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Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World Sulistyani, Wanodyo
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law) Vol 1, No 1 (2014): PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University

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The Western’s lack of understanding of the local reality of the Third World was the alleged cause of the failure of development programs over the Third World. This book challenges this premise by seeing the problems from the perspective of not only the recipient countries, associated with the Third World or underdeveloped countries; but also from the donor, associated with the Western or developed countries. Encountering development means that both sides should not neglect the realities or challenges that exist in the process of development. All realities, such as political, social, cultural, history, the use of technology and science, must be taken into consideration when creating strategies for development. Finally, compromise between both parties through “hybrid cultures” model needs to be established in order to maintain the development. DOI:
RANCANGAN PROFIL LULUSAN MASA DEPAN BAGI PENDIDIDIKAN TINGGI AGROINDUSTRI Anas Bunyamin; Dwi Purnomo; Wahyu Gunawan; Ida Widianingsih; Wanodyo Sulistyani; Ryan Hara Permana
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 31 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24961/j.tek.ind.pert.2021.31.2.211


The profiles of higher education graduates are generally attached to the name of professions as a description of the competencies that are expected to be achieved after carrying out the study process at higher education. In the digital era where disruption has hit various fields, various types of new professions have also evolved accordingly and had different types and characters from previous decades. However, the graduate profile stated in the curriculum documents has not followed the current professions’ development. With the evolution of the economic era since the 1960s to the 2000s, from the agricultural, industrial, creative, to collaborative economies, creates a need to establish a graduate profile that is in line with future needs. It is impossible for higher education actors to offer back outdated graduate profiles that are not relevant to the times in the future. In this research, various changes in the world were analyzed and the competences and roles of new graduates were laid out. This profile was aimed to prepare graduates to implement their knowledge when entering the new era that needs different characteristics of graduates compared with the previous era. The research approach wastransformative research involving various experts in a participatory manner to define the character of the profession and what roles are needed in the future. The research was conducted in the Faculty of Agricultural Industry Technology, Padjadjaran University and several faculties which emphasized the implementation of the Outcome Based Curriculum. This research produces 6 types of future role characters that can be used as a reference for future roles of Agro-industrial Higher Education graduates.Keywords: disruptions, generation’s characteristics, agroindustrial courses, graduate’s profiles.
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 31 No. 3 (2021): Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24961/j.tek.ind.pert.2021.31.3.371


Transformative education is not negotiable. Along with the changing era, where generation Y and Z havethe character of their generations; they are very different from the previous generation. The various effects ofdigital disruption make it important in presenting transformative education. Transformative means that new waysare needed to ensure that a series of education can provide good outcomes for learning. The current challenges,embedding the character and attitude of statesmanship, critical thinking, and being able to provide creativesolutions to those around them are fundamental to producing superior learners. There are five compulsorysubjects, namely Indonesian, English, Religion, Pancasila, and Citizenship which are often still delivered inconventional ways. In this era, learning is required to produce noble values that are internalized as learners.Besides this, there are contextual things that need to be embedded in these Y and Z generation learners, especiallyin the context of changing times whose challenges are different and lead to sustainable actions that are grown togenerate benefits for their surroundings. This research was conducted with a transformative research approach,developed directly for three years at Padjadjaran University and then titrated three times so that it could producecompulsory course formulations and university characteristics that resulted in learning outcomes in the form ofmastery of values, attitudes, and basic skills needed as fundamental learners in the industrial era 4.0. This researchproduced an elaborative model of compulsory subjects and university characteristics by elaborating oncompulsory substances, skills, and attitudes with learning models designed as a unit to provide a greaterprobability of achieving outcomes.Keywords: Compulsory Courses, Industry 4.0, Generation Z, Transformative Learning
PELAYANAN PUBLIK BERBASIS ELEKTRONIK DAN PERILAKU ANTI KORUPSI Elsa Debora Manurung; Shafira Nadya Rahmayani Sembiring; Wanodyo Sulistyani
Veritas et Justitia Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019): Veritas et Justitia
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Parahyangan Catholic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25123/vej.v5i2.3614


Advancement in the information and communication technology make possible the development of e-government. The Indonesian government already grasped the opportunity to develop its own e-government system in providing public services. The obvious intent is to increase the quality of public service provision by the bureaucracy. This is hoped to be achieved by securing transparency and accountability of public officials. It is also to be expected that e-governance will be able to eradicate or at least decrease the possibility of corruptive behaviour.  Unfortunately, fact speaks differently. Cases to be analysed here are: corruption committed by public officials working at the Investment and One Stop Service Office of the Bandung Municipality and those performed by public officials managing e-procurement services. In particular, this article shall discuss the issue how to develop e-government as to better at eradicating and preventing corruption by public officials.
Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World Wanodyo Sulistyani
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law) Vol 1, No 1 (2014): PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran

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The Western’s lack of understanding of the local reality of the Third World was the alleged cause of the failure of development programs over the Third World. This book challenges this premise by seeing the problems from the perspective of not only the recipient countries, associated with the Third World or underdeveloped countries; but also from the donor, associated with the Western or developed countries. Encountering development means that both sides should not neglect the realities or challenges that exist in the process of development. All realities, such as political, social, cultural, history, the use of technology and science, must be taken into consideration when creating strategies for development. Finally, compromise between both parties through “hybrid cultures” model needs to be established in order to maintain the development. DOI:
Environmental Crime Victims under Criminal Justice System: A Study on the Development of Environmental Victimology Wanodyo Sulistyani
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law) Vol 6, No 1 (2019): PADJADJARAN JURNAL ILMU HUKUM (JOURNAL OF LAW)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.735 KB)


AbstractLack of attention to environmental crime victims under criminal justice system has led to the development of the study of environmental victimology. This study focuses to acknowledge victims’ losses as an impact of environmental crime and victimizationprocess. In the study of criminology, environmental crime is generated by environmental damaging activities, such as pollution, illegal hazardous substances dumping, land burning, illegal logging, etc. The damaging activities inflict harms not merely to the sustainability of the environment, but also to human and other creatures. Environment degradation has caused issues on health, economic, social, and cultural, as well as inequality. However, in some incidents, environmental crime is endorsed by state; the fact has created complexity in dealing with the crime. Furthermore, environmental crime is also related to other forms of crime, such as corruption and money laundering. Therefore, a multi-doors approach is established by involving several institutions to investigate the crimes. However, the approach does not sufficiently restore victims’ losses. The environmental victimology study is expected to enable criminal justice system to accommodate environmental crime victim’s interests for restitution or compensation. Therefore, this article overviews the widespread environmental crimes and the rise of attention to this issue. Consequently, it also describes the issue on criminal law enforcement to environmental crimes. Furthermore, it reviews environmental victimology study and the process of environmental victimization. Lastly, it analyzes the importance of environmental victimology study in arranging a policy on restoring the victims’ losses. The study employed normative legal research by applying statutory, comparative, and case study approaches.Korban Kejahatan Lingkungan dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana: Kajian terhadap Perkembangan Viktimologi LingkunganAbstrakRendahnya perhatian dari sistem peradilan pidana terhadap korban kejahatan lingkungan menjadi dasar kajian viktimologi lingkungan. Melihat pada kerugian yang dialami korban sebagai dampak dari kejahatan lingkungan dan proses viktimisasi menjadi kajian dari viktimologi lingkungan. Dalam kajian kejahatan, kejahatan lingkungan timbul karena adanya aktivitas-aktivitas yang merusak lingkungan, seperti pencemaran, membuang bahan berbahaya secara illegal, membakar lahan, pembalakan liar, dll. Perilaku-perilaku merusak tersebut telah menimbulkan kerugian tidak hanya terhadap keberlangsungan lingkungan hidup, melainkan juga terhadap manusia dan mahluk hidup lainnya. Degradasi lingkungan telah menyebabkan timbulnya masalah kesehatan, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya, serta ketidaksetaraan. Akan tetapi, dalam beberapa kasus kejahatan lingkungan, terdapat keterlibatan negara yang menambah kompleksitas dalam penyelesaian perkaranya. Lebih lanjut, juga terkait dengan kejahatan lainnya, seperti korupsi dan pencucian uang. Oleh karena itu, pendekatan multi-door diterapkan dengan melibatkan beberapa institusi untuk menyidik kasus-kasusnya. Akan tetapi upaya tersebut ternyata tidak secara memadai mampu memulihkan kerugian korban. Melalui kajian viktimologi lingkungan, harapannya bahwa sistem peradilan pidana dapat mengakomodir kepentingan korban kejahatan lingkungan untuk mendapatkan restitusi atau kompensasi. Sehingga di dalam artikel ini, pertama-tama akan diuraikan mengenai maraknya kasus kejahatan lingkungan dan meningkatnya perhatian terkait dengan permasalahan ini. Selanjutnya, isu terkait dengan penegakan hukum terhadap kejahatan lingkungan akan dideskripsikan. Berikutnya, kajian viktimologi lingkungan dan proses viktimisasi akan dikaji. Terakhir, analisa mengenai pentingnya kajian viktimologi lingkungan dalam membentuk kebijakan untuk memulihkan kerugian korban. Metode penelitian dalam artikel ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, perbandingan, dan studi kasus.DOI:
Potensi Konflik dalam Relasi Penjeratan Hutang di Masyarakat Nelayan: Studi Kasus Relasi Bakul dan Langgan di Desa Gebang Mekar Kabupaten Cirebon Wanodyo Sulistyani; Soni A. Nulhaqim
EMPATI: Jurnal Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Empati Edisi Juni 2016
Publisher : Social Welfare Study Program

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/empati.v5i1.9773


Debt bondage is a relation pattern between Bakul (the capital owner) and Langgan (fishers who are indebted to Bakul) in Gebang Mekar Village, Cirebon District. This debt bondage are imperishable because the lack of Langgan’s ability to pay their debt to Bakul; while Bakul as the capital owner has power to determine the price of fish and other fisheries products, where the fishers have obligation to sell their harvest to their Bakul. Yet, Bakul’s price is lower than the market price. As a result, to increase the fishers’ profit, they sold their harvest to other Bakul; this behavior is potentially raised a conflict between fishers and their Bakul also among Bakul. Study of Criminology explained the relation between the powerful and the powerless in making law in their favor. Unfair law has encouraged the powerless to breaking the law, and creating conflict. In this article, initially, the lack of fishers’ welfare related to the role of the state will be reviewed; next, the criminology theories which explain about violation and the causes of conflict will be outlined; furthermore, the relation between Bakul and Langgan in Gebang Mekar Village, Cirebon District will be described; lastly, potential conflict that arise because of Bakul and Langgan relation will be analyzed with criminology theories.Keywords: Conflict, social Relation, Fishery Community.
The Admissibility of Scientific Expert Evidence Under Indonesian Criminal Justice System Wanodyo Sulistyani
Sriwijaya Law Review VOLUME 3 ISSUE 2, JULY 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28946/slrev.Vol3.Iss2.215.pp152-161


In many cases, such as corruption and forestry-related crimes, an expert has a significant role in explaining the impact of the crime. For instance, scientific expert evidence is required to disclose about the ecological destruction that occurred due to the defendant's criminal activities. In practices, the issue with scientific expert evidence is supposed to be about its admissibility in court. For this issue, the U.S. Court applies Rules of Evidence in considering the admissibility of scientific expert evidence at trial. Those are some requirements (prong test) to be met before expert testimony is admissible. In contrast, the Indonesian Criminal Procedural Law (KUHAP) or other laws do not set any prong test for presenting specialist scientific evidence to be acceptable. Lack of such proof may impact criminal justice process reliability and place expert under vulnerable position. Therefore, this paper will explore the issue on scientific expert evidence under Indonesian criminal law as well as its consequences and impacts for the Indonesian criminal justice process.
Peran Perbankan Dalam Pengawasan Pembiayaan Korporasi (Sektor Hijau) Tri Handayani; Wanodyo Sulistyani; Nella Sumika Putri
Warta Pengabdian Vol 17 No 1 (2023): Warta Pengabdian
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/wrtp.v17i1.37046


Perbankan memiliki peranan penting dalam memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi, oleh karena itu OJK mengupayakan agar kegiatan usaha bank menjadi selaras dengan Rencana Pembangunan Menengah Nasional (RPJM) 2020-2024 yaitu diantaranya adalah membangun lingkungan hidup, mengingkatkan ketahanan bencana dan perubahan iklim Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat adalah salah satu cara untuk memberikan satu pemahaman bahwa untuk membangun awareness terhadap pelestarian lingkungan saat memberikan kredit maupun pembiayaan terhadap calon debitur, khususnya korporasi. Kegiatan PKM ini dilaksanakan secara hybrid melalui sarana zoom meeting. Kegiatan ini mendapatkan apresiasi positif dari pihak perbankan. Luaran lain yang dihasilkan berupa buku saku (handbook) dan poster yang dicetak, diperbanyak dan di serahkan kepada khalayak sasaran.
PENERAPAN SISTEM ANTI PENCUCIAN UANG DALAM PENANGANAN PERKARA TINDAK PIDANA PEMBALAKAN LIAR Diva Yohana Margaretha Marbun; Fikri Triandhika; Gita Mega Andriani Pasaribu; Wanodyo Sulistyani
Jurnal Poros Hukum Padjadjaran Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL POROS HUKUM PADJADJARAN
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23920/jphp.v4i2.1226


ABSTRAK Sejumlah kasus tindak pidana pembalakan liar diikuti dengan tindak pidana pencucian uang (TPPU). Beberapa indikasi dari kasus-kasus tersebut adalah dengan dimanfaatkannya sektor jasa keuangan, terutama bank untuk mentrasfer dana-dana yang diperoleh dari tindak pidana tersebut. Dalam penanganan TPPU, pendekatan follow the money dikedepankan untuk mendeteksi adanya transaksi keuangan mencurigakan sebagai bagian dari sistem anti pencucian uang (APU). Selain itu, sistem APU juga mewajibkan penyedia jasa keuangan untuk menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian dalam setiap transaksi keuangan. Sejumlah lembaga seperti Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK), penegak hukum, dan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) terlibat dalam upaya pencegahan dan pemberantasan TPPU dengan tindak pidana asal pembalakan liar. Akan tetapi, berdasarkan hasil analisis, koordinasi antar lembaga, perbedaan persepsi, penerapan multidoor approach, dan ketidakpatuhan penyedia jasa keuangan dalam mendukung sistem APU masih menjadi kendala yang harus diselesaikan. Untuk mengatasinya, maka perlu dilakukan upaya mengoptimalkan pendekatan follow the money dengan meningkatkan pemahaman penegak hukum tentang pendekatan ini, mendorong koordinasi antar lembaga-lembaga yang terlibat dengan mengoptimalkan upaya multi-door approach, serta meningkatkan kepatuhan lembaga penyedia jasa keuangan dalam menerapkan sistem APU. Analisis dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis sejumlah peraturan perundang-undangan terkait, studi kasus, serta penelitian literatur yang terkait dengan permasalahan dalam penelitian ini. Kata kunci: tindak pidana pencucian uang; tindak pidana pembalakan liar; sistem anti pencucian uang. ABSTRACT Several illegal logging cases are followed by money laundering. Some indications of money laundering in those illegal logging cases are the uses of financial service sector, especially banking to transfer money from proceed of crime. In handling money laundering, follow the money approach is using to detect suspicious transaction as a part of anti-money laundering system. Furthermore, anti-money laundering system also requires financial service provider to implement precarious principles in financial transaction. Several institutions, such as anti-money laundering agency (PPATK), law enforcement institution, and Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) are involved in preventing and combating money laundering with illegal logging as the predicate offence. According to the analyzes, coordination among institutions, different perceptions, lack of implementation of multi-door approach and lack of implementation on anti-money laundering system by financial service provider become obstacles in combating those crimes. To deal with the obstacles, several efforts are proposed such as by enhancing law enforcer understanding on follow the money principle, promoting coordination among the institutions to implement multi-door approach, and enhancing conformity of financial service provider in implementing anti-money laundering system. To conduct the analyzes, literature research, statutory research, and case study are used as the methodology of research. Keywords: money laundering; illegal logging; anti money laundering system.