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Kandungan emisi gas rumah kaca pada kebakaran hutan rawa gambut di pelalawan Riau Ati Dwi Nurhayati; Ervina Aryanti; Bambang Hero Saharjo
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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Peat land in the east coast of Sumatera (Riau, Jambi, South Sumatera) and Kalimantan (South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan) has being used for agricultural crops such as rice field, palm oil and coffee plantation. land preparation practiced is slash and burn method. Smoke haze that produce from peat fires were caused by these method. To determine the impact of such practice to atmospheric quality, a study was conducted at Pelalawan Province Riau. Four plots on peat land were prepared at sapric and hemic, each plot was 20 m x 20 m (0,04 ha). Before burning vegetation was cleared off, then the plots were circularly burned (ring fire) and greenhouse gases emitted were measured. The average of greenhouse gases emitted from sapric plot burning were 273 ppm CH[4], 10.395 ppm C0[2] and 1.223 ppm CO. Greenhouse gasses emitted from hemic plot burning were 306 ppm CH[4], 10.678 ppm C02 and 2176 ppm CO. The high CO emission from peat burning indicate there has been an incomplete burning at the fuel, due to high fuel moisture. The largest single atmospheric emission from peat burning was C0[2] and the smallest was CH[4] • The increase of greenhouse gases emission will contribute to global climate change, especially the global temperature increase through greenhouse effect of the gases.
Impact of Fire on Natural Regeneration in Peat Bambang Hero Saharjo; Ati Dwi Nurhayati
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan Vol 9 No 1 (2007): Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (612.408 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jitl.9.1.27-36


Fire is one of the most effective tools in disappearing vegetation community, where it was depend on the characteristics of burning itself and also the performance of the site being burnt. Previous research in mineral soils showed that repeated burning occurred at the same place trend to clean the vegetation which finally leads to have the land with lower number and quality of species left, while in peat land it was not fully understood. The research objective is to understand the vegetation dynamics following peat fires in the fibric peat type at the land preparation area using fire belong to the local community located in the Pelalawan district, Riau province, Indonesia during the dry season in the year 2001. Before slashing and drying, /0 tree species and 4 species of under storey vegetationfound. The site was dominated by Uncaria glabrata at seedling stage, Garcinia rostrata at sapling stage, Shorea macrophylla at pole stage and Pandanus immersus at understorey. After slashing and followed by 4 weeks drying then continued by burning with high flame temperature range from 8750(; to 900°C, it had been found that 3-months follOWing burning the site was dominated by Garcinia-rostrata at seedling stage and Cyperus halpan at understorey, while 6-months following burning the site was dominated by Eugenia jambos at seedling stage and Cyperus hal pan at understorey. Three months following burning species left to be only 4 species with 115 individuaVha (3 species from original and 1 new species emerge), and at 6 months following burning still 4 species left with 250 individuaVha.Meanwhile in understorey vegetation, 3 months following burning the species increased to be 7 species with 746 individuaVha (3 species left unchanged, I species disappeared and 4 new species emerge) and 6 months following burning the species left still 7 species with 1235 individuaVha. This means thatfire stimulate the increasing number of under storey vegetation.
The Public Perception of Early Warning System in Forest Fire Prevention Efforts Perum Perhutani KPH Pasuruan East Java Ati Dwi Nurhayati; Haridha Anindita; Handian Purwawangsa
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol. 3 No. 3 (2012): Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.3.3.%p


Most of forest and land fire in Indonesia caused by human activities therefore it is imfortant to prevent it by conducting researh to identify the factor based on perception level of people. To have know ledge about  forest and  land  fire  factors, can help to determine fire danger rating of one specific area. As a result, we can design effective early warning system in preventing forest & land fire. The study shows that the perception level of  people early warning system is at low degree. Kunjoro Wesi and Wotanmas Jedong Village have 93,30% and Sumberrejo Village has 63,30% of respondent with no knowledge on EWS. While Tambalsari village considered to have middle level of perception, with 50% of respondent have know ledge on EWS. According to Spearmen formal education has a positive correlation with perception level of EWS on all four village. So the level of formal education has a significant contibution for people knowledge.
Teknik Budi Daya dan Karakteristik Ubi Kayu (Manihot esculenta Crantz) di Desa Leuwisadeng, Kecamatan Leuwisadeng, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat Abiyyu Arzak Novaldi; Citra Miranda; Ati Dwi Nurhayati
Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat (PIM) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4236.144 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/pim.v4i1.38142


Ubi kayu merupakan salah satu tanaman pangan yang banyak dibudidayakan oleh petani di Bogor. Tanaman ini merupakan tanaman palawija dengan luas panen terbesar di Kecamatan Leuwisadeng. Secara umum olahan tanaman ini dikenal dalam bentuk bahan jadi berupa makanan, bahan mentah atau bahan baku berupa tepung. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan teknik budi daya ubi kayu khususnya petani di RW 08 Desa Leuwisadeng dengan literatur serta sumber-sumber terkait yang relevan. Data diambil dari hasil wawancara beberapa petani ubi kayu dan observasi lapang. Kegiatan budi daya ubi kayu di Desa Leuwisadeng diawali dengan pengolahan lahan, sanitasi lahan, pembuatan guludan, persiapan bahan tanam, penanaman, perawatan, hingga panen. Kegiatan budi daya ubi kayu oleh petani Desa Leuwisadeng secara umum masih banyak yang belum sesuai dengan standar pada literatur. Ketidaksesuaian tersebut terlihat dari kegiatan pemeliharaan yang kurang intensif seperti pada pengolahan lahan, pemupukan, pembumbunan, hingga penyiangan gulma. Para petani masih perlu diberikan pendampingan terkait proses dan teknik budi daya yang intensif.
Heat Propagation Patterns from Burnt Peat Samples in Jambi Erianto Indra Putra; Sulistio Rizky Iskandar; Yulianto Sulistyo Nugroho; Ati Dwi Nurhayati; Eko Setianto
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol 13 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Silvikutur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.13.01.47-52


Kadar air gambut adalah salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi terjadinya kebakaran gambut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kadar air gambut terhadap proses perambatan pembakaran, serta pola perambatan pembakaran gambut pada skala uji laboratorium, menggunakan reaktor panas berukuran 10x10x10 cm3 dengan 3x3 thermocouple Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa proses pembakaran terjadi pada seluruh sampel gambut pada kadar air yang hilang (350.91%, 577.52%, dan 713.24%). Pola perambatan pembakaran yang terjadi relatif sama pada semua tingkat kadar air yang hilang, dengan termokopel 8 paling lama bertahan dengan suhu yang tinggi dibandingkan dengan termokopel lainnya. Perambatan pembakaran pada gambut yang diteliti berbeda. Nilai perambatan arah vertikal pada gambut perlakuan oven 16, 24, dan 48 jam secara berurutan yaitu 9,62 cm/jam, 24,99 cm/jam, dan 41,72 cm/jam, sedangkan nilai perambatan arah horizontal secara berurutan yaitu 11,74 cm/jam, 17,31 cm/jam, dan 21,42 cm/jam. Kata kunci: gambut, kadar air, pembakaran
Soil Responses on Peatland Fire: Case Studies in Jambi and Central Kalimantan Lailan Syaufina; Bambang Hero Saharjo; Ati Dwi Nurhayati; Erianto Indra Putra; Wardana Wardana
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol 13 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Silvikutur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.13.01.66-71


Jambi and Central Kalimantan Provinces are among fire-prone provinces that experience fire annually. The provinces have large peatland areas, which are susceptible to fire. The peatland fire cause impacts on peat soil characteristics, including peat physical and chemical properties. The study was conducted in Sinar Wajo Village, Jambi and Kalampangan and Tumbang Nusa villages, Central Kalimantan Provinces. Land clearing activities for agriculture farming mostly caused forest and land fire in both locations. This study compares physical and chemical soil characteristics on burned and unburned peatland areas in Jambi and Central Kalimantan. Samples of peat soil were taken from 0-20 cm depth. Peat soil chemical and physical properties obtained from laboratory analyses were statistically analyzed to compare the properties in burned and unburned areas using JASP. The study resulted in significant differences for Potassium, Sodium, and Calcium, which indicate higher content in the burned plots than the unburned plots. Key words: Chemical soil properties, land clearing, peatland, physical soil properties
Laboratory Experiments on Heat Propagation of Peat Samples from Frequently Burnt Areas in Jambi Verda Emmelinda Satyawan; Erianto Indra Putra; Yulianto Sulistyo Nugroho; Almi Ramadhi; Ati Dwi Nurhayati; Wardana Wardana; Eko Setianto
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika Vol 13 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Silvikutur Tropika
Publisher : Departemen Silvikultur, Fakultas Kehutanan dan Lingkungan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/j-siltrop.13.01.72-78


Kebakaran gambut relatif sulit dipadamkan karena karakter kebakaran gambut yang membara di bawah permukaan tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perambatan api yang membara pada gambut yang sering terbakar dengan berbagai kadar air. Variabel yang diukur adalah perubahan suhu terhadap waktu, laju propagasi, dan laju kehilangan massa. Kadar air dari daerah yang sering terbakar yang dikeringkan selama 16 dan 24 jam adalah 272,00% dan 494,00%. Kadar air pada penelitian sebelumnya yang dilakukan terhadap sampel gambut yang dikeringkan selama 16 dan 14 jam adalah 577,52% dan 713,24%. Analisis pada kedua sampel menunjukkan bahwa sampel gambut yang dibakar pada tahun 1997/1998 memiliki suhu yang lebih tinggi daripada sampel gambut yang sering dibakar. Perambatan panas pada sampel gambut yang terbakar sekali pada tahun 1997/1998 berlangsung lebih lama (9-10 jam) dibandingkan dengan gambut yang sering terbakar (6-7 jam). Laju perambatan vertikal pada gambut yang sering terbakar lebih lambat (6-30 cm/jam) dibandingkan dengan sampel gambut yang terbakar tahun 1997/1998 (9-41 cm/jam), tetapi laju perambatan horizontal pada gambut yang sering terbakar terjadi lebih cepat (5-35 cm /jam) dibandingkan gambut yang terbakar sekali pada tahun 1997/1998 (11-21 cm/jam). Laju kehilangan massa pada gambut yang sering terbakar adalah lebih rendah (9-22 gram/jam) dibandingkan dengan contoh gambut yang terbakar sekali pada tahun 1997/1998 (25-32 gram/jam). Kata kunci: gambut, kadar air, pembakaran