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Non-uniform Rooftop PVs Distribution Effect to Improve Voltage Profile in Residential Feeder Zamzami Zamzami; Nelly Safitri; Fauzi Fauzi
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 16, No 4: August 2018
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v16i4.7789


This paper presents the simple design of a grid-tied single-phase with distributed rooftop photovoltaic (PV) non-uniformly location and ratings. All the inclusion components in the developed scheme are estimated and defined as the inevitability of low voltage (LV) residential network. This developed scheme is purposed for allocating AC and DC load, which are divided into four steps: the sized determination of PV inverter (1-5kW), the selection of PV array, the size determination of battery and the selection of other supporting components. The purposed configuration consists of modeling the system with non-uniform distributions of rooftop PVs, modeling the rooftop PVs based on their injected active and reactive power, and finally the inclusion of battery storage, based on its state of charge (SOC). Due to test the configuration, several cases are built in the MATLAB platform. Simulation results have been generated and analyzed for an unbalanced three-phase residential feeder which is populated with rooftop PVs and battery storage (BS). The simulation results show that the unbalanced reduction due to the coordinate of PVs and BS that provided educated energy storage when the unequal loadings are there, have significant effect toward the anxiety of the distribution network are successfully done.
Integrated arrangement of advanced power electronics through hybrid smart grid system Nelly Safitri; A. M. Shiddiq Yunus; Fauzi Fauzi; Naziruddin Naziruddin
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 18, No 6: December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v18i6.13433


As an enabler component for renewable energy integration, power electronics (PE) technology in smart grid system is one of the most important issues of development the electrification, decentralization and information-technology/operation-technology (IT/OT) digitization within the electrical energy transmission and distribution systems. The arrangement of PE may different along the feeder either for grid-connected photovoltaic (PV), wind turbine, fuel cells, wave energy system and battery storage unit, respectively.This is due to the electric voltage that might need to be converted from alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) and vice versa. For that reason, this paper proposed a concept of advanced PE as an integrated arrangement of several AC/DC/AC-and DC/AC- converters in such ways that support thepreviously mentioned grid-connected hybrid renewable energy sources and distributed generators (DGs) along the distribution feeder. Additionally, for the system that supported by battery storage unit, then this hybrid smart grid concept might become the answer for future utility needs.
Analisis Tingkat Keandalan Pada Jaringan Express Feeder SUTM A3CS Sebagai Incoming Baru Fauzi Fauzi; Subhan Subhan; Muliadi Muliadi; Syukri Syukri; Teuku Murisal Asyadi; Arief Setya Budi
Jambura Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Januari - Juni 2023
Publisher : Teknik Elektro - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/jjeee.v5i1.17006


Salah satu parameter dalam penyaluran energi listrik adalah mutu dan kehandalan yang harus memenuhi standar. Pada praktiknya, Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) akan terus memperbaiki dan meningkatkan mutu dan kehandalan jaringan listrik guna memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi setiap pelanggan. Langkah yang diambil salah satunya yang dilakukan oleh Unit Layanan Pelanggan (ULP) Panton Labu, yaitu dengan membangun jaringan baru agar dapat melayani beban yang semakin meningkat. Pembangunan jaringan baru dilakukan supaya dapat memperbaiki tegangan sistem melalui pembagian beban penyulang serta meningkatkan kehandalan dalam mempermudah manuver ketika terjadi gangguan. Kondisi kelistrikan ULP. Panton Labu disuplai dari Gardu Induk (GI) Panton Labu terdiri dari 2 Trafo Daya (TD) yang masing masing berkapasitas 30 MVA. Beban puncak GI. Panton Labu adalah sebesar 14,5 MW untuk TD 1 dan 6,5 MW untuk TD 2. GI. Panton Labu salah satunya mensuplai Gardu Hubung (GH) Panton Labu melalui penyulang PL 05. Namun, sebelumnya hanya terdapat 1 incoming yang masuk ke GH. Panton Labu, padahal pada TD 2 GI. Panton Labu masih terdapat 3 kubikel cadangan (spare) yang belum termanfaatkan dan juga pada kubikel di GH. Panton Labu sudah terdapat couple bus dan 1 kubikel cadangan. Hal ini disebabkan karena belum adanya jaringan express feeder yang menyuplai dari GI. Panton Labu ke GH. Panton Labu sehingga apabila terjadi gangguan pada suplai utama penyulang PL 05 maka akan terjadi padam diseluruh kubikel GH. Panton Labu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendapatkan nilai SAIDI dan SAIFI sebelum dan setelah pembangunan express  feeder SUTM A3CS 3x240 mm2 sebagai incoming baru. Hasilnya, Mutu tegangan pada GH Panton Labu sebelumnya sebesar 20,4 kVterjadi perbaikan menjadi 20,7 kV. Rekonfigurasi express feeder SUTM 3x240 mm2 sebagai incoming baru dapat mengurangi durasi padam dengan indeks keandalan rata rata nilai SAIDI pada ULP. Panton Labu turun dari 12,558 menit/pelanggan menjadi 6,205 menit/pelanggan. One of the parameters in the distribution of electrical energy is the quality and reliability that must meet the standards. In practice, the State Electricity Company (PLN) will continue to improve and increase the quality and reliability of the electricity network to provide the best service for each customer. One of the steps the Panton Labu Customer Service Unit (ULP) takes is to build a new network to serve the increasing load. The construction of a new network is carried out to improve the system voltage by sharing the feeder load and increasing reliability in facilitating maneuvers when disturbances occur. ULP electrical conditions. Panton Pumpkin is supplied from the Panton Pumpkin Substation (GI) consisting of 2 Power Transformers (TD), each with a capacity of 30 MVA. GI peak load. Panton Pumpkin is 14.5 MW for TD 1 and 6.5 MW for TD 2. GI. One is Panton Labu supplying the Panton Labu Switching Station (GH) via a PL 05 feeder. However, previously there was only 1 incoming to GH. Panton Pumpkin, even though at TD 2 GI. Panton Pumpkin still has 3 spare cubicles that have not been utilized and also in cubicles at GH. Panton Pumpkin already has a couple of buses and 1 extra cubicle. This is because there is no express feeder network that supplies from GI. Panton Pumpkin to GH. Panton Pumpkin so that if there is a disturbance to the main supply of the PL 05 feeder, there will be blackouts throughout the GH cubicles. Pumpkin Pantone. The purpose of this study is to obtain SAIDI and SAIFI values before and after the construction of the A3CS A3CS 3x240 mm2 express feeder as a new incoming. As a result, the voltage quality at the previous Panton Pumpkin GH was 20.4 kV, an improvement became 20.7 kV. Reconfiguring the SUTM 3x240 mm2 express feeder as a new incoming can reduce the blackout duration with the reliability index of the average SAIDI value on the ULP. Panton Pumpkin decreased from 12,558 minutes/subscriber to 6,205 minutes/subscriber..
Gas Turbine Maintenance Optimizing using the Reliability-Centered Maintenance Method Darmein Darmein; Marzuki Marzuki; Zuhaimi Zuhaimi; Fauzi Fauzi; Nurlaili Nurlaili; Luthfi Luthfi
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 21, No 1 (2023): February
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v21i1.3281


Gas Turbine is one of the important equipment in the production process in the oil and gas industry. This equipment is used as the prime mover of the compressor to the gas supply. The company has implemented preventive maintenance and condition monitoring in the context of gas turbine maintenance as well as scheduled shutdown every 52,000 hours of operation time. Along with efforts to increase production, the company's management policy has implemented a gas turbine maintenance efficiency program from 52,000 hours to 72,000 hours of operation. This policy is based on the consideration that productivity decreases over time and component replacement during MI (Major Inspection) and HGPI (Hot Gas Path inspection). This policy will certainly have an impact on the reliability, performance, and failure rate that will be experienced by gas turbines as well as their impact on maintenance costs. This study aims to recommend optimal maintenance strategies for gas turbines using the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) method related to availability, reliability, maintainability, and maintenance costs. In this study, an analysis of the causes and effects of failure was carried out using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method, with the parameters of failure frequency and consequences of failure then analyzed using the RCM worksheet to determine an effective maintenance strategy.  The results of this study obtained maintenance strategy for Gas Turbine components which are Failure finding, Redesign on conditioning, and Schedule discard task. The components that are scheduled for repairs are compressors and turbines and components that receive a component replacement schedule are Air Inlet and Combustion. The application of the RCM method has been able to reduce maintenance costs by up to 30.678% along with reduced downtime rates, decreased failure rates and the number of MTTR hours
Perbaikan Tegangan Ujung Pada Jaringan Distribusi 20 kV Di GH Tangse ULP Beureunuen Subhan Subhan; Fauzi Fauzi; Teuku Murisal Asyadi; Syukri Syukri; Muliadi Muliadi
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 11, No 1 (2023): JTT (Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v11i1.1570


Jaringan sistem distribusi tenaga listrik merupakan media untuk mendistribusikan energi listrik baik ke industri, maupun pelanggan rumah tangga. Bertambahnya pertumbuhan penduduk maka pengguna atau pelanggan energi listrik juga bertambah sehingga dapat berdampak terhadap pembebanan pada setiap transformator distribusi. Kondisi jaringan distribusi yang tidak optimal akan mengakibatkan pelayanan yang kurang efektif, karena akibat terjadinya jatuh tegangan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi sekarang adalah ketika beban puncak tegangan yang sampai pada GH Tangse sebesar 17,9 kV dengan keadaan SG-11 yang menyuplai untuk 2 penyulang yaitu penyulang kota tangse dan penyulang geumpang dengan beban puncak 2,4 MW dan memiliki 70,72 kms dari GI Sigli. Penambahan Incoming SG-14 dan pengalihan beban pada Incoming SG-14 maka mampu mencukupi suplai beban yang ada pada 2 penyulang kota tangse dan penyulang geumpang, tegangan terima pada Gardu Hubung Tangse menjadi baik dan menaikkan tegangan dari 17,900  kV menjadi 19,760 kV pada SG-11 dengan melakukan perhitungan menggunakan software E-tap.