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Pemberdayaan Perawat Dalam Penyusunan Media Edukasi Berbasis Buklet Bagi Pasien Hemodialisis Sri Hartati Pratiwi; Eka Afrima Sari; Titis Kurniawan
Media Karya Kesehatan Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Media Karya Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (747.707 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/mkk.v2i1.19519


Pasien hemodialisis harus menjalankan berbagai pengobatan. Berbagai penelitian menjelaskan bahwa sebagian besar pasien hemodialisis tidak patuh dalam menjalankan self-management. Ketidakpatuhan pasien dalam menjalankan pengobatan dapat memperburuk kondisi pasien sehingga kualitas hidupnya akan menurun. Petugas kesehatan khususnya perawat harus memberikan edukasi dan evaluasi terhadap kepatuhan pasien dalam menjalankan self-management. Media yang tepat dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan program yang efektif. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menyusun media buklet panduan dan catatan harian pasien hemodialisis. Media buklet panduan dan catatan harian akan lebih efektif apabila sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi lapangan. Program Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metodeFocus Group Discussion (FGD) yang melibatkan 14 orang perawat hemodialisisdi Jawa Barat.Berdasarkan hasil FGD tersebut, terdapat beberapa materi yang dibutuhkan dalam buklet pasien hemodialisis yaitu informasi mengenai penyakit (gagal ginjal), hemodialisis, pengobatan, pembatasan asupan cairan dan diet, serta cacatan harian yang berisi catatan asupan cairan dan diet, catatan hasil lab dan perkembangan berat badan..Penggunaan buklet panduan dan catatan harian pasien hemodialisis sepenuhnya memandirikan pasien dalam mengelola kondisi kesehatannya. Keluarga diharapkan dapat memberikan dukungan kepada pasien dalam menjalankan self-management. Keluarga dapat mengingatkan pasien untuk mengisi dan mengevaluasi catatannya sendiri dan memberikan motivasi untuk tetap menjaga asupan cairan dan diet. Kata kunci : Buklet, catatan harian, edukasi, hemodialysis.
FACTORS OF STUNTING IN TODDLERS: A LITERATURE REVIEW Filiyanti Halim; Ermiati Ermiati; Eka Afrima Sari
Journal of Nursing Care Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Journal of Nursing Care
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jnc.v4i1.27498


Stunting in toddlers is one of the health problems that has not been resolved globally, also in Indonesia. Stunting can be prevented by early detection based on the risk factors for the disease. The literature review aims to examine those articles and find out every risk factor for stunting in toddlers. This literature study used a scoping review method by searching through several search engines such as Google Scholar, ProQuest, PubMed, and EBSCO. After sorting the articles, there are 21 articles used in this literature study. The results of this literature study showed twenty-one risk factors for stunting in toddlers, such as exclusive breastfeeding and the initiation of early breastfeeding.  A history of low birth weight, immunization, the number of family members, insufficient nutritional needs (energy, iron, protein, calcium, and zinc), colostrum, breastfeeds (age of administration, type, and frequency). The practice of washing hands, mothers' occupation, mothers knowledge, low family income, history of infectious disease, sanitation and cleanliness of the environment, parents' height, especially mothers, lack vitamin C and vitamin D also as risk factors for stunting.  To conclude, stunting in toddlers was influenced by various factors which are child factors, parents, socio-economic, and environmental factors.  Therefore, it is essential to consider all the factors to develop stunting early detection tools for toddlers ang health education materials.
Kecemasan Kematian Pada Pasien Stroke Apip Hamjah; Atlastieka Praptiwi; Eka Afrima Sari
Jurnal Keperawatan 'Aisyiyah Vol. 6 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Keperawatan 'Aisyiyah
Publisher : Universitas 'Aisyiyah Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (312.086 KB)


Pengalaman memiliki penyakit stroke dan datangnya serangan stroke menyebabkan munculnya kecemasan berlebihan yang mengarah pada kecemasan kematian. Kecemasan kematian dapat memengaruhi kualitas hidup pasien pasca stroke menjadi kurang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kecemasan kematian pada pasien pasca stroke. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif melibatkan 51 pasien pasca stroke yang diambil dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan instrumen Death Anxiety Scale (DAS) yang diadaptasi untuk pasien pasca stroke. Data dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif (frekuensi dan persentasi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hampir 80% pasien pasca stroke mengalami kecemasan kematian tingkat tinggi (n=39). Umumnya lebih dari setengah responden yang mengalami kecemasan kematian tingkat tinggi memasuki lanjut usia. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut perlu dilakukan pengelolaan kecemasan kematian pada pasien pasca stroke diantaranya dengan adanya dukungan keluarga, terapi spiritualitas, konseling kelompok, SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique) dan pemberian pendidikan kesehatan terkait penyakit stroke.
Management of Hypervolemia In Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5 At Sumedang Hospital: A Case Study Annisa Nurbaiti Rahmah; Eka Afrima Sari; Nita Fitria
Padjadjaran Acute Care Nursing Journal Vol 3, No 3 (2022): Padjadjaran Acute Care Nursing Journal
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (324.749 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pacnj.v3i3.46161


Kidney failure results in the body being unable to remove metabolic wastes and accumulate in the body. Decreased kidney function results in sodium retention, where high sodium will cause water to be retained to maintain balance. This can lead to hypervolemia. Patient M came to the hospital with complaints of shortness of breath, during the study, there was edema in both lower extremities with degree 2 and in both upper extremities with degree 1, the patient also appeared to have ascites. Previously, patient M was diagnosed with stage 5 chronic kidney failure and did not complete the 4th hemodialysis cycle because the patient's condition worsened. Hypervolemia in patients with kidney failure will have adverse effects including pulmonary edema, hypertension, and even heart disease. Therefore it is necessary to manage hypervolemia to prevent complications in patients. The general aim of writing this case study is to address the management of hypervolemia in stage 5 chronic kidney failure patients at the Sumedang Regional General Hospital. The results of the case study found that the nursing problem that arose in patients was hypervolemia. The interventions provided are managing hypervolemia in the form of examining signs and symptoms of hypervolemia, monitoring the patient's hemodynamic status, monitoring the patient's fluid intake and output, teaching the patient to limit fluid and salt intake, and collaborating with Lasix 1x40 mg. Evaluation results after managing hypervolemia for 3 days, decreased tightness, degree of edema remained at degree 2 in the lower extremities and upper extremities, increased abdominal circumference by 1 cm, and increased body weight from 0.5 Kg to 68.5 kg, it can be concluded that hypervolemia nursing problem has not been resolved.