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Teleautonomous Control on Rescue Robot Prototype Handy Wicaksono; Handry Khoswanto; Son Kuswadi
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 10, No 4: December 2012
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v10i4.849


Robot application in disaster area can help responder team to save victims. In order to finish task, robot must have flexible movement mechanism so it can pass through uncluttered area. Passive linkage can be used on robot chassis so it can give robot flexibility. On physical experiments, robot is succeeded to move through gravels and 5 cm obstacle. Rescue robot also has specialized control needs. Robot must able to be controlled remotely. It also must have ability to move autonomously. Teleautonomous control method is combination between those methods. It can be concluded from experiments that on teleoperation mode, operator must get used to see environment through robot’s camera. While on autonomous mode, robot is succeeded to avoid obstacle and search target based on sensor reading and controller program. On teleautonomous mode, robot can change control mode by using bluetooth communication for data transfer, so robot control will be more flexible.
Behaviors Coordination and Learning on Autonomous Navigation of Physical Robot Handy Wicaksono; Handry Khoswanto; Son Kuswadi
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 9, No 3: December 2011
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v9i3.738


 Behaviors coordination is one of keypoints in behavior based robotics. Subsumption architecture and motor schema are example of their methods. In order to study their characteristics, experiments in physical robot are needed to be done. It can be concluded from experiment result that the first method gives quick, robust but non smooth response. Meanwhile the latter gives slower but smoother response and it is tending to reach target faster. Learning behavior improve robot’s performance in handling uncertainty. Q learning is popular reinforcement learning method that has been used in robot learning because it is simple, convergent and off policy. The learning rate of Q affects robot’s performance in learning phase. Q learning algorithm is implemented in subsumption architecture of physical robot. As the result, robot succeeds to do autonomous navigation task although it has some limitations in relation with sensor placement and characteristic.
Performance Evaluation of MMA7260QT and ADXL345 on Self Balancing Robot Hany Ferdinando; Handry Khoswanto; Djoko Purwanto
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 11, No 1: March 2013
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v11i1.876


A self balancing robot (SBR) controller needs to detect platform inclination. For this purpose, an accelerometer is used. From various types of accelerometer, we can divide into digital and analog ones. The problem is how to select the right type for the SBR. This paper evaluates the performance of the ADXL345, 3-axis digital output accelerometer and the MMA7260QT, 3-axis analog output accelerometer. The Arduino is used to read data from the sensor and send it to PC for plotting. Both sensors use the lowest sensitivity. The sensors are evaluated with three criteria, i.e. stationary, dynamical response and collaborating with ITG3200 3-axis gyroscope for Kalman filter fusion. For stationary criterion, the ADXL345 is better than the other sensor for all stationary position. For dynamical response, both sensors suffer from the noise due to acceleration of the platform. The sensors do not only sense the gravity but also the acceleration of the platform when it is moved. But the noise level for the ADXL345 is lower than the other. Using Kalman filter makes both sensors show good performance for a SBR application. If three criteria are combined with hardware aspect, then the authors recommend using the ADXL345. Besides, it has several useful features to handle abrupt acceleration.
Perancangan Reaction Wheel Inverted Pendulum Sebagai Alat Peraga Sistem Kontrol Berbasis Sistem Kontrol PID Roche Alimin; Joshua Tandio; Handry Khoswanto
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol. 17 No. 2 (2020): OCTOBER 2020
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/jtm.17.2.38-41


A control system will be easier to understand if demo devices are available that can be used as learning media. Reaction wheel inverted pendulum is an under-actuation device so that the existence of a controller is absolutely necessary. This will be very interesting if used as a teaching aid of a control system. One application of this reaction wheel inverted pendulum is for the humanoid robot balance system. In this research project the physical design of the teaching aids and the design of the controller are carried out. The design starts from designing mechanical part first, starting from the dimensions and shape of the tool to the needs of the motor. Furthermore, a controller is designed that can balance the device automatically. The controller used is based on Arduino. The test results show that the reaction wheel inverted pendulum demo device can work quite well even though there is some drawback.
Sistem Otomasi & Logging Data pada Electric Batch Heat Treatment Budiman Chandra; Handry Khoswanto
Jurnal Dimensi Insinyur Profesional Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Maret 2024
Publisher : Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9744/jdip.2.1.66-70


Efisiensi sangat memegang peranan penting dalam industri manufaktur saat ini. Perusahaan manufaktur dituntut untuk dapat mencapai suatu efisiensi agar dapat bersaing dalam kegiatan manufaktur dengan perusahaan lain salah satunya adalah dengan otomasi dan digitalisasi. Electric Batch Heat Treatment (EBHT) merupakan salah satu proses penting dalam produksi Mill Liner untuk memanaskan baja dalam suhu tertentu untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas. Panas yang dihasilkan oleh Electric Batch harus sesuai mencapai nilai tertentu yang sudah ditetapkan dan menjaga kestabilan suhu yang diinginkan. Selain itu setiap sudut ruangan dalam Electric Batch Heat Treatment harus berada pada rentang suhu yang sama. Proses rekam suhu juga menjadi juru kunci selain sebagai tanda bahwa tidak terjadi pemanasan berlebih atau kurang, juga sebagai bukti bahwa hasil pemanasan baja sudah sesuai seperti yang diinginkan untuk mencapai baku mutu tertentu. Dalam jurnal ini, akan dibahas proses menggunakan Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) untuk mengontrol elemen heater pada EBHT untuk mendapatkan efisiensi dalam pemanasan. Selain itu, proses perekaman akan menggunakan sistem database komputer sehingga perekaman suhu dapat disimpan secara digital.