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The Implementasi Standar Operasional Prosedur Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan di Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Tangerang Lollong Manting; Pantja Bambang Sudarwanto
Jurnal Madani: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Humaniora Vol 3 No 2: September 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Kajian Demokrasi dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LKD-PM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33753/madani.v3i2.116


The purpose of this research is to find out how the implementation of standard operating procedures (SOP) for the application of education carried out at the Tangerang Special Child Treatment Institute (LPKA) as one of the government agencies that are obliged to provide guidance to children who are in conflict with the law. The implementation of SOP in the field of education refers to the regulations of the Ministry of Empowerment of the State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB) No. 35 of 2012 which mandates the objectives of the SOP in the context of carrying out the duties and functions of the state administrators or state civilian apparatus, must fulfill the principles of the SOP itself, such as, a) the principle of ease and clarity, b) the principle of efficiency and effectiveness, c) the principle of harmony, d) the principle of measurement, e) the dynamic principle, f) the principle of user-oriented, g) the principle of legal compliance, and h) the principle legal certainty. The research method used in this study is qualitative research, with the aim of understanding as well as interpreting the is that the application of existing SOPs can be said to meet the principles of SOP implementation. While the conclusion of this study is that LPKA Tangerang has implemented the existing SOPs in the field of education administration, although there are still some shortcomings in terms of fulfilling some supporting elements such as facilities and infrastructure, human resources, and limited budgets, implementation of operational standard procedures for providing education in LPKA Tangerang is an embodiment of the fulfillment of children's rights to education guaranteed by law. Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan atau implementasi standar operasional prosedur (SOP) penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang dilakukan di Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Tangerang sebagai salah satu instansi pemerintah yang berkewajiban untuk melakukan pembinaan terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum. Implementasi SOP penyelenggaraan pendidikan mengacu kepada peraturan Kementerian Pemberdayaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (Kemenpan RB) Nomor 35 Tahun 2012 yang mengamanatkan tujuan dari SOP dalam konteks penyelenggaraan tugas dan fungsi aparat penyelenggara negara atau aparaur sipil negara harus memenuhi prinsip-prinsip dari SOP itu sendiri, antara lain, a) prinsip kemudahan dan kejelasan, b) prinsip efisien dan efektifitas, c) prinsip keselarasan, d) prinsip keterukuran, e) prinsip dinamis, f) prinsip yang berorientasi pada pengguna, g) prinsip kepatuhan hukum, dan h) prinsip kepastian hukum. Adapun metode riset yang yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini penelitian kualitatif, dengan tujuan untuk memahami sekaligus juga menginterpretasi gejala-gejala atau fenomenafenomena yang ada pada objek penelitian secara lebih detail. Adapun hasil penelitian berdasarkan riset yang dilakukan adalah bahwa penerapan SOP yang ada dapat dikatakan memenuhi prinsip-prinsip implementasi SOP. Sedangkan kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa LPKA Tangerang telah mengimplementasikan SOP yang ada dalam bidang penyelenggaraan pendidikan walaupun masih ada beberapa kekurangan dari segi pemenuhan beberap unsur pendukung seperti sarana dan prasarana, sumber daya manusia, dan anggaran yang terbatas, implementasi standar operasional prosedur penyelenggaraan pendidikan di LPKA Tangerang adalah perwujudan dari pemenuhan hak anak atas pendidikan yang dijamin oleh undang-undang. Kata Kunci : Hak Anak, Pendidikan, Standar Operasional Prosedur, Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak
PENTINGNYA PENANAMAN BUDI PEKERTI SEJAK USIA DINI Amanudin Amanudin; Lollong Manting; M. Zhafri; Ian Permana Wahyu; Lukman Hakim
Abdi Laksana : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Edisi Mei
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (296.527 KB) | DOI: 10.32493/al-jpkm.v1i2.4977


Children are the new generation who will continue the ideals of the struggle of the nation and human resources for national development. In addition, children are the nation's assets where the future of the nation and state rests on their shoulders. For this reason, children need to be directed, guided, instilled in their overall values in the form of character and given knowledge so that they have competitiveness with the abilities and desires they have on the basis of noble character. This is because every child has a character that can be directed and potential that can be developed. The potential or ability of a true child has existed since he was born on this earth, but will grow and develop with the guidance in learning. Therefore, learning must be a child's priority to be considered. Learning is an effort to find new things, which have not been known before. The government has provided educational facilities to provide a place for Indonesian children to learn. Schools are formal institutions whose job is to organize education where children as the next generation of the nation will learn to gain knowledge. However, learning is not focused on formal education in schools, but learning can be done anywhere, in informal institutions, nature, playing environment and so on, as well as in TPQ or TPA as an informal educational institution that organizes education and teaching in the field of religion. Through the learning process children will be able to develop the potential that exists in their respective individuals. Learning is also very important for children so they can adapt and solve problems both related to friends and the environment, as well as problems that will arise in their lives as adults. It is hoped that Indonesian children can grow and develop with good education and have a personality in the form of good character so that they can work for Religion, and the Nation. The importance of instilling the value of character is the background of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pamulang University Economic Education Study Program to carry out community service in one of the informal educational institutions namely TPQ and TPA Almuhajirin, with the title "The importance of instilling mind and character from an early age in TPQ, TPA Almuhajirin , Sawah Village, Ciputat District, South Tangerang City ". With this activity it is hoped that the students of TPQ and TPA Almuhajirin will be more motivated to learn and be more confident in their abilities and potential. So that in the end they can grow into the next generation of quality people, have good morals, in time they can boast within the scope of their families and communities.Keywords: children, character, early age