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Konversi Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Konversi

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Saat ini, volume sampah yang tinggi  di Jakarta merupakan salah satu masalah penting bagi masyarakat Jakarta Timur. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari Dinas Kebersihan Pemerintah Jakarta Timur, ada sekitar 30% dari volume sampah yang tidak dikirim ke TPA per hari. Masalah ini berkaitan dengan kurangnya pendidikan tentang pentingnya pemisahan sampah oleh sebagian besar warga. Aturan pemerintah tentang pengelolaan sampah masih belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan. Suatu lembaga  konseling terpadu yang mengelola sampah untuk semua komponen di masyarakat diperlukan untuk memberikan hasil yang optimal. Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah harus melibatkan ibu-ibu rumah tangga dan harus  menerapkan Pemerintah Peraturan Nomor 81 Tahun 2012 tentang tentang Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga dan jenis sampah rumah tangga yang lain. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan sistem pemisahan pengelolaan sampah terpadu, volume sampah akan dturunkan sebesar 33%. Penurunan ini disebabkan karena daur ulang sampah anorganik. Melalui cara ini, pemerintah Jakarta hanya perlu untuk mengelola sampah organik yang yang terdiri 67% dari semua limbah. Ini adalah suatu cara untuk mengurangi jumlah volume sampah di JakartaKata Kunci : manajemen limbah, pemisahan, limbah organic, limbah anorganik 
LIMNOTEK - Perairan Darat Tropis di Indonesia Vol 22, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Research Center for Limnology

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Situ Cikaret termasuk kedalam DAS Sungai Ciliwung, yang berfungsi sebagai pengendalian banjir di Jakarta. Situ ini juga mendukung pemenuhan air baku di Kecamatan Cibinong Kabupaten Bogor. Perubahan tutupan tanah, penurunan luas badan air, dan tidak adanya data mengenai fungsi kontrol untuk banjir dan ketersediaan air situ, serta ketidakjelasan dalam pengelolaan situ adalah salah satu faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap degradasi Situ Cikaret. Oleh karena itu, penelitianini bertujuan untuk: 1) menganalisis perubahan tutupan lahan, 2) menganalisis pengendalian banjir dan ketersediaan air, dan 3) mengidentifikasi pengaruh dan kepentingan stakeholders. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa luas penutupan badan air berkurang dari 21,67 ha pada tahun 2002 menjadi 16,90 ha pada tahun 2012, yang berarti ada penyusutan 22,01%, analisis pengendalian banjir debit outlet19.03 m3/dtk, sedangkan setelah penyusutan untuk 16,90 ha, debit outlet 21,60 m3/dtk dengan debit puncak inlet sebesar 36,93 m3/dtk, analisis neraca air menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan air Situ Cikaret dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air pada tahun 2012 untuk pemanfaatan daerah irigasi 25 ha tanpa defisit air. Arahan evaluasi pengelolaan Situ Cikaret harus ada kebijakan pelimpahan kewenangan dari Pemerintah Pusat kePemerintah Daerah dan perlu dibangun suatu badan pengelola Situ Cikaret untuk berbuat dari hari ke hari.
MAJALAH ILMIAH GLOBE Vol 15, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (952.362 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/MIG.2013.15-1.74


ABSTRAKTaman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumohai (TNRAW) merupakan salah satu kawasan konservasi terpenting diIndonesia. Kawasan ini dihuni oleh spesies-spesies endemik Kawasan Wallacea dan memiliki sebaran rawa gambuttopogen cukup luas yang masih tersisa, dimana kondisi ini cukup langka untuk Pulau Sulawesi. Kawasan ini sejaktahun 2011 telah berstatus sebagai Situs RAMSAR, yaitu situs yang berdasarkan pada Konvensi RAMSARmewajibkan Indonesia sebagai negara anggota untuk mengelola lahan basah penting internasional di dalam cakupanwilayahnya secara bijaksana dan berkelanjutan. TNRAW juga berperan penting dalam perlindungan dan pengawetankeanekaragaman hayati, penyedia jasa lingkungan dan menjaga sistem penyangga kehidupan. Kawasan tersebutsaat ini sedang mengalami beberapa gangguan yang berpotensi mengurangi berbagai fungsinya seperti perambahan,pembalakan, perburuan liar dan kebakaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) menganalisis variabel-variabel yangberpengaruh terhadap kerawanan kebakaran hutan dan lahan di wilayah studi, (2) memetakan risiko kebakaran hutandan lahan di TNRAW dan desa-desa sekitarnya. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian terhadap masing-masing 14 variabelyang berpengaruh terhadap kebakaran, diketahui bahwa variabel tunggal yang paling berpengaruh terhadapkebakaran di wilayah studi adalah tipe penutupan lahan (R2 = 31%), dimana kelas yang paling rawan adalahpenutupan lahan savana. Model komposit terbaik disusun oleh 8 variabel membentuk model polinomial dengan nilaikoefisien determinasi 65 %. Prioritas pengendalian kebakaran hutan dan lahan perlu dilakukan pada zona inti danzona rimba dengan risiko tinggi (0,34 %) dan risiko sedang (10,30 %) khususnya pada area-area di sekitar GunungWatumohai.Kata Kunci: Taman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumohai, Model Spasial, Kerawanan Kebakaran.ABSTRACTRawa Aopa Watumohai National Park (TNRAW) is one among the most important conservation areas in Indonesia.This area preserves endemic species in Wallacea region and the only main topogeneouse peat swamp at SulawesiIsland. The area has been designated as RAMSAR Site in 2011. According to the International Convention ofRAMSAR, Indonesia has an obligation to manage the wetland areas wisely in sustainable manner since the areas areconsidered to be internationally important. This national park plays important roles in protecting and preservingbiodiversity, providing environmental services, and supporting life system in surrounding area. Unfortunately, TNRAWhas been disturbed by several threats such as encroachment, illegal logging, illegal hunting and wildfire that couldpotentially degrade the forest’s functions. The objectives of this study were (1) to analyze the appropriate variablesthat influence the vulnerability of forest fires in the study areas, and (2) to develop a fire risk mapping in TNRAW andits surrounding areas. Based on the CMA analysis of the 14 variables associated with biophysical and humanactivities, the most influential variable in the spatial model was individual land cover type (with R2 = 31%) where thehighest one was on the class of savanna. The best composite model derived from CMA method adopted eightvariables with determination coefficient of 65% and formed a polynomial model. The priority of the forest firesmanagement needed to be focused at the core zone and the buffer zone which were grouped to be high risk area(0.34 %) and middle risk area of forest fire (10.30 %), especially at the surrounding of Watumohai Mountains whichhad high vulnerability for wildfires.Keywords: Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park, Spatial Model, Wildfire Vulnerability.
Mapping land cover and vegetation detection in urban areas Anita Zaitunah; Samsuri; Anggie Yohanna Mandalahi; Lailan Syaufina
Journal of Sylva Indonesiana Vol. 5 No. 01 (2022): Journal of Sylva Indonesiana
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (912.396 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/jsi.v5i01.6904


The increase of population has caused land use land cover change. The development of a city has increase the need of settlements and buildings. Monitoring any land cover is important to support environmentally based and sustainable urban planning. Medan as one of big cities in Indonesia has showed a development of the areas. The aim of the study was to analyze the land cover and vegetation existence in two sub-districts of Medan. The supervised classification analysis was conducted for year 2019. Ground check was a part of the study. There were six land cover classes found in the area, namely paddy fields, grass, shrubs, trees, mixed plant, and built-up land. The largest area within two sub-districts is built up areas. The results show less vegetated areas within two sub-districts. There was 86% of built-up areas in Medan Baru and 69.3% in Medan Selayang. Vegetation as an important element in the environment needs to be preserved within the urban areas. There is a need to plant trees in less vegetated areas. Green open space should be incorporated into city planning in order to preserve and improve the quality of the urban environment.
The Effects of Climatic Variations on Peat Swamp Forest Condition and Peat Combustibility Lailan Syaufina; Ahmad Ainuddin Nuruddin; Jamaluddin Basharuddin; Lai Food See; Mohid Rashid Mohd Yusof
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 10 No. 1 (2004)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

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Studi tentang pengaruh variasi iklim terhadap kondisi hutan rawa gambut dan kemampuan terbakar gambut ini dilaksanakan di Hutan Simpan Sungai karang, Tanjong Karang, Selangor, Malaysia. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menentukan: 1) Variasi iklim di daerah penelitian , 2) Pengaruh variasi iklim terhadap kondisi hutan rawa gambut; 3) Kemampuan terbakar gambut dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya; dan 4) Pengaruh kebakaran hutan terhadap kondisi hutan rawa gambut. Studi ini dilakukan di kompartemen 127 selama dua periode, yaitu: Oktober 1999 sampai Januari 2000 dan Mei 2000 sampai Oktober 2000, sementara, studi tentang pengaruh kebakaran dilakukan di kompartemen 132 dari Oktober 1999 sampai dengan Januari 2000. Studi ini mengklasifikasikan musim kemarau dan musim penghujan sebagai periode dengan curah hujan bulanan berturut-turut kurang dari atau sama dengan 125 mm dan lebih besar dari 125 mm. Daerah penelitian memiliki dua periode kering, yaitu: Januari, Februari, dan Maret sebagai periode pertama dan Mei sampai Agustus sebagai periode kedua. Secara statistik, musim berpengaruh pada kadar air, bulk density, potassium, magnesium, sodium dan tinggi muka air. Dengan menggunakan prediksi curah hujan mingguan, kadar air kritis dari lahan gambut terhadap kebakaran adalah 355 %.Keywords:  climatic variations, peat swamp forest, forest fire, peat combustibility
The Possibility of COVID-19 Pandemic in Eliminating Burning Activities: A Case Study at Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatera Lailan Syaufina; Muhammad Hudzaifah Rihuljihad; Ati Dwi Nurhayati
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 27 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.7226/jtfm.27.3.165


Forest and land fires occur almost every year in South Sumatera Province, including at Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) Regency, mainly due to uncontrolled burning activities. This region has the largest peatland responsible for the adverse haze impacts. The advent of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in early 2020 has triggered massive consequences across the global communities, including Indonesia. Therefore, large-scale regulations on social restrictions were enacted. The purpose of this study is to analyze the variations in hotspots as forest and land fire indicators before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in OKI as well as to determine the rainfall effects. Daily Terra/Aqua MODIS satellite feeds and rainfall data between January 2018 and December 2020 served as the research materials. Subsequently, the paired t-test and correlation assessment were used to examine the hotspot variations in both datasets, respectively. The results showed significant statistical differences before and during the pandemic. Consequently, social restrictions were assumed to instigate the decline in burning activities. Furthermore, the rainfall demonstrated a vulnerable correlation to the hotspots, indicating that human factor was more pronounced as a fire trigger.
Daya racun ekstrak kasar daun bintaro (Cerbera odollam Gaertn.) terhadap larva Spodoptera litura fabricius Sri Utami; Lailan Syaufina; Noor Farikhah Haneda
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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Spodoptera litura Fabricius is one of polyphagous insects that often attacks so many plant species either annual and perennial crops. Severe infestation of the pest may decrease crop production. The farmers who grow agricultural crops generally control the insect pest using synthetic chemical insecticides. However, improper use of such pesticides may cause negative impacts to the environment. Insect pest control using botanical insecticide is an alternative which is relatively safe to the environment. A research to test the lethal effect of crude extract of bintaro leaf ( Cerbera odollam gaertn.) to S. litura larvae was conducted. The research was conducted at the laboratory of Forest Product Chemistry and the laboratory of Forest Entomology, Faculty of Forestry, IPB in 2009. The results shows that the crude extract of bintaro leaf has a strong knock down effect to S. litura larvae, with lC50 at 0,6 °/o to the second instar and 0,28 % to the second and the third instar. It is proven that the leaf extract, contains active chemical compounds pesticidal, e.g. flavonoid, steroid, saponin and tannin. Further tests are suggested under field condition researches should be conducted to test the efficacy of the extract in controlling S. litura at the nursery and the field.
Comparative Analysis of Spatial Decision Tree Algorithms for Burned Area of Peatland in Rokan Hilir Riau Putri Thariqa; Imas Sukaesih Sitanggang; Lailan Syaufina
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 14, No 2: June 2016
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v14i2.3540


 Over one-year period (March 2013 – March 2014), 58 percent of all detected hotspots in Indonesia are found in Riau Province. According to the data, Rokan Hilir shared the greatest number of hotspots, about 75% hotspots alert occur in peatland areas. This study applied spatial decision tree algorithms to classify classes before burned, burned, and after burned from remote sensed data of peatland area in Kubu and Pasir Limau Kapas subdistrict, Rokan Hilir, Riau. The decision tree algorithm based on spatial autocorrelation is applied by involving Neigborhood Split Autocorrelation Ratio (NSAR) to the information gain of CART algorithm. This spatial decision tree classification method is compared to the conventional decision tree algorithms, namely, Classification and Regression Trees (CART),  C5.0, and C4.5 algorithm. The experimental results showed that the C5.0 algorithm generate the most accurate classifier with the accuracy of  99.79%. The implementation of spatial decision tree algorithm succesfuly improve the accuracy of CART algorithm.
Detection and Prediction of Peatland Cover Changes Using Support Vector Machine and Markov Chain Model Ulfa Khaira; Imas Sukaesih Sitanggang; Lailan Syaufina
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 14, No 1: March 2016
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v14i1.2400


Detection and prediction of peatland cover changes needs to be done in the rapid rate of deforestation in Indonesia. This work applied Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Markov Chain Model on multitemporal satellite data. The study area is located in the Rokan Hilir district, Riau Province. SVM classification technique used to extract information from satellite data for the years 2000, 2004, 2006, 2009 and 2013. The Markov Chain Model was used to predict future peatland cover. The SVM classification result showed that the Kappa accuracy of peatland cover classification is more than 0.92. The non vegetation areas increased to 307% and the sparse vegetation areas increased to 22% between 2000 and 2013, while dense vegetation areas decreased to 61%. Prediction of future land cover by the Markov Chain Model showed that the use of multitemporal satellite data with 3 years interval provides accurate result for predicting peatland cover changes.
Poisson Clustering Process on Hotspot in Peatland Area using Kulldorff’s Scan Statistics Method Annisa Puspa Kirana; Imas Sukaesih Sitanggang; Lailan Syaufina
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 13, No 4: December 2015
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v13i4.2272


The increase in peatland fire’s intensity has encouraged people to develop methods of preventing wildfire. One of the prevention methods is recognizing the distribution pattern of hotspot as one of forest and land fire indicators. We could determine the area that has high fires density based on distribution patterns so any early prevention steps could be performed in that area. This research proposed to recognize the distribution pattern of hotspot clusters in the peatland areas in Sumatera in the year 2014 using Kulldorff’s Scan Statistics (KSS) method with Poisson model. This approach was specifically designed to detect clusters and assess their significance via Monte Carlo replication. Results showed that the method is reliable to detect the clusters of hotspots which have the accuracy of 95%. Riau and South Sumatera province have the highest density of cluster distributions of the hotspot. Based on the maturity level of peat, cluster distributions of hotspot were mostly found in ‘hemic’ maturity level. Based on peatland thickness, cluster distribution of hotspot was mostly found in ‘very deep’ thickness.
Co-Authors Agus Buono Agus Siswono Agus Siswono Ahmad Ainuddin Nuruddin Aisyah Anggraini Andini Tribuana Tunggadewi Anggie Yohanna Mandalahi Anissa Rezainy Anita Zaitunah Annisa Puspa Kirana Arzyana Sunkar Asri Buliyansih Ati Dwi Nurhayati Ati Dwi Nurhayati Ati Dwi Nurhayati Bahruni Bahruni Bambang Hero Saharjo Boedi Tjahjono Chandrasa E Sjamsudin Denni Prasetia Diah Zuhriana Didik Suharjito Dinda Aisyah Fadhillah Hafni Drucella Benala Dyahati Eduardo Fernando Martins de Carvalho Eka Intan Kumala Putri Eko Heriyanto Elsa Elvira Awal Entin Kartini Erfan Noor Yulian Erianto Indra Putra Fakhri Sukma Afina Fransisxo GS Tambunan Gatot Setiawan Gatot Setiawana Gunawan, Andi Gusti Zainal Anshari Hariyadi I Nengah Surati Jaya Ichwandi, Iin Imam Suyodono Imas Sukaesih Sitanggang Indah Prasasti Indah Prasasti Irdika Mansur Istomo . Jamaluddin Basharuddin Jumani Jumani Khaira, Ulfa Khairia Nafia Khulfi M Khalwani Komarsa Gandasasmita Kurniawati Purwaka Putri Lai Food See Lilik Budi Prasetyo M. Syamsul Maarif M. Taufan Tirkaamiana M. Taufan Tirkaamiana Mirzha Hanifah Mochamad Asep Maksum Mohid Rashid Mohd Yusof Muhammad Ardiansyah Muhammad Hawari Azka Muhammad Hudzaifah Rihuljihad Muhammad Ikhsan Muhammad Imam Nugraha Muhammad Nur Aidi Nalar Istiqomah Nining Puspaningsih Noor Farikhah Haneda Nova Puspitasari Nuniek Sutanti Nurheni Wijayanto Prima Trie Wijaya Putri Thariqa Rinenggo Siwi Rizaldi Boer Samsuri Samsuri Samsuri Sandhi Imam Maulana Sigit Purwanto Sitanggang, Imas S. Siti Badriyah Rushayati Sobri Effendy Sofia Fitriana Sri Mulatsih Sri Mulatsih SRI UTAMI Sugiarto, Dwi Putro Supriyadi, Andi Supriyanto Supriyanto Suryawan Ramadhan Syaiful Anwar Titik Ernawati Tri Tiana Ahmadi Putri Vera Linda Purba Wahida Annisa Wardana Wardana Widiatmaka . Wiwin Ambarwulan Yenni Vetrita Yuli Sunarti