Nazifah Nazifah
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Tugas Dan Fungsi Panwaslu Dalam Penyelesaian Pelanggaran Pemilu Di Kota Jambi Nazifah Nazifah
Jurnal LEX SPECIALIS No 13 (2011): Juni
Publisher : Jurnal LEX SPECIALIS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.874 KB)


Establishment of specialized agencies in the administration of elections members of the House of Representatives / People 'Region, is expected all things relating to the election runs smoothly. In reality, however, still found many violations of the provisions of the general election which proved many cases of electoral malpractices that go to the Election Supervisory Committee for City of Edinburgh and Edinburgh District Court. The number of violations of the election, especially in the legislative elections, has a duty to uncover the Election Supervisory Committee and complete implementation of the principle to the general election itself. Duties and functions of the Election Supervisory Committee is very heavy and very possible a lot of constraints encountered in the execution of his duty. Key Note : Panwaslu Election Violations In Settlement
Jurnal LEX SPECIALIS No 21 (2015): JUNI 2015
Publisher : Jurnal LEX SPECIALIS

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Pluralisme merupakan kata yang sering digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan Indonesia. Sebagai negara, Indonesia tidak hanya plural dalam hal budaya dan tradisi, akan tetapi juga dalam hal agama, kepercayaan dan golongan agama yang tersebar luas di seluruh nusantara. Persoalan hubungan antara negara dan agama telah dianggap selesai ketika kita menjadikan Pancasila sebagai dasar negara muncul kembali seiring dnegan perkembangan otonomi daerah di mana daerah diberikan kekuasaan untuk mengembangkan sendiri peraturan daerahnya. Bertolak dari fakta bahwa perda merupakan nilai masyarakat daerah yang dipositifkan, dalam perjalanannya telah memunculkan perda yang beraneka warna, salah satunya adalah perda yang bernuansa agama yang kemudian lebih dikenal dengan istilah perda syariah. Perda syariah pada kenyataannya bukan hanya instrumen kebijakan yang mutakhir dengan daya kerja yang jitu sehingga dengan begitu saja dapat mencegah dan menghindarkan masyarakat dari bahaya distorsi nilai, namun oleh kalangan tertentu dijadikan komoditas politik. Perda syariah yang seharusnya merupakan upaya untuk menempatkan nilai agama sebagai nilai transeden yang luhur, tetapi malah membawa nilai agama yang substansial menjadi sekedar formalisme, simbolisme yang dengan vulgar mengusung identitas agama di ruang publik. Selain dapat menimbulkan kontroversi yang memicu ketegangan dan konflik sosial, perda syariah apabila tidak dirumuskan dengan benar dikhawatirkan dapat menjadi alat politisasi agama yang dapat merusak persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa indonesia. Kata Kunci: Pluralisme, Perda Syariah, Politisasi
Jurnal Komunikasi Hukum Vol 1 No 1 (2015): Jurnal Komunikasi Hukum
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jkh.v1i1.5011


Keseimbangan antara nilai kepastian hukum dan ketertiban sosial harus segera diwujudkan dalam suatu perubahan paradigma baru. Hukum diciptakan bukan untuk memberikan penderitaan pada manusia, melainkan diciptakan untuk kebaikan/ kemaslahatan umat manusia. Pemikiran kaum abolisionis dapat dijadikan dasar perubahan paradigma dalam pemberian sanksi pidana/sistem pemidanaan, dari model pemidanaan yang bersifat fisik menuju kepada model pemidanaan yang bersifat psikis. Hal ini dirasakan perlu mengingat kurang mampunya model pemidanaan yang bersifat fisik memberikan nilai keadilan. Berkaitan dengan model pemidanaan dari yang bersifat fisik menuju model pemidanaan yang bersifat psikis ini, maka yang pertama harus dilakukan adalah perubahan model sistem peradilan pidana dari yang bersifat retributive justice ke arah peradilan yang bersifat restorative justice.   Kata kunci: Sistem peradilan pidana.
IMPLEMENTASI ADVOKASI, KOMUNIKASI DAN MOBILISASI SOSIAL (AKMS) DALAM PENCEGAHAN DAN PENANGGULANGAN TB PARU: Implementasi Advokasi, Komunikasi dan Mobilisasi Sosial (AKMS) Dalam Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan TB Paru Nazifah Nazifah
Al Tamimi Kesmas: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Health Sciences) Vol 9 No 2 (2020): Al-Tamimi Kesmas: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Health Scie
Publisher : STIKes Al-Insyirah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35328/kesmas.v9i2.1050


Pulmonary TB disease is a disease that can cause death, the cause is a low level of Government support, a cadre of less socializing and community approaches and attitudes of pulmonary TB sufferer ashamed to do in treatment facilities the Ministry of health. Bengkalis Regency health centers already have the cadres but not yet running to its full potential it is seen with an increased incidence of pulmonary TB sufferer numbers every year despite not having a significant increase is due to yet the existence of public awareness in the Regency of Bengkalis. UPT Clinic and health services in the response and prevention of Tb has not been done properly.This research aims to find out how the implementation of advocacy, communication and social mobilization (AKMS) in the prevention and mitigation of pulmonary TB in bengkalis Regency in 2017. This study uses qualitative methods and aims to find out how an understanding of advocacy, communication and social mobilization (AKMS) in the prevention and mitigation of pulmonary TB dikabupaten bengkalis. This research was carried out in August-September 2017 in Bengkalis Regency health centers namely UPT UPT Clinic Bengkalis, UPT Health Center Selatbaru, UPT Health Center and Health Office Duku Dykes Regency of Bengkalis. Data analysis by means of triagulasi, methods and sources of data. Informants in this study amounted to 13 people. The results showed that the Government has yet to play a role in advocacy, communication and social mobilization have yet in the prevention of pulmonary TB has not been implemented well due to problems associated with the funds that are still lacking. Recommended for health services policy to conduct advocacy on the part of the Government and for the clinics to be able to do the Training and guidance, as well as cooperation with other health units
Pengaturan Hak Mendapatkan Informasi Publik Berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Propinsi Jambi Nomor 3 Tahun 2014 Herma Yanti; Supeno Supeno; Nazifah Nazifah
Wajah Hukum Vol 7, No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/wjh.v7i1.1204


Jambi Province Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2014 concerning Public Information Services for the Implementation of Regional Government is a follow-up to the provisions of Law Number 14 of 2014 concerning Public Information Disclosure (UU KIP). However, the provisions regarding the arrangements for submitting requests for information dispute resolution to the Information Commission based on Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2014. This research is normative legal research with a comparative legal approach and statutory approach. From the results of the research it is known that for the provision of public information it turns out that the requirements and time limits specified in the Perda actually exceed the provisions specified in UU KIP. Meanwhile for the submission of an application for settlement of information disputes by the Petitioner to the Information Commission, it turns out that the Perda does not contain clear and complete arrangements as stipulated in the UU KIP.