Yulia Eka Putrie
Department Of Architecture, Faculty Of Science And Technology, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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Journal of Islamic Architecture Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Journal of Islamic Architecture
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Maliki Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.907 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/jia.v2i1.2106


This study discusses about the Islamic view from al-Quran and al-Hadith about beauty and its application in the form of architectural ornamentation of the building. This is done to obtain the basic philosophical as well as corridors for the implementation of the beauty in the building, as well as to restore the function of ornamentation itself. Of this study obtained an understanding that displayed beauty should still consider the values of Islam, namely the value of the benefit, harm avoidance, tauhid, cleanliness, and so forth. Between the harm to be avoided in the ornamentation of the mosque is a tendency to exaggerate (mubadzir), depiction of animate beings, disturbance of concentration, intention to brag, luxury, causing difficulty in maintaining cleanliness in the future, and so forth. The expression of beauty can also be done through simplicity, moderation, harmony with nature, concern for human needs and society, and conformity with the rules set by God Almighty and His Messenger.   Keywords:  Ornamentation, mosque, islamic architecture, beauty
Journal of Islamic Architecture Vol 5, No 1 (2018): Journal of Islamic Architecture
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Maliki Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (670.739 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/jia.v5i1.4431


The contemporary dynamics of mosque development in Indonesia is closely related to the socio-political dynamics of various Islamic groups or organizations such as Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah, etc. A great number of mosques in Indonesia have been built by Muslim communities affiliated to one of these Islamic groups. In this case, mosque architecture can be considered as one means of expression of the communities’ specific identities which derived from their particular perspectives on the ideal picture of a mosque. However, there is also another case where a mosque is built by a heterogeneous Muslim community. In this context, the image of an ideal mosque becomes the object of negotiations among the diverse affiliated members. This paper discusses to what extent these socio-political dynamics affect the identity representation of community mosques in Malang, one of the regions in East Java where the dynamic interactions among various Islamic groups take place. The result shows that the attempts to represent identity in the community mosques are related to the socio-political dynamic of the Muslim communities. In the mosques of the specific groups, some architectural elements, such as the iconographic ornaments and colors, the spatial arrangement, and the specific features are maintained to represent their specific identities. However, in the mosques of the heterogeneous Muslim communities, these elements are negotiated and challenged by the community members. These negotiations could result, whether in the mutual understanding and tolerance, or in the space claim attempts by the dominant group through the domination of the activity systems, the role restrictions, and the physical control over the mosque.
El-QUDWAH El-Qudwah (04-2010)
Publisher : lp2m-uin malang

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Grand mosques are commonly designed as a symbol of the glory of Islam. Many symbolic elements and forms are also included in these mosques. Consequently, these kind of mosques are usually built in a very luxurious and monumental way. In contrary, there are some values of Islam which unfortunately have been forgotten while building them. This research aims to identified contradictions that take place between those symbols and the substances of Islamic values in some mosques’ architecture. Furthermore, this research also aims to find the reasons behind those contradictions. The method that used in this research is the normative criticism where a standard or a principle is used to assess the quality or success of a building or urban setting. The principle that used as the parameter in this research is some Islamic values which are related directly to mosque architecture, such as moderation, openness, equality, advantageousness, and prevention of dangers (mudharat). The results of this research are (1) monumentality as the symbol of Islamic glory is oftenly found contradicted to most Islamic values, and (2) Islamic values which mostly forgotten while designing a symbolic-based mosques architecture are moderation, advantageousness, and prevention of dangers.  Moreover, the reasons behind these contradictions are (1) conceptual problems in the owners’ and  architects’ mind while representing the symbol of Islamic glory in buildings, (2) operational problems in architects’ ways of representing symbol in some un-Islamic architectural designs.
DEFENDING SPACES, PREVENTING CONFLICTS: The Politics of Identity Representation in the Nahdliyin Mosques in Malang Raya Yulia Eka Putrie; Widjaja Martokusumo; Bambang Setia Budi
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2020.14.1.26-50


Pendidikan Arsitektur dan Edukasi tentang Bambu sebagai Material Ramah Lingkungan Luluk Maslucha; Yulia Eka Putrie; Aisyah Nur Handryant; Sukmayati Rahmah
The Indonesian Green Technology Journal Vol 9, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Brawijaya

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The urgency of education about bamboo in architectural education is closely related to various problems and contemporary phenomena in the field of settlement and the environment. As an environmentally friendly alternative material, bamboo has various potentials that are generally still underestimated by common people and society. Architecture education students and graduates have an important role in the exploration of this potential, as well as its dissemination to the public at large. However, positive changes and solutions to the problems above will not be achieved without serious efforts in architectural education to instill knowledge, abilities, and awareness about the potential of bamboo to their students. This research is an evaluation of bamboo education to architecture undergraduate students, especially in the Department of Architecture, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. An evaluation of the level of knowledge, abilities, and sensitivity of students regarding various bamboo potentials is carried out with the aim of formulating various strategies and learning methods that are more appropriate.
Spasialitas dan Temporalitas Arsitektur Bambu dalam Konteks Masyarakat Tradisional dan Kontemporer Sukmayati Rahmah; Yulia Eka Putrie
Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia Vol. 10 No. 3 (2021): JLBI
Publisher : Ikatan Peneliti Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (993.132 KB) | DOI: 10.32315/jlbi.v10i03.65


Diskusi tentang spasialitas dan temporalitas arsitektur diangkat karena dapat menghubungkan elemen-elemen arsitektur dengan pengalaman manusia di dalam ruang dan waktu. Pembahasan arsitektur bambu dalam konteks masyarakat dan masa yang berbeda bertujuan memberikan interpretasi tentang arah perkembangan arsitektur berkelanjutan secara umum. Kajian eksploratif – interpretif ini dilakukan terhadap beberapa kasus arsitektur bambu vernakular dan kontemporer di Indonesia. Pembahasan spasialitas dan temporalitas arsitektur bambu tak hanya melibatkan perkembangan teknologi, inovasi desain, dan aspek-aspek teraga, namun juga memberikan gambaran pergeseran cara pandang terhadap bambu dan cara manusia dalam berinteraksi dengan arsitektur bambu. Melalui kajian eksploratif – interpretif ini dapat disimpulkan adanya perubahan pada konteks ruang dan waktu arsitektur bambu. Namun, perubahan terjadi bukan dalam bentuk diskontinuitas nilai, meski terdapat eksplorasi dan cara pandang baru terhadap bambu. Dalam berbagai konteks, kontinuitas hadir melalui kemampuan arsitektur bambu untuk menghubungkan pengalaman ruang dan waktu manusia dengan lingkungan alam, sekaligus menghubungkan masa lalu dengan masa kini dan masa depan.
Seting Perilaku dan Teritorialitas Ruang sebagai Perwujudan Adab di Masjid Gading Pesantren Kota Malang Yulia Eka Putrie; Luluk Maslucha
el Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam Vol 15, No 2 (2013): EL HARAKAH
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1174.841 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/el.v15i2.2765


This study concerns behavior setting and territoriality in Masjid Gading Pesantren as a part of the broader research on community based mosques and social interaction within them. The purpose is to identify some unique behavior patterns of the users of Masjid Gading Pesantren from the perspective of behavioral based research in architecture. The methods employed in this research are place-centered mapping, architectural documenting, and informal interview. The finding shows some specific behavioral pattern of the mosque’s users derived from the courtesy toward the mosque and the leader of the mosque as well as the pesantren. The behaviors form pattern as they become the tradition or local custom deriving into unique courtesy. Furthermore, this behavioral pattern also shapes the specific territories in the mosque, namely mihrab as a primary territory ‘owned’ by the kyai and legitimated by the santris. Such unique behavioral pattern belongs to local value which is largely accepted in Islam as long as it does not contradict with syariah. Penelitian ini mengenai seting perilaku dan teritorialitas ruang di Masjid Gading Pesantren yang merupakan bagian dari penelitian mengenai masjid berbasis masyarakat dan interaksi sosial yang terjadi di dalamnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kekhasan pola perilaku keruangan santri dan jamaah di Masjid Gading Pesantren dari sudut pandang keilmuan arsitektur perilaku. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode place centered mapping, dokumentasi, dan wawancara informal. Temuan menunjukkan kekhasan pola perilaku keruangan yang disebabkan adanya adab terhadap masjid dan adab terhadap kyai sebagai pemimpin masjid dan pesantren. Perilaku-perilaku ini membentuk pola karena telah menjadi tradisi atau kebiasaan setempat yang menjadi perwujudan yang khas terhadap adab. Lebih jauh, pola perilaku ini juga membentuk teritori-teritori yang khas di masjid tersebut, yaitu area mihrab yang menjadi teritori primer yang ‘dimiliki’ oleh kyai dan dilegitimasi oleh para santri. Kekhasan perilaku ini dapat dianggap sebagai kearifan lokal yang diterima secara luas keberadaannya di dalam Islam selama tidak bertentangan dengan syariat.
Seni Islam dalam Perspektif Al Faruqi: Sebuah Komparasi Yulia Eka Putrie
el Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam Vol 11, No 1 (2009): EL HARAKAH
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (994.594 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/el.v1i1.425


The perspective of Islamic arts proposed by Ismail Raji al Faruqi in his book Islamic Culture Atlas can be considered as a very comprehensive perspective of esthetics and arts based on Islamic worldview. Al Faruqi’s perspective of Islamic arts includes various genres of arts, such as literature, calligraphy, ornamentation, interior design, and music. Therefore, al Faruqi’s perspective is expected to be able to use in architecture, especially Islamic architecture. Although al Faruqi classifies architecture as a part of interior design, there are some characteristics of architecture in general different from the interior design characteristics proposed by al Faruqi. Hence, further studies are needed to place al Faruqi’s perspective in the context of architecture study. That should be done in order that al Faruqi’s perspective can be understood in architecture science. Furthermore, the characteristics are hoped to become one of the parameters in esthetic dimension of architecture objects designed in Islamic framework. Therefore, al Faruqi’s perspective of Islamic arts can enrich storage area of Islamic architecture science as the implementation of Islamic worldview. Perspektif seni Islam oleh Ismail Raji al Faruqi dalam bukunya Islamic Culture Atlas dapat dianggap sebagai perspektif estetika dan kesenian yang sangat komprehensif berdasarkan pandangan dunia Islam. Perspektif Al Faruqi tentang seni Islam mencakup berbagai genre kesenian, seperti sastra, kaligrafi, ornamen, desain interior, dan musik. Oleh karena itu, perspektif al Faruqi diharapkan dapat digunakan dalam arsitektur, terutama arsitektur Islam. Meskipun al Faruqi mengklasifikasikan arsitektur sebagai bagian dari desain interior, ada beberapa karakteristik arsitektur yang secara umum berbeda dengan karakteristik desain interior yang diajukan al Faruqi. Oleh karena itu, studi lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk menempatkan perspektif al Faruqi dalam konteks studi arsitektur. Itu harus dilakukan agar perspektif al Faruqi bisa dipahami dalam ilmu arsitektur. Selanjutnya, karakteristik tersebut diharapkan bisa menjadi salah satu parameter dalam dimensi estetika objek arsitektur yang dirancang dalam kerangka syariah. Oleh karena itu, perspektif al Faruqi tentang seni Islam dapat memperkaya khazanah ilmu arsitektur Islam sebagai implementasi pandangan dunia Islam.
Muqarnas: Ungkapan Keagungan Nilai Islam dalam Karya Arsitektur Yulia Eka Putrie
el Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam Vol 12, No 3 (2010): EL HARAKAH
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1856.754 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/el.v0i0.453


Muqarnas is the Arabic word for stalactite vault, a three-dimensional decoration element in Islamic architecture. Inspired by honey comb, this kind of architectural ornament has been developed to the highest form of aesthetics and complexity. Its uniqueness is laid on its geometrical composition, which is transformed from thousands of cells, tiers and intermediate elements.Inspite of its amazing geometrical composition, there are some values and meanings that consist in muqarnas. Infinitive design of muqarnas is mostly based on human’s awareness of God’s infinite highness and strength. Furthermore, it shows us that Allah’s creation such as honey combs, that is often being underestimated by human, contain huge of knowledge and complicated calculations. These kind of awareness and wisdoms are yielded by artists and architects in the past, who had never detached science from Islam, as the way of life. Muqarnas adalah kata Arab untuk kubah stalaktit, elemen hiasan tiga dimensi dalam arsitektur Islam. Terinspirasi oleh sarang madu, ornamen arsitektur semacam ini telah berkembang menjadi bentuk estetika dan kompleksitas tertinggi. Keunikannya diletakkan pada komposisi geometrisnya, yang ditransformasikan dari ribuan sel, tingkatan dan elemen antara. Terlepas dari komposisi geometrisnya yang menakjubkan, ada beberapa nilai dan makna yang ada di muqarnas. Desain infinitif muqarnas sebagian besar didasarkan pada kesadaran manusia akan kekuatan dan kekuatan Tuhan yang tak terbatas. Lebih jauh lagi, ini menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa ciptaan Allah seperti sarang madu, yang sering diremehkan oleh manusia, mengandung banyak pengetahuan dan perhitungan yang rumit. Jenis kesadaran dan hikmat ini dihasilkan oleh seniman dan arsitek di masa lalu, yang tidak pernah melepaskan ilmu pengetahuan dari Islam, sebagai cara hidup.