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Model Fuzzy Tsukamoto untuk Klasifikasi dalam Prediksi Krisis Energi di Indonesia Achmad Zaki; Heru Agus Santoso
Creative Information Technology Journal Vol 3, No 3 (2016): Mei - Juli

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (846.548 KB) | DOI: 10.24076/citec.2016v3i3.76


Krisis energi dunia juga terjadi di Indonesia. Cadangan energi di Indonesia terutama energi fosil (minyak bumi, batubara, dan gas alam) semakin hari semakin menyusut. Ketersediaan akan energi fosil juga semakin berkurang karena peningkatan konsumsi energi per kapita. Untuk memprediksi krisis energi di Indonesia, paper ini mengusulkan pengembangan sistem inferensi fuzzy sukamoto untuk klasifikasi krisis energi berdasarkan parameter jumlah produksi, konsumsi energi dan faktor penggerak kebutuhan energi, yakni GDP dan populasi penduduk. Luaran dari sistem ini adalah klasifikasi berdasarkan parameter tersebut, yaitu kondisi aman, waspada dan krisis. Hasil eksperimen menunjukan sistem yang dibangun menghasilkan tingkat akurasi pada minyak bumi 90%, batubara 100 % dan gas alam 100%. Dengan adanya sistem ini diharapkan mampu memberikan peringatan dini dan pendukung keputusan bagi pemerintah atau pihak instansi terkait dalam memberikan penangan atau solusi terhadap masalah krisis energi. World energy crisis also occurred in Indonesia. Energy reserves in Indonesia, especially fossil fuels (petroleum, coal, and natural gas) are increasingly shrinking. The availability of fossil energy will also be on the wane because of an increase in energy consumption per capita. To predict the energy crisis in Indonesia, this paper proposes the development of sukamoto fuzzy inference systems for classification energy crisis based on parameters the amount of production, energy consumption and energy demand driven factors, namely GDP and population. Outcomes of this system is the classification based on these parameters, i.e., a safe condition, alert and crisis. The experimental results show the system produce levels of accuracy at 90% petroleum, natural gas 100% and CoA, 100%. This system are expected to provide an early warning and decision support for the government or the relevant agencies in giving the handlers or the solution to the problem of energy crisis. 
The Relationship of Vitamin D 25(OH)D Levels with The Incidence of Hypertension on The Elderly at Public Health Clinic Ikram S. Akbar; Irfan K. Pratama; Achmad Zaki; Sayyid Ridho; Dede Moeswir; Muniroh Muniroh
The Avicenna Medical Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, UIN (State Islamic University) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (12212.334 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/avicenna.v1i2.20123


Introduction: Hypertension is a chronic disease which its presence is often not known until occurrence of other diseases. Several studies had previously investigated the relationship between vitamin D concentration and hypertension. However, no concluding result is obtained. This paper aimed to determine the relationship between vitamin D 25(OH)D concentration and hypertension onelderly at a public health clinic located at Reni Jaya, South Tangerang.Methods: This was cross-sectional study conducted in a public health clinic between January 2017 to January 2018. One hundred and fifty subjects were recruited by consecutive sampling after informed consent were obtained.Anamnesis, physical examination, and anthropometric measurement were performed by general practitioners. The following day serum vitamin D 25(OH)D examination were collected and examined at certied laboratory. The data werethen analyzed using Chi-Square test.Results : As many as 80 (53.4%) subjects had insufficient vitamin D 25(OH)D concentration (25-50 nmol/L). Stage I and II hypertension were found in 51 (34.0%) and 34 (22.7%) subjects, respectively. Age was significantly associated with hypertension (p=0.048). No significant association was observed between vitamin D 25 (OH)D and hypertension p=0.347.Conclusions: There was no significant association between serum vitamin D 25(OH)D and hypertension.