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System of smart detection and control to electrical energy for saving of electrical energy consumption R. Roslina; Afritha Amelia; Heru Pranoto; Bakti Viyata Sundawa
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol 10, No 5: October 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/eei.v10i5.2826


Public campus has a mandate to saving of electrical energy. Electrical energy consumption is often wasteful in building. There is tendency wasteful by user. Electronic equipment is often still turn on at idle time. Only a few students want to turn off the equipment and shut down the computer. Saving of electrical energy is not only at idle time but it can be improved into operational hour. It is not depending on idle time or operational hours, but depends on human presence. Implementation of electrical energy saving has to be supported by frugal behavior and equipment technology. In this study, we name system of smart detection and control to electrical energy (Sisdece). This system is consist of hardware and software. Hardware applies passive infrared sensor (PIR) sensor, wireless sensor network (WSN), microcontroller ESP32, access point, relay. Software use C++, hypertext preprocessor (PHP), hypertext markup language (HTML) and android studio. Result of measurement has been done in a month during November 2020. Average of energy saved is 12.51 kWh and total of electrical energy is 105.86 kWh. Comparison of energy saved to electrical energy is 11.81%. This is a significant reduction to electrical bill. The result is expected as benchmark of electrical energy management in Politeknik Negeri Medan (POLMED).
Jurnal Mantik Penusa Vol. 3 No. 2,Des (2019): Manajemen Dan Informatika
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian (LPPM) STMIK Pelita Nusantara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (493.449 KB)


Number of vehicle user is increasing in Politeknik Negeri Medan now. The increase is not proportional with road and parking lots availability. As a result of these conditions,  campus becomes jammed and crowded. Solution to overcome of this condition is implementing of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). ITS is a smart system for transportation that can give efficiency, comfort and safety for vehicle drivers. One of kind communication in ITS systems is communication between vehicles to infrastructure (V2I). The infrastructure is here as roads and parking lots. To reach the goals, analysis of V2I device performance is needed. V2I device consists of OBU (Onboard Unit), RSU (Roadside Unit) and communication among them using DSRC communication technology. According to power level measurement, height positions of RSU is 6 m and the longest distance RSU toward OBU is 400 m, obtained power is -90,38 dBm. This value is still in device sensitivity of -91,5 dBm. This research is an initiation study as a basis to build integrated ITS system.
Design of Roadsite Unit (RSU) Based On ESP32 for Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) Communication System: Design of Roadsite Unit (RSU) Based On ESP32 for Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) Communication System Bakti Viyata Sundawa; Afritha Amelia; Ida Susanti
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 3 No. 3 (2019): November: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (ManTIK)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (645.703 KB)


Number of vehicle users are increasing in Polmed now. The increasing is very huge if we compare limited campus land. As result of these conditions, disturbing convenience and productivity. Solution to overcome of this condition is implementing of communication system on vehicle user to reach information about outdoor condition. This system is known as Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication system. The infrastructure is here as roads and parking lots. V2I devices consists of OBU (Onboard Unit), RSU (Roadside Unit) and communication among them. There are some disturbances on the outdoor wireless network such as propagation, interferences, and coverage area. That’s why in this study, how to design RSU device as Transceiver. RSU is made by Microcontroller ESP32. The stages of designing is consist of 3 stages, namely hardware and communication design, localhost-based information design and data measurement and monitoring. According to measurement, height positions of RSU is 3 m, the longest distance RSU toward OBU is 90 m, obtained power is -91 dBm. This value is still in device sensitivity of Microcontroller ESP32.
PURWARUPA PINTU OTOMATIS DENGAN PENGHITUNG JUMLAH ORANG BERBASIS MIKROKONTROLER ATMEGA 328P Yosephine Melani; Wahyu Sitompul; Udur Solavide Berutu; Afritha Amelia; Eunike Anggraeny Hutapea; Leonardus Rizky Manurung; Darwis A.R.; A. Aziz
SINERGI POLMED: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Agustus
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51510/sinergipolmed.v3i2.731


Pintu adalah media yang dipakai sebagai akses untuk masuk dan keluar dari ruangan. Untuk memudahkan suatu pekerjaan kita membutuhkan suatu alat yang efektif dan efisien. Salah satu contohnya, pada masa pandemi ini pemerintah membuat kebijakan pembatasan jumlah orang pada suatu ruangan (tidak berkerumun atau jaga jarak) oleh karena itu pada tugas akhir ini penulis akan membuat rancangan prototipe pintu otomatis yang dapat difungsikan untuk menghitung jumlah orang masuk dan keluar. Agar dapat masuk dan keluar ruangan kita membutuhkan RFID card sebagai akses utama. Untuk mengolah data pada alat ini digunakan mikrokontroler Arduino ATMega 328P yang memanfaatkan sensor IR Obstacle yang ditempatkan di pintu masuk dan pintu keluar, dimana sensor ini berfungsi sebagai alat yang akan mendeteksi pengunjung yang masuk dan keluar kemudian hasil keluarannya mengirim intruksi kepada motor servo sebagai sistem pengerak pintu dan liquid-crystal display (LCD) akan menampilkan informasi jumlah visitor yang berada didalam ruangan. Pada pintu otomatis ini terdapat buzzer sebagai getaran suara untuk penanda jika kartu RFID yang ditag terbaca, terdaftar dan tidak terdaftar.
Vehicle detection system based on shape, color, and time-motion Afritha Amelia; Muhammad Zarlis; Suherman Suherman; Syahril Efendi
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Vol 12, No 3: September 2023
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijai.v12.i3.pp1070-1082


Vehicle detection application can assist in-vehicle surveillance functions and have implications for various fields. A vehicle can be identified through the license number attached to its license plate, the color and its shape. Vehicle detection can make use of multimedia sensors so that the design and detection performances can be optimal. Sensor performances are influenced by factors such as the number of multimedia sensors, sensor placement, sensor positioning, and schemes in case of system failure. This study makes use of multimedia sensors with cameras equipped by a phase detection auto focus (PDAF) technology which is like a pair of eyes to see an object. This study analyses 134 vehicles with number detection and various colors to see the effect on the detection and recognition processes. The cars were passed through the camera 10 times at a speed of 10-15 km/hour with various camera distances and positions. Various values and depths of the images were generated. The farther the distance the higher the disparity values. For maximum distance of 50 m, disparity is 6.20×106 and image depth is 16.88×109. Vehicle color influences detection with orange has the best accuracy, but the gray has the largest path error value.
The The rooftop solar power plant of electrical engineering department of medan state polytechnic with the internet of things Suprianto; Afritha Amelia; Cholish; Abdullah
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 6 No. 4 (2023): February: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.v6i4.3491


The use of renewable energy for electricity generation in Indonesia and the world continues to increase because it is environmentally friendly and does not depend on fossil fuels. Research on rooftop solar power plants at the Medan State Polytechnic Building, Department of Electrical Engineering with internet of things aims to implement rooftop solar power plants and determine the performance of rooftop solar power plants in serving electrical loads by controlling electrical loads using the Internet of things. The contribution of this research provides an academic reference for the effective design of a rooftop solar power plant electrical system and savings on electricity bills, especially in the Electrical Engineering Department of the Medan State Polytechnic. The method used in this study is an experimental method, namely collecting data from measurement results, then conducting studies and analysis. The equipment used is NodeMCU ESP 8266, 3300wp photovoltaic module, PZEM 004T sensor, Triac BT 136, inverter, RTC DS 3231, contactor, electricity meter, temperature and light intensity meter, battery system, control panel and other supporting equipment. the internet of things as a load controller from a solar power plant can effectively contribute to saving electricity consumption because reluctance to turn off lights that are not used doesn't make sense because they can be controlled remotely or in close proximity practically using a cellphone via the blynk application. Full load is applied to the solar power plant by activating the four lighting load group buttons on the Blynk IoT app. The average battery voltage at loading is 51.6 volts from a normal battery voltage of 48 volts with the lowest battery voltage of 48.5 volts and the highest battery voltage of 54.31 volts. This rooftop solar power plant in Building C of the Medan State Polytechnic is capable of serving a load of 685 watts for a fixed load that is installed for 11 hours of loading.
Peningkatan Prestasi Nasional Tim Hoki SMK T Amir Hamzah Indrapura Melalui Program Digitalisasi Perangkat dan Lapangan Pertandingan Afritha Amelia; Bakti Viyata Sundawa; Anriza Witi Nasution; Roslina Roslina; Marina Yusoff; Jasni Bt Mohamad Zain
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Edisi Desember
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Politeknik Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51510/komposit.v1i2.1451


Sekolah adalah tempat dimana seseorang belajar. Mata pelajaran di sekolah diajarkan oleh guru kepada murid-muridnya. Salah satu mata pelajaran yang diajarkan adalah pendidikan jasmani. Pendidikan jasmani ini sangat penting, karena ini mencakup aspek fisik, emosi, sosial dan moral. SMK T Amir Hamzah Indrapura merupakan sekolah mengajarkan pendidikan jasmani. Karena pendidikan jasmani ini penting, pihak sekolah telah menjalankan sistem pembelajaran di luar waktu mata pelajaran atau kegiatan ekstrakurikuler olahraga. Akibat dari kebijakan ini, telah banyak prestasi olahraga yang telah dicapai oleh SMK T Amir Hamzah Indrapura terutama di cabang olahraga Hoki. Prestasi mereka telah mencapai regional dan nasional. Namun masih terdapat kendala yaitu belum lengkapnya fasilitas di lapangan latihan dan pembentukan karakter dan mental pemain belum ditangani secara maksimal. Diharapkan dengan kegiatan TCSC ini dapat membantu tim hoki SMK T Amir Hamzah Indrapura untuk bisa meningkatkan prestasi di level nasional dan pihak sekolah memiliki fasilitas latihan yang memadai berstandar nasional.