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Jurnal Geografi : Media Informasi Pengembangan dan Profesi Kegeografian Vol 15, No 1 (2018): January 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jg.v15i1.12180


Hampir di seluruh kawasan pesisir Indonesia terjadi konflik dengan berbagai kepentingan. Penyebab utama dari konflik adalah penataan ruang yang tidak memperhatikan sumberdaya pesisir yang ada. Berbagai pihak berkepentingan dengan tujuan, target, dan rencana sendiri-sendiri dalam mengeksploitasi sumberdaya pesisir. Hanya mementingkan keuntungan sektornya, mengabaikan akibat yang timbul terhadap sektor lain. Hal inilah yang mendorong terjadinya konflik pemanfaatan sumberdaya (user conflict) dan konflik kewenangan (jurisdictional conflict).Masalahnya sekarang adalah apakah pemanfaatan lahan di kawasan pesisir tersebut sudah memperhatikan aspek-aspek planologis secara komprehensif , baik secara fisik, sosial maupun ekonomi ?Melalui pendekatan ekologis administratif, pendekatan menyeluruh (komprehensif), pendekatan berorientasi pada kesejahteraan masyarakat, pendekatan berorientasi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi, pendekatan sarana prasarana pengelolaan di kawasan pesisir. Diharapkan dapat menemukan arahan pemanfaatan ruang di kawasan pesisir Kota Semarang.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Dalam Pengembangan SmartCity Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Dalam Pengembangan SmartCity

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AbstractLay out paln is scientifically consept that was created as a manual of the development realization. That is, in every discussion about development, lay out plan must be consistency obeyed as if dealt before.If only in its realization, there are any illegal or unsuitable actions about lay out plan, it can be said that improperly mechanism and process was happened along the development.In accordance with the statement above, this paper would try to discuss about fact finding in term of lay out’s problems in a certain city, then looked for its necessary expectation solutions. Basically, the lay outs problems in a certain city are intercorrelated problems, either externally and internally. In order to solve these problems, it may need willingness from all of  the stakeholders.Key Words: Lay out plan,  Hope, and Realization
Jurnal Planologi Vol 14, No 2 (2017): Oktober 2017. Thema Open Space dan Pasar Tradisional
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v14i2.3873


       Efforts to control the management of traditional markets in terms of service excellence is expected to be carried out in synergy and more directed to the traders, buyers and market manager Peterongan. In His understanding of management's evaluation of traditional markets in terms of excellent service performed quantitative descriptive approach (quantitative approach) with a rationalistic approach. Through this approach, the researchers were able to find common ground as well as perceptions of a diverse range of different data. As a measure of evaluation used 6 main parameters, which include a) the effectiveness, b) efficiency, c) adequacy, d) equity, e) responsiveness, f) accuracy.      From the analysis conducted by researchers concluded that management is not optimal Peterongan market so that the evaluation results in terms of excellent service said to be "unfit". Especially in performing maintenance and care market, difficulties including costs and building maintenance program budget limited market and the lack of control of the market manager. On the other hand, the macro policy of the government is quite conducive to efforts to create traditional markets orderly, organized, safe, clean and healthy. Relating to matters that needed a more traditional markets to thrive and have a good competitiveness. In this case the performance of the government to manage Peterongan market should be improved to provide excellent service to traders and buyers.Keywords: Evaluation, Excellent Service, Traditional Market
Proses Padu Serasi Dalam Pengembangan Kawasan Pesisir Kota Semarang Mohammad Agung Ridlo; Eppy Yuliani
Jurnal Planologi Vol 16, No 2 (2019): Oktober, 2019. Thema Pengelolaan Lahan dan Wisata
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v16i2.5274


ABSTRACTIn almost all regions of the Coastal Indonesia conflicts often occur with various interests. The main cause of this problem (conflict) is spatial planning that does not / does not pay attention to Coastal Resources in the region. This happens one of them as information that needs to be used. Various parties have an interest in their own goals, objectives and plans for exploiting the Coastal Resources. Likewise, the City of Semarang, in developing Coastal / Coastal areas, should ask permission from the holder of a fixed land right or at least leave a small amount of space from the front area of Semarang City as a public open space. Semarang City is a city that is very poor in public space. In the management of the Coastal area it is necessary to have direction in this Coastal area as a public space, not a free trade process with profit-oriented goals. But still giving access to the free space of the beach that can be entered by permitted. Free space can be realized by giving a certain free distance from the coastline. Therefore, the combination of spatial plans and zoning plans is needed. In the process of regional spatial planning (RTRW) and zoning plans (RZ) of Coastal areas, it is necessary to make a harmonious process.Key Words: Mix and Match, Development, Coastal Areas ABSTRAKKawasan pesisir menjadi kawasan yang mengalami berbagai permasalahan dari berbagai sudut kepentingan. Penataan ruang pada kawasan pesisir yang belum dapat selaras dengan  potensi sumberdaya pesisir, menjadi salah satu alasan dari munculnya berbagai permasalahan yang ada. Tidak satupadunya tujuan, target dan rencana dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir membuat penataan kawasan pesisir kurang menyatu. Demikian pula halnya dengan Kota Semarang,  dalam mengembangkan kawasan pesisir/pantai semestinya berwenang mengingatkan para pemegang izin/hak guna lahan untuk tetap menjadikan atau minimal menyisakan sedikit ruang dari kawasan terdepan (muka) Kota Semarang ini sebagai ruang terbuka publik. Kota Semarang merupakan kota yang sangat miskin akan ruang publik. Dalam pengelolaan kawasan pesisir perlu adanya pengarahan bahwa kawasan pesisir ini sebagai ruang publik, tidak sekedar suatu proses dagang semata dengan tujuan profit oriented. Namun tetap memberikan akses ke ruang bebas dari pantai yang dapat dimasuki oleh siapapun. Ruang bebas dapat diwujudkan dengan memberikan jarak bebas tertentu dari garis pantai. Oleh karenanya, maka perpaduan rencana tata ruang darat dan rencana zonasi pesisir sangat diperlukan. Dalam proses penyusunan rencana tata ruang wilayah (RTRW) dan rencana zonasi (RZ) wilayah pesisir, perlu dilakukan proses padu serasi.Kata Kunci: Padu Serasi, Pengembangan, Kawasan Pesisir
Permukiman Liar (Squatter Settlement) Di Jalur Kereta Api Kota Semarang Mohammad Agung Ridlo
Jurnal Planologi Vol 17, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v17i2.12790


 AbstraCtSquatter settlement is increasingly spreading in various urban corners of Indonesia, including in Semarang Metropolitan City. The reality of existing squatter settlements invaded vacant land, unpreserved and lacked (no) supervision from landowners, eventually forming slum enclaves, one of which was on the railway line in Semarang City. Railways should not be allowed to be used as residential areas. The squatter settlement is inhabited by people on low incomes (economically incapable). Research methods are conducted in a qualitative scriptive way, through empirical observation, interactively, with inductive methods. The approach of the room system is carried out to interpret circum citizen activity related to the request or zoning.Meanwhile, theoretical studies were conducted to help identify and analyze in this study. This research illustrates that squatter settlement occurs in addition to the retardation and poverty experienced by citizens, also due to the inability of the government and its apparatus in terms of supervision (Uncontrolled). Therefore, space arrangement is required (including planning, coaching, implementation, supervision and control).Keywords: squatter settlement, railway AbstrakSquatter settlement makin merebak di berbagai sudut perkotaan di Indonesia, termasuk di Kota Semarang Metropolitan. Realita yang ada squatter settlement merebak menginvasi lahan-lahan kosong, tidak terpelihara dan kurang (tidak ada) pengawasan dari pemilik lahan,  akhirnya membentuk enclave-enclave kumuh, salah satunya di jalur kereta api di Kota Semarang. Jalur kereta api semestinya tidak diperkenankan untuk dijadikan sebagai kawasan permukiman. Squatter settlement tersebut dihuni oleh orang-orang yang berpenghasilan rendah (tidak mampu secara ekonomi). Metode Penelitian dilakukan secara diskriptif kualitatif,  melalui observasi empirik, interaktif, dengan metoda induktif. Pendekatan sistem keruangan dilakukan untuk menginterpretasikan circum aktivitas warga kaitannya dengan permintakatan atau zoningnya. Sedangkan kajian teoritis dilakukan untuk membantu mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa squatter settlement terjadi selain masih adanya keterbelakangan dan kemiskinan yang dialami oleh warga, juga dikarenakan ketidakmampuan pemerintah dan aparatnya dalam dalam hal pengawasan (Uncontrolled). Karenanya, diperlukan adanya penataan ruang (meliputi perencanaan, pembinaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengendalian).Kata Kunci: squatter settlement, jalur kereta api
Jurnal Planologi Vol 14, No 1 (2017): April 2017. Thema Permasalahan Transportasi Perkotaan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v14i1.3859


Sukun region located in the southern city of Semarang is an activity node meetings between Semarang Upper and Lower part. In addition to the node activity, regional transport node Sukun is also because of the intersection between Setia Budi roads and highways. The rapid growth of traffic is felt at Setia Budi roads, this is because of the way as the initial point of entry into the city of Semarang from the south ( Yogyakarta - Solo ) both vehicles are going to Semarang and the entrance to the highway with a wide range of purposes. And trading activity and the presence of onsite services that are in the area resulted in increased activities of road users, the incidence of traffic generation and the high side barriers, which at certain hours of congestion and delays often occur. The research methodology used in this research is by using Deductive Quantitative Methods Rationalistic. With the technique of factor analysis and analysis of transportation, so it can be determined Level Of Service and factors - factors driving the cause of congestion in the area Sukun Banyumanik. The final results obtained from the analysis of the factors driving the causes of congestion on area Sukun is that congestion is due to the on site activity, the high capacity of the road, next to the barrier height and geometric conditions of the road.
Jurnal Planologi Vol 18, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v18i2.17979


ABSTRACTThe development of the center of the city of Semarang is very rapid, leading to the outskirts. The outskirts, which were originally used as agricultural areas, have now been converted into built-up areas, settlements, trade and services. This research was conducted in Tembalang Village, which is an educational area, new settlements accompanied by the growth of economic activity. The purpose of this study is to find patterns of economic space in suburban urban areas. Methodology Descriptive analysis research using a qualitative and rationalistic deductive approach that focuses on the environmental approach (behavior approach) and the spatial economic approach. From the results of the analysis, it is concluded that Tembalang Village has an Economic Spatial Pattern that develops along the main road. Economic activities that follow this main road route form a network pattern. This pattern of economic space is also still visible in the surrounding area. The pattern of economic space that develops on the main road corridor has a high selling value of land. Every year there is an increase in land prices, both according to NJOP, land rental prices and land selling prices.Keywords: pattern, space, economy, activity, suburbs, urban. ABSTRAKPerkembangan pusat Kota Semarang yang sangat pesat, mengarah pada kawasan pinggiran. Kawasan pinggiran yang awalnya sebagai  fungsi kawasan  pertanian, banyak beralih fungsi menjadi kawasan terbangun, pemrmukiman, perdagangan dan jasa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kelurahan Tembalang, yang merupakan kawasan pendidikan, permukiman baru disertai dengan pertumbuhan aktivitas ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini menemukan pola ruang ekonomi pada kawasan pinggiran perkotaan. Metodologi Penelitian analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deduktif Kualitatif Rasionalistik yang berfokus pada pendekatan lingkungan (behaviour approach) dan pendekatan ekonomi keruangan (spatial economic approach). Dari hasil analisis disimpulkan Kelurahan Tembalang memiliki Pola Ruang Ekonomi yang berkembang di sepanjang jalan utama. Kegiatan perekonomian yang mengikuti jalur jalan utama ini mementuk pola jaringan. Pola ruang ekonomi ini juga masih terlihat pada kawasan sekitarnya. Pola ruang ekonomi yang berkembang pada koridor  jalan utama, memiliki nilai jual lahan yang tinggi. Semakin tahun mengalami kenaikan harga lahan baik menurut NJOP, harga sewa lahan maupun harga jual lahan.Kata kunci : pola,ruang, ekonomi, aktivitas, pinggiran, perkotaan.
The Effect Of Middleman Behavior to Economic Space on TPI Tawang, Gempolsewu Village Rowosari District Kendal Regency Ardiana Yuli Puspitasari; Yunia Alfianti; Mohammad Agung Ridlo
International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas Vol 3 (2017): The 3rd International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas
Publisher : International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas

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Fish Auction Place is an economic space that has great influence for fishermen in marketing their catch so that fishermen can sell their catch as short as possible with good price and can create healthy market through pure auction. Based on Local Regulation of Kendal Regency Number 10 of 2010 concerning management and retribution of fish auction place in Kendal Regency, mention that to guarantee the balance of management of fish auction place in order to improve prosperity and standard of living of fisherman /coastal communities in Kendal District. However, in TPI Tawang area there is a problem that is middleman activity. The activity is very influential on the economic space TPI Tawang. Based on the above problems, the researcher wants to know the influence of behavior middleman to economic space TPI Tawang Gempolsewu Village. To achieve these objectives, several analyzes were conducted, among others, activities of middleman, economic space in TPI Tawang area and analysis of influence of middleman activity on economic space of TPI Tawang community of Gempolsewu Village. In this research using qualitative descriptive approach rationalistic with middleman activity variable and economic space in TPI Tawang area. Stages done in doing this writing is through several stages, among others, preparation, primary or secondary data collection, processing and presentation of data, data analysis, and stage preparation of reports. The conclusion of this research is middleman activity which is in TPI area of Tawang precisely at TPI Tawang dock influence activity in economy room that exist in area of TPI Tawang. The influence of middleman activity in Tawang TPI area can be seen from the activity system which can cause the decrease of activity and the decrease of economic space activity in Tawang TPI area. Keywords: Fish Auction Place, Middleman, Activity, Economy, Coastal, Space
Study Determination About Receivers of Support for Rehabilitation "The Houses Unhabitable" in Slum Area, Indonesia Boby Rahman; Dhea Fina Ramadhanty; Mohammad Agung Ridlo
Pondasi Vol 26, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pondasi
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/pondasi.v26i2.19046


Abstract. Indonesia, a developing country, has launched a program with a target of 0% slum in urban areas by 2020. It has been more than ten years since this program for handling urban slums has made many improvements. One aspect of the parameter that becomes an improvement in handling urban slum areas is the improvement of uninhabitable houses. This study investigates how the quality of urban slum settlements can be improved in the aspect of houses that are not habitable, especially in terms of determining the recipient of rehabilitation assistance for houses that are unhabitable in urban areas. This study used a qualitative methodology and analysis of the literature review in 21 scientific papers on selecting houses that are not habitable assistance and related regulations. The result is that there are two processes in determining Receivers of Support for Rehabilitation "The Houses Unhabitable", first through the aspects of the criteria for houses unhabitable which are technical in the field, and selection techniques that are more academic in nature. Aspects of the criteria for houses unhabitable provide an assessment of the area and buildings. whereas the selection technique requires a selection technique capable of managing data that has many criteria.
Pondasi Vol 25, No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/pondasi.v25i1.13033


ABSTRACTCollege activity became one of the influences to change land use. Presence college activity can cause other activities like increasing demand for land, an increase in economic cause community request and others. This study uses literature study in influences to change of land use, with taking case study in UNNES, HALUOLEO, UNSOED, IPB, UNDIP, and other universities in Yogyakarta. The result of this study can be concluded that college activities have a role in the change of land use. College activity can be forms the land use and other activity that grow from the presence of college activity like an increase in economy and another infrastructure.Keyword: land use, college activity, university  ABSTRAKAktivitas perguruan tinggi menjadi salah satu yang mempengaruhi perubahan penggunaan lahan. Adanya perguruan tinggi dapat menimbulkan aktivitas-aktivitas lainnya seperti meningkatnya permintaan kebutuhan lahan, perekonomian yang meningkat karena sebuah permintaan dari kehidupan masyarakat baik pendatang maupun masyarakat asli. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi literatur pengaruh perubahan penggunaan lahan, dengan mengambil studi kasus di UNNES, HALUOLEO, UNSOED, IPB, UNDIP, dan Perguruan Tinggi Yogyakarta. Hasil dari kajian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya aktivitas perguruan tinggi mempunyai peran dalam perubahan penggunaan lahan. Aktivitas perguruan tinggi dapat membentuk tatanan lingkungan dalam hal pola penggunaan lahan dan juga aktivitas lain yang tumbuh dari adanya aktivitas perguruan tinggi seperti perkonomian dan juga sarana prasarana.Kata Kunci: penggunaan lahan, aktivitas kampus, universitas