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Perilaku Struktur Jembatan Baja Pelengkung Berdasarkan Spektrum Gempa: Behavior of Curved Steel Bridge Structures Based on Earthquake Spectrum Widya Apriani; Fadrizal Lubis; Reni Suryanita; Elva Nidya Sari
JURNAL SAINTIS Vol. 19 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1111.698 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/saintis.2019.vol19(2).3924


[ID] Perencanaan struktur jembatan baja pelengkung harus memperhatikan kemampuan respon strukturnya yang rentan terhadap deteriorasi akibat fatik, ancaman gempa bumi kuat atau angin topan, khususnya diwilayah sumatera yang mempunyai resiko gempa yang tinggi. Penelitian ini fokus memprediksi struktur jembatan pelengkung baja dengan analisis repons spectra dengan bantuan software analisis struktur gempa berdasarkan SNI 1726-2012. Percepatan gempa yang diambil berasal dari beberapa kota seperti Kota Aceh, Padang, Tanjung Pinang, dan Pekanbaru yang memliki karakteristik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan respon struktur jembatan terbesar terjadi di Padang dengan nilai perpindahan sebesar 0,016267 m dan percepatan sebesar 0,0235 m. Sementara itu, respons struktur terkecil terjadi di kota tanjung pinang dengan nilai perpindahan sebesar 0,01552 m dan nilai percepatan sebesar 0,0208 m. Diharapkan dengan diketahuinya hasil prediksi kesehatan struktur jembatan dapat digunakan sebagai referensi/masukan bagi pemerintah dan pihak yang terkait dalam usaha memperbaiki jembatan dengan tepat, sehingga diharapkan dapat mencegah terjadinya keruntuhan struktur jembatan. [EN] Curved steel bridge structure planning must pay attention to the responsiveness of the structure that is vulnerable to deterioration due to fatigue, the threat of strong earthquakes or hurricanes, especially in the region of Sumatra which has a high earthquake risk. This study focuses on predicting the structure of steel curved bridges with spectral response analysis with the help of earthquake structure analysis software based on SNI 1726-2012. The earthquake acceleration taken came from several cities such as Aceh City, Padang, Tanjung Pinang, and Pekanbaru which have characteristics. The analysis shows the largest bridge structure response occurred in Padang with a displacement value of 0.016267 and acceleration of 0.0235. Meanwhile, the smallest structural response occurred in Tanjung Pinang city with a displacement value of 0.01552 and an acceleration value of 0.0208. It is expected that by knowing the results of the bridge structure health predictions can be used as a reference / input for the government and related parties in an effort to repair the bridge appropriately, so that it is expected to prevent the collapse of the bridge structure.