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Hubungan Waktu Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Terhadap Status Gizi Bayi Di Desa Jembungan Titik Anggraeni; Tut Wuri Prihatin
Jurnal Smart Keperawatan Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Juni 2016
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKes) Karya Husada Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34310/jskp.v3i1.464


ASI dapat mencukupi seluruh kebutuhan bayi akan zat gizi sampai berusia 6 bulan, sesudah itu bayi memerlukan makanan tambahan. Pemberian makanan pendamping ASI harus setelah 6 bulan, karena jika diberikan terlalu dini akan menurunkan konsumsi ASI dan bayi bisa mengalami gangguan pencernaan atau diare. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah Menganalisis Hubungan waktu pemberian makanan tambahan dengan status gizi bayi.Jenis penelitian adalah Explanatory research dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Jumlah populasi adalah 70 dan 42 sampel. Pengambilan sampel dengan metode random sampling, Metode pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner. Analisis data yang digunakan Kendall Tau (τ) dengan program SPSS.Hasil Penelitian ini adalah (1) Waktu pemberian makanan tambahan sebagian besar ibu bayi memberikan pada usia kurang dari 6 bulan sebanyak (81,0%). (2) Status gizi bayi hasil penimbangan adalah baik sebanyak (97,6%). (3) Hasil Uji Kendall Tau (τ) tidak ada hubungan waktu pemberian makanan tambahan terhadap status gizi bayi sebesar 0,076 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,628. Simpulan : tidak ada hubungan waktu pemberian makanan tambahan terhadap status gizi bayi. Kata kunci       :  makanan tambahan; waktu pemberian; status gizi bayi THE RELATION OF TIME OF ADDITIONAL FEEDING ON THE NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF INFANTS IN JEMBUNGAN VILLAGE  ABSTRACTBreastfeeding can provide all the babies need for nutrients until they reach 6 months of age. After the babies need feeding. Additional feeding should be given after 6 months because if it is given too early will reduce the consumption of breastfeeding and the infant may experience indigestion or diarrhea. The purposes of this reseacrh was to analyze relationship of time of additional feeding on the nutritional status of infants. This is an explanatory research with cross-sectional approach. Of 70 populations, 42 were drawn as samples with random sampling method. Data collected with questioners. Data was anallized with Kendall Tau (τ). The results of this research are (1) Most mothers give additional feeding when their babies were less than 6 months of age (81,0%). (2) The nutrients status of infants were good (97,6%). (3) The result of Kendall Tau (τ) Test shows there were no relationship between time of additional feeding on the nutrients status of infants with the value of 0,076 and level of significant of 0,628. There is no relationship of time of additional feeding on infant’s nutritional status. Key Words:  additional feeding; the giving times of; infant’s nutritional status
Tingkat Kepercayaan Diri melalui Pelatihan Komunikasi Interpersonal Metode Role Play Eni Kusyati; Tut Wuri Prihatin; Rosviaziani Rosviaziani
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Jiwa Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): Mei 2021
Publisher : Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (PPNI) Jawa Tengah

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Self-esteem is an attitude or feeling of confidence in its own ability so that the individual concerned is not too anxious in any action. Objective: Know the difference in the confidence level before and after the provision of interpersonal communication training in Role play method in youth Orphanage Ar – Rodiyah. Research methods: : This type of research using quantitative studies with the design of the quasi experiment. The population in this study was all adolescent orphanages Ar-Rodiyah Semarang.  The sampling technique used is perposive sampling with a total of 10 respondents.  Data collection using confidence questionnaires . Data processed with paired samples test . Results of the study: That the average self-confidence score in the respondent before interpersonal communication training in the role play method is 109.3, the lowest score is 104 and the highest is 110. An average of the respondents ' confidence after interpersonal communication training is 114.8. The lowest lowest score is 109.00 and the highest is 117.00. There is a difference in the level of youth confidence before and after in providing interpersonal communication training in role play method, with a P value of 0.000 < α (0.05).  Conclusion: There is a difference in the level of youth confidence before and after the provision of interpersonal communication training.
Life Style Remaja dengan Perilaku Seksual Pranikah Sri Puji Lestari; Tut Wuri Prihatin; Elsa Ayu Giartika
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Jiwa Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Desember 2019, Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Jiwa
Publisher : RSJD Dr. Amino Gondohutomo Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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Seksual pranikah merupakan perilaku seks yang dilakukan antara laki-laki dan perempuan tanpa ikatan pernikahan yang sah. Seksual pranikah dianggap sebagai perilaku yang kurang baik dan menyimpang serta bertentangan dengan aturan normative maupun harapan lingkungan sosial yang bersangkutan. Perilaku seks pada remaja di Indonesia saat ini menjadi ancaman, Indonesia terdapat 26,67% dari jumlah penduduk sebesar 237,6 adalah kelompok usiamuda (10-24 tahun). Walaupun seks pranikah tidak diterima dimasyarakat, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan adanya kasus atau kejadian. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana life style remaja dengan perilaku seksual pranikah. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Partisipan pada penelitian ini adalah remaja wanita yang telah melakukan hubungan seksual pranikah pada komunitas anti social club di Kota Semarang. Perilaku berpacaran pada komunitas Anti Sosial Club dengan perilaku seksual pranikah pertama kali pacaran adalah sejak kelas 2 SMP, semenjak kuliah dan semenjak punya pacar. Hal yang dilakukan pertama kali dalam pacaran adalah pegangan tangan, berciuman, nonton bareng. Pengertian hubungan seks pranikah adalah hubungan suami isteri, hubungan kelamin. Sumber informasi tentang hubungan seks pranikah adalah internet, pacar dan orang tua. Intensitas hubungan seks pranikah adalah kalau kangen, kalau pengin dan kalau diminta sama pacar. Tempat melakukan hubungan seks pranikah adalah dirumah, di penginapan, di rumah pacar. Kata kunci: life style, remaja, seksual pranikah EXPLORING HOW YOUTH LIFE STYLE WITH PRANIKAH SEXUAL BEHAVIOR ABSTRACT Premarital sex is a sexual behavior carried out between men and women without a legal marriage bond. Premarital sexuality is considered to be a bad behavior and deviates from the normative rules and expectations of the social environment in question. Sexual behavior in adolescents in Indonesia is currently a threat. Indonesia has 26.67% of the total population of 237.6 is a young age group (10-24 years). Although premarital sex is not accepted in the community, it does not rule out the possibility of no cases or incidents. Research Objectives to Exploring how the life style of adolescents with premarital sexual behavior.Research Methods: This study uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Participants in this study were young women who had premarital sexual relations at the anti-social club community in Semarang City. Dating behavior in the Anti Social Club community with premarital sexual behavior was the first time dating from the second grade of junior high school, since college and since having a boyfriend. The first experience of dating was a joint agreement, forbidden acts and because of his kindness. The first thing to do in dating is holding hands, kissing, watching together. Understanding premarital sex is a husband and wife relationship, sexual relations. The source of information about premarital sex is the internet, boyfriends and parents. The intensity of premarital sex is if you miss, if you want and if asked by a boyfriend. The place to premarital sex is at home, at the inn, at the girlfriend's house. Keywords: life style, adolecent, premarital sexual
Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Black Garlic Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita Hipertensi di UPTD Puskesmas Rowobungkul Tut Wuri Prihatin; Eni Kusyati; Anisa Sofiana
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan STIKES Hang Tuah Surabaya Vol 16, No 2 (2021): October
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Hang Tuah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.02 KB) | DOI: 10.30643/jiksht.v16i2.143


Introduction: Hypertension sufferers in Central Java experienced an increase of 12.9% from the results of the Basic Health Research in 2018. In Blora Regency, there were ± 36% of the population aged ≥18 years suffering from hypertension. Objectives: The research objective was to determine the effect of black garlic extract on blood pressure in hypertension sufferers at Rowobungkul Public Health Center. Methods: The research method was a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental approach two groups pre-posttest design. The samples of this research were 20 people with hypertension in Rowobungkul Health Center UPTD. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The instrument used was a digital sphygmomanometer. Normality test data was calculated by using the Shapiro Wilk test with normally distributed data results, the difference with the paired sample t-test, and the 2-group difference test with the independent t-test. Results: The results showed that the average decrease in blood pressure after being given black extract is 33.20 mmHg and white garlic is 36.00 mmHg for systole, while black garlic extract diastole is 6.70 mmHg and white garlic extract is 7.40 mmHg. The results of the analysis of the effect of reducing blood pressure in patients with hypertension after giving black garlic and white garlic extracts with a p-value (systole) of 0.354 and a p-value of diastole (0.755). Conclusion: The conclusion is that there is no significant effect on black garlic extract compared to white garlic on blood pressure, meaning that the effectiveness of black garlic and white garlic extracts on blood pressure is the same.