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Pengaruh Penggunaan Abu Vulkanik Gunung Sinabung Sebagai Bahan Subtitusi Parsial Semen Terhadap Kuat Tekan dan Daya Serap Air Mortar Widayanto Widayanto; Mizanuddin Sitompul
Portal: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 2 (2021): Edisi Oktober
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/portal.v13i2.2321


This research aims to find out the effect of the use of volcanic ash mount Sinabung on the compressive strength and absorption of mortar and its feasibility for the manufacture of solid concrete bricks and paving blocks that meet the quality standards of building materials in Indonesia. The study was conducted by making a test object in the form of a mortar cube measuring 5x5x5 cm with variations in the composition of volcanic ash as a cement substitution material is 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, and 15% against the initial weight of cement, and the cement-water factor is 0.60. Compressive strength and mortar water absorption test is carried out at the age of 28 days. The results showed that the factor of using volcanic ash mount Sinabung as a cement substitution material in mortar with a percentage of 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, and 15% had a very real effect on the compressive strength and water absorption of mortar. The greater the percentage of volcanic ash the lower the mortar compressive strength and the higher the absorption of water
Upaya Mereduksi Biaya Pakan Ternak Ayam Melalui Penggunaan Mesin Penggiling Jagung Ardianta Ardianta; Nursuar Nursuar; Bintarto Purwo Seputro; Widayanto Widayanto
Jurnal Ilmiah Madiya (Masyarakat Mandiri Berkarya) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Edisi November 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Mahalnya harga pakan ternak ayam menyulitkan peternak untuk mengembangkan usaha peternakannya. Demikian juga yang dialami bapak Supriono yang memiliki 60 ekor ayam berbagai umur. Ayam adalah jenis ternak yang relative memakan jenis makanan apa saja, diantaranya biji-bijian, sayuran hijau, sisa makanan rumah tangga. Sebenarnya mudah memberi makan ayam termasuk dengan sisa makanan yang tersebut di atas, tetapi tidak selalu ada dan jumlahnya sangat terbatas. Oleh karena itu, mitra pengabdian ini secara pasti harus menyediakan pakan berupa jagung dan dedak padi halus yang dibeli di toko makanan ternak. Pakan yang diberikan berupa dedak halus dan jagung pecah atau jagung giling, untuk dedak, mitra masih mampu mengatasinya, karena harganya relatif murah yaitu Rp 3.500/kg. tetapi untuk membeli jagung giling mitra merasa berat. Harga jagung giling dipasaran mencapai Rp 7.500,-/kg. Setiap hari mitra harus menyediakan dedak halus sebanyak 2 kg dan jagung giling 3 kg. Biaya yang harus dikeluarkan oleh mitra sebesar Rp 29.500,-/hari. Sebenarnya biaya sebesar ini dapat ditutup hasil penjualan telur ayam yang setiap harinya menghasilkan telur sebanyak 18 butir. Dengan harga telur Rp 3.000,-/butir, mitra bisa mendapat hasil penjualan sebesar Rp 54.000,-. Dengan dikurangi biaya pembelian pakan, mitra memperoleh pendapatan bersih sebesar Rp 24.500,-/hari. Jika dibandingkan dengan biaya hidup sehari-hari pendapatan sebesar ini dirasa masih sangat kurang. Mitra berkeinginan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dengan cara menggiling sendiri jagung bulat yang dibeli dari toko. Keinginan itu didasari oleh perbedaan harga antara jagung bulat dengan jagung giling. Harga jagung bulat yang hanya Rp 5.500/kg akan dapat menghemat biaya pakan sebesar Rp 2.000/kg. Jika banyaknya jagung giling yang diberikan ke ternak 3 kg/hari, maka mitra bisa menghemat Rp 6.000,-. Bila dikomulatifkan dalam sebulan mitra bisa menghemat sebesar Rp 180.000,-. Namun keinginan mitra tersebut terkendala oleh ketiadaan alat pengiling jagung dan ketidak mampuan secara teknologi untuk membuat alat/mesin penggiling. Agar bisa mencapai keberhasilan maksimal dalam membantu mitra, calon pelaksana program menyusun langkah pelaksanaan sebagai berikut: survey lokasi dan wawancara untuk menggali masalah pokok, mengalisis situasi dan kondisi usaha mitra, menentukan solusi, mengajukan permohonan ijin penggunaan fasilitas bengkel mesin kepada ketua jurusan teknik Mesin, menyiapkan pelaksanaan program pembuatan mesin, hibah mesin, pelatihan dan evaluasi program. Rencana tersebut di atas dilaksanakan setelah terbit surat perjanjian kontrak kerja dari P3M. Hasil dari program pengabdian ini adalah satu unit mesin penggiling jagung yang mempunyai kapasitas 100 kg/jam. Mesin menggunakan penggerak motor listrik berdaya 1 hp dengan putaran penggiling 180 rpm. Ukuran butiran jagung yang dihasilkan berkisar antara 1 mm sampai 3 mm. Ukuran ini akan dapat dimakan oleh ayam (unggas) segala umur. The high price of chicken feed makes it difficult for breeders to develop their livestock business. The same goes for Mr. Supriono, who has 60 chickens of various ages. Chickens are livestock that relatively eats any food, including grains, green vegetables, and household food scraps. Actually, it is easy to feed the chickens, including the leftovers mentioned above, but they are not always there, and the amount is minimal. Therefore, this service partner must provide a feed from fine corn and rice bran purchased at a fodder shop. The dinner given is in the form of fine bran and broken corn or ground corn. For bran, partners can still handle it because the price is relatively low, Rp. 3,500/kg. But to buy milled corn, partners feel heavy. The cost of ground corn in the market reaches IDR 7,500/kg. Every day, partners must provide 2 kg of fine bran and 3 kg of ground corn. The cost that partners must pay is IDR 29,500/day. This amount of money can be covered by selling chicken eggs, which produce 18 eggs daily, with an egg price of Rp. 3,000/item, partners can get deals of Rp. 54,000.-. Partners earn a net income of IDR 24,500/day by deducting the cost of buying feed. Compared with the cost of daily living, a gain of this size is still very lacking. Partners wish to increase their income by grinding their round corn purchased from the store. This desire is based on the price difference between round corn and milled corn. The price of ground corn which is only IDR 5,500/kg, will save feed costs of IDR 2,000/kg. If the amount of ground corn given to livestock is 3 kg/day, partners can save IDR 6,000. If accumulated within a month, partners can save Rp. 180,000.-. However, the partner's wish was constrained by the absence of a corn grinding machine and the technological inability to make a grinding machine/tool. To achieve maximum success in assisting partners, prospective program implementers develop the following implementation steps: site surveys and interviews to explore critical issues, analyze partner business situations and conditions, determine solutions, apply for permits to use machine shop facilities to the head of the Mechanical Engineering Department, preparing the implementation of the machine manufacturing program, machine grants, training, and program evaluation. The plan mentioned above is carried out after issuing the work contract agreement letter from P3M. The result of this service program is one unit of corn grinding machine, which has a 100 kg/hour capacity. The engine uses an electric motor with a power of 1 hp with a grinding speed of 180 rpm. The grain size of the resulting corn ranges from 1 mm to 3 mm. This site will be eaten by chickens (poultry) of all ages.