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Journal : Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi

Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi Vol 11, No 3 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jas.v11i3.59242


The rapid flow of globalization that develops in society makes it easier for various foreign cultures to enter a country. One of the foreign cultures that is currently globalizing is Korean pop culture.. In Indonesia itself, there are many fans of Pop culture, especially K-pop fans. One of the consumption activities carried out by K-pop fans is buying physical albums. Physical albums have become a distinctive feature of K-pop even though in this modern era there have been digital albums. The K-pop industry has made physical album sales experience a very rapid increase in recent times. Usually, physical K-Pop albums don't only contain CDs, there are photobooks, photocards, and merchandise that are attractive to fans. This study aims to examine the meaning of buying physical albums for fans and identify the motives of fans choosing to buy physical albums over digital albums. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data was collected by means of interviews. Research is assisted by the foundation of cultural sociology theories. The results of the study show that the meaning of a physical album for fans is a self-reward and happiness in itself when having a physical album. The purchase of physical albums is also intended as a form of appreciation for the idol's music and songs that have had a positive effect on their lives. Purchase of physical albums is also influenced by cultural hegemony. The power of hegemony makes fans think that Korean pop culture is a part of their daily life. Keywords: K-Pop, Fans, Physical Album, Pop Culture AbstrakDerasnya arus globalisasi yang berkembang di masyarakat memudahkan berbagai budaya asing masuk ke suatu negara. Salah satu budaya asing yang tengah mendunia saat ini, yaitu budaya pop Korea. Di Indonesia sendiri, penggemar budaya Pop sangatlah banyak khususnya penggemar K-pop. Salah satu kegiatan konsumsi yang dilakukan oleh penggemar K-pop adalah membeli album fisik. Album fisik telah menjadi ciri khas tersendiri dari K-pop meskipun sudah di era modern ini telah ada album berbentu digital. Industri K-pop telah membuat penjualan album fisik mengalami peningkatan yang sangat pesat dalam waktu terakhir. Bisanya, album fisik K-Pop tidak hanya memuat kaset saja, terdapat photobook, photocard, dan merchandise yang menarik bagi para penggemar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkai makna pembelian album fisik bagi penggemar dan mengidentifikasi motif penggemar memilih membeli album fisik daripada album digital. Metode yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini, yakni kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara. Penelitian dibantu dengan landasan teori-teori sosiologi budaya. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makna album fisik bagi penggemar merupakan suatu self reward dan kebahagiaan tersendiri ketika memiliki wujud fisik album. Pembelian album fisik juga ditujukan sebagai bentuk apresiasi kepada musik dan lagu sang idola yang telah memberikan efek positif bagi kehidupan mereka. Pembelian album fisik juga dipengaruhi adanya hegemoni budaya. Kekuatan hegemoni membuat penggemar menganggap bahwa budaya pop Korea menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sehari-harinya. Kata Kunci: K-Pop, Penggemar, Album Fisik, Budaya Pop