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STATE OF THE ART CROWFUNDING DALAM KONTEKS KEUANGAN ENTREPRENEURIAL (Studi Pemetaan Sistematis dan Analisis Co-Authorship Pada Basis Data Scopus) Margo Purnomo; Yogi Sugiarto Maulana; Sugiartana -; Endro Tjahjono
AdBispreneur : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Administrasi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Vol 5, No 1 (2020): AdBispreneur : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Administrasi Bisnis dan Kewirausa
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, UNPAD

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/adbispreneur.v5i1.26635


This article aims to examine the state-of-the-art or the latest developments and achievements in the field of crowdfunding in the context of entrepreneurial finance (CF-EF). For this reason, systematic mapping studies (SMS) and bibliometric studies in the Scopus database are used. The SMS output shows that 69 documents met the inclusion criteria, the start of publication recorded in 2013 and the dominant author from Europe in the Q1 journal. Articles focusing on equity-based crowdfunding (CF) studies as well as articles in the category evaluation paper dominate the document. Furthermore, the bibliometric study output with co-authorship analysis on VOSviewer application shows that the cohesiveness of the authors in publishing CF-EF was reached starting in 2018 and 8 groups of authors' collaboration were identified. Author's collaboration until early 2020 generally exploits equity-based CFs. While donation-based CF, credit-based CF and dedicated-based CF need further exploration. Although relying on one database, this study has revealed a CF-EF map that can be an initial reference for further research to advance CF-EF. Artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji state-of-the-art atau perkembangan dan pencapaian terkini di bidang crowdfunding dalam konteks entrepreneurial finance (CF-EF). Untuk itu, systematic mapping study (SMS) dan bibliometric study pada basis data Scopus digunakan. Output SMS menunjukkan bahwa 69 dokumen memenuhi kriteria inklusi, awal publikasi terdata pada tahun 2013 dan penulis dominan dari Eropa pada jurnal Q1. Artikel dengan fokus kajian equity-based crowdfunding (CF) serta artikel berkategori evaluation paper mendominasi dokumen. Selanjutnya, output bibliometric study dengan analisis co-authorship pada aplikasi VOSviewer menunjukkan bahwa kohesivitas penulis dalam memublikasikan CF-EF tercapai mulai tahun 2018 dan teridentifikasi 8 kelompok kolaborasi penulis. Kolaborasi penulis sampai awal 2020 umumnya mengeksploitasi tentang equity-based CF. Sementara donation-based CF, credit-based CF dan dedicated-based CF perlu eksplorasi lebih lanjut. Walaupun mengandalkan satu basis data, penelitian ini telah mengungkap peta CF-EF yang dapat menjadi rujukan awal penelitian selanjutnya untuk memajukan CF-EF. 
DIA: Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol 16 No 1 (2018): Juni
Publisher : Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Administrasi, FISIP, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.115 KB) | DOI: 10.30996/dia.v16i1.1927


Ponorogo Regency has the potential of tourism, including natural tourism, religious tourism and cultural tourism. The tourism sector has not been explored optimally so it has not become a tourist destination. This study answers two fundamental problems, namely the first to describe the tourism potential and the implementation of the development that has been carried out and secondly to develop a management model for Ponorogo tourist destinations in order to achieve development goals as a tourism area capable of increasing the PAD and economy of the Ponorogo community. Qualitative methods are used in research, primary and secondary data sources. Speakers were the Ponorogo Tourism service apparatus, cultural and tourism activists, NGOs. Field data results are interpreted, researchers interpret data by reviewing symptoms based on their perspective, comparing with previous studies. Research Results 1) Ponorogo has tourism potential, both natural, cultural, religious, culinary and cultural arts, creative economy. Tourism development in Ponorogo has not been optimal due to limited socialization and communication, infrastructure to tourist destinations is inadequate. The synergy between stakeholders has not yet been established so that tourism potential has not been optimal in providing economic impact to the community and increasing PAD. 2) The tourism development model certainly starts from the mapping of potential and management of development in an integrated and mutually reinforcing manner between tourism potentials. Tourism development needs to support a legal umbrella in the form of a Regional Regulation. Tourism development is carried out collaboratively by all parties so that all parties are jointly responsible for achieving success. All parties contribute according to the position and authority attached to high integrity and commitment