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Comparative Study of Web3D Standard Format to Determine the Base Format for A Web3D Framework Hananto, Mursid W.; Ashari, Ahmad; Mustofa, Khabib
Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics Vol 4: EECSI 2017
Publisher : IAES Indonesia Section

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (372.6 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/eecsi.v4.990


With the current Web3D document format, users are  forced  to  choose certain  document formats to  use,  either during development with a particular tool  or when it will be displayed in a browser. Only one format that can be processed by any browser at one given time. This raises the main problem of not allowing users to display a variety of objects with different formats in their browser. For this problem, a Web3D framework can be the solution, as it will provide format conversion for the browser. The conversion itself requires an appropriate base format as the conversion goal. Since there are many formats that have been implemented by users, a comparison has to be done for the purpose of choosing the suitable format. In this study, comparisons have been made to obtain some information. The information required is the complexity of each document in describing a 3D object in the browser, as well as the performance of the particular format. Web3D formats compared in this research are the standard ones: VRML and X3D. Various specific description of object formation have also been selected as sample representation for each format. Based on comparisons in the representation information of each standard format, X3D is the more suitable format for this need. As a standard format representation, the results obtained can be used for further comparisons with non-standard or proprietary formats. This information is needed to determine the final   base  format  for   the  framework  to   be   developed   in subsequent research.  
Increasing the Detail and Realism in Web3D Distributed World Mursid Wahyu Hananto; Ahmad Ashari; Khabib Mustofa; Agus Harjoko
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 16, No 5: October 2018
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v16i5.10113


A complex and detailed Web3D world which represented the physical form of an institution is very difficult to be built. To simplify the work, raster images taken from the real structure were heavily utilized. However, this method has resulted in Web3D sites which were low on detail and having minimum level of realism. To overcome this deficiency, it is proposed to maximize the use of polygons. Experiment was done by re-developing the sample world with minimum use of raster images and applying polygons to 92% parts of the site. Site elements were also distributed to three servers to cope with bottleneck problem often occured when using only one server. The result was evaluated in a series of tests to see its viewing capabilities when displayed inside the web browser against various conditions, and it also evaluated in an acceptance test carried out by site users. The majority of testers felt immensely familiar with the details shown by the model as they were able to grab a more close-to-realistic experience like a real-world walk around inside the actual building complex. Problems that often occur whe using only one server ca also be reduced by using distributed world method.
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 4, No 2: August 2006
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v4i2.1256


Perkembangan teknologi saat ini sangatlah pesat, salah satunya adalah dibidang hiburan yaitu game. Hadirnya teknologi Java (J2ME) pada ponsel, menjadikan game tidak lagi hanya dijalankan atau dimainkan pada platform konsol maupun komputer, melainkan juga dapat dijalankan pada perangkat handheld seperti ponsel. Pengembangan game pada ponsel dengan prosessor, memori, layar dan keypad yang terbatas membutuhkan inovasi atau ide-ide kreatif dalam memodifikasi game, sehingga dapat dimainkan di ponsel dengan baik. Salah satunya adalah dengan menerapkan teknik pemrograman berorientasi objek. Permainan (game) yang banyak dimainkan di antaranya adalah yang ber-genre puzzle games. Makalah ini akan memaparkan teknik pengembangan aplikasi game sokoban yang berorientasi objek pada ponsel. 
Comparative Study of Web3D Standard Format to Determine the Base Format for A Web3D Framework Mursid W. Hananto; Ahmad Ashari; Khabib Mustofa
Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics Vol 4: EECSI 2017
Publisher : IAES Indonesia Section

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (372.6 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/eecsi.v4.990


With the current Web3D document format, users are  forced  to  choose certain  document formats to  use,  either during development with a particular tool  or when it will be displayed in a browser. Only one format that can be processed by any browser at one given time. This raises the main problem of not allowing users to display a variety of objects with different formats in their browser. For this problem, a Web3D framework can be the solution, as it will provide format conversion for the browser. The conversion itself requires an appropriate base format as the conversion goal. Since there are many formats that have been implemented by users, a comparison has to be done for the purpose of choosing the suitable format. In this study, comparisons have been made to obtain some information. The information required is the complexity of each document in describing a 3D object in the browser, as well as the performance of the particular format. Web3D formats compared in this research are the standard ones: VRML and X3D. Various specific description of object formation have also been selected as sample representation for each format. Based on comparisons in the representation information of each standard format, X3D is the more suitable format for this need. As a standard format representation, the results obtained can be used for further comparisons with non-standard or proprietary formats. This information is needed to determine the final   base  format  for   the  framework  to   be   developed   in subsequent research.  
Visualisasi Produk Secara 3D dalam Media Promosi dan Pemesanan Online Mursid W. Hananto; Heris Pambudi Susilo; Sofian Nur Ahmad; Arif Rahman
Journal of Information System,Graphics, Hospitality and Technology Vol. 3 No. 01 (2021): Journal of Information System, Graphics, Hospitality and Technology
Publisher : Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya (d/h Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37823/insight.v3i01.138


Penurunan konsumen karena pandemi Covid-19 memerlukan adanya inovasi pemanfaatan teknologi, agar produk tetap menarik perhatian pengguna sehingga berpotensi untuk terjadi transaksi. Salah satunya adalah menggunakan situs web untuk promosi dan pemasaran produk. UMKM produsen mebel termasuk yang membutuhkan inovasi teknologi ini. Sebagai produk yang penampilan fisiknya juga menentukan, mebel perlu diperlihatkan sedemikian rupa agar calon pembeli yakin dengan pilihannya. Penggunaan visualisasi 3D menjadi alternatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Masalah kompatibilitas, jangkauan pengguna, kesulitan dalam pengelolaan, serta lamanya waktu penguasaan teknologi untuk pengembangan menjadi hal yang dapat menghambat pengaplikasian teknologi ini. Paper ini membahas penelitian untuk mengembangkan solusi berbasis teknologi Web3D guna mengatasi masalah di atas. Solusi berbentuk media promosi dan pemesanan online yang dibangun untuk subjek penelitian didasarkan atas pola yang selama ini telah dianggap familiar oleh kebanyakan pengguna, tetapi menggunakan elemen 3D sebagai konten utama. Metode yang digunakan yaitu eksperimen dengan model proses pengembangan Evolutionary Prototyping karena terdapat kesesuaian antara keadaan subjek penelitian beserta kebutuhannya dengan karakteristik prasyarat penggunaan metode tersebut. Berdasar masukan awal yang kurang spesifik, dibangun sebuah prototipe fungsional yang kemudian dimodifikasi dan disesuaikan melalui 5 iterasi siklus pengembangan sehingga didapatkan versi yang dianggap sesuai kebutuhan subjek penelitian. Hasil yang diperoleh berupa sebuah prototipe media promosi dan pemesanan yang selain memiliki fitur seperti umumnya media online konvensional juga membawa teknologi visualisasi 3D yang interaktif melalui penggabungan dengan teknologi server-side scripting dan menggunakan basis data di sisi server yang tidak hanya menyimpan data konvensional tetapi juga data model 3D. Pencermatan dan pengujian pada semua iterasi oleh subjek telah menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa prototipe hasil iterasi terakhir telah sesuai kebutuhan dasar subjek. Pengujian lebih lanjut oleh para pengguna acak yang mengasumsikan peran sebagai pengunjung menunjukkan bahwa prototipe dapat diterima, dapat digunakan dengan baik pada beragam perangkat dan platform, dan fitur visualisasi 3D di dalamnya disukai karena dapat membuat pengunjung lebih memahami aspek fisik dari produk subjek yang dicermati.