is popular transport moda in Indonesia. In 2008, population of motorcycle was about 37 million in there was approximately 47 million motor vehicle. It makes high composition of motorcycle in traffic flow. It is shown more than 75%. Based on this case, analysis of motorcycle growth effect is needed to solve traffic problems included transport policy. The aim this research is analysis of transport policy in term of motorcycle uses by private transportation in commuter pattern. Government has no policy to control motor cycle growth. Transport department has many problems to control urban traffic. In the other hand, urban transports improve mass public transport. It is make dilemma, how to control fast, comfort and accessible transport like motor cycle, or cheap and safe transport used to bus. It needs policy to make proportional transportation uses. Methodology analysis to be considered motor cycle policy is descriptive analysis of motor cycle population. Collecting any policy about motor cycle is important thing to found miss control case in traffic management system. Goal of this research is representation of motorcycle choice case can see incentive and disincentive approach to control motor cycle growth. The conclusion of this research is make public policy for motor cycle to manage urban traffic in Indonesia Cities. Intentionally, motorcycle composition in traffic flow can decrease or increase depends on user behaviour and moda attribute changes with public service policy. Keywords : Descriptive analysis, motorcycle, policy ABSTRAK Sepeda moteor adalah kendaraan yang popular d Indonesia. Populasi sepeda motor di Indonesia pada tahun 2008 tercatat 37 juta lebih diantara 47 juta kendaraan bermotor yanga ada. Hal ini menngakibatkan kondisi komposisi lalulitas sepeda motor yang dominant di jalan raya. yang menunjukkan nilai lebih dari 75%. Berdasarkan kondisi di atas, .perlu adanya analisis dampak yang diakibatkan adanya pertumbuhan sepeda motor serta pemecahan masalah meliputi juga kebijakan transportasi. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah Analsis Kebijakan Transportasi dalam penggunaan sepeda motor sebagai kendaraan pribadi dalam pola perjalanan bolak-balik (commuter). Pemerintah tidak memiliki kebijakan pengendalian pertumbuhan sepeda motor. Metodologi analsis yang digunakan sebagai pertimbangan pembuatan kebijakan transportasi menyangkut sepeda motor adalah analsis deskriptif analitis menyangkut karakteristik moda, pengguna dan utilitasnya, termasuk di dalamnya adalah karakteristik jaringan jalan perkotaan. Hasil dari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa pemilihan penggunaan sepeda motor dapat diberlakukan pola insentive dan disinsentive sebagai pendekatan kebijakan dalan pengendalian pertumbuhan sepeda motor. Kesimpulan dari studi ini adalah pembuatan kebijakan dalam pengendalian sepeda motor adalah hal penting sehingga lalulintas diperkotaan dapat dikelola secara baik di kota-kota di Indonesia. Menjadi perhatian khusus bagi kita bahwa komposisi lalulintas sepeda motor di jalan raya dapat ditingkatkan atau dikurangi tergantung dari perilaku pengguna, perubahan karakteristik moda sepeda motor dan pembuatan kebijakan pelayanan umum. Kata kunci :: Analisis Deskriptif, Sepeda Motor, Kebiijakan Transportasi
Analisis Kelayakan Perubahan fungsi Terminal Penumpang menjadi Fasilitas Parkir Angkutan Barang (Studi Kasus Terminal Terboyo Semarang) Basuki, Kami Hari; Kushardjoko, Wahyudi; Janita, Andreana; Pratama, Ganis Satria
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3426.125 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v23i1.12536


Semarang City has public transport terminal at Terboyo. It is unperformance terminal has caused by land subsidden and flood. The aims of this study is determined fisibility of Terboyo freight-transport terminal park at Semarang City. Methodology analysis at this study is improved transport modelling to determine freight-transport demand. Traffic counting survey with Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997 method are used to know the road and intersection performances that closest to Terminal Terboyo. The study results have showed most trucks parked in Kaligawe road and Yos Sudarso road was continuous journey, while trucks parked in Ronggowarsito road was a truck with the origin or destination of Semarang. Potential park fasilities at Terboyo is indicated by the length of the vehicle configuration plan of 8 meters and parking 45° obtained as much as 73 PSU (Parkign Space Unit), while the north side of the field with a length of 18 meters and plan vehicle parking configuration 30° obtained 76 PSU. It has powerfull to accommodate parking of heavy vehicles. This studi has not identified the potential of regional freight-transport. Occutionally, the pattern of movement of freight transport does not occur in the local area only. So, that further studies need to be conducted with respect to the coverage area of study on a regional basis.
Manajemen Arus Lalulintas pada Sistem Jaringan Jalan Kota Semarang Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak EMME2 Yulipriyono, Epf. Eko; Basuki, Kami Hari
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.203 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v17i3.4183


The pattern of Semarang Road Network is radial, so outbound/inbound traffic from/to central of city are high. Caused by this conditions, the radial roads are very crouwded especially in morning and afternoon peak hours. This crouwded traffic could be reduced by introducing the peripheral roads which connected some radial roads. Analysis method is making simulation model  by EMME/2  software. The as-built model is then calibrated by existing secondary and primary data for its significancy. After the model was built, it is conducted scenarios of the management of traffic flow on road network system by existing road network model. The optimum performance of road network system is benefit of this study. The study will give wider vision to macro movement efficiently without conducting costly field experiment. The improvement on road capacity and management implementation of traffic direction is possibly to conducted that simulation tool has accomodated the characteristics of movement and rute preference in natural way. There are 5 scenarios such as alternative 1 (one way direction), alternative 2 (road capacity improvement), alternative 3 (two way direction), alternative 4 (road capacity improvement and policy of one way direction) and alternative 5 (road capacity improvement and policy of two way direction). The study concluded that alternative 2 (road capacity improvement) and alternative 5 (policy of 2-way direction and road capacity improvement) will increase road performance. Keywords : road network, simulation, road performance, EMME/2. ABSTRAK Kota Semarang mempunyai sistem jaringan jalan dengan pola radial sehingga ruas-ruas jalan dengan arah menuju ke pusat kota menanggung beban lalulintas yang berat. Akibatnya, sering timbul kesemrawutan pada puncak pagi maupun sore hari, dan perlu dipikirkan pengembangan ruas jalan periferal yang menghubungkan ruas-ruas jalan radial. Metode analisis dilakukan dengan pembuatan model simulasi dibantu perangkat lunak EMME/2. Model yang terbangun dikalibrasi dengan data sekunder dan primer untuk menjadikan model yang signifikan kemudian dilakukan skenario penanganan manajemen arus lalulintas pada sistem jaringan jalan pada model jaringan jalan yang ada. Kinerja sistem jaringan jalan yang optimum merupakan manfaat dari studi ini dan hal ini akan dapat memberikan gambaran yang lebih luas mengenai efisiensi pergerakan secara makro tanpa harus melakukan ujicoba di lapangan karena biayanya cukup mahal. Peningkatan kapasitas jalan dan penerapan manajemen arah arus lalulintas dimungkinkan dapat dilaksanakan mengingat alat simulasi yang digunakan sudah mengakomodasi karakteristik pergerakan dan perilaku pemilihan rute secara wajar. Dalam studi ini dibuat 5 skenario yaitu alternatif 1 (satu arah), alternatif 2 (peningkatan kapasitas jalan), alternatif 3 (dua arah), alternatif 4 (peningkatan kapasitas jalan dan pemberlakuan jalan satu arah) dan alternatif 5 (peningkatan kapasitas jalan dan pemberlakuan jalan dua arah). Hasil analisis menyimpulkan bahwa alternatif 2 dan alternatif 5 dapat meningkatkan kinerja jalan.Kata Kunci: jaringan jalan, simulasi, kinerja jalan, EMME/2Permalink: http://www.ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/mkts/article/Metadata/4183[How to cite: Yulipriyono, E. dan Basuki, K.H., 2009, Manajemen Arus Lalulintas pada Sistem Jaringan Jalan Kota Semarang Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak EMME2, Jurnal Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil, Tahun 17, Nomor 3, pp. 257-271]
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 5, Nomor 1, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (661.579 KB)


Optimalization of rural public transit is needed to improve people’s prosperity, especially for those who live in remote rural area. Rural public infrastructure nowadays hasn’t been optimized properly by the government yet, proven by a few number of region which already has urged rural transportation infrastructure. This research aims to select the location of rural public transit system development in Central Java according to priorities. This research focuses on the region which has had the interregion rural public transit system route already. The analysis of developing system of rural public transit defines the location priority by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and recommends its road typical. To determine location priority uses Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Determination of criteria based on the results of questionnaires distributed to the expert. The criteria are total area, the number of demand, population density, LQ index of rural public transit availability, the number of trip distribution, primary-food volume, the number of rural public transportation supply, and the number of vehicles-owner. Utility assessment is done by using secondary data. From these two steps, location priority will be determined. The last step is identified whether it is necessary or not to advance its road typical based on the Region Land Use Planning as mentioned in the valid regulation. The result shows that the most significant factor in determining the rural public transit system development is the number of demand which gets 25,7%. The result clearly shows that Brebes and Tegal has been admitted as the most priority region of rural public transit system development. Amongst of all the routes of interregion rural public transit, there are two routes which should be advanced its typical road: Boyolali-Sragen route and Sukoharjo-Boyolali route. The conclusion of this research is there is still a few of region on Central Java which already has the interregion rural public transit system route –only nine regions. The government should support another region to supply this route access.