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Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol 12, No 1 (2021): JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jap.v12i1.11153


Unemployment is a macroeconomic problem and an important contributor to hindering development and regional economies, both regencies and cities. Labor absorption that is not in accordance with the amount of available resources also causes the unemployment rate to be quite high. This study aims to identify the characteristics of female unemployment and the factors that cause unemployment in Subang Regency. The research method used is descriptive using secondary data from BPS Subang Regency in 2020. Female unemployment in Subang Regency is caused by the level of educational qualifications, skills, community culture and the capacity of the business world. The level of education and skills that are not evenly distributed, the inherent culture of the community that a woman becomes the foundation in managing the household. This dual function becomes less focus and access in market share and in the world of workforce.
The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Commitment and Work Performance Abu Muna Almaududi Ausat; Suherlan Suherlan; Tepi Peirisal; Zaenal Hirawan
Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Journal of Leadership in Organizations
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (586.95 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jlo.71846


Introduction/Main Objectives: Organizations must be responsive in an increasingly complicated and competitive business environment.  Background Problems: To stay relevant, the leader's role must be maximized in cultivating and promoting the people resources they have. This is still a problem of leadership style applied in a business organization. Novelty: The transformational leadership style is the solution to a company's uneasiness in the face of a more dynamic and disruptive business environment, particularly for SMEs that are still learning how to execute the optimum leadership style.Research Methods: A quantitative technique based on variance Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Partial Least Squares (PLs) was used to acquire a better understanding of the relationship between variables. An online questionnaire was used to collect responses from SMEs employees in the food and beverage sector in Karawang Regency, Indonesia.  Finding/Results: Transformational leadership has a good and significant impact on organizational commitment and work performance, according to the findings. Similarly, the commitment organizational to work performance. Organizational commitment, on the other hand, does not appear to be a significant mediating variable between transformational leadership and work performance. Conclusion: Although transformational leadership can have beneficial effects on employees like commitment and intimacy, it's important to remember that during the present Covid-19 pandemic, employees require a decent income from their work
Kolaborasi : Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Department of Public Administration, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/kjap.v8i2.8298


AbstractThis research is motivated by the inadequate clean and healthy lifestyle of the community, because there is an increase in diarrhea cases based on data in 2020, namely 359 sufferers, while in 2021 as many as 613. Educational and outreach patterns from the government and private parties to the community have less impact, because the level of community participation in the CSR program is still low. In this study, the researcher uses a qualitative approach with the inquiry method, that the case study is an exploration of a bounded system or a case/ various case that from time to time go through in-depth data collection and involve various sources of information rich in a context. The results of the study show that not all communities can understand and participate in CSR programs so that the benefits and success rates are relatively diverse. Many obstacles in the implementation of CSR programs cause the level of satisfaction of the private sector, government and beneficiaries will also be different. In terms of input, this program is very adequate, but in terms of output, especially for the beneficiaries, it has not had such a big impact. On the other hand, the goals of this program have positive things but require time and involvement of parties and consistency in its implementation.AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi pola hidup bersih dan sehat dari masyarakat yang kurang memadai, karena ada peningkatan kasus diare berdasarkan data tahun tahun 2020 yaitu 359 penderita, sementara tahun 2021 sebanyak 613. Pola edukasi dan sosialisasi dari pihak pemerintah dan swasta kepada masyarakat kurang berdampak, karena tingkat turut serta masyarakat dalam program CSR masih rendah. Dalam Penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode inquiry, bahwa studi kasus sebuah eksplorasi dari suatu sistem yang terikat atau suatu kasus/beragam kasus yang dari waktu ke waktu melalui pengumpulan data yang mendalam serta melibatkan berbagai sumber informasi yang kaya dalam suatu konteks. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tidak semua masyarakat dapat memahami dan turut serta dalam program CSR sehingga manfaat, tingkat keberhasilan relatif beragam. Banyak kendala dalam pelaksanaan program CSR menyebabkan tingkat kepuasan dari pihak swasta, pemerintah dan penerima manfaat juga akan berbeda. Dari sisi input, program ini sangat memadai, namun dari segi output khususnya bagi penerima manfaat belum memberikan dampak yang begitu besar. Dari sisi yang lain, tujuan program ini mempunyai hal yang positif namun memerlukan waktu dan keterlibatan pihak dan konsistensi dalam pelaksanaannya.